Unexpected data found. Trailing data Laravel 7 - laravel-7

I am currently upgrading from Laravel 6 to 7 and I am faced with the following error "Unexpected data found. Trailing data". I am unable to figure out why this issue is occuring. I have atatched the dataset where it's occuring

The solution to this problem was to serialize the date. Add the following to your models
protected function serializeDate(DateTimeInterface $date)
return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');


I am getting the validation to fail error even though I have given all required

I am getting the validation to fail error even though I have given all required items/parameters to the body then also it gives an error ...
schema model restaurant:
restaurant API Router for the posting :
main server index :
if any one faced same issue or if it resolved please do share with me
because i am also facing validation error event i have provide
required body items then also it is giving me validation error ...
but if i removed "mapLoaction" from schema then it was work well but
when mapLoaction is added in schema then it gives the validation
error .please look inti my issue ..
*i see some old solution but no result because they are so old 5-6 yeas agos questions.
same issue while posting othere data schemamodels also gives validation error

Elasticsearch throwing resource_already_exists_exception

I'm mapping index rides_order_266 .
elastic throwing exception resource_already_exists_exception. after reading the exception message. It looks like index rides_order_266 already exists but if this is the case then elastic search throw exception index_already_exists_exception. I am getting confused that I am right or wrong. can some explain the exception message?
Elasticsearch version: 6.4.2
[resource_already_exists_exception] index [rides_order_266/aGTcXrUrTAOV12qxEHl9tQ] already exists, with { index_uuid=\"aGTcXrUrTAOV12qxEHl9tQ\" & index=\"rides_order_266\" }","path":"/rides_order_266","query":{},"body":"{\"settings\":{\"index\":{\"mapping.total_fields.limit\":70000,\"number_of_shards\":1,\"number_of_replicas\":0,\"refresh_interval\":\"1s\"}}
resource_already_exists_exception is the new name of this error. It used to be index_already_exists_exception and has been renamed in version 6.0 as you can see in PR #21494.
That change was made to prevent having one different exception for each different resource type (index, alias, etc).
So, what you get is perfectly OK, given the rides_order_266 index already exists.

Docusign API PHP adding listitem to document causes error

I am sure I am not the first to encounter this, but I was unable to find a solution while Googling.
I am trying to add a drop-down list to my document. At the top of my model I am adding these namespaces:
use \DocuSign\eSign\Model\List;
use \DocuSign\eSign\Model\ListItem;
When doing so I get this error because "List" is a reserved word in PHP.
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Parsing Error
Message: syntax error, unexpected List (T_LIST), expecting identifier (T_STRING)
Filename: models/Docusign_model.php
Line Number: 19
I tried changing the name of the class from List to Elist but then I got errors from ObjectSerializer that it could not find Elist:swaggerType.
What am I missing on how to add a list to my document?
#thom I think this is really a "PHP" parsing question as is answered here for you Parse error: syntax error, unexpected (T_STRING), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
So I think the $ missing is your real issue as discussed in the referenced article above and below from PHP Manual.
Recommend you look at GIT example from SDK using CustomFieldList at https://github.com/docusign/docusign-php-client/blob/ccc86ac37334f34728361d73b2f8c4592225b8d2/src/Model/CustomFieldsEnvelope.php
protected static $swaggerTypes = [
'list_custom_fields' => '\DocuSign\eSign\Model\ListCustomField[]',
'text_custom_fields' => '\DocuSign\eSign\Model\TextCustomField[]'
Also, maybe the first place to validate if you even need a specific "use" is by reviewing this PHP sample code from a good friend Ergin https://gist.github.com/Ergin008/d4a8b9210fbea41414b0
As I see it with most of the DocuSign SDK's, you have the client and specific services you want to use per excerpt below:
// Download PHP client: https://github.com/docusign/DocuSign-PHP-Client
require_once './DocuSign-PHP-Client/src/DocuSign_Client.php';
require_once './DocuSign-PHP-Client/src/service/DocuSign_RequestSignatureService.php';
require_once './DocuSign-PHP-Client/src/service/DocuSign_ViewsService.php';
Regardless if I am right or wrong, let us know if this helped you go in the right direction :-)

UserErrorSqlBulkCopyInvalidColumnLength - Azure SQL Database

I am configuring a Salesforce to Azure SQL Database data copy using Azure Data Factory. There appears to be an issue with the column length, but I am unable to identify which column is actually causing an issue.
How can I gain more insight into exactly what is causing my problem? or what column is really invalid?
"Message":"ErrorCode=UserErrorSqlBulkCopyInvalidColumnLength,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=SQL Bulk Copy failed due to received an invalid column length from the bcp client.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,''Type=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,Message=The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try again. Error code 4815.\r\nA severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.,Source=.Net SqlClient Data Provider,SqlErrorNumber=40197,Class=20,ErrorCode=-2146232060,State=1,Errors=[{Class=20,Number=40197,State=1,Message=The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try again. Error code 4815.,},{Class=20,Number=0,State=0,Message=A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.,},],'",
"effectiveIntegrationRuntime":"DefaultIntegrationRuntime (East US 2)",
Bulk Copy failed due to received an invalid column length from the bcp
service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try
again. Error code 4815.\r\nA severe error occurred on the current
command. The results, if any, should be
discarded.,Source=.Net SqlClient Data
Provider,SqlErrorNumber=40197,Class=20,ErrorCode=-2146232060,State=1,Errors=[{Class=20,Number=40197,State=1,Message=The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try
again. Error code 4815.,},{Class=20,Number=0,State=0,Message=A severe
error occurred on the current command. The results, if any,
should be discarded.
I have seen that error when trying copy a string from the source to the destination but the column receiving the string on the destination is shorter than the source.
My suggestion is to make sure you selected data types big enough on the destination so they can receive the data from the source. Make sure also the sink has the columns shown in the preview.
To identify which column may be involved, exclude big columns one by one from the source.

Web Api Returning Json - [System.NotSupportedException] Specified method is not supported. (Sybase Ase)

I'm using Web api with Entity Framework 4.2 and the Sybase Ase connector.
This was working without issues returning JSon, until I tried to add a new table.
return db.car
.Where(c => c.tires == 13);
The above works without issues if the following line is removed:
However, when that line is included, I am given the error:
""An error occurred while preparing the command definition. See the inner exception for details."
The inner exception reads:
"InnerException = {"Specified method is not supported."}"
"source = Sybase.AdoNet4.AseClient"
The following also results in an error:
List<car> cars = db.car.AsNoTracking()
.Where(c => c.tires == 13).ToList();
The error is as follows:
An exception of type 'System.Data.EntityCommandCompilationException' occurred in System.Data.Entity.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: An error occurred while preparing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.
Inner exception: "Specified method is not supported."
This points to a fault with with the Sybase Ase Data Connector.
I am using data annotations on all tables to control which fields are returned. On the colors table, I have tried the following annotations to limit the properties returned just the key:
Any ideas what might be causing this issue?
Alternatively, if I keep colors in and remove,
then this works also. It seems that the Sybase Ase connector does not support cases when an include statement forks from one object in two directions. Is there a way round this? The same issue occurs with Sybase Ase and the progress data connector.
The issue does not occur in a standard ASP.net MVC controller class - the problem is with serializing two one to many relationships on a single table to JSON.
This issue still occurs if lazy loading is turned on.
It seems to me that this is a bug with Sybase ASE, that none of the connectors are able to solve.
