Azure Traffic Manager Multiple Websites - azure

Currently, I am trying to setup a traffic manager profile for our company needs. Although I read the articles and documentation, I did no find an answer. Our goal is the following:
Route traffic based on domain name/website: - routed to West Europe / West US is a backup - routed to West US / West Europe is a backup
Do we need to create separate traffic manager profile for each website we want to route to these regions. As I understand with custom headers it is possible to monitor different websites inside the profile, but obviously not to direct traffic using different rules for each website.
Probably, I am missing something out.
Thank you in advance.

Azure traffic manager supports the following traffic routing methods:
Priority, Weighted, Performance, Geographic, Multivalue, Subnet.
If you want to direct traffic based on the domain name, you need to create a separate traffic manager profile for each domain. Then create two endpoints by selecting Priority routing rules in each profile.
In addition, you could have a look at the Azure front door. With Front Door, you can transform your global consumer and enterprise applications into robust, high-performing personalized modern applications with content that reach a global audience through Azure. It supports URL-path based routing for requests. You also could assign priorities to your different backends when you want to use a primary service backend for all traffic.


Azure Frontdoor or traffic manager

Just wanted the recommendations in using azure frontdoor or azure traffic manager for my 2 different web apps hosted on different regions? Can we use both together?
Both Azure front door and traffic manager are deployed in a region agnostic way by azure to help load balance instances between region pairs. If you are hosting web applications using azure app service, the recommend solution for load balancing between regions is Front Door since your traffic is Http(s). (whereas a traffic manager would work nice if you are running virtual machines in different regions and want to load balance between them)
And if you want to further load balance traffic between different web apps in the same region, use an azure application gateway. (your front door directs user traffic to a region, and within that region, the application gateway directs traffic to a healthy web app.)
You can read this for a decision tree of the load balancing options provided by microsoft :
IMHO you should use the one that makes more sense. Traffic Manager you can work with different algorithms when routing to the right region, while Front Door you don't have this flexibility.
On the other hand, Front Door offers some features like Web Application Firewall (WAF) and SSL Offloading that may be interesting in your scenario.

How to replicate SSL Certificates for a custom domain in different regions

What's the way to distribute an SSL certificate across regions, so that no matter which region the application is hosted - it will serve the SSL certificate for the requested custom domains.
We have an Azure Web app where we add custom domains per user. We want to scale the app in different geographic regions behind a traffic manager so that when the website is accessed from Australia - it will be served from the Auatralia's Web App, and when the request comes from Europe - the web app in Europe will serve the request. So, in current situation, regardless of where the request is coming from it will always be served from one location, for example: Europe.
The challenge here is we can add the custom domain in only one of the web app, due to the fact that you need a CNAME entry pointing to an individual URL. It cannot point at two different URLs at the same time. It is possible to route the requests to individual apps but the other web app will not be able to serve the SSL certificate if it's mapped on App1 in region1.
How to distribute or maintain the pool of certificates which can be access by the web apps in different regions? Is there any way with Microsoft Azure?
We are going to have N number of custom domains, and so N number of SSL certs to handle. AFAIK, Azure Front Door and Azure Traffic Manager - we can map a custom domain to their own endpoints, and is limited to one custom domain. Here I'm talking about handling thousands of external custom domains/SSL Certs.
Thanks in Advance! 🙏
Instead of using Traffic Manager, I would use Azure Front Door. This has a built-in SSL certificate management. You don't even need to purchase the certificate yourself.
What I understood from the question is basically you would like to address the request from the same region rather than from one location. In that case, I would suggest have a look at azure application gateway. Here, you can define path-based load-balancing rules. In that path based, basically you can have one attribute which identifies location say /api/emea/images, /api/apac/images. Off-course you need to first define API on these lines to accommodate some kind of identifier. Once done, then based on this you can create this load-balancing rule in application gateway. Then, you can have different backend pools say one sitting in EMEA region with four-five virtual machines, that can handle traffic from EMEA region. Similarly, it goes for another region as well. Try implementing the same on these lines. You can also explore front door option as well as it handles load-balancing globally and your certificate related stuff should also get addressed. It should address your problem.

Azure traffic manager route by URL pattern

We have web apps hosted on two data centers for high availability and we used traffic manager with round robin routing method to route traffic to either of the two data centers.
Now per business requirement, we need route the traffic by URL pattern. Say, for url /api/v1, route to data center 1, for url /api/v2, route to data center 2.
I know traffic manager does not support url based routing. Any workaround?
Azure Traffic Manager operates at the DNS layer and as such does not know any details about the URL related to the DNS request it receives - therefore URL based routing is not possible with Azure Traffic Manager. I encourage you to consider using Azure Application Gateway for URL based routing within a single region. For inter-region routing based on URLs, you could consider making the subdomains different and using DNS layer routing.

How to set up SSL with custom domains with several App Service behind a Traffic Manager?

I am trying to experiment a little bit the different configuration possibilities in Azure and I am stuck trying to correctly configure SSL custom domains when using more than one Web Site (App Service) behind a Traffic Manager.
Without problem, I was able to:
Attach a custom domain ( ) to an Azure App Service ( )
Attach a custom domain ( ) to an Azure App Service ( ) behind a Traffic Manager ( (addressed here)
But when I try to add a second App Service behind the Traffic Manager, I get the following issues:
1. Cannot attach my custom domain ( ) to the second App Service ( ). Error message is:
Failed to update hostname bindings:
The host name is already assigned to another Azure website: subdomain1.
I don't understand how SSL will work with the second website if I can't add in the list of domains it listens to (and in fact, it doesn't if you don't add it).
2. Cannot add the second App Service to the Traffic Manager's list of endpoints. Error message is:
Failed to save configuration changes to Traffic Manager profile 'mytrafficmanager'.
Error: Some of the provided Azure Website endpoints are not valid: One or more conflicts detected in traffic manager configuration. Multiple domains point to region "West Europe":,
But when I read the documentation it does seem possible to add more than one endpoint in the same region:
If your profile contains multiple endpoints in the same Azure region, then traffic directed to that region is distributed evenly across the available endpoints (based on the configured endpoint enabled/disabled status and the ongoing endpoint monitoring). If you prefer a different traffic distribution within a region, this can be achieved using nested Traffic Manager profiles.
The example using Traffic Manager and App Service on MSDN's documentation only shows how to do it with one App Service.
Am I doing anything wrong? If yes, what is the right way to add several websites/App Services behind a traffic manager in Azure?
Traffic Manager does support multiple endpoints in the same region. The challenge is that the App Service has restrictions on multiple Apps in the same region sharing the same custom domain. This impacts on Traffic Manager, since the Traffic Manager profile DNS name is automatically added as a custom domain in your apps when adding them to Traffic Manager.
We are in the process of publishing new documentation that covers this exact scenario. Pasting the new text below:
Can I use Traffic Manager with more than one web apps in the same region?
Typically, Traffic Manager is used to direct traffic to applications deployed in different regions. However, it can also be used where an application has more than one deployment in the same region.
In the case of Web Apps, the Traffic Manager ‘Azure Endpoints’ type does not permit more than one Web App endpoint from the same Azure region to be added to Traffic Manager. The following steps provide a workaround to this constraint:
Check that your Web Apps within the same region are in different web app 'scale units', i.e. different instances of the Web App service. To do this, check the DNS path for the <...> DNS entry, the scale unit will look something like ‘’. A given domain name must map to a single site in a given scale unit, and for this reason two Web Apps in the same scale unit cannot share a Traffic Manager profile.
Assuming each Web App is in a different scale unit, add your vanity domain name as a custom hostname to each Web App. This requires all Web Apps to belong to the same subscription.
Add one (and only one) Web App endpoint as you normally would to your Traffic Manager profile, as an Azure Endpoint.
Add each additional Web App endpoint to your Traffic Manager profile as an External Endpoint. This requires you to use the ARM experience for Traffic Manager, not ASM.
Create a DNS CNAME record from your vanity domain (as used in step 2 above) to your Traffic Manager profile DNS name (<…>
Access your site via the vanity domain name, not the Traffic Manager profile DNS name.
Jonathan Tuliani, Program Manager, Azure Traffic Manager
This issue is still confusing when integrating SSL.. I'm not trying to add instances to the same region, but diff regions.
This article does a good job of explaining the routing, but minus the SSL..
From the image. Say this is my configuration.. I have a * wildcard SSL. Of the 3 endpoints, contoso-us, contoso-eu, contoso-asia - which one do I install the SSL? Preferably all 3, but I can't set the all to use the custom domain and the SSL..
What am I missing here?

Azure Traffic manager - Route by User IP Address

I have a webapplication in multiple Regions in the Azure Cloud and i'm using the Traffic Manager in Performance mode zu redirect the user to the closest Region.
What's concerning me is the following:
With this site i checked my Webapplication to see, which Datacenter is selected.
The funny thing is, that people from California gets redirected to the server in Westeurope but there is a Server in US Central too.
So from the site of the traffic manager the ping to the europe server is faster then to US central.
But i believe, that the difference between these too can not be high...
Now i have the fear, that it can happen that a user jumps between US Central and Europe all the time because he is in such a zone where the latencies to the available servers are nearly identical.
I also store files in a Azure Storage account in each region. If the user now jumps, i would have to transfer these files between the regions all the time...
So i was wondering if there is a possibility to redirect the user by his GEOIp to a specific region than by latency?
One of the benefit of the traffic manager is in my eyes that i can use one domain for all regions...
the only solution for my problem i can think of is a own cloudservice which replaces the traffic manager and redirects the user to the different regions by their IP like, etc...
Are there any other solutions?
Thanks for your help!
If you believe Traffic Manager is routing queries incorrectly, that should be raised with Azure Support.
Traffic Manager 'Performance' mode routing is based on an internal 'IP address to Azure data center latency map. The source IP of the DNS query (which is typically the IP of your DNS server) is looked up in the map to determine which Azure location will offer the best performance. There is an implicit assumption that the IP address of the DNS server is a good proxy for the location of the end user.
The 'Performance' mode in Azure Traffic Manager is deterministic. Identical queries from the same address will be routed consistently. The only exception is that routing may change during occasional map updates, which affect only a small %age of the IP address space.
A more common cause of routing changes is customers moving from place to place. For example, during travel, or simply by picking up a Wifi network that uses a DNS service in a different location, with a different IP address.
A Geo-IP based routing is not currently supported by Traffic Manager. However, please note that it would work in the same way as the 'performance' routing, just that it would use a different map. Users could still be routed to different locations as a result of map updates or changing DNS servers.
As you describe, if your application requires a strong, un-violable association between a user and a region, one option is re-direct users at the application level (e.g. via HTTP 302).
