Store "email" in contact info during registration - Azure AD B2C Custom policy - azure

I've a custom policy for sign up & sign in and, in the last step, I ask the user to enter the email, where I send a verification code and verify the code (following one of the examples provided by Microsoft). However, I'd like to store, in the "contact info" the email that the person entered.
I tried multiple ways using "PersistedClaims", but it doesn't seem to work.
<PersistedClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="signInNames.emailAddress" PartnerClaimType="email"/>
I got no error when I load the policy, but when I sign up, I still don't see the email in the Contact Info inside the user's profile in Azure AD B2C.
I believe that I'm using the wrong claim, but I couldn't figure out what it the "Contact info -> Email" claim.
Please, could someone tell me which claim and how to store it?
Thank you

Change “email” to “mail”.
Change “signInName.emailAddress” to “signInName” (if this is during sign up)


Azure B2C - Capture an email address during signup without domain

I am looking to capture an email address from a specific internal domain during signup, but I don't want to users to enter the domain portion of the address. However I am trying to figure out the best way to signal the user to NOT enter the domain.
I would like to customize the default login page to include the domain shown after the textbox, something like below.
I know I could write a whole custom UI page to do this, but I was hoping to be able to do this with just a simpler customization of the default UI. Is this possible?
• I would suggest you to please use the ‘login_hint’ and ‘domain_hint’ query parameters in the 2C custom policy regarding the need to show a domain name during the signup user flow. By specifying the ‘login_hint’ parameter in the signup custom policy, Azure AD B2C automatically populates the sign-in name while the user only needs to enter the password for his credentials though the user gets the option to change the sign-in name that is automatically populated from the custom policy to enter the sign-in name of his choice.
Similarly, regarding the domain, the ‘domain_hint’ query parameter provides a hint by auto-populating the domain name for the social IDP for which the sign-in is recommended. These two options mostly satisfy your requirement of not requiring a user to enter the domain name during login. Kindly find the below samples of the above query parameters for your reference: -
Domain hint: -
<!-- Add the domain hint value to the claims provider -->
Login hint: -
<DisplayName>Local Account</DisplayName>
<TechnicalProfile Id="SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email">
<!-- Add the login hint value to the sign-in names claim type -->
<InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="signInName" DefaultValue="{OIDC:LoginHint}" />
For more information on the above, kindly refer the below documentation links: -
Azure B2C with domain hint instead of IdP buttons

Azure AD B2C detecting Social signups on the reset password page

I need to check emails being entered on our "reset password" to see if the user used a Social IDP to sign up. I would then be able to inform the user that they cannot reset the password for that type of account through Azure.
At the moment it only tells them that we cannot find their account, I can change the messaging here but it's not sufficient in this case.
If you use a social IDP then:
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="authenticationSource" DefaultValue="socialIdpAuthentication" AlwaysUseDefaultValue="true" />
So look at the "authenticationSource".

Password reset custom policy - pass validated email id in multiple orchestration steps

I am working on a email or phone custom policy and able to make it work for Signin Flow but while working on password reset for the same approach email Id is not getting passed in orcahestration step.
When the user clicks on password reset He is presented with a screen to validate email. Once the user validates the email id he is presented with a screen to either select Email or Phone as a multi factor option.
If the user selects Phone everything is working fine but when Email is selected the text box is not able to retain the email id validated in first step.
I am using the same sign in flow for password reset as I wanted the same behavior but not able to find the exact issue. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
You need to populate the readOnlyEmail claim before getting to the emailVerification page.
See how this is done for Sign Up
<TechnicalProfile Id="SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email">
<OutputClaimsTransformation ReferenceId="CopySignInNameToReadOnly" />
You need to do the exact same as this, but for the Technical Profile name which occurs before the 2nd screenshot, and on or after a technical profile where the email was collected.

Email claims not populated with custom policies in Azure B2C

I have Azure B2C with custom policies with Local Login and Microsoft Account login enabled. I have started with the starter pack and made some modifications to add my custom logic for validate and add additional claims as explained here.
Everything works fine with Microsoft Account. But I am facing issues with Local Account Sign in.
email claim is only populated when the user signup but not on sign-in. In case of sign-in the email is part of "signInNames.emailAddress" claim. I tried making changes as explained here and here. I would like the email to be populate in email claim as my API uses this claim.
Additional calims returned from my REST API are not added to token only for Local Login. They are added for Microsoft Account.
thank you.
Update: For point 2, its a problem with my policy file and is now fixed.
There is a simple method to return email claim.
Just replace <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="email" /> with <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="signInNames.emailAddress" PartnerClaimType="email" /> in your SignUporSignIn.xml file.
You need to sign up new local user and then sign in to test it. You will see the email claim.
In fact, this solution has been provided by #Wayne Yang in the post you shared.

Azure AD B2C Add Claims to id_token in custom policy

I have created custom policies for social and local accounts based on the example from the Active Directory B2C custom policy starter pack for social and local accounts. I have enabled the login with Microsoft and Google and tested that both work, I have also enabled logging in with a local account.
When I log in with google I get the following claims
When I log into a custom Azure AD tenant the set of claims is missing 'email', but the email is listed in the 'name' claim
exp,nbf,ver,iss,sub,aud,acr,nonce,iat,auth_time,given_name,family_name, name,idp,at_hash
When I log in as a local account the set of claims is missing 'email' and there is no email listed in any of the fields.
exp,nbf,ver,iss,sub,aud,acr,nonce,iat,auth_time,given_name, family_name,name,at_hash
Finally, when I look at the list of users in the B2C admin, these are all different user entries...even though the email address is the same. So I have 2 questions,
How do I get a consistent set of claims in the id_token
How do I link all these accounts together at registration time (Same UPN)
I believe these may be related, which is why I am asking them together.
You probably want to see the policies, but I assure you they are exactly the same as the policies in the starter pack, all I've done is change the tenant names and added google and azure in the trust framework extensions file.
For the Azure AD email claim, add the following <OutputClaim /> to the Azure AD OpenID Connect technical profile:
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="email" PartnerClaimType="unique_name" />
For the local account email claim, add the following <OutputClaim /> to the AAD-UserReadUsingObjectId technical profile:
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="email" PartnerClaimType="signInNames.emailAddress" />
