Bigrock subdomain not working after change the nameserver - dns

I have domain on Bigrock and i want to point my subdomain on different server of hostinger hosting,
how i can be possible ?

you need to create either A record (for IP address destination) or CNAME record (domain name destination).


What is the correct DNS record setup for www subdomain?

I would like to set up my web app to use the "www" subdomain as my primary url. I'll be using a service to handle 301 redirects from my naked/apex domain to my subdomain ( -> What is the correct DNS record type for my "www" subdomain? Cant seem to find a clear answer on this.
An "A" record pointing to my websites IP address?
A "CNAME" pointing to my naked/apex domain?
It's CNAME. A record is pointing to the webserver IP address. CNAME will serve as an alias. Commonly when and points to the same application and hosted by the same server. To avoid maintaining two different records, it's a best practice to create an A record for pointing to the server IP address and a CNAME record for pointing to

Making nameserver for put domain on server ip

I have a domain and i want to set it to my server(centos 7).
I made a dns server by bind on my server and made 2 nameserver ( and and set it in my domain configuration, But i cant ping to my domain.
What is the problem?
At the domain registrar, you need to specify the authorised DNS server for your domain. My suggestion is to use the domain registrar's DNS server for resolution and create a zone file there for your domain and enter the A records and other records for your use case.
To have a domain working you don't need to setup your on DNS (bind) server.

How to add subdomain entry

I have a domain name ( registered at godaddy and i am using godaddy DNS Manager. But i am hosting my website with So i have created a subdomain ( on hostinger which by default points to same IP as a domain.
Now i have entry on godaddy DNS for my domain and subdomain name which points to hostinger server address where my website hosted. But when i access my subdomain ( it goes to my I have to refresh it to load sub domain page correctly.
Godaddy DNS Entry
domainname -- -> IP address of
subdomain -- --> IP address of (same as above)
Hostinger DNS Entry
subdomain -- --> IP address of as above)
Is above entries is correct ?
Should we need to have entry for domain and subdomain both on godaddy DNS ?
Do we need to have a entry for subdomain in also ?
In order to create a subdomain correctly you have to go through 2 steps:
1. Update your DNS records, so they accept your subdomain (
You should have these records for your setup:
A: # -> IP of (this is to connect the domain with hostinger)
A: sub -> IP of (only put the subdomain name)
CNAME: * -> (so that everything before goes to
CNAME: *.sub -> (so that everything before goes to
There are different types of DNS Records, the one's you mentioned are all A Records, you have to use CNAME Records as well.
2. Creating a virtual host (on the hosting provider)
The previous step was so that the Domain Name Servers know to which ip to point when the subdomain is used. From this side we have to point the subdomain address ( to a specific folder that contains the different website. Most host providers, when you create a subdomain automatically create a new folder you can put your content at and point at it.
So to answer your questions.
No you have to change your DNS Records so they match the information above. Let me remind you that changes in the DNS Records might take a while to take effect (1-2 hours).
Your DNS entries should be at one place. Usually they are provided by the hosting provider (hostinger in this case), but since they are also provided by GoDaddy as well feel free to update them there.
There is no need to have a DNS entry in hostinger if you update them in GoDaddy.
P.S. Since I haven't used hostinger before, feel free to update me if you have more info, like if you're using CPanel.
If you intend to host a subdomain at an IP different than your main site, the records should look like this.
Main Site (
Type: A
Name(Host): #
Value(Points To):
Blog Site (
Type: A
Name(Host): blog
Value(Points To):
As a reference, you only need an A record to host a subdomain. CNAME record is an alias. www records are usually CNAME records to the root domain as they are the same page.
Hope this helps!

DNS setting to access website using IP address and domain name

I have Static IP, i would like to access website using static IP as well using domain name.
I have below DNS entries to for my domain, i am not sure what setup i need to do to make it works.
when user access my site using domain name they should be able to access. Also when someone want to access using IP address they should be able to do that.
www 14400 IN CNAME 14400 IN A
If anybody have idea please let me know.
Thank you
If you can't access your IP address, then it isn't because of your DNS. DNS stands for domain name system and translates domain names TO IP addresses. Thus, you must already have a reachable IP address for your A record to be meaningful. Make sure that you've configured your server correctly (Apache?) and that the necessary ports are open in your firewall (iptables).
Check that your domain registrar is pointing its name servers to the authoritative name server (the server with your zone file) for your domain.

very simple -- how do i setup a subdomain with 1&1 domain provider + hostgator hosting?

Everytime I try to create a subdomain with this combo, it simply says the page doesn't exist. I have the subdomain directory created, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. for example if I want, then will work, but won't work.
Any insight?
Firstly you will need a DNS record for you subdomain. This can be a CNAME record if you just want the the subdomain to be an alias of the main domain (Canonical Name). If you want the subdomain to be hosted on a different IP address or server then you need a new A record.
From the sounds of it you want a CNAME record for your subdomain created in your DNS manager, and then you want to configure your web server to look at the host headers to map to the sub directory you created. How you go about this depends on the type of web server.
