#property - method calling logic - python-3.x

Here is the code:
class Duck():
def __init__(self,input_name):
self.__name = input_name
def name(self):
print('inside the getter')
return self.__name
def name(self):
print('inside the setter')
self.__name = input_name
fowl = Duck("Howard")
So, "dot" is the connection between object and method. That's to say, type fowl.name will get "Howard", because the object called name and returned self.__name.
My question is if I type fowl.name = "cat", why I won't get anything from #property, getter. And how the program knew it's a setter? Because I used "="?


Property created with #property performs differently

>>> class test():
name = 'tiger'
def __init__(self,value):
self.name = value
>>> class subtest(test): pass
>>> a = subtest('cat')
>>> super(subtest,subtest).name
When I use super(class, class) to access a normal property of class, it gets value of that property. However, when I rewrite that property with #property, it turns out to a property object, why and what happend?
>>> class test():
name = 'tiger'
def __init__(self,value):
self._name = value
def name(self):
return self._name
def name(self,value):
self._name = value
>>> class subtest(test): pass
>>> super(subtest,subtest).name
<property object at 0x03AB6300>

Decorators unexpectedly change constructor behavior in Python

Below, I show a simplified example of a more complicated code, but nonetheless, it fully represents the issue that I have encountered.
Part 1: this works fine, no issues:
class Animal():
def __init__(self, animal_name = "no name given"):
def get_name(self):
return self._animal_name
def set_name(self, animal_name):
self._animal_name = animal_name
class Dog(Animal):
def __init__(self, dog_breed = "no breed", dog_name = "no name given"):
self._dog_breed = dog_breed
def get_breed(self):
x = Dog('Greyhound', 'Rich')
Part 2: after introducing getter & setter decorators, the code stops working:
class Animal():
def __init__(self, animal_name = "no name given"):
def name(self):
return self._animal_name
def name(self, animal_name):
self._animal_name = animal_name
class Dog(Animal):
def __init__(self, dog_breed = "no breed", dog_name = "no name given"):
self._dog_breed = dog_breed
def get_breed(self):
x = Dog('Greyhound', 'Rich')
Output: AttributeError: 'Dog' object has no attribute '_animal_name'
When I keep the decorators in Part 2 but change the constructor in the Animal class to:
class Animal():
def __init__(self, animal_name = "no name given"):
It works.
I am just curious why it doesn't work in the example above in Part 2?
Short answer:
The line
can be split in two parts:
tmp = self.name
First, self.name calls the getter and the result is treated as a function. The getter uses return self._animal_name and since the setter has never been called, the respective error occurs.
Long answer:
Let's take the following class:
class Animal:
def __init__(self, animal_name):
def name(self):
return self._animal_name
def name(self, animal_name):
self._animal_name = animal_name
To understand what the line
actually does, you first need to understand decorators.
The code
def func(a, b, ...):
is equivalent to
def func_impl(a, b, ...):
func = dec(func_impl)
(except that you can not call func_impl directly). See, for example, PEP 318 for more information.
This means that you can write the Animal class from above without using decorators:
class Animal:
def __init__(self, animal_name):
def get_name(self):
return self._animal_name
name = property(get_name)
def set_name(self, animal_name):
self._animal_name = animal_name
name = name.setter(set_name)
In order to understand this code, you need to understand the builtin property, which is a class. See the python docs for detailed information.
The line name = property(get_name) creates an object of type property. When retrieving the value of the property, get_name is called.
The line name = name.setter(set_name) first calls name.setter(set_name), which creates a copy of the property, and then overwrites name with this copy. When assigning a value to the copy, set_name is called.
All in all, name is an object of type property that uses get_name as getter and set_name as setter.
How does this help?
You need to understand this: name is not a function. It is a property. It is not callable.
The problematic line
is actually equivalent to
which this explains the error message: The constructor calls the getter, which tries to use return self._animal_name. But since the setter has not been called, yet, self._animal_name has not been set.

Python: for multiple properties use one getter and setter method

I have created a class that has multiple properties. I want to use one function for the getter method and the second one for the setter method.
class person:
def __init__(self, fname, lname, city, state):
# make all attributes as private
self._fname = fname
self._lname = lname
self._city = city
self._state = state
#property # get method
def fname(self):
return self._fname
#fname.setter # set method
def fname(self,fname):
self._fname = fname
def lname(self):
return self._lname
def lname(self,lname):
self._lname = lname
def city(self):
return self._city
def city(self, city):
self._city = city
def state(self):
return self._state
def state(self, state):
self._state = state
How to use all properties for one get methods and one set method?
def get(self):
return self._attr
def set(self,value):
self._attr = value
class person:
def __set_name__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __get__(self, obj, type=None) -> object:
return obj.__dict__.get(self.name)
def __set__(self, obj, value) -> None:
obj.__dict__[self.name] = value
my_value = person
my_values.fname = 'Shivam'
my_values.lname = 'Gupta'
print(my_values.fname) #--> Shivam
print(my_values.lname) #--> Gupta

Implementing a python class

I am working on a personal project and I am having trouble implementing this following part.
Implementing a Menu Class.
This class will make use of MenuItem objects.
This class represents the restaurant menu which contains 4 different categories of menu item diners can order from.
This class will have a single class(or static) variable:
Menu_Item_types: a list containing 4 strings representing the 4 possible types of menu items.: Drink, appetizer, entree, dessert.
This class will use the following instance attribute:
List item
self.menuItemDrinkList: list of all drink list
self.menuItemAppetizerList: list of all appetizer list
self.menuItemEntreeList: a list of all entree list
self.menuItemDessertList: a list of all the dessert list
Below is the menuItem object
class MenuItem:
def __init__(self, name=None, types=None, price=None, description=None):
self.name = name
self.types = types
self.price = price
self.description = description
def setName(self, name):
self.name = name
def getName(self):
return self.name
def setTypes(self, types):
self.types = types
def getTypes(self):
return self.types
def setPrice(self, price):
self.price = price
def getPrice(self):
return self.price
def setDescription(self, description):
self.description = description
def getDescription(self):
return self.description
def __str__(self):
return "{} ({}): ${}, {}".format(self.name, self.types, self.price, self.description)
If I understand you correctly you are looking for setters and getters properties. Here is the way how you do it in Python.
You can learn more about properties here:
class MenuItem:
def __init__(self, name=None, types=None, price=None, description=None):
self._name = name
self._types = types
self._price = price
self._description = description
def name(self):
return self._name
def name(self, name):
self._name = name
def types(self):
return self._types
def types(self, types):
self._types = types
def price(self):
return self._price
def price(self, price):
self._price = price
def description(self):
return self._description
def description(self, description):
self._description = description
def __str__(self):
return "{} ({}): ${}, {}".format(
self._name, self._types, self._price, self._description
menu_item = MenuItem("pizza", "entry", 10)
menu_item.price = 20
menu_item.description = "Delicious"
pizza (entry): $10, None
pizza (entry): $20, Delicious
Please notice:
In python you don't call properties with getXxx or setXxx, you just use regular names and decoreate methods with #property and #xxx.setter
You should have #property before #setter.
Setter must start with the property name
In order to escape recursion, name your internal
attributes with _ (_name). If you will not do it you will have a
"RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison"
because setter will call itself in the loop.


Hello i have simply task, but i am stuck again:
How can i use variable from class into descriptor?
I have commission variable from parent class and i need use it into descriptor while calling set: self.amount = int(amount) * int(commission)
How can i do this?
Thank you!
Full code bellow:
class Value():
def __init__(self):
def __get__(self, obj, obj_type):
return self.amount
def __set__(self, obj, amount, commission):
self.amount = int(amount) * int(commission)
class Account:
def __init__(self, commission):
self.commission = commission
amount = Value(self.commission)
new_account = Account(0.1)
new_account.amount = 100
right code is below:
class Value():
def __init__(self):
def __get__(self, obj, obj_type):
return self.value
def __set__(self, obj, value):
self.value = value * (1 - obj.commission)
class Account:
amount = Value()
def __init__(self, commission):
self.commission = commission
new_account = Account(0.1)
new_account.amount = 100
The trick that, when you call __set__ on descriptor you pass obj inside, and you can call any variable or method as usual obj.xxx, that is basic i know but i am really noob with OOP.
