Spawn non-static future with Tokio - rust

I have an async method that should execute some futures in parallel, and only return after all futures finished. However, it is passed some data by reference that does not live as long as 'static (it will be dropped at some point in the main method). Conceptually, it's similar to this (Playground):
async fn do_sth(with: &u64) {
delay_for(Duration::new(*with, 0)).await;
println!("{}", with);
async fn parallel_stuff(array: &[u64]) {
let mut tasks: Vec<JoinHandle<()>> = Vec::new();
for i in array {
let task = spawn(do_sth(i));
for task in tasks {
async fn main() {
parallel_stuff(&[3, 1, 4, 2]);
Now, tokio wants futures that are passed to spawn to be valid for the 'static lifetime, because I could drop the handle without the future stopping. That means that my example above produces this error message:
error[E0759]: `array` has an anonymous lifetime `'_` but it needs to satisfy a `'static` lifetime requirement
--> src/
12 | async fn parallel_stuff(array: &[u64]) {
| ^^^^^ ------ this data with an anonymous lifetime `'_`...
| |
| captured here...
15 | let task = spawn(do_sth(i));
| ----- ...and is required to live as long as `'static` here
So my question is: How do I spawn futures that are only valid for the current context that I can then wait until all of them completed?

It is not possible to spawn a non-'static future from async Rust. This is because any async function might be cancelled at any time, so there is no way to guarantee that the caller really outlives the spawned tasks.
It is true that there are various crates that allow scoped spawns of async tasks, but these crates cannot be used from async code. What they do allow is to spawn scoped async tasks from non-async code. This doesn't violate the problem above, because the non-async code that spawned them cannot be cancelled at any time, as it is not async.
Generally there are two approaches to this:
Spawn a 'static task by using Arc rather than ordinary references.
Use the concurrency primitives from the futures crate instead of spawning.
Generally to spawn a static task and use Arc, you must have ownership of the values in question. This means that since your function took the argument by reference, you cannot use this technique without cloning the data.
async fn do_sth(with: Arc<[u64]>, idx: usize) {
delay_for(Duration::new(with[idx], 0)).await;
println!("{}", with[idx]);
async fn parallel_stuff(array: &[u64]) {
// Make a clone of the data so we can shared it across tasks.
let shared: Arc<[u64]> = Arc::from(array);
let mut tasks: Vec<JoinHandle<()>> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..array.len() {
// Cloning an Arc does not clone the data.
let shared_clone = shared.clone();
let task = spawn(do_sth(shared_clone, i));
for task in tasks {
Note that if you have a mutable reference to the data, and the data is Sized, i.e. not a slice, it is possible to temporarily take ownership of it.
async fn do_sth(with: Arc<Vec<u64>>, idx: usize) {
delay_for(Duration::new(with[idx], 0)).await;
println!("{}", with[idx]);
async fn parallel_stuff(array: &mut Vec<u64>) {
// Swap the array with an empty one to temporarily take ownership.
let vec = std::mem::take(array);
let shared = Arc::new(vec);
let mut tasks: Vec<JoinHandle<()>> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..array.len() {
// Cloning an Arc does not clone the data.
let shared_clone = shared.clone();
let task = spawn(do_sth(shared_clone, i));
for task in tasks {
// Put back the vector where we took it from.
// This works because there is only one Arc left.
*array = Arc::try_unwrap(shared).unwrap();
Another option is to use the concurrency primitives from the futures crate. These have the advantage of working with non-'static data, but the disadvantage that the tasks will not be able to run on multiple threads at the same time.
For many workflows this is perfectly fine, as async code should spend most of its time waiting for IO anyway.
One approach is to use FuturesUnordered. This is a special collection that can store many different futures, and it has a next function that runs all of them concurrently, and returns once the first of them finished. (The next function is only available when StreamExt is imported)
You can use it like this:
use futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
async fn do_sth(with: &u64) {
delay_for(Duration::new(*with, 0)).await;
println!("{}", with);
async fn parallel_stuff(array: &[u64]) {
let mut tasks = FuturesUnordered::new();
for i in array {
let task = do_sth(i);
// This loop runs everything concurrently, and waits until they have
// all finished.
while let Some(()) = { }
Note: The FuturesUnordered must be defined after the shared value. Otherwise you will get a borrow error that is caused by them being dropped in the wrong order.
Another approach is to use a Stream. With streams, you can use buffer_unordered. This is a utility that uses FuturesUnordered internally.
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
async fn do_sth(with: &u64) {
delay_for(Duration::new(*with, 0)).await;
println!("{}", with);
async fn parallel_stuff(array: &[u64]) {
// Create a stream going through the array.
// For each item in the stream, create a future.
.map(|i| do_sth(i))
// Run at most 10 of the futures concurrently.
// Since Streams are lazy, we must use for_each or collect to run them.
// Here we use for_each and do nothing with the return value from do_sth.
.for_each(|()| async {})
Note that in both cases, importing StreamExt is important as it provides various methods that are not available on streams without importing the extension trait.

In case of code that uses threads for parallelism, it is possible to avoid copying by extending a lifetime with transmute. An example:
fn main() {
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let string = format!("{now:?}");
"{now:?} has length {}",
parallel_len(&[&string, &string]) / 2
fn parallel_len(input: &[&str]) -> usize {
// SAFETY: this variable needs to be static, because it is passed into a thread,
// but the thread does not live longer than this function, because we wait for
// it to finish by calling `join` on it.
let input: &[&'static str] = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(input) };
let mut threads = vec![];
for txt in input {
threads.push(std::thread::spawn(|| txt.len()));
threads.into_iter().map(|t| t.join().unwrap()).sum()
It seems reasonable that this should also work for asynchronous code, but I do not know enough about that to say for sure.


How do I define the lifetime for a tokio task spawned from a class?

I'm attempting to write a generic set_interval function helper:
pub fn set_interval<F, Fut>(mut f: F, dur: Duration)
F: Send + 'static + FnMut() -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static,
let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(dur);
tokio::spawn(async move {
// first tick is at 0ms
loop {
This works fine until it's called from inside a class:
fn main() {}
struct Foo {}
impl Foo {
fn bar(&self) {
set_interval(|| self.task(), Duration::from_millis(1000));
async fn task(&self) {
self is not 'static, and we can't restrict lifetime parameter to something that is less than 'static because of tokio::task.
Is it possible to modify set_interval implementation so it works in cases like this?
Link to playground
P.S. Tried to
let instance = self.clone();
set_interval(move || instance.task(), Duration::from_millis(1000));
but I also get an error: error: captured variable cannot escape FnMut closure body
Is it possible to modify set_interval implementation so it works in cases like this?
Not really. Though spawn-ing f() really doesn't help either, as it precludes a simple "callback owns the object" solution (as you need either both callback and future to own the object, or just future).
I think that leaves two solutions:
Convert everything to shared mutability Arc, the callback owns one Arc, then on each tick it clones that and moves the clone into the future (the task method).
Have the future (task) acquire the object from some external source instead of being called on one, this way the intermediate callback doesn't need to do anything. Or the callback can do the acquiring and move that into the future, same diff.
Incidentally at this point it could make sense to just create the future directly, but allow cloning it. So instead of taking a callback set_interval would take a clonable future, and it would spawn() clones of its stored future instead of creating them anew.
As mentioned by #Masklinn, you can clone the Arc to allow for this. Note that cloning the Arc will not clone the underlying data, just the pointer, so it is generally OK to do so, and should not have a major impact on performance.
Here is an example. The following code will produce the error async block may outlive the current function, but it borrows data, which is owned by the current function:
fn main() {
// 🛑 Error: async block may outlive the current function, but it borrows data, which is owned by the current function
let data = Arc::new("Hello, World".to_string());
tokio::task::spawn(async {
println!("1: {}", data.len());
tokio::task::spawn(async {
println!("2: {}", data.len());
Rust unhelpfully suggests adding move to both async blocks, but that will result in a borrowing error because there would be multiple ownership.
To fix the problem, we can clone the Arc for each task and then add the move keyword to the async blocks:
fn main() {
let data = Arc::new("Hello, World".to_string());
let data_for_task_1 = data.clone();
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
println!("1: {}", data_for_task_1.len());
let data_for_task_2 = data.clone();
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
println!("2: {}", data_for_task_2.len());

Waiting on multiple futures borrowing mutable self

Each of the following methods need (&mut self) to operate. The following code gives the error.
cannot borrow *self as mutable more than once at a time
How can I achieve this correctly?
loop {
let future1 = self.handle_new_connections(sender_to_connector.clone());
let future2 = self.handle_incoming_message(&mut receiver_from_peers);
let future3 = self.handle_outgoing_message();
tokio::pin!(future1, future2, future3);
tokio::select! {
You are not allowed to have multiple mutable references to an object and there's a good reason for that.
Imagine you pass an object mutably to 2 different functions and they edited the object out of sync since you don't have any mechanism for that in place. then you'd end up with something called a race condition.
To prevent this bug rust allows only one mutable reference to an object at a time but you can have multiple immutable references and often you see people use internal mutability patterns.
In your case, you want data not to be able to be modified by 2 different threads at the same time so you'd wrap it in a Lock or RwLock then since you want multiple threads to be able to own this value you'd wrap that in an Arc.
here you can read about interior mutability in more detail.
Alternatively, while declaring the type of your function you could add proper lifetimes to indicate the resulting Future will be waited on in the same context by giving it a lifetime since your code waits for the future before the next iteration that would do the trick as well.
I encountered the same problem when dealing with async code. Here is what I figured out:
Let's say you have an Engine, that contains both incoming and outgoing:
struct Engine {
log: Arc<Mutex<Vec<String>>>,
outgoing: UnboundedSender<String>,
incoming: UnboundedReceiver<String>,
Our goal is to create two functions process_incoming and process_logic and then poll them simultaneously without messing up with the borrow checker in Rust.
What is important here is that:
You cannot pass &mut self to these async functions simultaneously.
Either incoming or outgoing will be only held by one function at most.
The data access by both process_incoming and process_logic need to be wrapped by a lock.
Any trying to lock Engine directly will lead to a deadlock at runtime.
So that leaves us giving up using the method in favor of the associated function:
impl Engine {
// ...
async fn process_logic(outgoing: &mut UnboundedSender<String>, log: Arc<Mutex<Vec<String>>>) {
loop {
let msg: String = "ping".into();
println!("outgoing: {}", msg);
async fn process_incoming(
incoming: &mut UnboundedReceiver<String>,
log: Arc<Mutex<Vec<String>>>,
) {
while let Some(msg) = {
println!("incoming: {}", msg);
And we can then write main as:
fn main() {
futures::executor::block_on(async {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
let a = Engine::process_incoming(&mut engine.incoming, engine.log.clone()).fuse();
let b = Engine::process_logic(&mut engine.outgoing, engine.log).fuse();
futures::pin_mut!(a, b);
select! {
_ = a => {},
_ = b => {},
I put the whole example here.
It's a workable solution, only be aware that you should add futures and futures-timer in your dependencies.

Async loop on a new thread in rust: the trait `std::future::Future` is not implemented for `()`

I know this question has been asked many times, but I still can't figure out what to do (more below).
I'm trying to spawn a new thread using std::thread::spawn and then run an async loop inside of it.
The async function I want to run:
pub async fn pull_tweets(pg_pool2: Arc<PgPool>, config2: Arc<Settings>) {
let mut scheduler = AsyncScheduler::new();
scheduler.every(10.seconds()).run(move || {
let arc_pool = pg_pool2.clone();
let arc_config = config2.clone();
async {
pull_from_main(arc_pool, arc_config).await;
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
Spawning a thread to run in:
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let handle = thread::spawn(move || async {
pull_tweets(pg_pool2, config2).await;
The error:
error[E0277]: `()` is not a future
--> src/
89 | pull_tweets(pg_pool2, config2).await;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `()` is not a future
= help: the trait `std::future::Future` is not implemented for `()`
= note: required by `poll`
The last comment here does an amazing job at generalizing the problem. It seems at some point a return value is expected that implements IntoFuture and I don't have that. I tried adding Ok(()) to both the closure and the function, but no luck.
Adding into closure does literally nothing
Adding into async function gives me a new, but similar-sounding error:
`Result<(), ()>` is not a future
Then I noticed that the answer specifically talks about extension functions, which I'm not using. This also talks about extension functions.
Some other SO answers:
This is caused by a missing async.
This and this are reqwest library specific.
So none seem to work. Could someone help me understand 1)why the error exists here and 2)how to fix it?
Note 1: All of this can be easily solved by replacing std::thread::spawn with tokio::task::spawn_blocking. But I'm purposefully experimenting with thread spawn as per this article.
Note 2: Broader context on what I want to achieve: I'm pulling 150,000 tweets from twitter in an async loop. I want to compare 2 implementations: running on the main runtime vs running on separate thread. The latter is where I struggle.
Note 3: in my mind threads and async tasks are two different primitives that don't mix. Ie spawning a new thread doesn't affect how tasks behave and spawning a new task only adds work on existing thread. Please let me know if this worldview is mistaken (and what I can read).
#[tokio::main] converts your function into the following:
pub fn pull_tweets(pg_pool2: Arc<PgPool>, config2: Arc<Settings>) {
let rt = tokio::Runtime::new();
rt.block_on(async {
let mut scheduler = AsyncScheduler::new();
// ...
Notice that it is a synchronous function, that spawns a new runtime and runs the inner future to completion. You do not await it, it is a separate runtime with it's own dedicate thread pool and scheduler:
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
pull_tweets(pg_pool2, config2);
Note that your original example was wrong in another way:
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let handle = thread::spawn(move || async {
pull_tweets(pg_pool2, config2).await;
Even if pull_tweets was an async function, the thread would not do anything, as all you do is create another future in the async block. The created future is not executed, because futures are lazy (and there is no executor context in that thread anyways).
I would structure the code to spawn the runtime directly in the new thread, and call any async functions you want from there:
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()
rt.block_on(async {
pull_tweets(pg_pool2, config2).await;
pub async fn pull_tweets(pg_pool2: Arc<PgPool>, config2: Arc<Settings>) {
// ...

Multi-threaded memoisation in Rust

I am developing an algorithm in Rust that I want to multi-thread. The nature of the algorithm is that it produces solutions to overlapping subproblems, hence why I am looking for a way to achieve multi-threaded memoisation.
An implementation of (single-threaded) memoisation is presented by Pritchard in this article.
I would like to have this functionality extended such that:
Whenever the underlying function must be invoked, including recursively, the result is evaluated asynchronously on a new thread.
Continuing on from the previous point, suppose we have some memoised function f, and f(x) that needs to recursively invoke f(x1), f(x2), … f(xn). It should be possible for all of these recursive invocations to be evaluated concurrently on separate threads.
If the memoised function is called on an input whose result is currently being evaluated, the current thread should block on this thread, and somehow obtain the result after it is released. This ensures that we don't end up with multiple threads attempting to evaluate the same result.
There is a means of forcing f(x) to be evaluated and cached (if it isn't already) without blocking the current thread. This allows the programmer to preemptively begin the evaluation of a result on a particular value that they know will be (or is likely to be) needed later.
One way you could do this is by storing a HashMap, where the key is the paramaters to f and the value is the receiver of a oneshot message containing the result. Then for any value that you need:
If there is already a receiver in the map, await it.
Otherwise, spawn a future to start calculating the result, and store the receiver in the map.
Here is a very contrived example that took way longer than it should have, but successfully runs (Playground):
use futures::{
future::{self, BoxFuture},
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use tokio::sync::{oneshot, Mutex};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
struct MemoInput(usize);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
struct MemoReturn(usize);
/// This is necessary in order to make a concrete type for the `HashMap`.
struct OneshotReceiverUnwrap<T>(oneshot::Receiver<T>);
impl<T> Future for OneshotReceiverUnwrap<T> {
type Output = T;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
// Don't worry too much about this part
Poll::Ready(ready!(Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll(cx)).unwrap())
type MemoMap = Mutex<HashMap<MemoInput, future::Shared<OneshotReceiverUnwrap<MemoReturn>>>>;
/// Compute (2^n)-1, super inefficiently.
fn compute(map: Arc<MemoMap>, x: MemoInput) -> BoxFuture<'static, MemoReturn> {
async move {
// First, get all dependencies.
let dependencies: Vec<MemoReturn> = future::join_all({
let map2 = map.clone();
let mut map_lock = map.lock().await;
// This is an iterator of futures that resolve to the results of the
// dependencies.
(0..x.0).map(move |i| {
let key = MemoInput(i);
let key2 = key.clone();
.or_insert_with(|| {
// If the value is not currently being calculated (ie.
// is not in the map), start calculating it
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let map3 = map2.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
// Compute the value, then send it to the receiver
// that we put in the map. This will awake all
// threads that were awaiting it.
tx.send(compute(map3, key2).await).unwrap();
// Return a shared future so that multiple threads at a
// time can await it
.clone() // Clone one instance of the shared future for us
// At this point, all dependencies have been resolved!
let result = dependencies.iter().map(|r| r.0).sum::<usize>() + x.0;
.boxed() // Box in order to prevent a recursive type
async fn main() {
let map = Arc::new(MemoMap::default());
let result = compute(map, MemoInput(10)).await.0;
println!("{}", result); // 1023
Note: this could certainly be better optimized, this is just a POC example.

How do I share a mutable object between threads using Arc?

I'm trying to share a mutable object between threads in Rust using Arc, but I get this error:
error[E0596]: cannot borrow data in a `&` reference as mutable
--> src/
11 | shared_stats_clone.add_stats();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot borrow as mutable
This is the sample code:
use std::{sync::Arc, thread};
fn main() {
let total_stats = Stats::new();
let shared_stats = Arc::new(total_stats);
let threads = 5;
for _ in 0..threads {
let mut shared_stats_clone = shared_stats.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
struct Stats {
hello: u32,
impl Stats {
pub fn new() -> Stats {
Stats { hello: 0 }
pub fn add_stats(&mut self) {
self.hello += 1;
What can I do?
Arc's documentation says:
Shared references in Rust disallow mutation by default, and Arc is no exception: you cannot generally obtain a mutable reference to something inside an Arc. If you need to mutate through an Arc, use Mutex, RwLock, or one of the Atomic types.
You will likely want a Mutex combined with an Arc:
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
struct Stats;
impl Stats {
fn add_stats(&mut self, _other: &Stats) {}
fn main() {
let shared_stats = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Stats));
let threads = 5;
for _ in 0..threads {
let my_stats = shared_stats.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
let mut shared = my_stats.lock().unwrap();
// Note: Immediately joining, no multithreading happening!
// THIS WAS A LIE, see below
This is largely cribbed from the Mutex documentation.
How can I use shared_stats after the for? (I'm talking about the Stats object). It seems that the shared_stats cannot be easily converted to Stats.
As of Rust 1.15, it's possible to get the value back. See my additional answer for another solution as well.
[A comment in the example] says that there is no multithreading. Why?
Because I got confused! :-)
In the example code, the result of thread::spawn (a JoinHandle) is immediately dropped because it's not stored anywhere. When the handle is dropped, the thread is detached and may or may not ever finish. I was confusing it with JoinGuard, a old, removed API that joined when it is dropped. Sorry for the confusion!
For a bit of editorial, I suggest avoiding mutability completely:
use std::{ops::Add, thread};
struct Stats(u64);
// Implement addition on our type
impl Add for Stats {
type Output = Stats;
fn add(self, other: Stats) -> Stats {
Stats(self.0 + other.0)
fn main() {
let threads = 5;
// Start threads to do computation
let threads: Vec<_> = (0..threads).map(|_| thread::spawn(|| Stats(4))).collect();
// Join all the threads, fail if any of them failed
let result: Result<Vec<_>, _> = threads.into_iter().map(|t| t.join()).collect();
let result = result.unwrap();
// Add up all the results
let sum = result.into_iter().fold(Stats(0), |i, sum| sum + i);
println!("{:?}", sum);
Here, we keep a reference to the JoinHandle and then wait for all the threads to finish. We then collect the results and add them all up. This is the common map-reduce pattern. Note that no thread needs any mutability, it all happens in the master thread.
