Where and How Bash convert strings to colors - linux

I am working on Bash 5.0 from GNU repository. I wanted to find the place where Bash reads a string with ASCII colors and convert it to colors, like in the following case where it convert "Hello" to red:
root#ubuntu:~/Desktop/bash-5.0# ./bash
root#ubuntu:~/Desktop/bash-5.0# echo $BASH_VERSION
root#ubuntu:~/Desktop/bash-5.0# ./bash -c 'echo -e "\033[31mHello\e[0m World"'
Hello World
I searched inside the source code and found two files that seems to be related:
bash-5.0/lib/readline/colors.c - link
bash-5.0/lib/readline/parse-colors.c - link
But they are not, they work only on the first time I load Bash and you need to write the following rows in the file ~/.inputrc for it to work:
set colored-completion-prefix on
set colored-stats on
Any idea where in the code Bash takes string like that "\033[31mHello" and convert it to red?

It's not the shell that's converting anything to colors, it is your terminal. The shell only outputs ANSI escape codes which are then picked up by the terminal.
Depending on your point of view and philosophical interpretations, \033[31mHello already is a colored string (for the shell, at least, it is)


What's the default encoding in bash standard input? [duplicate]

I am using Gina Trapiani's excellent todo.sh to organize my todo-list.
However being a dane, it would be nice if the script accepted special danish characters like ø and æ.
I am an absolute UNIX-n00b, so it would be a great help if anybody could tell me how to fix this! :)
Slowly, the Unix world is moving from ASCII and other regional encodings to UTF-8. You need to be running a UTF terminal, such as a modern xterm or putty.
In your ~/.bash_profile set you language to be one of the UTF-8 variants.
export LANG=C.UTF-8
export LANG=en_AU.UTF-8
You should then be able to write UTF-8 characters in the terminal, and include them in bash scripts.
echo "UTF-8 is græat ☺"
See also: https://serverfault.com/questions/11015/utf-8-and-shell-scripts
What does this command show?
It should show something like this for you:
If not, you might try doing this before you run your script:
You don't say what happens when you run the script and it encounters these characters. Are they in the todo file? Are they entered at a prompt? Is there an error message? Is something output in place of the expected output?
Try this and see what you get:
read -p "Enter some characters" string
echo "$string"

gnuplot script name OR bash $0 alternative for gnuplot

How to programmatically get the name of current gnuplot script? I know that I can call gnuplot script from bash and get it file name but I am wondering if it is possible from inside gnuplot. My goal is to make something like:
date=system("date +%F_%T | sed 's/:/-/g'")
set term png
set output my_name.date.".png"
I've tried:
my_name=system("cat /proc/$$/cmdline")
but it returned sh instead of script name
Not quite an answer to your question, but this might help with what you want to do:
You can leave my_name unset in the script, and set it either inside gnuplot, just before you load the script (where you need to know the script name anyway):
or set it when you invoke gnuplot from the shell:
$ gnuplot -e "my_name=${FILE}" ${FILE}
A few more things:
date=system("date +%F_%T | sed 's/:/-/g'")
can be replaced with
date=system("date +%F_%H-%M-%S")
(which is shorter and doesn't need to be parsed through sed) or without any forking at all:
Using gnuplot version 5 you have access to the file called with load via the variable ARG0
Consider the script test.gp which contains only
print ARG0
Now, calling this with
gnuplot -e "load 'test.gp'"
prints you test.gp on the screen. With earlier versions you don't have access to a similar variable (also not when using call). For earlier versions you must stick to one of the solutions given by #chw21

How to concatenate a string from an included file in bash

What I'm trying to accomplish is having a central configuration file, in bash, that defines some variables that are re-used in different bash files. The example below attempts to generate a file name with the current date included in the file name as well as a variable defined in another shell script. However whenever I try to concatenate this external variable it doesn't work. I can concatenate the variable in any other situation.
Example Code:
source ../config/vars.sh
tempName=$(date +"%Y%m%d.sql.gz")
echo "mysqld_${mysqlPort}"
echo ${tempName}
echo ${fileName}
output of dbBackup.sh
As you can see when echoing "mysqld_${mysqlPort}" I get the expected output, but when echoing ${fileName} the entire first half of the string is ignored. What am I misunderstanding?
Your vars.sh file was probably created with a DOS/windows text editor:
$ ./dbBackup.sh
$ dos2unix vars.sh
dos2unix: converting file vars.sh to Unix format ...
$ ./dbBackup.sh
As you can see above, I use the dos2unix utility to convert the line separators to Unix style.

change multiple files commandline

I have separated some tracks from mp3 mixes using mp3splt.
BASH: (mp3splt -c('**!!***use .cue file***!!**') [cuefile.cue] [nonstopmix.mp3] ~for anyone interested, is in the Ubu repos~)
And I ended up with these filenames: "Antares" - 01 - "Xibalba".mp3 which is not a format I prefer, now I've made it a little project to change them with a shell script but its more difficult than I anticipated.
I want to change the filename from:
"Antares" - 01 - "Xibalba".mp
so far I've used :
for var in *.mp3; do mv $var {var/"/}; done
and I could repeat that until I'm through, delete the 0x number and add one but I'd like to do it more efficient.
Could anyone give me a pointer (!not a script!) ?
I'd still like to write it myself but there's so much options that I'm a bit lost.
so far I thought to use this program flow:
read all the filenames containing .mp3 and declare as variable $var
strip $var from quotes
select 0x number, append delimiter _ (0x_)
move 0x_ to the beginning of the string
select remaining ' - - ' and change to '-'
which bash programs to use? especially changing the 0x puzzles me cuz I need a loop which increments this number and test if it is present in the filename variable and then it has to be changed.
It is easy to do in python 2.x. You can use this logic in any language you want.
import string
a=raw_input('Enter the name of song')
a=a.replace('"', "")
a=a.replace('.mp', ' .mp3')
words = a.split()
print words[2]+'-'+words[0]+'_-_'+words[4]+words[5]
I removed ", then make .mp to .mp3, then splitted the string, which created a list ( array ) and then printed the elements according to need.
Try doing this :
rename -n 's/"(\w+)"\s+-\s*(\d+)\s*-\s*"(\w+)"\.mp/$2-$1_-_$3.mp3/' *mp
from the shell prompt. It's very useful, you can put some perl tricks like I does in a substitution.
You can remove the -n (dry-run mode switch) when your tests become valids.
There are other tools with the same name which may or may not be able to do this, so be careful.
If you run the following command (linux)
$ file $(readlink -f $(type -p rename))
and you have a result like
.../rename: Perl script, ASCII text executable
then this seems to be the right tool =)
If not, to make it the default (usually already the case) on Debian and derivative like Ubuntu :
$ sudo update-alternatives --set rename /path/to/rename
Last but not least, this tool was originally written by Larry Wall, the Perl's dad.

Perl color specifiers with redirected output

I have a Perl script that uses Term::ANSIColor. It used to be the case that if I redirect the output to a file > file.txt then the file contains just the text, and not the color codes ^[[0m
Something changed on my machine, Ubuntu 10.04, such that redirected output includes these special characters that specify color.
Any idea how to fix this? Can I detect output redirection from inside the perl script and skip the color part?
You can test whether you're running interactively using the IO::Interactive package:
use IO::Interactive qw(is_interactive);
if (is_interactive())
# show some fancy color
The rationale behind using IO::Interactive (instead of just testing if STDIN is a tty with the -t operator) is extensively explained by Damian Conway.
