Error trying to install node.js(v15.3.0) on Windows 10 from - node.js

When I try to install node.js from the installer that I have downloaded from website I get error message "An error occurred while attempting to create the directory: C:\Users\User\Appdata\Roaming"

I have listed the possible causes and solutions. Please try them.
Permissions or user profile issues can cause this issue.
If Windows Defender thinks the installer is unfriendly it may prevent the creation of files and folders.
First, check to see if Windows Defender is preventing the creation of the folder. Open Windows Defender Security Center and navigate to the following:
Click Virus & threat protection.
Click Virus & threat protection settings.
Scroll down to Controlled folder access and temporarily switch to
the OFF position.
Try the installation again.
If none of these work, visit this link where a similar question was asked.


Nodejs won't install : An error occurred while applying security settings. Authenticathed Users is not a valid user or group

I have a problem since yesterday, I made the error of uninstalling Nodejs to put the latest version (14.17.2 LTS OR 16.4.1 Current) and since I have this error ... I do not understand, this is my personal pc and I am the admin (normally) I do not understand either how to solve this problem and in the meantime I can no longer work ...
I've been looking for solutions since yesterday but can't find what I need to do to fix it ..
(PS: excuse my English, I'm French)
I attach you the capture of my administrator account
Windows 10
Error Nodejs
administrator account
MAJ 06/july/2021:
I finally managed to cheat the thing, downloaded the Nodejs ZIP folder, and put it straight to my hard drive and it worked.
Open Command Prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator and type or copy/paste:
net localgroup /add "Authenticated Users"
Then click the "Retry" button or run the installation file again.

SharePoint 2019 Installation problem in SharePoint Workflow Manager

I am facing issue "Downloaded file failed system verification and may have been tampered with" while installing new Work flow manager. I have tried through Web Platform Installer and also tried by offline webpicmd but still issue is there.
I am attaching screen shot below:
Please check this link I found solution in it.
All you have todo is get the Workflow_Manager.msi file and from powershell prompt (in the same directory you have Workflow_Manager.msi file) and try this
./Workflow_Manager.msi IACCEPTEULA=yes WEBPI=1

Unable to access the IIS metabase. You do not have sufficient privilege to access IIS web sites on your machine

I am unable to load a csproj in VS2015. I get the Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:<Port_Number>/ failed with the error: Unable to access the IIS metabase. You do not have sufficient privilege to access IIS web sites on your machine. error. I tried the following:
Uninstalled and reinstalled IIS
Gave access to %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\config & %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\config\Export folders
Changed <UseIIS>True</UseIIS> to <UseIIS>False</UseIIS>
Rebooted the system
None of the above worked. Could you advise how to fix this problem please?
You can solve this problem in two ways:
Launch Visual Studio with Administrator priviledges.
Permanently grant the IIS Metabase folder permissions to the current user.
You can press Win + E to open a Windows Explorer instance, then write the following line on the topmost address bar depending on the OS you’re using, As soon as you hit the Enter key the following popup will appear, asking you if you want to permanently grant access to that folder to the current user, click on the Continue button, then try to open up the \Export\ subfolder with a couple mouse clicks and repeat the same process. You’re done: from now on, you’ll be able to launch Visual Studio with default priviledges and your IIS instance will work without hassles.
More information about setting you can refer to this link: setting
I had this problem when trying to load a visual studio 2015 solution. The solution would load but website project would remain unloaded and the output window would show that error message.
Click the unloaded website project in the solution explorer
Go to the properties section dock-window, there is a property called "File Path"
If it is set to an URL, change it to the full physical path to the website.
Reload the project.

Azure functions not executing. Access Denied everytime

Can anyone help as I am unable to execute the azure functions and getting this error message everytime.
Indeed, this is an antivirus policy issue. One can confirm this by going to your antivirus logs. I was using Symantec.
Steps to view logs in Symantec -
Open Symantec>View Logs>Client Management>View Logs.
The logs will contain an entry with keyword "BLOCK" with the path of blocked exe (as in snapshot attached in question).
1/27/2020 4:04:05 PM User Event 10 Block [AC1-1.1] List all applications you want to block below, by clicking the Add button. - Target MD5=d028f52957a8759ccbe6845e79090898 - Target Arguments="host start --port 7071 --pause-on-error" Create Process 0 1/27/2020 4:03:04 PM 1/27/2020 4:03:04 PM Block applications from running | [AC1-1.1] Block these applications 16776 C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\AzureFunctionsTools\Releases\2.43.0\cli_x64\func.exe 200704 Bytes Alert
Once my security team updated the policy, the azure function ran perfectly!
Finally after two days of struggle I got the answer. The Azure core Tools emulator "func.exe" is located in AzureFunctionstools folder which is located in appdata.
Appdata folder is the place for all the applications to install their configrations and helping component like .dlls or so. And, thus Appdata is an important folder which is hidden by default.
In many case changing the visibility of appdata folder from hidden to visible resolves the problem.
I tried to execute a sample exe from inside and outside of appdata folder and the sample exe was not accessible when it was inside appdata. Same scenario happens with "func.exe", it was executing outside of appdata folder. It was a clear indication that something is restricting access. and only an antivirus would do that.
I make changes in the antivirus policy (added the path in Exception) and it started working.
Here are the screenshots for reference:
As a solution: you can perform the following:
Make the appdata visibility from hidden to visible. or,
Right click on the folder, PRoperties > Security and provide the full access rights to the user. or,
Disable the antivirus and retry, it should work. If it is then add the folder path or the application name "func.exe" as an Exception.
One more solution that I figured out today especially when the antivirus is in client mode and linked with its server for policy.
4. You need to whitelist the path in the server policy and after 5 minutes say, Update the Antivirus, restart the Visual Studio and its done.
Same error I also faced due to anti-virus but can't modify anti-virus since it can be changed by IT Security/networking team and process is time-taking & long process. Another workaround is :
Install azure-functions-core-tools via npm
npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools#3
Change Executable & Working Directory in Debug settings for azure Project settings
Working Directory : C:\<Project path>\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1
Executable : C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\azure-functions-core-tools\bin\func.exe

ClickOnce Excel VSTO Installation Error - Access Is Denied

I have an VSTO Excel document-based solution that I am deploying using ClickOnce to utilize automatic updates. The code is signed by our internal certificate authority which all machines on our intranet accept. I am running into an installation error for a select few users (most users can install/update from our website that is serving the .XLSX (and related files)) with no issues but I have a few users running into the exact same error.
We are running into the following error regardless if I set it to install from the web or a local folder after you click 'Install':
Downloading file:///C:/Users/tharvey/Desktop/OTISOppUpdatePublisher/Application Files/OTISOppUpdatePublisher - Test_1_0_5_0/libs/Telerik.WinControls.dll.deploy did not succeed.
Further exception details:
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Users\tharvey\AppData\Local\Temp\1\Deployment\WNMBVH0B.1WD\M89GBL6B.GDM\libs\Telerik.WinControls.dll' is denied.
All clients are using Windows 7/Office 2010 with a typical non-admin user account. I have had them try using an admin account, but it does not make a difference. We run into the same error. I have looked at the user's Trust Center settings in Excel and verified the install location is in the Trusted Location (in most cases, the user's desktop).
Any ideas or have you seen this before? I have searched for this error but nothing has helped yet. What I have found is errors configuration errors with IIS and other publishing issues (which I don't think would be the case as most of our users have no issues) and as such, nothing has helped so far.
