How should I do that the two receiving processes not to be twice in a row in Promela model? - model-checking

I am a beginner in the spin. I am trying that the model runs the two receiving processes (function called consumer in the model) alternatively, ie. (consumer 1, consumer 2, consumer 1, consumer 2,...). But when I run this code, my output for 2 consumer processes are showing randomly. Can someone help me?
This is my code I am struggling with.
mtype = {P, C};
mtype turn = P;
chan ch1 = [1] of {bit};
byte current_consumer = 1;
byte previous_consumer;
active [2] proctype Producer()
bit a = 0;
:: atomic {
turn == P ->
ch1 ! a;
printf("The producer %d --> sent %d!\n", _pid, a);
a = 1 - a;
turn = C;
active [2] proctype Consumer()
bit b;
:: atomic{
turn == C ->
current_consumer = _pid;
ch1 ? b;
printf("The consumer %d --> received %d!\n\n", _pid, b);
assert(current_consumer == _pid);
turn = P;
Sample out is as photo

First of all, let me draw your attention to this excerpt of atomic's documentation:
If any statement within the atomic sequence blocks, atomicity is lost, and other processes are then allowed to start executing statements. When the blocked statement becomes executable again, the execution of the atomic sequence can be resumed at any time, but not necessarily immediately. Before the process can resume the atomic execution of the remainder of the sequence, the process must first compete with all other active processes in the system to regain control, that is, it must first be scheduled for execution.
In your model, this is currently not causing any problem because ch1 is a buffered channel (i.e. it has size >= 1). However, any small change in the model could break this invariant.
From the comments, I understand that your goal is to alternate consumers, but you don't really care which producer is sending the data.
To be honest, your model already contains two examples of how processes can alternate with one another:
The Producer/Consumers alternate one another via turn, by assigning a different value each time
The Producer/Consumers alternate one another also via ch1, since this has size 1
However, both approaches are alternating Producer/Consumers rather than Consumers themselves.
One approach I like is message filtering with eval (see docs): each Consumer knows its own id, waits for a token with its own id in a separate channel, and only when that is available it starts doing some work.
byte current_consumer;
chan prod2cons = [1] of { bit };
chan cons = [1] of { byte };
proctype Producer(byte id; byte total)
bit a = 0;
:: true ->
// atomic is only for printing purposes
atomic {
prod2cons ! a;
printf("The producer %d --> sent %d\n", id, a);
a = 1 - a;
proctype Consumer(byte id; byte total)
bit b;
:: cons?eval(id) ->
current_consumer = id;
atomic {
prod2cons ? b;
printf("The consumer %d --> received %d\n\n", id, b);
assert(current_consumer == id);
// yield turn to the next Consumer
cons ! ((id + 1) % total)
init {
run Producer(0, 2);
run Producer(1, 2);
run Consumer(0, 2);
run Consumer(1, 2);
// First consumer is 0
This model, briefly:
Producers/Consumers alternate via prod2cons, a channel of size 1. This enforces the following behavior: after some producers created a message some consumer must consume it.
Consumers alternate via cons, a channel of size 1 containing a token value indicating which consumer is currently allowed to perform some work. All consumers peek on the contents of cons, but only the one with a matching id is allowed to consume the token and move on. At the end of its turn, the consumer creates a new token with the next id in the chain. Consumers alternate in a round robin fashion.
The output is:
The producer 0 --> sent 0
The consumer 1 --> received 0
The producer 1 --> sent 1
The consumer 0 --> received 1
The producer 1 --> sent 0
The consumer 1 --> received 0
The producer 0 --> sent 0
The consumer 1 --> received 0
The producer 0 --> sent 1
The consumer 0 --> received 1
The producer 0 --> sent 0
The consumer 1 --> received 0
The producer 0 --> sent 1
The consumer 0 --> received 1
Notice that producers do not necessarily alternate with one another, whereas consumers do -- as requested.


SPIN program using channels - verification gives "missing pars in receive" error though simulation works fine

I have a program that uses channels for inter-process messaging.It is driving me nuts.
When I run my program by typing:
spin ipc_verify.pml
It works fine (shown by the prints in my program) and exits gracefully as designed.
However, when I try to verify by doing the following:
spin -a ipc-verify.pml
gcc -DVECTORSZ=4096 -DVERBOSE -o pan pan.c
It fails in the first statement in the server where the server is trying to read on the channel, with the error:
pan:1: missing pars in receive (at depth 20)
It seems like I am missing something very simple, but can't put my finger on it. I am new to Spin, doing it as part of my coursework, so please pardon if it is a simple, silly question.
Here is a brief description of the program:
The program starts 3 processes - 1 server and 2 clients. Client sends a number to the server, which responds with the square of the number. There is a request channel on which every client send its request (message has the client id using which server knows which client to respond to), and a response channel on which server sends the response to the clients. Clients use random receive on the channel to find the message for their id.
The code line where I believe it fails is this
:: ch_clientrequest ? msgtype, client_id, client_request ->
I actually have a bigger program that exhibits this behavior so I tried to reproduce it in this program. I read through various ways of seeing more data about from spin about this error, and also googled around. Also tried changing the message structure, more fields, less fields, not doing random receive but regular receive, etc. Nothing seems to change this error!
Here is the full error trace from running ./pan:
pan:1: missing pars in receive (at depth 20)
pan: wrote ipc-verify.pml.trail
(Spin Version 6.5.1 -- 20 December 2019)
Warning: Search not completed
+ Partial Order Reduction
+ FullStack Matching
Full statespace search for:
never claim - (none specified)
assertion violations +
acceptance cycles - (not selected)
invalid end states +
State-vector 2104 byte, depth reached 20, errors: 1
21 states, stored
0 states, matched
0 matches within stack
21 transitions (= stored+matched)
0 atomic steps
hash conflicts: 0 (resolved)
stackframes: 0/0
stats: fa 0, fh 0, zh 0, zn 0 - check 0 holds 0
stack stats: puts 0, probes 0, zaps 0
Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
0.043 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
1.164 actual memory usage for states
128.000 memory used for hash table (-w24)
0.534 memory used for DFS stack (-m10000)
129.315 total actual memory usage
I have tried to look for what this message at run-time in verification means, but couldn't find much. Based on various experimentation of code, it seems that the verifier thinks that the message I am trying to receive is supposed to have more parameters than what I am trying to read for. I tried to see if it is reacting to the actual message received and maybe that has less fields, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I have been banging my head on this for full day today, with no leads. Any pointers or ideas to solve this would be very appreciated.
I am running this on my linux box, Spin 6.5.
One hub controller (server), 8 clients.
Each client sends a message to the hub, hub responds with the message it received.
#define N 2 // Number of clients
#define MQLENGTH 100
typedef ClientRequest {
byte num;
typedef HubResponse {
bool isNull; // To indicate whether there is data or not. Set True for START and STOP messages
int id;
byte num;
int sqnum;
typedef IdList {
byte ids[N]; // Use to store the ids assigned to each client process
IdList idlist;
chan ch_clientrequest = [MQLENGTH] of {mtype, byte, ClientRequest} // Hub listens to this
chan ch_hubresponse = [MQLENGTH] of {mtype, byte, HubResponse} // Clients read from this
int message_served = 0
proctype Client(byte id) {
// A client reads the message and responds to it
mtype msgtype
HubResponse hub_response
ClientRequest client_request
:: ch_hubresponse ?? msgtype, eval(id), hub_response ->
printf("\nClient Id: %d, Received - MsgType: %e", id, msgtype)
:: (msgtype == COMPUTE_RESPONSE) ->
// print the message
printf("\nClient Id: %d, Received - num = %d, sqnum = %d", id, hub_response.num, hub_response.sqnum)
// send another message. new num = sqnum
client_request.num = hub_response.sqnum % 256// To keep it as byte
:: (client_request.num < 2) ->
client_request.num = 2
:: else ->
ch_clientrequest ! COMPUTE_REQUEST(id, client_request)
printf("\nClient Id: %d, Sent - num = %d", id, client_request.num)
:: (msgtype == STOP_CLIENT) ->
// break from the do loop
:: (msgtype == START_CLIENT) ->
client_request.num = id // Start with num = id
ch_clientrequest ! COMPUTE_REQUEST(id, client_request)
printf("\nClient Id: %d, Sent - num = %d", id, client_request.num)
printf("\nClient exiting. Id = %d", id)
proctype Hub() {
// Hub sends a start message to each client, and then keeps responding to what it receives
HubResponse hr
ClientRequest client_request
mtype msgtype
byte client_id
int i
byte num
for (i: 0 .. ( N - 1) ) {
// Send a start message
hr.isNull = true
ch_hubresponse ! START_CLIENT(idlist.ids[i], hr) // Send a start message
// All of the clients have been started. Now wait for the message and respond appropriately
:: ch_clientrequest ? msgtype, client_id, client_request ->
printf("\nHub Controller. Received - MsgType: %e", msgtype)
:: (msgtype == COMPUTE_REQUEST) ->
// handle the message
num = client_request.num
hr.isNull = false = client_id
hr.num = num
hr.sqnum = num * num
ch_hubresponse ! COMPUTE_RESPONSE(client_id, hr) // Send a response message
message_served ++
:: (msgtype == STOP_HUB) ->
// break from the do loop, send stop message to all clients, and exit
// loop through the ids and send stop message
for (i: 0 .. ( N - 1) ) {
// Send a start message
hr.isNull = true
ch_hubresponse ! STOP_CLIENT(idlist.ids[i], hr) // Send a start message
printf("\nServer exiting.")
active proctype Main() {
// Start the clients and give them an id to use
ClientRequest c
pid n;
n = _nr_pr;
byte i
for (i: 1.. N ) {
run Client(i)
idlist.ids[i-1] = i
// Start the hub and give it the list of ids
run Hub()
// Send a message to Hub to stop serving
(message_served >= 100);
ch_clientrequest ! STOP_HUB(0, c)
// Wait for all processes to exit
(n == _nr_pr);
printf("\nAll processes have exited!")

Is it possible to block on wait on a semaphore without using the data when it's available?

The software I'm working on is a data analyzer with a sliding window. I have 2 threads, one producer and one consumer, that use a circular buffer.
The consumer must process data only if the first element in the buffer is old enough, therefore there are at least X elements in the buffer. But after the processing, only X/4 data can be deleted, because of the moving window.
My solution below works quite well, except that I have a trade-off between being fast (busy form of waiting in the check), or being efficient (sleep for some time). The problem is that the sleep time varies according to load, thread scheduling and elaboration complexity, so I can potentially slow down the performances.
Is there a way to poll a semaphore to check if there are at least X elements, blocking the thread otherwise, but acquiring only X/4 after the processing has been done? The tryAcquire option does not work because when it wakes the thread consumes all the data, and not one half.
I've thought about copyng the elements in a second buffer, but actually there are 7 circular buffers of big data, therefore I'd like to avoid data duplication, or even data moving.
//common structs
QSemaphore written;
QSemaphore free;
int writtenIndex = 0;
int readIndex = 0;
myCircularBuffer buf;
bool scan = true;
void produceData(data d)
while ( free.tryAcquire(1, 1000) == false && scan == true)
//avoid deadlock!
//once per second give up waiting and check if closing
if (scan == false) return; = d;
writtenIndex = (writtenIndex+1) % bufferSize;
void consumeData()
//here goes the problem: usleep (slow), sched_yield (B.F.O.W.) or what?
if ( - < X)
//usleep(100); ? how much time?
//sched_yield(); ?
//tryAcquire not an option!
readIndex = (readIndex + X/4) % bufferSize;

C# - Matrix Printing Incorrectly on a Separate Thread

I'm currently making a Console Application game, and am working on the multiplayer version.
When I am receiving packets, I create a new thread to handle the packets, in order to return to the ReceiveFrom command as soon as possible.
The newly created thread should reprint the whole Matrix, using the new information it got regarding the changes in the matrix (it should print the Matrix with updated player positions).
The problem is, when the Print method is called on the new thread, it is badly performed. It prints the matrix very inaccurately, and many characters of the matrix are just in a mess on the Console Screen.
Here are the methods:
void Receive()
while (true)
byte[] msg = new byte[1024];
Thread handle = new Thread(() => HandleInput(msg));
void HandleInput(byte[] msgX)
string data = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msgX);
data = data.Replace("\0", "");
if (data.Contains('*') || data.Contains('\0') || data.Contains(' ')) // Move Packet (moving objects in a matrice)
// for example, a move packet can be: '*'!12!10
char ToMove = char.Parse(data.Split('!')[0]);
int X = int.Parse(data.Split('!')[1]);
int Y = int.Parse(data.Split('!')[2]);
grid[X, Y] = ToMove;
void Print() // print a 20x50 matrix
for (int y = 0; y < 52; y++)
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
for (int x = 0; x < 52; x++)
But, when I tried to treat the input and print the matrix on the same thread of the Receive method, it worked fine. The problem printing it only came when I printed the matrix on a separate thread.
So why does this happen? Why can't a separate thread just print the matrix correctly?
You create a new thread for every received kilobyte, but those threads are not guaranteed to start running in sequence, to wait one another, nor to finish running in sequence.
There is also no guarantee that network client will receive all needed bytes in one call of Receive method. It may happen in one, but it may happen in several calls. It may also happen that two Send methods from the other side of the connection are merged into one message. All that is guaranteed in network communication is the ordering of the bytes in the stream, and nothing else.
Your next question will probably be "so how do I make it work"? I can't do the job for you, but this is in general how I would do it:
Read chunk of bytes from the stream and store it in some buffer.
Check in the loop for existence of a complete message in the buffer. If there is such a message remove that message from the buffer, and process the message. I would process it in the same thread, and only if there are problems with that approach I would consider additional threads (or rather just one additional thread to whom I would be sending all the messages).
Repeat the loop until all complete messages are removed from the buffer, and continue reading the stream.

Several producers, one consumer: Avoid starvation

Given an instance of the producer-consumer problem, where several producers send messages to a single consumer: What techniques do you recommend to avoid starvation of producers, when some of the messages arrive "at the same time" to the consumer. Until now I am considering:
Choosing "non-deterministically" by sampling some probability distribution (not sure how, considering that a different number of messages are arrived at different time stamps).
Using some counters and put a producer to sleep for a while after it has send n messages.
If you can have a priority queue I think each producer can have a message sent counter. And the queue will order based on the messageSent number and the date, such that a message should be sent before another message if its sent number is less then the other message.
In Java
class Message { //or you can implement Comparable<Message>
final Date created = new Date();
final int messageNumber;
public Message(int m ){this.messageNumber = m;}
BlockingQueue<Message> queue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<Message>(new Comparator(){
public int compare(Message m1, Message m2){
if(m1.messageNumber < m2.messageNumber) return 1;
if(m2.messageNumber < m1.messageNumber) return -1;
if(m1.messageNumber == m2.messageNumber) return m1.created.compareTo(m2.created);
class Provider{
int currentMessage = 0;
void send(){
queue.offer(new Message(currentMessage++));
So if Producer 1 adds 5 elements to the queue (first) and Producer 2 adds 1, the queue will have
P1: 5
P1: 4
P1: 3
P1: 2
P2: 1
P1: 1
One of the simplest and best way is to process the messages on the order of their arrival (a simple FIFO list would do the trick). it doesn't matter even if multiple messages come at the same time. By this way, none of the producers will be starved.
One thing I would make sure is the consumer consumes the messages more rapidly than the producers producing the messages. If not it might end up in producers waiting for the consumer and there won't be any advantage on having multiple producers for a single consumer.


I have just started learning multi-threading. I have written a simple application. The application creates three threads. Two threads write and one thread reads. The writer threads write to separate location in a global array. The writer thread after incrementing the value in the array notifies the reader. The reader thread then decrements that value in the array and waits again for the writer threads to update their corresponding value in the array. The code for the application is pasted below.
What I see is that the writer(Producer) threads get more time slice than the reader(Consumer) thread. I think I am doing something wrong. If the output of the application is redirected to a file, then it can be observed that there are more consecutive messages from the Producers and the messages from the Consumer occur infrequently. What I was expecting was that, when a Producer updates its data, the Consumer immediately processes it i.e. after every Producer message there should be a Consumer message printed.
Thanks and regards,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
const long g_lProducerCount = 2; /*Number of Producers*/
long g_lProducerIds[2]; /*Producer IDs = 0, 1...*/
long g_lDataArray[2]; /*Data[0] for Producer 0, Data[1] for Producer 1...*/
/*Producer ID that updated the Data. -1 = No update*/
long g_lChangedProducerId = -1;
pthread_cond_t g_CondVar = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t g_Mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_t g_iThreadIds[3]; /*3 = 2 Producers + 1 Consumer*/
unsigned char g_bExit = 0; /*Exit application? 0 = No*/
void* Producer(void *pvData)
long lProducerId = *(long*)pvData; /*ID of this Producer*/
while(0 == g_bExit) {
/*Tell the Consumer who's Data is updated*/
g_lChangedProducerId = lProducerId;
/*Update the Data i.e. Increment*/
printf("Producer: Data[%ld] = %ld\n",
lProducerId, g_lDataArray[lProducerId]);
void* Consumer(void *pvData)
while(0 == g_bExit) {
/*Wait until one of the Producers update it's Data*/
while(-1 == g_lChangedProducerId) {
pthread_cond_wait(&g_CondVar, &g_Mutex);
/*Revert the update done by the Producer*/
printf("Consumer: Data[%ld] = %ld\n",
g_lChangedProducerId, g_lDataArray[g_lChangedProducerId]);
g_lChangedProducerId = -1; /*Reset for next update*/
void CreateProducers()
long i;
pthread_attr_t attr;
for(i = 0; i < g_lProducerCount; ++i) {
g_lProducerIds[i] = i;
pthread_create(&g_iThreadIds[i + 1], &attr,
Producer, &g_lProducerIds[i]);
void CreateConsumer()
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_create(&g_iThreadIds[0], &attr, Consumer, NULL);
void WaitCompletion()
long i;
for(i = 0; i < g_lProducerCount + 1; ++i) {
pthread_join(g_iThreadIds[i], NULL);
int main()
g_bExit = 1;
return 0;
You would have to clarify what is it exactly that you want to achieve. For now the producers only increment an integer and the consumer decrements the value. This is not a very useful activity ;) I understand that this is only a test app, but still it is not clear enough what's the purpose of this processing, what are the constraints and so on.
The producers produce some 'items'. The outcome of this production is represented as an integer value. 0 means no items, 1 means there is a pending item, that consumer can take. Is that right? Now, is it possible for the producer to produce several items before any of them gets consumed (incrementing the array cell to a value higher than 1)? Or does he have to wait for the last item to be consumed before the next one can be put into the storage? Is the storage limited or unlimited? If it is limited then is the limit shared among all the producers or is it defined per producer?
What I was expecting was that, when a Producer updates its data,
the Consumer immediately processes it i.e. after every Producer
message there should be a Consumer message printed.
Though it's not really clear what you want to achieve I will hold on to that quote and assume the following: there is a limit of 1 item per producer and the producer has to wait for the consumer to empty the storage before a new item can be put in the cell i.e. the only allowed values in the g_lDataArray are 0 and 1.
To allow maximum concurrency between threads you will need a conditional variable/mutex pair for each cell of g_lDataArray (for each producer). You will also need a queue of updates that is a list of producers that have submitted their work and a conditional variable/mutex pair to guard it, this will replace g_lChangedProducerId which can only hold one value at a time.
Every time a producer wants to put an item into the storage it has to acquire the respective lock, check if the storage is empty (g_lDataArray[lProducerId] == 0), if not wait on the condition variable and then, increment the cell, release the held lock, acquire the consumer lock, add his id to the update queue, notify the consumer, release the consumer lock. Of course if the producer would perform any real computations producing some real item, this work should be performed out of the scope of any lock, before the attempt to put the item in the storage.
In pseudo code this looks like this:
// do some computations
item = compute();
lock (mutexes[producerId]) {
while (storage[producerId] != 0)
storage[producerId] = item;
lock (consumerMutex) {
The consumer should act as follows: acquire his lock, check if there are any pending updates to process, if not wait on the condition variable, take one update out of the queue (that is the number of the updating producer), acquire the lock for producer who's update is going to be processed, decrement the cell, notify the producer, release the producer's lock, release his lock, finally process the update.
lock (consumerMutex) {
while (queue.isEmpty())
producerId = queue.pop();
lock (mutexex[producerId]) {
item = storage[producerId];
storage[producerId] = 0;
//process the update
Hope this answer is what you needed.
The problem may be that all producers change g_lChangedProducerId, so the value written by one producer may be overwritten by another producer before the consumer sees it.
This means that the consumer effectively doesn't see that the first producer has produced some output.
Well,when you producer produced, it may wake up the ProThread or ConThread.
And If it waked up the ProThread,the producer produced again,and the ConThread didn't consume immediately after data is produced.
That's what you don't want to see.
All you need is to make sure that when it produced,it won't wake the ProThread up.
Here's one kind of solution for this
void* Producer(void *pvData)
//wait untill consumer consume its number
//here to inform the consumer it produced the data
g_lChangedProducerId = lProducerId;
void* Consumer(void *pvData)
g_lChangedProducerId = -1;
**//wake up the producer when it consume
