Alternative Button Combo for Alt + Tab in VMWare Horizon Client? - windows-10

I'm working remotely via a VMWare Horizon Client portal to access my Windows 10 desktop. I have zero admin rights to modify registries, install software, access the client's settings, etc. Is there another button combo that replicates the Alt+Tab function? It's driving me crazy popping back to my computer's active windows and not the windows within the client.

From the Horizon User Guide:
Enable the Windows key for remote desktops:
To enable this key, click the Open Settings Window toolbar button in the sidebar and turn on Enable Windows Key for Desktops
The actual instructions may vary depending on the client, but the setting should be there.
Important After you turn on Enable Windows Key for Desktops, you must press Ctrl+Win (on Windows), Ctrl+Command (on Mac), or Ctrl+Search (on Chromebook) to simulate pressing the Windows key
You should be able to use Windows + Tab to switch between programs after enabling the setting.
I am unable to test this solution.

Maybe you can pin functions to the taskbar and then win+digit. So you can pin many directories in this way and go exact one without sorting like ctrl+tab or win+tab.
for example win+8 -> open Chrome window or D disc

If you can run basic exe files inside the instance (that don't require any installation), then you could download AutoHotkey on your own computer, create an ahk script with the following line:
LCtrl & CapsLock::AltTabMenu
Save the file, then compile it to exe using Convert .ahk to .exe (you can find it in your Start Menu after installing AutoHotkey).
Now, assuming you can copy the compiled executable to your instance and run it, you can invoke the Alt-Tab Menu using Left Ctrl + CapsLock.
Note that you can use a different key combination is this one does not work for you. Here you can find the list of all keys.


Triggering Network Flyout/Toast UI via command in Windows 10

I'm looking for a way to trigger the WiFi menu shown on the taskbar (typically a black bar with available networks. NOT the Settings app). I've been looking for a command of sorts that could potentially be run through something like a batch file but have come up dry.
I have found lists of commands, like the one below, through which you could open the list of networks in the Settings app but unfortunately that's not what I'm after (I'd like to minimise the menu items an end user has access to):
I also realise this question is similar to this one however the user never got any answers other than a similar list to the one above which they provided themselves. I'm hoping new answers and functionality would be available a year on.
In case Windows handles this differently, I am trying to have the above set up on Windows 10 on a tablet device (Linx 1010).
Any ideas of existing workarounds for this?
EDIT: I've come across suggestions to run "explorer ms-availablenetworks:" (as shown here:, however this doesn't seem to be working on my machine. Instead I simply get a Windows Store popup saying "You'll need a new app to open this: ms-availablenetworks"
start ms-availablenetworks:
explorer.exe ms-availablenetworks:
Does work on normally operating good systems... If it doesn't for you something else is wrong or your not using regular windows 10 home/pro/ent
That is a very low end tablet with an Atom 64bit processor that comes with a 32bit OS. I would reinstall Windows 10 64bit on that and everything should work fine afterwards..

Starting vmware in headless mode

I have a centos vm and I was wondering if there is a way to turn that vm into headless mode.
I found this information on different site
If you want to run a headless VM under VMPlayer simply add the following to your vmware preferences file ($HOME/.vmware/preferences):
pref.vmplayer.exit.vmAction = "disconnect"
but I couldn't find the $HOME/.vmware/preferences directory.
Assuming your VM Host is Windows
Short answer:
Edit this file: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\VMWare\preferences.ini
Slightly longer answer:
If you haven't set Hidden Folders as visible in Windows File Explorer, you may have trouble finding the AppData folder.
To view Hidden Folders:
Open Windows Explorer (the folder icon)
Select the view tab
tick the box next to Hidden items
Add the new setting:
Shut down any running VMs and close VMWare Player
Open your home folder:
Press WINKEY + R
Type %HOMEPATH% in the box and hit [ENTER]
Open AppData -> Roaming -> VMware
If you're in the right place, you should see something like this
Right click preferences.ini and choose Edit
Add pref.vmplayer.exit.vmAction = "disconnect" on a new line at the bottom.
Save and close. Then start VMWare.
If everything went right, you should be able to close a running VM window and it will continue on in the background.
note: This didn't actually cause the intended effect for me under VMWare Player 15.5.1 - YMMV

What is the keyboard shortcut to switch between open applications inside Citrix?

I am using Citrix Access Gateway to connect to a Remote Desktop and I am not able to find a way to switch between open applications. When I press 'Alt + Tab' it comes out of the remote desktop. I mean, the whole remote desktop is getting considered as 1 open application.
Is there any other keyboard shortcut to switch between open applications inside Citrix?
Close Citrix Remote Desktop, if it is already running.
In our local machine, go to ‘Regedit’ and open ‘TransparentKeyPassthrough’. Set the value to ‘Remote’ and close.[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → Citrix → ICA Client → Engine → Lockdown Profiles → All Regions → Lockdown → Virtual Channels → Keyboard]
Login to the usual Citrix page. Before clicking on the ‘Remote Desktop’, check the ‘Preferences → Session Settings’. Choose ‘Fullscreen’ from dropdown.
Click ‘Remote Desktop’ now.
Login to the Remote Desktop
You should see a blue bar at the top.
If you don’t see it, press Ctrl + Alt + PAUSE. Now you should see the blue bar.
Try Alt + TAB, and you should be able to scroll through the open applications within remote desktop. Also, this enables you to save screenshots in the remote itself.
If you want to maximize the screen even more, Press Shift + F2.
To revert, you can press the same key combinations again.
Here is an article from Citrix support center on "Enable toggle between applications using Alt-Tab keys within a remote desktop session"
Launch Regedit.exe on the client device to edit the registry
For Windows 32-bit OS, navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICAClient\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Virtual Channels\Keyboard\
For Windows 64-bit OS, navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Virtual Channels\Keyboard\
In some cases configuring User based Setting also helps: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICAClient\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Virtual Channels\Keyboard\
Set the below Value.
Value Name TransparentKeyPassthrough
Value Type REG_SZ
Value Remote
Note: You have to exit Receiver and launch it again for this change to take effect.
Got it working. Just to clarify:
In the Registry Editor -
For 32-bit OS, Citrix is under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
For 64-bit OS, Citrix is under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\
However, I just changed it under HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and it worked.
Also, I chose "On the remote computer" from the "Keyboard" dropdown in the RDP Connection Local Resources tab.

Setting Programs on Redhat5 Startup

I have a Redhat 5 OS, a dual monitor setup, and two workspace. When the machine reboots, I want to set the following:
On workspace 1,
* run the thunderbird-client on the left monitor.
* run 3 terminal clients on the right monitor.
On workspace 2,
* run firefox on the right monitor.
Can someone point me as to where I can set these settings? I am sure there is a way since when my machine boots up, couple of terminal clients pops up, my irc chat client pops up as well. I do not know how I did this before.
You could try Devil's Pie (yum install devilspie)
It's a tool for creating rules that will bind specific actions to applications as they are launched (i.e. setting workspace, position, transparency, etc...).
I found some doc here: and here:
Of course, saving your workspace on logout can help too (System > Preferences > More Preferences > Sessions, then check "Automatically save changes to session").
Once you have setup your application rules, you could write a simple Bash script to start them all in sequence, and add that script to the Startup programs in the sessions preferences.

Is it possible for a team to use Eclipse installed on a shared network drive?

Our lead programmer likes to install tools on a shared network drive to minimize effort when updating. He recently installed Eclipse to the network drive, but when I run it, I get a window that says Workspace in use or cannot be created, choose a different one. After clicking OK, I get a window that gives me a drop down menu with only one item, the workspace on his machine. I can then browse to the workspace on my machine, click OK, and Eclipse continues to start up and run just fine. There's a check box in that second window that says Use this workspace as the default that I've checked after browsing and selecting my workspace, but the next time I start up Eclipse, it reverts back to the lead's workspace.
Are we violating some assumption that Eclipse makes about the install? We're on a Linux network, if it makes a difference.
Setup the shared eclipse such that it can not be modified by the users accessing it. This should (if I recall correctly) force eclipse into a "Shared User, Hands Off" mode and default to storing settings per user account.
Do not share Workspaces (or Projects) -- this will only break things horribly -- use a different strategy such as a proper revision control system.
Perhaps this documentation will be helpful.
"""The set up for this [shared] scenario requires making the install area read-only for regular users. When users start Eclipse, this causes the configuration area to automatically default to a directory under the user home dir. If this measure is not taken, all users will end up using the same location for their configuration area, which is not supported."""
I would try to run Eclipse locally as well as over the network. Using a shared network drive may make Eclipse more painful than it sometimes is. A development environment should work for the developer, even at the expense of a slightly more complicated setup.
Eclipse stores a lot of settings, including the workspace list, in it's installation directory (especially the "configuration" directory). It's hard to say how well sharing the installation will work, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a number of issues caused by "fighting" between Eclipse instances running on different developer's workstations.
To fix the particular issue you're having, you could set up a separate startup script that passes your workspace as a command-line argument to Eclipse, bypassing the workspace selection dialog you're seeing.
