Circumvent Argument list too long in script (for loop) - linux

I've seen a few answers regarding this, but as a newbie, I don't really understand how to implement that in my script.
it should be pretty easy (for those who can stuff like this)
I'm using a simple
for f in "/drive1/"images*.{jpg,png}; do
but this is simply overloading and giving me
Argument list too long
How is this easiest solved?

Argument list too long workaroud
Argument list length is something limited by your config.
getconf ARG_MAX
But after discuss around differences between bash specifics and system (os) limitations (see comments from that other guy), this question seem wrong:
Regarding discuss on comments, OP tried something like:
ls "/simple path"/image*.{jpg,png} | wc -l
bash: /bin/ls: Argument list too long
This happen because of OS limitation, not bash!!
But tested with OP code, this work finely
for file in ./"simple path"/image*.{jpg,png} ;do echo -n a;done | wc -c
printf "%c" ./"simple path"/image*.{jpg,png} | wc -c
Reduce line length by reducing fixed part:
First step: you could reduce argument length by:
cd "/drive1/"
ls images*.{jpg,png} | wc -l
But when number of file will grow, you'll be buggy again...
More general workaround:
find "/drive1/" -type f \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.png' \) -exec myscript {} +
If you want this to NOT be recursive, you may add -maxdepth as 1st option:
find "/drive1/" -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.png' \) \
-exec myscript {} +
There, myscript will by run with filenames as arguments. The command line for myscript is built up until it reaches a system-defined limit.
myscript /drive1/file1.jpg '/drive1/File Name2.png' /drive1/...
From man find:
-exec command {} +
This variant of the -exec action runs the specified command on
the selected files, but the command line is built by appending
each selected file name at the end; the total number of invoca‐
tions of the command will be much less than the number of
matched files. The command line is built in much the same way
that xargs builds its command lines. Only one instance of `{}'
Inscript sample
You could create your script like
target=( "/drive1" "/Drive 2/Pictures" )
[ "$1" = "--run" ] && exec find "${target[#]}" -type f \( -name '*.jpg' -o \
-name '*.png' \) -exec $0 {} +
for file ;do
echo Process "$file"
Then you have to run this with --run as argument.
work with any number of files! (Recursively! See maxdepth option)
permit many target
permit spaces and special characters in file and directrories names
you could run same script directly on files, without --run:
./myscript hello world 'hello world'
Process hello
Process world
Process hello world
Using pure bash
Using arrays, you could do things like:
allfiles=( "/drive 1"/images*.{jpg,png} )
[ -f "$allfiles" ] || { echo No file found.; exit ;}
echo Number of files: ${#allfiles[#]}
for file in "${allfiles[#]}";do
echo Process "$file"

There's also a while read loop:
find "/drive1/" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.png' \) |
while IFS= read -r file; do
or with zero terminated files:
find "/drive1/" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.png' \) -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do


BASH: Filter list of files by return value of another command

I have series of directories with (mostly) video files in them, say
I create a variable (video_dir) with the directory names (based on other parameters) and use that with find to generate the basic list. I then filter based on another variable (video_type) for file types (because there is sometimes non-video files in the dirs) piping it through egrep. Then I shuffle the list around and save it out to a file. That file is later used by mplayer to slideshow through the list.
I currently use the following command to accomplish that. I'm sure it's a horrible way to do it, but it works for me and it's quite fast even on big directories.
video_dir="/test1 /test2"
find ${video_dir} -type f |
egrep -i "${video_types}" |
shuf > "$TEMP_OUT"
I now would like to add the ability to filter out files based on the resolution height of the video file. I can get that from.
mediainfo --Output='Video;%Height%' filename
Which just returns a number. I have tried using the -exec functionality of find to run that command on each file.
find ${video_dir} -type f -exec mediainfo --Output='Video;%Height%' {} \;
but that just returns the list of heights, not the filenames and I can't figure out how to reject ones based on a comparison, like <480.
I could do a for next loop but that seems like a bad (slow) idea.
Using info from #mark-setchell I modified it to,
find ${video_dir} -type f \
-exec bash -c 'h=$(mediainfo --Output="Video;%Height%" "$1"); [[ $h -gt 480 ]]' _ {} \; -print
Which works.
You can replace your egrep with the following so you are still inside the find command (-iname is case insensitive and -o represents a logical OR):
find test1 test2 -type f \
\( -iname "*.mpg" -o -iname "*.avi" -o -iname "*.mpeg" \) \
The NEXT_BIT can then -exec bash and exit with status 0 or 1 depending on whether you want the current file included or excluded. So it will look like this:
-exec bash -c 'H=$(mediainfo -output ... "$1"); [ $H -lt 480 ] && exit 1; exit 0' _ {} \;
So, taking note of #tripleee advice in comments about superfluous exit statements, I get this:
find test1 test2 -type f \
\( -iname "*.mpg" -o -iname "*.avi" -o -iname "*.mpeg" \) \
-exec bash -c 'h=$(mediainfo ...options... "$1"); [ $h -lt 480 ]' _ {} \; -print
This Q&A was focused on one particular case, so the accepted answer is not as general as it could be.
If the list of files comes from find, one can use its filtering facilities, e.g. -exec:
find ${video_dir} -type f \
-exec COMMAND \; \
COMMAND is not enclosed in quotes -- find reads everything after -exec and up to a \;
find will expand {} to the current file name (including path -- you might find -execdir helpful, which will cd to the file's directory and replace {} with the leaf file name)
The exit code of COMMAND is treated as follows:
0 -> true
non-0 -> false
Note that you can build more complex expressions (e.g. -not -exec ...), which will be evaluated "from left to right, according to the rules of precedence ... -and is assumed where the operator is omitted." (per man find)
If the list of files comes from elsewhere (and is available on stdin), you can use xargs as follows (from
If xargs is map, what is filter? )
ls | xargs -I{} bash -c "COMMAND '{}' && echo '{}'"
Here is my solution.
shopt -s nullglob
video_dir=(/test1 /test2)
while IFS= read -rd '' file; do
if [[ $file = *.#(mpg|avi|mpeg|mp4) ]]; then
h=$(mediainfo --Output="Video;%Height%" "$file")
(( h >= 480 )) && echo "$file"
done < <(find "${video_dir[#]}" -type f -print0)
This solution you can process everything inside the while read loop.

Using 'find' to return filenames without extension

I have a directory (with subdirectories), of which I want to find all files that have a ".ipynb" extension. But I want the 'find' command to just return me these filenames without the extension.
I know the first part:
find . -type f -iname "*.ipynb" -print
But how do I then get the names without the "ipynb" extension?
Any replies greatly appreciated...
To return only filenames without the extension, try:
find . -type f -iname "*.ipynb" -execdir sh -c 'printf "%s\n" "${0%.*}"' {} ';'
or (omitting -type f from now on):
find "$PWD" -iname "*.ipynb" -execdir basename {} .ipynb ';'
find . -iname "*.ipynb" -exec basename {} .ipynb ';'
find . -iname "*.ipynb" | sed "s/.*\///; s/\.ipynb//"
however invoking basename on each file can be inefficient, so #CharlesDuffy suggestion is:
find . -iname '*.ipynb' -exec bash -c 'printf "%s\n" "${#%.*}"' _ {} +
find . -iname '*.ipynb' -execdir basename -s '.sh' {} +
Using + means that we're passing multiple files to each bash instance, so if the whole list fits into a single command line, we call bash only once.
To print full path and filename (without extension) in the same line, try:
find . -iname "*.ipynb" -exec sh -c 'printf "%s\n" "${0%.*}"' {} ';'
find "$PWD" -iname "*.ipynb" -print | grep -o "[^\.]\+"
To print full path and filename on separate lines:
find "$PWD" -iname "*.ipynb" -exec dirname "{}" ';' -exec basename "{}" .ipynb ';'
Here's a simple solution:
find . -type f -iname "*.ipynb" | sed 's/\.ipynb$//1'
I found this in a bash oneliner that simplifies the process without using find
for n in *.ipynb; do echo "${n%.ipynb}"; done
If you need to have the name with directory but without the extension :
find . -type f -iname "*.ipynb" -exec sh -c 'f=$(basename $1 .ipynb);d=$(dirname $1);echo "$d/$f"' sh {} \;
find . -type f -iname "*.ipynb" | grep -oP '.*(?=[.])'
The -o flag outputs only the matched part. The -P flag matches according to Perl regular expressions. This is necessary to make the lookahead (?=[.]) work.
Perl One Liner
what you want
find . | perl -a -F/ -lne 'print $F[-1] if /.*.ipynb/g'
Then not your code
what you do not want
find . | perl -a -F/ -lne 'print $F[-1] if !/.*.ipynb/g'
In Perl you need to put extra .. So your pattern would be .*.ipynb
If there's no occurrence of this ".ipynb" string on any file name other than a suffix, then you can try this simpler way using tr:
find . -type f -iname "*.ipynb" -print | tr -d ".ipbyn"
If you don't know that the extension is or there are multiple you could use this:
find . -type f -exec basename {} \;|perl -pe 's/(.*)\..*$/$1/;s{^.*/}{}'
and for a list of files with no duplicates (originally differing in path or extension)
find . -type f -exec basename {} \;|perl -pe 's/(.*)\..*$/$1/;s{^.*/}{}'|sort|uniq
Another easy way which uses basename is:
find . -type f -iname '*.ipynb' -exec basename -s '.ipynb' {} +
Using + will reduce the number of invocations of the command (manpage):
-exec command {} +
This variant of the -exec action runs the specified command on
the selected files, but the command line is built by appending
each selected file name at the end; the total number of
invocations of the command will be much less than the number
of matched files. The command line is built in much the same
way that xargs builds its command lines. Only one instance of
'{}' is allowed within the command, and (when find is being
invoked from a shell) it should be quoted (for example, '{}')
to protect it from interpretation by shells. The command is
executed in the starting directory. If any invocation with
the `+' form returns a non-zero value as exit status, then
find returns a non-zero exit status. If find encounters an
error, this can sometimes cause an immediate exit, so some
pending commands may not be run at all. For this reason -exec
my-command ... {} + -quit may not result in my-command
actually being run. This variant of -exec always returns
Using -s with basename runs accepts multiple filenames and removes a specified suffix (manpage):
-a, --multiple
support multiple arguments and treat each as a NAME
-s, --suffix=SUFFIX
remove a trailing SUFFIX; implies -a

/usr/bin/find: Argument list too long in for loop bash script

I have such a bash script. I want to gzip all .ppm files under a directory to another directory. For this reason I have written such a bash script:
cd /export/students/sait/12-may
for next_file in $(find . -type f ! -name *.ppm )
/bin/gzip -f -c $next_file > /export/students/sait/12-may-yedek/$next_file.gz
When I execute this script, I get such error:
/usr/bin/find: Argument list too long
How can I fix this problem?
Quote this part : *.ppm to prevent filename globbing, and also remove the ! as you want to find files with .ppm extension, not the other way around.
find . -type f -name '*.ppm'
Instead of running a loop you could do it with single find command which would provide white space safety:
find /export/students/sait/12-may -type f -name '*.ppm' -exec sh -c '/bin/gzip -f -c "$0" > "$0".gz' {} \;

How to pipe the results of 'find' to mv in Linux

How do I pipe the results of a 'find' (in Linux) to be moved to a different directory? This is what I have so far.
find ./ -name '*article*' | mv ../backup
but its not yet right (I get an error missing file argument, because I didn't specify a file, because I was trying to get it from the pipe)
find ./ -name '*article*' -exec mv {} ../backup \;
find ./ -name '*article*' | xargs -I '{}' mv {} ../backup
xargs is commonly used for this, and mv on Linux has a -t option to facilitate that.
find ./ -name '*article*' | xargs mv -t ../backup
If your find supports -exec ... \+ you could equivalently do
find ./ -name '*article*' -exec mv -t ../backup {} \+
The -t option is a GNU extension, so it is not portable to systems which do not have GNU coreutils (though every proper Linux I have seen has that, with the possible exception of Busybox). For complete POSIX portability, it's of course possible to roll your own replacement, maybe something like
find ./ -name '*article*' -exec sh -c 'mv "$#" "$0"' ../backup {} \+
where we shamelessly abuse the convenient fact that the first argument after sh -c 'commands' ends up as the "script name" parameter in $0 so that we don't even need to shift it.
Probably see also
I found this really useful having thousands of files in one folder:
ls -U | head -10000 | egrep '\.png$' | xargs -I '{}' mv {} ./png
To move all pngs in first 10000 files to subfolder png
mv $(find . -name '*article*') ../backup
Here are a few solutions.
find . -type f -newermt "2019-01-01" ! -newermt "2019-05-01" \
-exec mv {} path \;**
find path -type f -newermt "2019-01-01" ! -newermt "2019-05-01" \
-exec mv {} path \;
find /Directory/filebox/ -type f -newermt "2019-01-01" \
! -newermt "2019-05-01" -exec mv {} ../filemove/ \;
The backslash + newline is just for legibility; you can equivalently use a single long line.
xargs is your buddy here (When you have multiple actions to take)!
And using it the way I have shown will give great control to you as well.
find ./ -name '*article*' | xargs -n1 sh -c "mv {} <path/to/target/directory>"
Number of lines to consider for each operation ahead
sh -c
The shell command to execute giving it the lines as per previous condition
"mv {} /target/path"
The move command will take two arguments-
1) The line(s) from operation 1, i.e. {}, value substitutes automatically
2) The target path for move command, as specified
Note: the "Double Quotes" are specified to allow any number of spaces or arguments for the shell command which receives arguments from xargs

Run command from variables in shell script

I wrote this piece of code to scan a directory for files newer than a reference file while excluding specific subdirectories.
fileDate=$(date +%Y%m%d)
excludedDirs=('./foo/bar' './foo/baz' './bar/baz')
for (( i=0; i < $excludedDirsNum; i++)); do
myExcludes=${myExcludes}" ! -wholename '"${excludedDirs[${i}]}"*'"
find ./*/ -type f -newer $dateMarker $myExcludes > ${fileDate}.changed.files
However the excludes are just being ignored. When I "echo $myExcludes" it looks just fine and furthermore the script behaves just as intended if I replace "$myExcludes" in the last line with the output of the echo command. I guess it's some kind of quoting/escaping error, but I haven't been able to eliminate it.
Seems to be a quoting problem, try using arrays:
fileDate=$(date +%Y%m%d)
excludedDirs=('./foo/bar' './foo/baz' './bar/baz')
args=(find ./*/ -type f -newer "$dateMarker")
for dir in "${excludedDirs[#]}"
args+=('!' -wholename "$dir")
"${args[#]}" > "$fileDate.changed.files"
Maybe you also need -prune:
args=(find ./*/)
for dir in "${excludedDirs[#]}"
args+=('(' -wholename "$dir" -prune ')' -o)
args+=('(' -type f -newer "$dateMarker" -print ')')
you need the myExcludes to evaluate to something like this:
\( -name foo/bar -o -name foo/baz -o -name bar/baz \)
