Delphi WebBroker truly Multi Threaded? - multithreading

Am using plain webBroker Delphi 10.4.1
I have a server that accepts a Json String. I parse it and send the same data back (for simplicity sake) to the client.
My assumption is Webbroker has default 32 threads (web module instances) that will be created on the server - progressively, as concurrent client requests start hitting the server and stop at 32 (refer web.webreq.pas)
To test this scenario I have created a simple Client program that has a For-loop that will keep firing at the the server with a request that will carry a JSon String.
For 10,000 requests it takes about 14 seconds. Only ONE instance of the webModule gets created...which is fine because the for loop sends the request in a serial fashion in an SYNCHRONOUS mode.
When I run another (parallel) instance of the client program, the 2nd instance of the WebModule gets created....fair enough. When I run one more parallel instance of the client, the 3rd instance of the WebModule gets on and so forth
Now is the interesting part....
Remember the time taken for 10K request which is 14 seconds when only my first Client program was running? As I increase the number of concurrent clients, the time taken to process also increases
If the Server was truly Multi-threaded as claimed, then at least up to 32 concurrent client requests the time taken should be the SAME to process individual 10K records from each client, right? That is in 14 seconds all 3 client program requests (amounting to a total of 30K requests) must have been completed. It takes thrice the time roughly about 42 seconds
Can someone pls clarify if Web Broker is truly Multi-threaded? And if so what is it I am missing?


How Reactive Thread works or How Spring Reactive Event loop Works internally with single core processor

Let say, I have single core machine.
I'm using java , springboot,reactive core framework, reactive-mongodb.
My Application:
My Java application will receive Rest Request(locahost:8080/getAllStudents)
My Java app will connect to mongo db and get all students from the db and return (flux) the response back in async using reactive..
Questions:(Assume single core machine)
Internally ,How many event loops will be there if 1000 requests is sent to my application parallely.
How many threads will be created if 1000 requests sent to my application.
let say, Once request arrives in my application, this request is handled by reactive-thread1 , while doing DB call what will happen?
I mean reactive-thread1 will call the db and internally it register callback to execute. But once DB done its job, how same reactive-thread1 takes charge and send the response back????? and what if reactive-thread1 is busy with doing some other job???
What if im doing CPU intensive tasks(assume it takes 5 minutes to complete) in each request. On this case, if I send 1000 requests in reactive application, what will happen?
publishOn(Scheduler.boundedElastic()) - How many threads will be created internally?
Simply, im bit confused about event loops internal mechanism in specific to java-springboot-netty. Can anyone explain crystal clear?

Handling many connections in node.js

I am making a live app with the use of websockets (express-ws npm package) in node.js.
The users send a message via ws every 10 seconds. Each of such requests takes about 1-1.5 milliseconds to handle (I have made some .time benchmarks). Everything works perfectly while there are less than ~9000 connections. However, if it grows above that, those 9000 requests every 10 seconds take 9000*1.5=13500ms > 10s and some users do not get their requests handled (as node.js is single-threaded). This is my first live app that gets so many online users at the same time so I do not know what to do. How to handle that many connections correctly?
I have read some articles about that and I have found some solutions which do not seem to work for me (at least I do not understand how to make them working).
Use the cluster module. The problem is that the requests have to share variables. I have an array of data which is updated or read during every request and clusters, as I have read and tested, are basically another processes which cannot share memory.
The same applies to worker_threads. They can kinda share memory, but I have to set up the communication between all threads and it still comes up to handling 9000 connections in 10 seconds which are not significantly faster than 9000 connections that have been in the beginning (that 9000 requests are simply a database search and an update with a few validations whether a user is registered and has provided valid data). Probably, if I throw the validation to a worker thread, the connections limit will grow up to 13000, but it is still insufficient.
I thought of creating a separate server on an another port (probably even in c++) and send all the requests that have passed the validation there (websocket between the servers). That seems like the best solution as for now but it still comes up to handling 9000 requests in one thread which will not make it much better.
So, how do I handle that many requests that need to share a variable efficiently? How do game servers which need to update the states of thousands of players multiple times per second do that?

Limit of HTTPS request per seconds

I am doing a project where I need to send device parameters to the server. I will be using Rasberry Pi for that and flask framework.
1. I want to know is there any limitation of HTTPS POST requests per second. Also, I will be using PythonAnywhere for server-side and their SQL database.
Initially, my objective was to send data over the HTTPS channel when the device is in sleep mode. But when the device (ex: car) wakes up I wanted to upgrade the HTTPS to WebSocket and transmit data in realtime. Later came to know PythonAnywhere doesn't support WebSocket.
Apart from answering the first question, can anyone put some light on the second part? I can just increase the number of HTTPS requests when the device is awake (ex: 1 per 60 min in sleep mode and 6 per 60sec when awake), but it will be unnecessary data consumption over the wake period for transmission of the overhead. It will be a consistent channel during the wake period.
PythonAnywhere developer here: from the server side, if you're running on our platform, there's no hard limit on the number of requests you can handle beyond the amount of time your Flask server takes to process each request. In a free account you would have one worker process handling all of the requests, each one in turn, so if it takes (say) 0.2 seconds to handle a request, your theoretical maximum throughput would be five requests a second. A paid "Hacker" plan would have two worker processes, and they would both be handling requests, to that would get you up to ten a second. And you could customize a paid plan and get more worker processes to increase that.
I don't know whether there would be any limits on the RPi side; perhaps someone else will be able to help with that.

how many requests a node http server can handle per second without queueing any requests?

Does anyone know how many requests a basic single instance of node http server can handle per second without queueing any requests?
Actually, i need to write a nodejs app, that should be able to respond to about thousand incoming requests within 100ms consistently. I'm trying to test it in a 4 cpus server and running 4 instances in cluster mode. but currently it only able to handle less than 1000 requests per second consistently within 100ms
See this answer:
How many clients can an http-server can handle?
It's not about queuing but about how many concurrent requests Node can handle at the same time. It contains example benchmarks that you can use and tweak to your needs.
Now, about queuing: in a sense, every request is queued because only one thing can run at the same time in one Node process. So you can say that the answer to how many requests a Node http server can handle without queuing any requests is: one. Just like for Nginx for example.
Now, the time to respond is an entirely different matter and depends on many factors like what you actually do in those requests handlers.
For example a mean time per request that I got in my experiments here for 10000 concurrent connections was less than 2 milliseconds. If it does more then it can take more of course but there is no one number for all Node servers. It depends how efficient is your implementation.
Now, a big no-no for handling concurrency in Node are:
Never use any "Sync" function
Never use long running for and while loops
Never do any CPU-intensive work in your process that handles the reqests

Child-process for cpu intensive task?

So I'm starting to use node.js for a project I'm doing.
When a client makes a request, My node.js server fetches from another server a json and then reformats it into a new json that gets served to this client. However, the json that the node server got from the other server can potentially be pretty big and so that "massaging" of data is pretty cpu intensive.
I've been reading for the past few hours how node.js isn't great for cpu tasks and the main response that I've seen is to spawn a child-process (basically a .js file running through a different instance of node) that deals with any cpu intensive tasks that might block the main event loop.
So let's say I have 20,000 concurrent users, that would mean it would spawn 20,000 os-level jobs as it's running these child-processes.
Does this sound like a good idea? (A different web server would just create 20,000 threads on the same process.)
I'm not sure if I should be running a child-process. But I do need to make a non-blocking cpu intensive task. Any ideas of what I should do?
The people who say that don't know how to architect solutions.
NodeJS is exactly what it says, It is a node, and should be treated like such.
In your example, your node instance connects to an external api and grabs json to process and send back.
1. Get //
2. Process the json
3. Post //
So what do you do?
Ask yourself is time an issue? if so then node isnt the solution
However if you are more interested in raw processing power so instead of 1 request done in 4 seconds
You are interested in 200 requests finishing in 10 seconds, but each individual one taking about the full 10 seconds.
Diagnose how long your JSON should take to massage, if it is less than 1 second.
Just run 4 node instances instead of 1.
However if its more complex than that, Break the json into segments to process. And use asynchronous callbacks to process each segment
process.nextTick(function( doprocess(segment1); process.nextTick(function() {doprocess(segment2)
each doProcess calls the next doProcess
Node js will trade time between requests.
Now Take that solution and scale it too 4 node instances per server, and 2-5 servers
and suddenly you have an extremely scaleable and cost effective solution.
