How to style Vue Formulate input errors? - styles

I write a website with Vue.js and to handle user interface, I want to use Vue Formulate. All in all it works, but I have trouble to style input errors. So, I tried to make a very simple example to change the background color from the error list, but it doesn't work.
That is my easy component:
<p>Test for VueFormulate</p>
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld'
<style scoped>
li.formulate-input-error {
After the site is loaded and the error list element is there, I can change the background-color in the Google Chrome devtools. But not bevor.
I hope somebody can explain what I have to do to make it work.

Your style block is scoped meaning you cannot style elements that are not in your immediate <template> (that's the point of scoping). You have three options:
Remove the scoped portion of your <style> block. I don't really recommend this.
Move your general form styles to a global css file. I would recommend this if you use more than 1 input.
Use a deep selector like ::v-deep. This is great for case-by-case overrides, and allows you to select elements that are deeper than your current "scope". Here's an example:
<style scoped>
.formulate-input::v-deep li.formulate-input-error {
background-color: green;


Why my RTL can't find my svg with a img role? [duplicate]

I am trying to getByRole where I have an <li />, which is a child of a styled component.
The styled component is by default display: none, then under a min-width media query it's set to display: flex.
Running getByRole('listitem') works without the display: none but not with it, indicating that styled-components is telling the DOM that because it is set to display: none it doesn't exist.
This is despite the debug HTML output actually showing the <li /> being rendered:
TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an accessible element with the role "listitem"
Here are the accessible roles:
Name "":
<body />
class="sc-gzVnrw sc-VigVT kjwzNy"
<li><!-- bunch of stuff --></li>
I have tried mocking the media query matching using jest-matchmedia-mock, with no luck.
I don't care about testing the media query or styles at all, so is there a way I can tell styled components to not apply the styles during testing?
I found a kind of solution which is a feature of dom-testing-library:
getByRole('listitem', { hidden: true })
This includes hidden items.
There is a commit detailing this change here:

Aurelia Custom Element doesn't work inside Flex-Container

Hi we've recently started making custom elements in Aurelia. One of the rules we have established is that we cannot put class names on custom elements when using them.
This is causing problems for me because the custom element itself doesn't have any properties so it breaks a lot of styling.
In particular it breaks when put inside a flex-container.
I have read on that you can style the custom element using the :host selector, but I can't find any mention of this for Aurelia and I'm struggling to get it to work.
I have a codepen to demonstrate the problem here.
You can style custom elements f.i. by referencing the element itself, like this:
o-custom-element {
color: white;
background: green;
flex-grow: 1;
I've forked your codepen to show the change:
Put your custom element in the flex-item div:
<div class="half-container">
<p>Breaking because of custom element (Flex container is yellow)</p>
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="flex-item"></div>
<div class="flex-item"></div>
<div class="flex-item green">
If you want to use :host, you'll have to put it in a <style> element inside the Shadow DOM of your custom element:
The problem is that you'll have to duplicate the rules and it's worse than adding classes to custom element...

Primefaces schedule, event header color changed which is saved in DB

I am using primefaces schedule, i want to change the color of event header which is saved in DB,
scheduleEvent.setStyleClass(".event-consultation .fc-event-skin .fc-event-head");
using this class i want to change the background-color property with the color saved in DB. how can i change color got from db here?
I don't try it, but I guess the following should work:
<style type="text/css">
.yourclass .fc-event-inner{
background-color: #{yourBackBean.backGroundProperty};
This way, you specify in-page CSS style that set as color-background the value of a backBean property that you previously loaded from DB.
Of course, you can create an application scope backBean and hardcode the EL in an external CSS file. Your choice.
Hope it helps!
Edit to clarify
You have to put the <style> html node inside <h:head>. I just tested it in a project to change background color of a <p:menuBar> this way:
... some stuff of mine, not relevant
<style type="text/css">
.ui-menubar,.ui-menu-child,.ui-menu {
background: #{sessionBean.bckgColor} !important;
And it works like a charm. I don't know what css style do you have to adapt to custom the event component of <p:schedule>, I am telling you how to write a custom CSS reading values from DB or whatever, using EL.
Maybe you need to use !importan css attribute to override original values as I did.

My Website does not display properly on resolutions above 1024

I recently developed a website that looks good on 1024 resolution but gets messed up on larger resolutions. Here are the links to the files you will probably need to review: CSS for the site, CSS for the menu bar. It's a PHP file but I've already linked to the included HTML files.
I have a regular 17' screen while the client has a widescreen. She sees white space on the right side that I don't. I've only seen it as I have used the website to test on different resolutions. How can I make it so it resizes proportionality? Thanks.
This is because you set the body to be 1024 px
body {
You don't want to do that, what you usually do is to have a page wrapper where you set the size to be 1024px.
For instance you can have this in html
<div id="pageWrapper">
<!-- all your content here -->
Then in the css you can have something like this:
#pageWrapper {
margin: 0 auto;
You usually have an structure like this:
<div id="header-wrapper>
<div id="header>
<!-- header content here -->
<div id="pageWrapper">
<!-- all your content here -->
Then you can set an image for the header and another for the body, or an image for the header and a background color for the body. It all depends on what are you doing.
The background images usually are not that big. What you usually have are images or patterns that can be repeated either on X or Y or both. On the css you can have something like:
#headerWrapper {
height: 100px;
background: url("/img/background.png") repeat-x;
With this the image will repeat horizontally on the header. Then you can set another background for the body, or just a background color.
Again, it depends a lot on what are you trying to achive.
Good luck!!

How do I change the style of an SVG object depending on its containment or location?

Depending on parent html tag of an SVG object, I would like it's path color to change. Can this be done with SVG? For instance, if a logo is in the header I want it to be red, if it is in the footer I want it to be blue. Here's an example:
<style type="text/css">
#header-img {
#footer-img {
<object id="header-img" type="image/svg+xml" data="myimg.svg" />
<object id="footer-img" type="image/svg+xml" data="myimg.svg" />
Granted, this can't be done, but is there an alternative without using JavaScript?
Starting again, this is the best question/answer to your problem that I can find:
How to apply a style to an embedded SVG?
It's possible for you to add a linked stylesheet to the file you wish to embed by hand...
Thereby avoiding the use of JavaScript.
I would argue that you should try not to ask redundant questions.
We'd have both done well to have sourced this earlier.
Yes you can.
SVG elements can be manipulated in much the same way as any other HTML/DOM element. For example, with Raphael JS ( you could, at the very least, find the absolute position of a vector/SVG element in the browser window, compare that to the absolute position of your header/footer and, using JQuery, trigger an event to change the colour of the SVG.
Raphael additionally renders VML graphics for old versions of IE. So it's well worth looking into.
That said, if you're not planning to use JavaScript, then do it with CSS instead.
Updated with a working example, found here;
Replacing the 'circle' element with your custom path, and the css properties you want to change.
Can't you use the 'parent of' operator in css? Like so:
header > svg {
body > svg {
