How does a developer reset CLLocationManager authorization status for Mac Catalyst apps? - core-location

I would like to reset Location Permissions during development of a Mac Catalyst app.
When working on iOS simulators, one only need "reset simulator."
On an iOS device, it's possible to "Reset Location & Priacy" from the Settings app.
I've looked in the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences on macOS 10.15.7, but my app doesn't show there.
I've also used tccutil to try and reset - tccutil reset ALL This presents a success message "Successfully reset All approval status for," but subsequent launches of the Mac Catalyst app have CLLocationManager with an .approved status.

The only solution I've found is to create a new User on the computer. I've put the .app in the Shared folder so that it can quickly be started from the other session.


How to Force Uninstall of App on Hololens 2

I'm iterating on an app and have deployed/redeployed via Visual Studio, in addition to playing around with an appxbundle of the app. Somehow I've gotten into a state where my app does not show up in the user interface, however the app still shows as installed in the device portal.
When I attempt to uninstall via the app portal, I am confronted with a rather generic error "Failed to uninstall package ". I cannot deploy/debug via Visual Studio. When I attempt to deploy/debug via VS, I get an error "RemoteCommandException: Another user has already installed a packaged version of this app. An unpackaged version cannot replace this.".
My question is, is there a way to "force" uninstall, or another method to clean up the uninstall, or discover the reason the app uninstall fails via the device portal? I don't want to wipe the device if it's possible to avoid.
Are you sharing the HoloLens with multiple people, so have multiple accounts in it? When they use their own Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) accounts, multiple users can each keep their own user settings and user data on the device.
And according to the error message you got, this issue happens because the other user installed the same package in your HoloLens, you need to log in as the user who did it and uninstall it from that context. If you don’t know how to check the list of the users signed in your device, please go to Settings > Accounts > Other users, more information please see:Share your HoloLens with multiple people

Launched apps through i3blocks in a auto-hide enabled i3bar are not responding to mouse/keyboard

I'm using (Linux) i3 window manager and in my settings I hold down the mod key to see my auto-hide enabled i3bar and then I click on an i3block to launch an app, then when I release the mod and i3bar is back to hidden state, the launched app isn't responding to mouse/keyboard anymore, the launched app responds to mouse/keyboard while I'm holding down the mod key and making the i3bar visible though.
I've tried launching the apps using nohup, disown, & and none of them made the process responsive to mouse/keyboard.
My settings could be found here:

why does xamarin suddenly not let me deploy to iOS devices

This just started happening today after I got a message from xcode to agree to new t&c's.
I can't put anything on the device, on any of my computers.
Doesn't work on my macbook, doesn't work on my mac mini, doens't work with existing projects that worked fine until yesterday, doesn't even work with completely new projects.
I constantly get the message:
writeDictToFile:1241 open failed for
: No such file or directory MDMCacheDirectoryManifest:1315
writeDictToFile failed to write to
: No such file or directory error MT1006: Could not install the
'/Users/georgecook/Desktop/test/iOS/bin/iPhone/Debug/' on
the device Gandalf the white: Your application failed code-signing
checks. Check your certificates, provisioning profiles, and bundle
ids. Probably your device is not part of the selected provisioning
profile (error: 0xe8008015).
No idea why this is suddenly happening - this is really not good - how to resolve this?
I tripped over this one recently too.
The key is this part of the message:
Your application failed code-signing checks. Check your certificates, provisioning profiles, and bundle ids. Probably your device is not part of the selected provisioning profile
Likely, your provisioning profile has expired. The easiest way to solve this is to launch Xcode, create an empty project, and hit Run. This will go over a series of dialog boxes offering you to fix your provisioning profile until it deploys. Once this happens, you can switch back to Visual Studio/Xamarin Studio and deploy.
One reason this can happen is if you have multiple developer accounts set up in XCode. Here are the steps
Verify that your device is on Apple member center
Verify that your device is part of the relevant provisioning profile
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each account
Create a new project in XCode and run it on the device. XCode may ask you to select the team (if you have multiple accounts)
If you have multiple developer accounts (teams) set up in XCode, the repeat step 4 each time with a new project and select a different team each time.
These steps ensure that XCode clears the way for Xamarin. The idea is that Xamarin does not allow you to decide which "team" to use, so you want to make sure that XCode has done the setup for EVERY team.
I just had this ManifestCache.plist : No such file or directory problem. I checked device logs (View -> Pads -> iOS Device Log) to see why it was happening. Logs said it was rejecting an upgrade. Upgrade, I thought to myself, that doesn't sound right...then I remembered I had an app on my iPhone with the same identifier to.dima.application from a previous version which I forgot to uninstall. Removing the old app cleared up this issue for me. Hope this helps anyone else who has the same problem! :)
It works! I have found the solution.I was facing the same problem. Somehow there was a misconfiguration in Xamarin. The entitlements.plist had a wrong manuel entry. The cert ist checking all the values in it and if you have a manuel entry there it is not working anymore. Apple is searching somehow only for own entry they are needing.
I spent sometime on developer portal to find out the problem, it occurs because of distribution APNS or development. It did not fixed, after restoring all provisioning profiles and certificates, . In my case solution was letting Xamarin choose signing profiles. I did not use info.plist auto signing which did not solve either but changing Project -> iOS Bundle Signing -> Signing identity, Provisioning Profile Auto solved all issues for development and production cases.
I had the same issue, and so I opened Xcode and updated all my profiles, but nothing happened. So I added the device UDID in the developer portal to the team I was developing for, went to Xcode and updated the profiles again, and then it worked. Don't know if the device must be registered to be able to build to device or this triggered some other update to my profiles that suddenly made it work.
Today they published a new revision of the Apple Developer Licence agreement.
The error message was essentially the same as OP's. The true reason only became apparent when creating a new project in XCode on the Mac, where more useful warnings show up in the "Deployment info" section of the "General" tab.
I had to log in to, there was a red panel asking me to accept the new licence conditions, and as soon as I did that, deploying apps from Xamarin immediately worked again.

Deploying a privileged test app on FirefoxOS device

Is there any way I can distribute a "privileged" app prior to marketplace approval?
It's kinda hassle for me to "push" app to the device using Firefox OS Simulator every time I need to test it. Would it be great if I can just point my browser to app's html file and then it will automatically re-install the app? Just like what android *.apk does.
You cannot install a privileged app on a real device without the simulator dashboard (or app manager) if you didn't submit it to the marketplace first (and was approved). For security reasons, the application needs to be signed, so it's why you need to publish it to the marketplace.

How can I run a performance and diagnostics session on a Surface RT machine?

I am trying to launch a remote performance and diagnostics session on my Surface RT machine in Visual Studio Express 2013 by selecting Debug -> Performance and Diagnostics. However, I get the following message:
Diagnostics session failed to start.
Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named ' (< device name >)'. Connection request was rejected by the remote debugger. Ensure that the remote debugger is running in 'Windows Authentication' mode.
OK, fair enough, so I change the remote debugger to Windows Authentication mode, but no matter what I do I can't authenticate because my PC and tablet are on different domains (that is the way it seems anyway). The tablet is running Windows RT, of course, so it is impossible to change the domain. I have tried to start the remote debugger from the command line using the -u switch with the username and domain from my PC but that was no good either since the tablet can't authenticate it. I also tried to join the tablet's domain on my PC using the script from this answer but I don't get a successful return value (the return value is 5).
Most of the blogs I have come across say "just save yourself the trouble and switch to 'No Authentication' mode" which is what I did in the first place, but the diagnostics session refuses to run this way. What hoops do I have to jump through to get this to work?
Unfortunately I don't think you can get this to work on an RT. Our team has Pros for exactly this reason. Not being able to join a domain is the killer. :(
