I am trying to get user permissions for some folder (I don't know which one in advance) in sharepoint document library. I am using code like this:
var folder = context.Web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(relativeUrl);
ListItem listItem = folder.ListItemAllFields;
var permissions = listItem.GetUserEffectivePermissions(userLoginName);
This works for all folders except root folder of a document library. The exception says:
Cannot enable method or retrieve property from null object. The object
returned by the call stack below is null. ListItemAllFields
It seems like the root folder does not have a ListItem associated with it? How could I get those permissions for it then?
Thank you in advance.
SharePoint library Root Folder actually return null ListItem object.
Another way to get root folder permission is to get library permission directly, this is the same as Root Folder's:
Web web = context.Web;
List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Documents");
var permissons=list.GetUserEffectivePermissions("i:0#.f|membership|user#Tenant.onmicrosoft.com");
The API that I need from the sharePoint is mention below:-
How to get all groups a user is a member of
Inside library permissions we have a setting to disable library data from appearing in Search, Below mention is the screenshot for which I am looking the api.enter image description here
It depends on the chosen technology, but generally:
SPUser object have the Groups property.
var ctx = new ClientContext(url);
var user = ctx.Site.RootWeb.EnsureUser(userName);
Use "NoCrawl" property from a SPList object.
I’m trying to learn SharePoint Client Object Model, specifically how to get a list of all SharePoint site URLs using a remote connection. This is possible using webservices…but I want to do it using the client object model.
I’ve figured how to get the title lists of a specific sharepoint site using the following code:
client object module):
ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext( server );
ctx.AuthenticationMode = ClientAuthenticationMode.Default;
ctx.Credentials = WindowsAuthenticationCredentials(username, password);
Web w = ctx.Web;
var lists = ctx.LoadQuery(w.Lists);
//Enumerate the results.
foreach (List theList in lists)
Announcements, Master Collection Pages… etc…
How can I do the same to get a site url list?
In web services you can call the following to achieve that, but as I said just trying to figure out how to do the same using client object module. If you can provide c# code that would greatly be appreciated.
WSPSitedata.SiteData sitedata = new SiteData();
sitedata.Url = #SharePointBaseURL + #"_vti_bin/sitedata.asmx";
sitedata.Credentials = our_credentials
_sSiteMetadata metaData = new _sSiteMetadata();
_sWebWithTime[] webWithTime
sitedata.GetSite(out metaData, out webWithTime, out users, out groups, out vgroups);
The SharePoint Client Object Model CSOM is designed to remotly interact with your SiteCollection. Sure, it is possible to connect to various SiteCollections, but it's not possible to look over all SiteCollections sitting within a SPWebApplications.
In 2010 you could still use the ASMX WebServices which are available in earlier versions of SharePoint.
To get a better understanding of the CSOM you should have a look at the MSDN site http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee537247.aspx
Did you really mean a list containing all SiteCollection URLs or was that a misunderstanding?
We have a requirement to retrieve document library name based on the URL of a document library. We have searched through all the methods offered by "List" web service in SharePoint, but could not find any method that takes the URL of the document library as input and provides the document library name.
Appreciate any thoughts.
I don't think you can easily do it in a single line of code, but the following works with both URLs pointing directly to the document library as well as pointing to a file in that library
string completeUrl = "http://portal.dev.muhimbi.local/sites/PDFConverterTest/subsite2/Shared%20Documents";
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(completeUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.GetList(completeUrl);
string listName = list.Title;
Just to add to that, if you are looking for getting the Document library name from the Url, then it's best to use the object model. Once the document library is created, the url of the document library is fixed and therefore changing the name will not reflect in the url.
I am trying to write a console app that simply lists the number of lists at the sharepoint root.
I tried doing it by using the following code, but the object SPContext.Current is null. Any ideas of how to get the web object?
SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Site.OpenWeb("http://localhost") ;
Just adding a little thing to Nat's post:
Even if it's not a important as in a SharePoint WebApp, it's still recommenced to dispose all SPWeb and SPSite objets.
So do keep good habits:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(weburl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
// bla bla
Note: you can directly pass the weburl to SPSite constructor, so OpenWeb will open the given web.
SPSite spSite = new SPSite("http://myurl");
SPWeb spMySite = spSite.Allwebs["mysite"];
SPWeb spRootsite = spsite.RootWeb;
The console app will only run on the server as usual.
Also, the url used http://myurl can be a url to a page and an SPSite object will be created. E.g. http://myurl/mysite/pages/default.aspx will get a valid SPSite object.
There are a couple of other ways you can use SPSite.OpenWeb() as well...
If you keep track of the SPWeb object's GUID:
Using a web's server or site relative URL or title, see MSDN SPSite.OpenWeb(string) for more details:
Using the precise relative URL and avoiding any clever stuff that SPSite.OpenWeb(string) uses:
site.OpenWeb(relativeUrl, true);
Hi I am using the SharePoint namespace to pull items from various lists throughout the site. My web part works, but only on my account. When I try it on another account it gives me "Error: Access Denied" for the page. I have taken all web parts out and have only this web part on the page. When I remove the following lines the page loads for everyone, when I add it back in however it does not work. I am guessing this is some permission problem. I was wondering is there away to programatically query different lists on SharePoint by assigning a user id to use? Thank you for any help
SPSite site = new SPSite(_SPSite);
SPWeb eachWeb = site.AllWebs[0];
SPListItemCollection myItemCollection = eachWeb.Lists["Listings"].Items;
You're correct, the access denied error is occurring when you're using an account which does not have access to the "Listings" list in the current website.
The easiest way around the issue is to use a SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivleges call:
//Your code here
which will run whatever code is contained in the anonymous method using the SharePoint/System account, granting complete control. Be careful when using this technique though, as it equivalent to running code at full trust with a super user account. There are other caveats to be aware of as well.
SPWeb eachWeb = SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb.Webs[0];
SPListItemCollection myItemCollection = eachWeb.Lists["Listings"].Items;
Remember that SPWeb should be used in a using block, or disposed of explicitly after use.
As regards the first caveat from EvilGoatBob, I quote:
"If you're manipulating any Object Model elements within your elevated method, you need to get a fresh SPSite reference inside this call. For example
SPSite mySite = new SPSite(http://sharepoint/);
SPWeb myWeb = SPSite.OpenWeb();
// further implementation omitted
Notice that the site parameter is hard-coded - this is because of a bug. If you instead had tried:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://" + System.Environment.MachineName)) {}
You would get the rather generic "No SharePoint Site exists at the specified URL..." error. This caused me no end of grief. Bottom line is that you have to hard-code the server name (unless anyone has an alternative). You can also get a similar error message when debugging Web Parts for the first time with VSeWSS 1.3.
You do not need to hardcode the server name in this case because your requirement is to retrieve items from list inside the same site as your webpart. You are correct, if you do not have enough privileges with your account, then you get the Access Denied. The solution is to create a new SPSite object within a different security context, and do your work:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
//the web object was retrieved with elevated privileges under the system account.
//do your work here:
SPListItemCollection myItemCollection = web.Lists["Listings"].Items;
With the code above, your webpart is portable because there's no hardcoding, and runs in the correct security context while disposing of all unmanaged SPRequest objects created by the SPSite and SPWeb constructors.