How to list multiple artists of the song? - python-3.x

I am new to Spotipy, so I need help.
searched =, type="track", limit=1)
artist = searched['tracks']['items'][0]['artists'][0]['name']
search is from my Discord bot and it searches perfectly fine, all data here. But I couldn't figure out how to get all of the artists of the song. I know it has to do something with the ['0'] there because that just gets the first element. Any fixes?

Try this and report back what the output looks like:
artist = searched['tracks']['items'][0]['artists']

I believe that artist is an array of all the artists of that song (the first one returned from search), from there you should be able to loop through this array to get all the artists of that song. I think it's then:
that would give you the name of the artist.
It's possible that there is another key needed after ['artists'], if you output the value of artist to console you can work out the exact path to where you need to go.
I found a neat library that outputs dictionaries (and loads of other things) in a formatted way: pprint. I would recommend giving that a go and see if you can find it. i.e.
import pprint as p
The return from can be overwhelming at first, as it includes so much data (most of which you probably don't need), but I found looking at the dictionary with pprint was really helpful.


Unable to access text from a class using selenium on python

I am willing to parse , and I encountered the problem that I am getting error while using .text or any methods used to extract text from a class
I am typing the search query such as "fitness"
My window variable is
all_cards = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME,"_1hf7139")
for card_ in all_cards:
window = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "_18lzknl")
This is a quite simplified version of how I open a mini-window with all of the essential information inside it. Below I am attaching the piece of code where I am trying to extract text from a phone number holder.
texts = window.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME,'_b0ke8')
print(texts) # this prints out something from where I am concluding that this thing is accessible
Hi, guys, I solved an issue. The .text was not working for some reason. I guess developers somehow managed to protect information from using this method. I used a
get_attribute("innerHTML") # afaik this allows us to get a html code of a particular class
and now it works like a charm.
texts = window.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "bdo")
with"t.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for text in texts:
nums = re.sub("[^0-9]", "",
So the problem was that:
I was trying to print a list of items just by using print(texts)
Even when I tried to print each element of texts variable in a for loop, I was getting an error due to the fact that it was decoded in utf-8.
I hope someone will find it useful and will not spend a plethora of time trying to fix such a simple bug.
find_elements method returns a list of web elements. So this
texts = window.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME,'_b0ke8')
gives you texts a list of web elements.
You can not apply .text method directly on list.
In order to get each element text you will have to iterate over elements in the list and extract that element text, like this:
text_elements = window.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME,'_b0ke8')
for element in text_elements:
Also, I'm not sure about locators you are using.
_1hf7139, _18lzknl and _b0ke8 class names are seem to be dynamic class names i.e they may change each browsing session.

Reading and writing a text value using selenium and pandas when the html element has no definite id

I am working on creating a program that would read a list of aircraft registrations from an excel file and return the aircraft type codes.
My source of information is FlightRadar24. (example -
I tried inspecting the elements on the page to find the correct class id to invoke and found the id to be listed as "details" When I run my code, it extracts the aircraft name with the class id/name details, instead of the type code.
See here for the example data
I then changed my approach to using XPath to seek the correct text but with the xpath it prints out
(For Xpath, i used a browser add on to find the exact xpath for the element, fairly confident that it is correct.)
It gives no output. What would you suggest in this particular instance when extracting values without a definite id ?
for i in list_regs:
load = 0
while load==0:
element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div[5]/div/section/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/span")
print('element') #Printing to terminal to see if the right value is returned.
You should probably change your xpath expression to:
//label[.="TYPE CODE"]/following-sibling::span[#class="details"]
This works for me:
element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//label[.="TYPE CODE"]/following-sibling::span[#class="details"]')

Getting wrong results for country names using geograpy3

I tried running the example code as given in the readme file for geograpy3. However, I am getting answers like this. What can be done about it?
Your question raises a similar issue as
There is now a get_geoPlace_context function that will limit the search to the GPE label of NLTK thus ignoring PERSON and ORGANIZATION entries as the orginal function get_place_context would do:
see also
def testGetGeoPlace(self):
test geo place handling
if self.debug:
self.assertEqual(['Moscow', 'Donetsk', 'Brussels', 'Kharkiv', 'Russia'],places.cities)

How to get a right video url of an Instagram post using python

I am trying to build a program which runs a function that input a url of a post, output the links of images and videos the post contain. It works really good for images. However, when it comes to get the links of videos, it return me a wrong url. I have no idea how to handle this situation.\x00.mp4?
Here are two urls. The first one is copied from the sources of a web page, while the second one is copied from the data scraped by pyquery. They come from a same Instagram post, same path, but they are totally different. The first one works well, but the second one doesn't. How can I solve this? How can I get a right video url?
I am searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this.
Here is my code related to the question
def getUrls(url):
URL = str(url)
html = get_html(URL)
doc = pq(html)
urls = []
items = doc('script[type="text/javascript"]').items()
for item in items:
if item.text().strip().startswith('window._sharedData'):
js_data = json.loads(item.text()[21:-1], encoding='utf-8')
shortcode_media = js_data["entry_data"]["PostPage"][0]["graphql"]["shortcode_media"]
edges = shortcode_media['edge_sidecar_to_children']['edges']
for edge in edges:
is_video = edge['node']['is_video']
if is_video:
video_url = edge['node']['video_url']
video_url.replace(r'\u0026', "&")
display_url = edge['node']['display_resources'][-1]['src']
display_url.replace(r'\u0026', "&")
return urls
Thanks in advance.
There's nothing wrong with your code. This is a known intermittent issue with Instagram, and other people have encountered it too:
There doesn't appear to be a known fix yet.
Also, while unrelated to your question, it's worth mentioning that you don't need to inspect the display_resources object to get the URL of the image:
display_url = edge['node']['display_resources'][-1]['src']
There is already a display_url property available (I'm guessing you saw this, based on the variable name?). So you can simply do:
display_url = edge['node']['display_url']
I've seen this sometimes when using this Python module instead of HTML-scraping. At least with that module, edge["node"]["videos"]["standard_resolution"]["url"] usually (but not always) gives a non-corrupted value.

How to save the output of text from selenium chrome (Python)

I'm using Selenium for extracting comments of Youtube.
Everything went well. But when I print comment.text, the output is the last sentence.
I don't know who to save it for further analyze (cleaning and tokenization)
path = "/mnt/c/Users/xxx/chromedriver.exe"
This is the path that I saved and downloaded my chrome
chrome = webdriver.Chrome(path)
url = ""
sleep = 5
chrome.execute_script('window.scrollTo(0, 500);'
chrome.execute_script('window.scrollTo(0, 1080);')
text_comment = chrome.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="contents"]')
comments = text_comment.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="content-text"]')
comment_ids = []
Try this approach for getting the text of all comments. (the forloop part edited- there was no indention in the previous code.)
for comment in comments:
when I print, i can see all the texts here. but how can i open it for further study. Should i always use for loop? I want to tokenize the texts but the output is only last sentence. Is there a way to save this .text file with the whole texts inside it and open it again? I googled it a lot but it wasn't successful.
So it sounds like you're just trying to store these comments to reference later. Your current solution is to append them to a string and use a token to create substrings? I'm not familiar with pythons data structures, but this sounds like a great job for an array or a list depending on how you plan to reference this data.
