The intro slides feature of buildfire was working with no issues until recently. I am unable to view and edit my intro slides. I can only keep creating...
Has anyone had this issue???
I am trying to build a Live chat Widget from scratch using React.js and Node.js and was wondering if anyone knows of any resources or tutorials to make it?
I'm trying to do make one but I don't want to use any 3rd party apps because of the long-term cost (everyone has a free trial but it's paid monthly after that) and I would love the guided experience of building it.
Any information helps! Thanks so much for your time.
I recommend you start with my blog article series about how to build a web widget.
This is a step-by-step complete tutorial with GitHub repositories.
You already know what a widget is, so you can start reading from part 2: Web widgets (Part 2): Widget him!
- how to make a widget and load it to the website.
Part 3: Web widgets (Part 3): API Cookbook
is about how to make an API for the widget.
The bonus part: Web widgets (Bonus): Why iframe?
is about the benefits of loading widgets into an iframe.
If you need UI components for your chat, please check my React chat library:
Additional useful library for managing chat state in react is: React headless chat hook.
For message transport, you can use a plain websocket, but it's less painful to use or uWebsockets
I am developing a MS Teams bot using Bot Framework with nodejs.
After the user asks a question, my bot has a list of items to display as WhoBot does, as shown in the below image. Does anybody know how to build this beautiful and clean menu results with a scroll? Or who can guide me on the tutorial or webpage on how to make this? Please help me!
This is the list card implementation. You can find the docs related to it here: Regarding the search logic, you will need to implement it at the backend in your application and pass the items to list card.
I have deployed a qnamaker bot to Microsoft Teams but the dialog buttons don't show up anymore.
In the qnamaker site, the buttons work
In teams, the buttons don't appear ;(
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this changes?
Is there anything I can do to solve this?
#Ceal clem Are you trying to use Suggested actions? If so, suggested actions are not supported in Teams. Could you please try using Cards to show the buttons?
From the documentation here:
You need to add this sample to enable prompts in client.
I need your help.
My team uses, "Cornerstone", as a Learning Management System platform. I make custom pages that show deep links to courses. I have never been able to see Google Analytic results for "deep links". After clicking a deep link, the user is 'registered' and marked as 'completed' for taking the course.
Google Analytics is not tracking deep links. But, It is tracking other links to pages just fine. Do you why? How can I solve?
Here is what a "deep link" looks like:
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Matie, Web Designer
recently there was a section at website with the list of all applications. However now it is not accessible for some reason. I even have the link stored in Google Search results with guide to foursquare "page not found" error:
Does anyone have the idea what happened?
We took it down to make some improvements -- a new version will be up eventually.