Exporting Laravel Model to Excel but with modification of created_at column to only date not datetime - excel

i tried to modify a collection before returning it to be exported with maatwebsite Excel. The column i tried to modify is the created_date column (the default created_date of laravel) so that when exported to excel, i only get the date not datetime.
i tried:
namespace App\Exports;
use App\Invoice;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromCollection;
class InvoicesExport implements FromCollection
public function collection()
$temp = Invoice::all();
$len = count($temp);
$temp[$i]->created_at = $temp[$i]->created_at->format('m/d/Y')
return $temp;
in the controller:
public function export()
return Excel::download(new InvoicesExport, 'invoices.xlsx');
but, when exported, the result in the excel file is, for example: '07/26/2016T00:00:00.000000Z'
i noticed that the time become zero, and when i tried:
$temp[$i]->created_at = "some random string"
the laravel in webpage return error said that "some random string" cannot be parsed to datetime by Carbon Class constructor.
how can i make the exporting does not construct datetime with the string i give in the 'created_at' column, but just return the plain string instead? if let's say, i can't modify the database so i can't create extra column and extra column for this simple thing is too much, i think.

If you are using Maatwebsite\Excel 2.1 try column formatting by the setColumnFormat($array) method.
If Maatwebsite\Excel 3.1, try with the WithMapping interface.

created_at is marked as 'datetime' in the $cast property of your model by default so when you set it it's automatically cast as date (with Carbon::parse('the value you gave'))
If you want to export your collection with some values formatted you should not mutate the objects of the original objects but create new dedicated objects/arrays that will not interfere with model behavior nor corrupt your existing objects.


How to remove duplicate rows from excel import in Laravel

I am importing an excel file in Laravel 7 that contains employees' records. The file has Columns Employee No. and date. There are duplicate rows that contain the same employee No. and date. I want to store only 1 such record and discard the duplicate rows. Is there any way to do so?
If you're using laravel-excel, you can define rules for validation and check for duplicate records.
In below example, I've checked for duplication for user with email address.
class ModelImport implements ToModel, WithValidation
public function rules(): array
return [
'1' => \Illuminate\Validation\Rule::unique('users', 'email'),
Then, add skipping errors by implementing Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\SkipsOnFailure interface as stated in here
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\ToModel;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Validators\Failure;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\Importable;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\SkipsOnFailure;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithValidation;
class ModelImport implements ToModel, WithValidation, SkipsOnFailure
use Importable, SkipsFailures;

Impex Export: Colon in multivalue attribute is escaped by double backslash - How to remove this behavior?

Hybris: (the behavior is the same with
When exporting impex, we noticed a difference when exporting a non-multivalue Type attribute versus exporting a multivalue Type attribute.
When exporting String attribute data without colon, a non-multivalue attribute can be exported as Experts, while a multivalue attribute can be exported as Experts|Hybris.
When exporting Type with String attribute data with colons (e.g. URL), the colon is escaped with a double backslash (for multivalue only). A non-multivalue attribute can be exported as https://experts.hybris.com, while a multivale attribute can be exported as https\://experts.hybris.com if there is only 1 value or as https\://experts.hybris.com|https\://help.hybris.com if there are 2 values.
How can I stop the export from escaping the colon? Is there a method I can override to change this behavior? I would like to change the result to https://experts.hybris.com|https://help.hybris.com or to "https://experts.hybris.com"|"https://help.hybris.com".
Business Case: We want to copy the URL from the exported impex, but the URL contains double backslashes. The exported impex is not meant to be reimported.
Notes #`: The URLs are stored in a collection (e.g. Product.newAttribute, where newAttribute is a collection of custom types which has a String). So, the Impex header looks something like "INSERT_UPDATE Product;newAttribute(data)"
Notes #2: (UPDATE: Didn't work) Currently, I'm checking if it's possible with a CSVCellDecorator; this is for import only.
Notes #3: Currently, I'm checking if it's possible with AbstractSpecialValueTranslator.
For this specific case, I created a new translator, extending AbstractValueTranslator. Then, I implemented the exportValue method, joining the string data (which are URLs), without escaping them.
public String exportValue(final Object value) throws JaloInvalidParameterException
String joinedString = "";
if (value instanceof Collection)
final Collection valueCollection = (Collection) value;
if (!valueCollection.isEmpty())
final ArrayList<CustomType> list = (ArrayList<CustomType>) valueCollection;
final StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner("|");
for (final CustomType customType : list)
// data is a URL
// value would be something like "https://experts.hybris.com|https://help.hybris.com"
joinedString = joiner.toString();
return joinedString;
Customization: https://help.hybris.com/1808/hcd/ef51040168d743879c015b7de232ce40.html
I think that might not be possible, since the colon is used to separate keys for referenced types. As in
Why not run search/replace on the result?

Adding detectable Nullable values to CsvHelper

I was wondering if CsvHelper by Josh Close has anything in the configuration I am missing to translate values to null. I am a huge fan of this library, but I always thought there should be some sort of configuration to let it know what values represent NULL in your file. An example would be a column with the value "NA", "EMPTY", "NULL", etc. I am sure I could create my own TypeConverter, but I was hoping there would be an easier option to set somewhere in a config as this tends to be fairly common with files I encounter.
Is there a configuration setting to do this relatively easily?
I found the TypeConversion in the CsvHelper.TypeConversion namespace but am not sure where to apply something like this or an example of the correct usage:
new NullableConverter(typeof(string)).ConvertFromString(new TypeConverterOptions(), "NA")
I am also using the latest version 2.2.2
Thank you!
I think some time in the last seven years and thirteen versions since this question was asked the options for doing this without a custom type map class expanded, e.g.:
csvReader.Context.TypeConverterOptionsCache.GetOptions<DateTime?>().NullValues.AddRange(new[] { "NULL", "0" });
CsvHelper can absolutely handle nullable types. You do not need to roll your own TypeConverter if a blank column is considered null. For my examples I am assuming you are using user-defined fluent mappings.
The first thing you need to do is construct a CsvHelper.TypeConverter object for your Nullable types. Note that I'm going to use int since strings allow null values by default.
public class MyClassMap : CsvClassMap<MyClass>
public override CreateMap()
CsvHelper.TypeConversion.NullableConverter intNullableConverter = new CsvHelper.TypeConversion.NullableConverter(typeof(int?));
Map(m => m.number).Index(2).TypeConverter(intNullableConverter);
Next is setting the attribute on your CsvReader object to allow blank columns & auto-trim your fields. Personally like to do this by creating a CsvConfiguration object with all of my settings prior to constructing my CsvReader object.
CsvConfiguration csvConfig = new CsvConfiguration();
csvConfig.WillThrowOnMissingField = false;
csvConfig.TrimFields = true;
Then you can call myReader = new CsvReader(stream, csvConfig) to build the CsvReader object.
IF you need to have defined values for null such as "NA" == null then you will need to roll your own CsvHelper.TypeConversion class. I recommend that you extend the NullableConverter class to do this and override both the constructor and ConvertFromString method. Using blank values as null is really your best bet though.
I used "ConvertUsing"...
public class RecordMap : CsvHelper.Configuration.ClassMap<Record>
public RecordMap()
Map(m => m.TransactionDate).ConvertUsing( NullDateTimeParser );
Map(m => m.DepositDate).ConvertUsing( NullDateTimeParser );
public DateTime? NullDateTimeParser(IReaderRow row)
//"CurrentIndex" is a bit of a misnomer here - it's the index of the LAST GetField call so we need to +1
var rawValue = row.GetField(row.Context.CurrentIndex+1);
if (rawValue == "NULL")
return null;
return DateTime.Parse(rawValue);

CakePHP view variable as datetime instead of string

In my AppController beforeFilter i am saving user data to variables for use in my view. I need to grab the last_login field that is a datetime and then use the dateformat function to display the date i want but cakephp is outputting this variable as a string, is there a way to putput as the format of the table? (datetime).
// Set user variables for each page load
$id = $this->Auth->user('id');
// Set $id
$user_data = $this->User->findById($id);
// Set User Last Login
$user_lastlogin = $user_data['User']['last_login'];
$this->set('lastLogin', $user_lastlogin);
<?php echo date_format($lastLogin, 'F jS \at h:i:s A'); ?>
Warning (2): date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, string given
Firstly your code is messy. Try this:
$this->User->id = $this->Auth->user('id');
$this->set('lastLogin', $this->User->field('last_login'));
Cake has a class for doing dates and times.
echo CakeTime::niceShort($lastLogin);
Generally you should do the data to string in the view, making it part of the controller or model will have a negative impact on your application if you need to do other things with the data.

How can I change column name convention in Grails?

For now I have field "String firstName" it converted to "first_name" and i want "firstname" as default in Hibernate. Is it posible? Table and Column Names
class Person {
String firstName
static mapping = {
table 'people'
firstName column:'firstname'
You can change the naming strategy for the entire project. From the documentation https://grails.github.io/grails-doc/latest/guide/GORM.html#customNamingStrategy.
By default Grails uses Hibernate's
ImprovedNamingStrategy to convert
domain class Class and field names to
SQL table and column names by
converting from camel-cased Strings to
ones that use underscores as word
separators. You can customize these on
a per-instance basis in the mapping
closure but if there's a consistent
pattern you can specify a different
NamingStrategy class to use.
Configure the class name to be used in grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy in the hibernate section, e.g.
So, something like this in your DataSource.groovy
dataSource {
pooled = true
dbCreate = "create-drop"
hibernate {
cache.use_second_level_cache = true
naming_strategy = org.hibernate.cfg.DefaultNamingStrategy
