Storing a character in a memory location in Assembly Language - string

I am trying to write a program in Assembly Language where it will replace all the letter 'T' in the string STRVAR with 'U' and place the new string in OUTPUT. I figured that I should store each character one by one in OUTPUT throughout the loop process although after doing several trial and error with mov, I already ran out of ideas on how to store a character in a new memory location.
OUTPUT times 21 db 0
section .text
global CMAIN
;write your code here
lea esi, [STRVAR]
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, 0
cmp al, 'T'
inc esi
jmp L1
;store character here
inc esi
jmp L1
;store character here
inc esi
jmp L1
xor eax, eax

I followed the information shared by Jester and I finally get to have the program work based on what is stated in the specification. I realized I need to add section .data and introduced another point which in this case, lea edi, [OUTPUT] to store each character and use it to print a new string.
%include ""
section .data
OUTPUT times 21 db 0
section .text
global CMAIN
;write your code here
lea esi, [STRVAR]
lea edi, [OUTPUT]
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, 0
cmp al, 'T'
inc esi
inc edi
jmp L1
mov byte[edi], 'U'
inc esi
inc edi
jmp L1
mov byte[edi], al
inc esi
inc edi
jmp L1
mov byte [edi], 0
PRINT_DEC 1, [edi] ;check if the terminating 0 is also included
xor eax, eax


How would I concate 2 strings into a one in assembly? (NASM)

I have recently started learning assembly. I am trying to concate two 32 byte strings into a final one that is preallocated as 64 bytes.
section .data
string1 db "static string",0
section .bss
user_inputed_string resb 32
concated_string resb 64
I am trying to achieve the strings concated in a way the user inputted one goes first and the static one second: concated_string = user_inputed_string + string1
I have looked the internet for solutions and none even seems to be valid syntax for NASM.
First copy the user inputted string to the output buffer. I assume it is a zero-terminated string.
mov edi, concated_string ; Address of output buffer
mov esi, user_inputed_string ; Address of input buffer
mov al, [esi]
inc esi
mov [edi], al
inc edi
cmp al, 0
jne more1
Then copy the static string but do overwrite the terminating zero from the first copy:
dec edi ; Removes the zero
mov esi, string1
mov al, [esi]
inc esi
mov [edi], al
inc edi
cmp al, 0
jne more2 ; This zero needs to stay
You can replace mov al, [esi] inc esi by lodsb, and you can replace mov [edi], al inc edi by stosb.

String Reverse in FASM x86 architecture

I am making a program that reverses a given string from the user.
The problem that has appeared is that the program works well if the string is 5 bytes long but if the string is lower then the result doesn't appear when I execute it. The other problem is that if the string is more than 5 bytes long it reverses only the first five bytes.
Please keep in mind that I am new to assembly and this question may be basic but I would be grateful is someone tells me where the problem is.
Thank you to everyone, have a great day :)
P.S The file "training. inc" is a file that has "print_str, read_line" methods implemented.
entry start
include ""
section '.data' data readable writeable
enter_string db "Enter a string : ", 0
newline db 13,10,0
user_str db MAX_USER_STR dup(?), 0
section ".text" code readable executable
mov esi, enter_string
call print_str
mov edi, user_str
call read_line
call str_len
mov edx, MAX_USER_STR
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 0
mov esi, user_str
call print_str
mov esi, newline
call print_str
mov esi, user_str
for_loop :
push eax
mov al, byte[esi]
inc esi
inc ebx
call print_eax
cmp edx, ebx
jb clear_register
jmp for_loop
for_loop2 :
call print_eax
mov byte[esi], al
inc esi
inc ecx
pop eax
cmp ecx, edx
ja break_loop
jmp for_loop2
;mov edi, 0
mov esi, user_str
call print_str
push 0
call [ExitProcess]
clear_register :
mov esi, user_str
jmp for_loop2
str_len :
push ecx
sub ecx, ecx
mov ecx, -1
sub al, al
repne scasb
neg ecx
sub ecx, 1
mov eax, ecx
pop ecx
include ''
The name MAX_ already says it, but a buffer is to be defined according to the worst case scenario. If you want to be able to deal with strings that could be longer than 5 characters, then raise this value.
MAX_USER_STR = 256 ; A decent buffer
... if the string is lower then the result doesn't appear when I execute it.
The other problem is that if the string is more than 5 bytes long it reverses only the first five bytes.
That's because your code does not actually use the length of the string but rather the size of the smaller buffer. I hope you see that this should never happen, overflowing the buffer. Your code didn't complain too much since this buffer was the last item in the data section.
Your loops could use the true length if you write:
call str_len ; -> EAX
mov edx, eax
for_loop :
push eax
mov al, byte[esi]
If it's characters that you want to push, then I would expect the push eax to follow the load from the string!
Note that in a string-reversal, you never want to move the string terminator(s) to the front of the string.
This is your basic string reversal via the stack:
mov ecx, edx ; EDX has StrLen
mov esi, user_str
movzx eax, byte [esi]
inc esi
push eax
dec ecx
jnz loop1
mov esi, user_str
pop eax
mov [esi], al
inc esi
dec edx
jnz loop2

Reversing a string given by the user in Assembly Language

I am working on a program in Assembly Language right now where the user can input any word of their preference and then the program will reverse it. So, if the user inputs HELLO and the program will output OLLEH.
The algorithm I decided to implement was by first getting the length of the string and storing it in length. I will then use the length to traverse backward in the given string and store each character in a new memory location which is REVERSE. I tested my program several times but it only outputs one character. I tried several words and noticed that the character is always output is the second character of the string so I am unsure if it is able to reverse the word or not.
Did I miss anything or I implemented a code block incorrectly?
Note: The GET_STRING[end] 5 is used when I run the code in .exe format.
Below is the code I am currently working on:
%include ""
section .data
string dd 0x00
end dd 0x00
REVERSE dd 0x00
length db 0
section .text
global CMAIN
;write your code here
PRINT_STRING "Please enter a string: "
GET_STRING [string], 10
lea esi, [string]
lea edi, [REVERSE]
lea ecx, [length]
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, 0
inc esi
jmp L1
inc byte[length]
inc esi
jmp L1
;points to the current index of the string (i.e. if Hello,it will first point at 'o' which is 5
mov al, [ecx]
cmp cl, 0 ;checks if length == 0
dec ecx
jmp L2
mov byte[edi], al ;adds a character from [string]
dec ecx
jmp L2
GET_STRING[end], 5
xor eax, eax
If GET_STRING gives you a zero-terminated string then your L1 part will find the length of that string.
This is what remains after removing the redundant code:
lea esi, [string]
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, 0
inc byte [length]
inc esi
jmp L1
lea ecx, [length]
In the L2 part however
you are using the address of the length variable as if it were an address into the string itself!
you are checking for length == 0 from a register that you did not load with the length
At the start of part L2, the ESI register still points at the terminating zero. So you'll have to decrement first and then fetch and store the character.
Of course you can't copy any characters if the length variable contains 0. So check this condition first.
lea edi, [REVERSE]
mov cl, [length]
test cl, cl
dec esi ; Decrement
mov al, [esi] ; Fetch
mov [edi], al ; Store
inc edi
dec cl ; 1 more character done
jnz L2
mov [edi], cl ; CL=0 at this point, now zero-terminating the result
If you keep your current data definitions, then don't input more than 3 characters. A dword dd allows for just 3 characters and 1 terminating zero.
Alternatively widen your buffers:
string db 11 dup (0) ; GET_STRING [string], 10
end db 6 dup (0) ; GET_STRING [end], 5
REVERSE db 11 dup (0)
length db 0
Below is a version that doesn't use a memory-based length variable. The length of the string is stored in ECX.
lea edi, [REVERSE]
lea esi, [string]
mov al, [esi]
inc esi
cmp al, 0
jne L1
lea ecx, [esi - 1 - String]
jecxz DONE
; ESI points behind the terminating zero, the fetch uses a -2 offset (avoiding address stall)
mov al, [esi - 2] ; Fetch
mov [edi], al ; Store
dec esi
inc edi
dec ecx ; 1 more character done
jnz L2
mov [edi], cl ; CL=0 at this point, now zero-terminating the result

Disregard a strings' space characters in ASM

Trying to find the number of characters in a string and disregard all the " " space characters
I have a C++ portion that passes the strings to asm and here is my asm
works fine, only thing is that the space characters are being counted as well.
stringLength PROC PUBLIC
PUSH ebp ; save caller base pointer
MOV ebp, esp ; set our base pointer
SUB esp, (1 * 4) ; allocate uint32_t local vars
PUSH edi
PUSH esi
; end prologue
MOV esi, [ebp+8] ;gets the string
xor ebx, ebx
MOV al, [esi + ebx]
CMP al, 0 ;compare character of string with 0
JE FINALE ;if = to 0 go to end
INC ebx ;counter
CMP al, ' ' ;compare with sapce
JE SPACE ;go get rid of the space and keep going
INC al ;otherwise inc al to next character and repeat
DEC ebx ;get rid of the extra space
INC al
JMP COMPARE ;goes back to compare
MOV eax,ebx ; bring back the counter
ADD esp, (2 * 4) ; clear the stack
POP esi
POP edi
MOV esp, ebp ; deallocate locals
POP ebp ; restore caller base pointer
stringLength ENDP ; end the procedure
END stringLength
You are doing a lot of useless stuff and not doing anything to count ignoring the spaces.
You don't really need to setup a new stack frame, for such a simple routine you can do everything in clobbered registers, or at most save a few registers on the stack;
That inc al is pointless - you are incrementing the character value, just to discard it at the next loop iteration.
push fmt and then you clean the stack immediately? What sense does it make?
mov ebx, 0- nobody does that, the idiomatic way to zero a register is xor ebx,ebx (the instruction encoding is more compact);
cmp al, 0 given that you are only interested in equality, you can just do test al, al (more compact);
you read [ebp+12] but never actually use it - is that supposed to be an unused parameter?
As for the algorithm itself, you'll just have to keep a separate counter to count non-space characters; actually, you can just keep ebx for that, and increment directly esi to iterate over characters. For example:
xor ebx, ebx
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, ' '
jne nonspace
inc ebx
test al, al
inc esi
Now, this can be streamlined further exploiting the fact that the eax is going to be the return value, and that you can clobber freely ecx and edx, so:
stringLength PROC PUBLIC
mov ecx,[esp+4] ; get the string
xor eax,eax ; zero the counter
mov dl,[ecx] ; read character
cmp dl,' '
jne nospace
inc eax ; increase counter if it's a space
test dl,dl
jz end ; go to end if we reached the NUL
inc ecx ; next character
jmp compare
ret ; straight return, nothing else to do
stringLength ENDP ; end the procedure
edit: about the updated version
MOV al, [esi + ebx]
CMP al, 0
INC ebx
CMP al, " " ; I don't know what assembler you are using,
; but typically character values are in single quotes
INC al ; this makes no sense! you are incrementing
; the _character value_, not the position!
; it's going to be overwritten at the next iteration
INC eax ; you cannot use eax as a counter, you are already
; using it (al) as temporary store for the current
; character!
I think we need to use whole the eax register to compare values. In such manner:
; inlet data:
; eax - pointer to first byte of string
; edx - count of bytes in string
; ecx - result (number of non-space chars)
push esi
mov ecx, 0
mov esi, eax
##compare: cmp edx, 4
jl ##finalpass
mov eax, [esi]
xor eax, 20202020h ; 20h - space char
cmp al, 0
jz ##nextbyte0
inc ecx
##nextbyte0: cmp ah, 0
jz ##nextbyte1
inc ecx
##nextbyte1: shr eax, 16
cmp al, 0
jz ##nextbyte2
inc ecx
##nextbyte2: cmp ah, 0
jz ##nextbyte3
inc ecx
##nextbyte3: add esi, 4
sub edx, 4
jmp ##compare
##finalpass: and edx, edx
jz ##fine
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, 20h
jz ##nextbyte4
inc ecx
##nextbyte4: inc esi
dec edx
jmp ##finalpass
##fine: pop esi
; save the result data and restore stack

print string result in assembly

; multi-segment executable file template.
data segment
string db "THis is LuxUR in Summer."
stack segment
dw 128 dup(0)
code segment
; set segment registers:
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov bx, offset string
mov al, 0 ; lower letters in word
mov dl,0 ; maximum letters
mov cl, 41h ; from A-Z
mov ch, 5Ah
mov ah, [bx]
cmp ah, "."
je dot
cmp ah, " "
je empty
jne letters
cmp ah, cl
je uppercase
inc cl
cmp cl, ch
jne letters
mov cl, 61h ; a-z
mov ch, 7Ah
inc al
cmp dl,al
jl maksimum
inc bx
jmp check
mov dl, al
inc bx
jmp check
inc bx
jmp check
mov al, 0
inc bx
jmp check
My program count lowercases in a word in al. and then puts in dl. (maximum lowercases)
I have label which name is dot. there I have to put some instruction by which I can print my result:
Summer is the word with the most lower cases 5
I try few instructions to do that but it doesnt work.
If you're using Windows, the easiest way is to use DOS Interrupts. Specifically, try interrupt 09. This takes a string and outputs it to the standard output.
