Complete requested API address list for Microsoft Azure Cognitive Service TTS API - azure

I am testing Azure TTS service and it is working well on my dev PC.
Now, I am test on a windows server in a secure data center.
However, it may not work because of company firewall system which blocks both inbound/outbound traffic.
So, I need complete API address list to open firewall.
I am using C# and Azure Cognitive Service Nuget package.
I initialize SDK using “SpeechConfig.FromSubscription(key, region)”.
I found that some related address in Azure API help page and Github sample as the followings for southeastasia;
Could you please let me know whether it is right?
Best regards.

Yea, that is right !
The endpoint is usually of the below type :
https://<REGION_IDENTIFIER> #for token
https://<REGION IDENTIFIER> #for other communication
Region Identifier is the region shortened.
The API reference for text to speech is detailed here.
Alternatively, if you are looking to allow all Azure cloud traffic. The below would be complete list. This would be the recommended approach (The below is Public Cloud, For US gov you could refer this).


How can I reduce network latency for using from recognizer

thanks for your time. I am using Azure form recognizer of Azure cognitive service. It works well for most of my users. However, for Chinese users, Azure China has not released this product.
So Chinese users must request the Azure global endpoint and the issue comes :
the latency is pretty high, sometimes , it comes out as 5000ms. So is there anyway to reduce the latency? Or any workaround ?
Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks !
As #GauravMantri recommended, you could host it in a region close to China.
If it still comes out as high latency, you can try this way that recommended by the Microsoft partner consultant:
Deploy an APIM service in Azure China.
Put your Azure global endpoint behind the APIM and expose APIs by APIM. Let your Chinese users access the Azure global endpoint via APIM could greatly reduce the network latency.
I have tried it before and it works for me.
There is an Azure Form Recognizer that runs in containers.
It is marked as "retiring". But maybe you could run it in AKS in China until Azure China has released this product.

What is the azure cognitive services speech to text webhook callback IPs to whitelist?

I need to use azure cognitive services (speech to text) behind a corporate firewall. The speech to text batch processing has a callback from azure notifying once the process is complete.
( - see webhookreceiver.cs
Does anyone know what azure cognitive services IP addresses that needs to be whitelisted on the corporate firewall so that i can receive the callback requests from cognitive services?
The response from the call has a resultsUrls array, which contains channel_1 and channel_0. These URL’s are accessible by anyone.
Also, the GET request from step (Make repeated GET to find out when the transcription is complete.) that retrieves the list of results is not secured, allowing with the subscription key to view them.
The URI’s / SAS exchanged are only known to you and the service. If those are not distributed further, no one else will have access.
We will have further options like VNET etc in the near future.

Question about Azure Load Balancer/Azure Traffic Manager

If one application have Azure serviceBus, EventHub in diff Azure Namesapces, web application and also other azure services (eg: cognitive services). can these be accessed with one URL by using Gateway or Load balancer or traffic manager or any other option ?
My problem is - if we have diff namesapces, we need to whitelist every time when there is new Namespaces and it could so too much of a work. so wondering if we can have one common DNS/URL that would make life easier.
Today, Service Bus and Event Hubs don't support any sort of network gateway. This is due to fact that namespace in the connection string used for authorization purpose at the service side.
To add a bit of context to Serkant's statement, support for this scenario is something that is on our roadmap, and hopefully in the near term. Unfortunately, I don't have a date to share currently. The work is being tracked [here] should you wish to keep an eye on it.

how to add azure blob storage endpoint to Traffic Manager [duplicate]

I have a simple bit of JSON from an Azure Traffic Manager request, so ideally it would be stored in a blob storage account that is marked with a public access policy to read the blob. When I attempt this - using external endpoint in ATM - I get a 400 HTTP response.
The endpoint shows online in the portal, which is interesting since issuing that URL through the browser also results in a 400 error. I have the health probe pointed at a public blob at the $root container.
My second attempt was to then try an Azure function as the endpoint, and in this case the health probe results in a 'stopped' state. From older articles it appeared this would be returned for a basic App service plan (this is a consumption plan), but I presume that's outdated at this point?
What's the resolution here? This shouldn't be this hard!
According to your description, I checked this issue on my side and I could encounter the same issue as you mentioned. Then I found issues about Traffic Manager and Blob Storage and Integration of Azure Functions with Traffic Manager.
Per my understanding, Traffic Manager does not support integration with Blob Storage, you could add your feature request here.
For integrating with Azure Functions, you need to make sure your Web Apps at the Standard SKU or above are eligible for use with Traffic Manager. For web apps below Standard SKU, you could leverage Azure Functions Proxies. Here are some references, you could refer to them:
Traffic Manager - Web Apps as endpoints
Azure Functions Traffic Manager

Can you use Traffic Manager with blob storage or Azure functions

I have a simple bit of JSON from an Azure Traffic Manager request, so ideally it would be stored in a blob storage account that is marked with a public access policy to read the blob. When I attempt this - using external endpoint in ATM - I get a 400 HTTP response.
The endpoint shows online in the portal, which is interesting since issuing that URL through the browser also results in a 400 error. I have the health probe pointed at a public blob at the $root container.
My second attempt was to then try an Azure function as the endpoint, and in this case the health probe results in a 'stopped' state. From older articles it appeared this would be returned for a basic App service plan (this is a consumption plan), but I presume that's outdated at this point?
What's the resolution here? This shouldn't be this hard!
According to your description, I checked this issue on my side and I could encounter the same issue as you mentioned. Then I found issues about Traffic Manager and Blob Storage and Integration of Azure Functions with Traffic Manager.
Per my understanding, Traffic Manager does not support integration with Blob Storage, you could add your feature request here.
For integrating with Azure Functions, you need to make sure your Web Apps at the Standard SKU or above are eligible for use with Traffic Manager. For web apps below Standard SKU, you could leverage Azure Functions Proxies. Here are some references, you could refer to them:
Traffic Manager - Web Apps as endpoints
Azure Functions Traffic Manager
