Passwords Generator, problem writing it to a file - python-3.x

i was doing a password generator. And i wanted to write all the passwords to a file. But it only write one line, even though i used the method .writelines().
Python File:
import random
lower = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
num = "0123456789"
lenght = 24
all = lower+upper+num
pwd = "".join(random.sample(all,lenght))
for i in range(0,100):
with open("pwd.txt","w+") as f:

To generate 100 different passwords and add them to the file pwd.txt, I made a few changes to your code. I put the variable pwd inside your for loop, to generate 100 different passwords. Then, to avoid redefining the variable f 100 times, I put that before the for loop. Also, when writing to the file, I included a newline, so that each password would be written to a new line. Here is the resulting code I produced. Tell me if you need anything else.
import random
lower = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
num = "0123456789"
length = 24
all = lower+upper+num
with open("pwd.txt", "w+") as f:
for i in range(0, 100):
pwd = "".join(random.sample(all, length))
f.write(pwd + "\n")
If you were trying to rewrite the same password 100 times to the file pwd.txt, my answer needs some editing. I wasn't sure if that was actually what you wanted. If that case, here would be the edited code:
import random
lower = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
num = "0123456789"
length = 24
all = lower+upper+num
pwd = "".join(random.sample(all, length))
with open("pwd.txt", "w+") as f:
for i in range(0, 100):
f.write(pwd + "\n")

I'd advise you to use string module to get the ascii letters and numbers, using string.ascii_letters and string.digits.
This way you'd get a function get_pass, like so:
import string
import random
def get_pass(length):
return ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, length))
Then, as you're not actually writing a ton of data, but a small set, you can use a list comprehension and use writelines() over it, just two lines of code.
Be careful, as this pre-loads all the passwords in memory before writing the file, so if you use it for a huge number of passwords it'll lead to memory usage issues.
with open('pwd.txt', 'w') as fop:
fop.writelines([f'{p}\n' for p in (get_pass(24) for _ in range(100))])
And you'll end up with a file like:
... up until 100 lines


How do I count all occurrences of a phrase in a text file using regular expressions?

I am reading in multiple files from a directory and attempting to find how many times a specific phrase (in this instance "at least") occurs in each file (not just that it occurs, but how many times in each text file it occurs) My code is as follows
import glob
import os
path = 'D:/Test'
k = 0
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.txt')):
if filename.endswith('.txt'):
f = open(filename)
data =
S = re.findall(r' at least ', data, re.MULTILINE)
count = []
if S == True:
for S in data:
k= k + 1
print("'{}' match".format(filename), count)
print("'{}' no match".format(filename))
print("Total number of matches", k)
At this moment I get no matches at all. I can count whether or not there is an occurrence of the phrase but am not sure why I can't get a count of all occurrences in each text file.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can get rid of the regex entirely, the count-method of string objects is enough, much of the other code can be simplified as well.
You're also not changing data to lower case, just printing the string as lower case, note how I use data = data.lower() to actually change the variable.
Try this code:
import glob
import os
path = 'c:\script\lab\Tests'
k = 0
substring = ' at least '
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.txt')):
if filename.endswith('.txt'):
f = open(filename)
data =
data = data.lower()
S= data.count(substring)
if S:
k= k + 1
print("'{}' match".format(filename), S)
print("'{}' no match".format(filename))
print("Total number of matches", k)
If anything is unclear feel free to ask!
You make multiple mistakes in your code. data.split() and data.lower() have no effect at all, since the both do not modifiy data but return a modified version. However, you don't assign the return value to anything, so it is lost.
Also, you should always close a resource (e.g. a file) when you don't need it anymore.
Also, you append every string you find using to a list S, which you dont use for anything anymore. It would also be pointless, because it would just contain the string you are looking for x amount of time. You can just take the list that is returned by and comupute its length. This gives you the number of times it occurs in the text. Then you just increase your counter variable k by that amount and move on to the next file. You can still have your print statements by simply printing the temporary num_found variable.
import re
import glob
import os
path = 'D:/Test'
k = 0
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.txt')):
if filename.endswith('.txt'):
f = open(filename)
text =
num_found = len(re.findall(r' at least ', data, re.MULTILINE))
k += num_found

Sorting sentences of text file by users input

My code is sorting the sentences of file based on a length of the sentences by their length and saving to a new file.
How can I alter my code so that if the user inputs any number at program start, we filter the lines based on that input.
Example: The user inputs 50 - the program will sort all sentences that have a greater length than 50 or if the user inputs all then the program will sort all lines as normal.
My code:
file = open("testing_for_tools.txt", "r")
lines_ = file.readlines()
user_input = input("enter")
if user_input is int:
lines = sorted(lines_, key=len)
lines = sorted(lines_, key=len)
# lines.sort()
file_out = open('testing_for_tools_sorted.txt', 'w')
file_out.write(''.join(lines)) # Write a sequence of strings to a file
input returns a string, always, if you want an integer or somesuch you need to parse it explicitely, you will never get an integer out of input.
is is not a type-testing primitive in python, it's an identity primitive. It checks if the left and right are the same object and that's it.
filter is what you're looking for here, or a list comprehension: if the user provided an input and that input is a valid integer, you want to filter the lines to only those above the specified length. This is a separate step from sorting.
That aside,
you should use with to manage files unless there are specific reasons that you shan't or can't
files have a writelines method which should be more efficient than writing joined lines
never ever open files in text mode without providing an encoding, otherwise Python asks the system for an encoding and it's easy for that system to be misconfigured or oddly configured leading to garbage inputs
with open("testing_for_tools.txt", "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
lines_ = file.readlines()
user_input = input("enter")
if user_input:
limit = int(user_input.strip())
except ValueError:
lines_ = (l for l in lines_ if len(l) >= limit)
lines = sorted(lines_, key=len)
with open('testing_for_tools_sorted.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
#Black Snow
I don't have anything else to answer if its working as expected.
This is a rather long answer:
idx_to_sort = [True if len(i)>int(user_input) else False for i in lines_]
lines_to_sort = []
for i in range(len(idx_to_sort)):
if idx_to_sort[i]:
lines = sorted(lines_to_sort, key=len)
for i in range(len(idx_to_sort)):
if idx_to_sort[i]:
lines_[i] = lines[counter]
counter += 1
The output would be different but not what you expected.

Scrambling a string in Python without using random.shuffle()

I'm trying to scramble a string, "string", without using random.shuffle(), but my code keeps producing output that has missing and repeating characters, e.g. gtrgtg, gnrtnn, etc. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
import random
s = "string"
for c in s:
if random.choice(s) not in new_s:
In its current state, your program checks whether the randomly chosen character is in a string. If it is, it doesn't do anything other than continuing the loop. Also since you don't assign random.choice(s) to a variable, you generate another character after you do the check.
A working version would be:
import random
s = "string"
new_s = []
for c in s:
char = random.choice(s) # assign it to a variable
while char in new_s: # until a new character comes, repeat the procedure
char = random.choice(s)
This generates strings like ngtsri, gsrnit, etc. Note that this won't work if you have duplicates in the original string.
The above code is highly inefficient. I only gave the correction assuming this was for learning purposes. Normally, if you want to repeatedly check if something is in a collection, that collection should be a set or a dictionary.
random.choice choses a random character out of string s, but doesn't remove it - so it's possible for the same character to be chosen multiple times, and for some characters to not be chosen at all.
import random
s = 'string'
new_s = []
# rather than choosing a character, chose an index, use it and slice it out
while s:
i = random.randint(0, len(s)-1)
s = s[:i] + s[i+1:]
# this is more elegant with lists:
s = list(s)
while s:
i = random.randint(0, len(s)-1)
Neither option is very efficient... but for efficiency, use random.shuffle. :)
Using while, you could loop through s until the length of new_s matches with that of s and the resultant string has non-repeating characters.
import random
s = "string"
new_s = '' # So you will not need ''.join() when you print this result
while len(new_s) != len(s):
char = random.choice(s)
if char not in new_s:
new_s += char
try this:
from random import randint
def shuffle(sr):
n = len(sr)
s = list(sr)
for i in range(n):
cur, idx = s[i], randint(0, n - 1)
s[i], s[idx] = s[idx], cur
return ''.join(s)

string to integer and formating code in python

I need to read from a file the number of times a letter v is mentioned. I actually know for a fact that if 'v' is in that sentence it will be the first thing to show up. The way I have it set up it goes and counts string by string and that is how it writes it, but I wan to just have one sentence mentioning the number of times 'v' is mentioned in the whole file.
f = open("triangle.txt", 'r') #opens the given name file to read input
fw = open("convert.txt",'w') #opens the given name file to write in
for line in f:
data = line.strip().split(" ")
vertices =(str(data.count('v')))
fw.write("Number of vertices = " + vertices +'\n')
I tried
vertices += int((str(data.count('v'))))
yet that keeps giving me an error message that I can't convert string to integer.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Firstly, if you want one sentence that mentions number of times 'v' is mentioned, simply write this line
fw.write("Number of vertices = " + vertices +'\n')
out of for loop. secondly,
will give you an int value as output, so you don't have to first convert it to string and then back to integer. here's the amended code;
f = open("triangle.txt", 'r') #opens the given name file to read input
fw = open("convert.txt",'w') #opens the given name file to write in
for line in f:
data = line.strip().split(" ")
vertices += ((data.count('v')))
fw.write("Number of vertices = " + str(vertices) +'\n')
Also, your code only counts 'v', if it is mentioned as an individual word in the sentence. to count the total number of times 'v' occurred, use what #bad_keypoints suggested.
If you simply want to know the number of times v was mentioned in the file, why don't you simple do this:
with open('file.dat', 'r+') as f:
v_count ='v')

Program won't print complete words just single letters

I'm using Python and am trying to make a small game for a college assignment. I am trying to print a randomly selected word from a few external text files (with harder words in each one) and have it displayed for 2 seconds, the word then disappears and the user has to spell it. At the moment my program just displays a random letter from the text file and no whole words.
print ("""Welcome to the Spelling Game
What difficulty do you want to play?
Easy, Medium or Hard?""")
strDifficulty = input().upper
if strDifficulty is ("EASY"):
with open ('EASY.txt', 'r') as f:
(chosen) = f.readlines()
if strDifficulty is ("MEDIUM"):
with open ('MEDIUM.txt', 'r') as f:
(chosen) = f.readlines()
if strDifficulty is ("HARD"):
with open ('HARD.txt', 'r') as f:
(chosen) = f.readlines()
import random
x = ('chosen')
print (random.choice (x))
There's multiple issues with your code why it would print out a single character:
strDifficulty = input().upper does not uppercase input from the command line. It will read something you type, which is a string (str in python) and assign the method upper of that string to strDifficulty. What you're likely looking for is strDifficulty = input().upper() (the extra parentheses will call the method upper, returning an uppercased version of what is read from standard in.
x = ('chosen') is assigning the string 'chosen' to x, not the value of the variable chosen. You might have meant x = chosen, assigning the value of chosen to x.
print (random.choice(x)) isn't far off, but will choose a random element from x. As x is always the string 'chosen', you'll likely get one of those letters. You could simply remove the line x = ('chosen') and call print(random.choice(chosen)).
There's plenty more to be said about your piece of code, but let's start here :)
I have made some modifications to your code.
print ("""Welcome to the Spelling Game
What difficulty do you want to play?
Easy, Medium or Hard?""")
strDifficulty = input().upper()
if strDifficulty=="EASY":
with open ('EASY.txt', 'r') as f:
chosen = f.readlines()
if strDifficulty=="MEDIUM":
with open ('MEDIUM.txt', 'r') as f:
chosen = f.readlines()
if strDifficulty=="HARD":
with open ('HARD.txt', 'r') as f:
chosen = f.readlines()
import random
print (random.choice (chosen))
