"Cannot read property 'url' of undefined" even though it's already defined - node.js

I'm making a Discord music Bot and I'm having trouble with an error saying
TypeError: Cannot read property 'url' of undefined
I tried console logging it and it showed me the url, so I don't understand what is the problem with my code.
Here's my code:
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const ytdl = require('ytdl-core');
const mcPrefix = '.';
const queue = new Map();
client.on('ready', () => console.log('Music bot ready!'));
client.on('message', async message => {
if(message.author.bot) return;
if(!message.content.startsWith(mcPrefix)) return;
const args = message.content.substring(mcPrefix.length).split(" ");
const serverQueue = queue.get(message.guild.id);
if(message.content.startsWith(`${mcPrefix}play`)) {
const voiceChannel = message.member.voice.channel;
if(!voiceChannel) return message.channel.send("Hang-szobában kell lenned zenelejátszáshoz.");
const permissions = voiceChannel.permissionsFor(message.client.user);
if(!permissions.has('CONNECT')) return message.channel.send("Nincs jogosultságom csatlakozni a hangszobához.");
if(!permissions.has('SPEAK')) return message.channel.send("Nincs jogosultságom megszólalni ebben a hangszobában.");
const songInfo = await ytdl.getInfo(args[1])
const song = {
title: songInfo.title,
url: songInfo.videoDetails.video_url
if(!serverQueue) {
const queueConstruct = {
textChannel: message.channel,
voiceChannel: voiceChannel,
connection: null,
songs: [],
volume: 5,
playing: true
queue.set(message.guild.id, queueConstruct)
var connection = await voiceChannel.join();
message.channel.send(`${song.title} lejátszása.`)
queueConstruct.connection = connection
play(message.guild, queueConstruct.songs[0])
console.log(`Hiba csatlakozás közben itt: ${e}`);
return message.channel.send(`Hiba volt a csatlakozás közben itt: ${e}`)
} else{
return message.channel.send(`**${song.title}** hozzáadva a lejátszási listához.`)
return undefined
}else if (message.content.startsWith(`${mcPrefix}stop`)) {
if(!message.member.voice.channel) return message.channel.send("Hang-szobában kell lenned ahhoz, hogy leállítsd a zenét.")
if(!serverQueue) return message.channel.send("There is nothing playing")
serverQueue.songs= []
message.channel.send("Sikeresen megálltottad a zenét.")
return undefined
}else if(message.content.startsWith(`${mcPrefix}skip`)){
if(!message.member.voice.channel) return message.channel.send("Hang-szobában kell lenned a skip parancshoz.")
if(!serverQueue) return message.channel.send("There is nothing playing")
message.channel.send("Zene továbbléptetve.")
message.channel.send(`${song.title} játszása.`)
return undefined
function play(guild, song) {
const serverQueue = queue.get(guild.id)
const dispatcher = serverQueue.connection.play(ytdl(song.url))
.on('finish', () => {
play(guild, serverQueue.songs[0])
.on('error', error => {
dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(serverQueue.volume / 5)
and here is the full error:
const dispatcher = serverQueue.connection.play(ytdl(songInfo.url))
TypeError: Cannot read property 'url' of undefined
at play (C:\Users\Levi\Desktop\Discord BOT Javascript\bot.js:97:70)
at StreamDispatcher.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Levi\Desktop\Discord BOT Javascript\bot.js:100:17)
at StreamDispatcher.emit (node:events:388:22)
at finish (node:internal/streams/writable:734:10)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:80:21)
I started searching on the internet but found nothing about it, I guess my basic javascript knowledge is just not enough.

The empty songs array checking in play function is incorrect:
// This "if" clause will never be run, voice channel won't leave when there's no song
if(serverQueue.songs.length === 0){


discord bot doesnt play music

I have a discord bot that im trying to make play music. It will join the voice channel but it wont play anything. I've tried lots of things but nothing seems to be working. Here is the code:
const ytdl = require("ytdl-core")
const ytSearch = require("yt-search")
const {
} = require('#discordjs/voice')
module.exports = {
name: "play",
description: "Plays a song of your choice.",
async execute(messageCreate, args) {
const voiceChannel = messageCreate.member.voice.channel
if (!voiceChannel) return messageCreate.channel.send("You must be in a voice channel to run this command.")
const permissions = voiceChannel.permissionsFor(messageCreate.client.user)
if (!permissions.has("CONNECT")) return messageCreate.channel.send("You do not have the sufficient permissions to do this.")
if (!permissions.has("SPEAK")) return messageCreate.channel.send("You do not have the sufficient permissions to do this.")
if (!args.length) return messageCreate.channel.send("You must specify some keywords to identify the song you are looking for.")
channelId: messageCreate.member.voice.channel.id,
guildId: messageCreate.guild.id,
adapterCreator: messageCreate.guild.voiceAdapterCreator
const videoFinder = async (query) => {
const videoResult = await ytSearch(query)
return (videoResult.videos.length > 1) ? videoResult.videos[0] : null
const video = await videoFinder(args.join(" "))
if (video) {
const stream = ytdl(video.url, {filter: "audioonly"})
const player = createAudioPlayer()
const resource = createAudioResource(stream)
async function play() {
await player.play(resource)
connection.play(stream, {seek: 0, volume: 1})
.on("finish", () => {
await messageCreate.reply(`:thumbsup: Now playing: ***${video.title}***.`)
} else {
messageCreate.channel.send("No video results found.")
I am using VS Code node.js 18.7.0 and discord.js v13. I really need help with this so anything would be appreciated.
From what I can see, you're never actually playing the video.
You define this function, 'play,' but never call it.
async function play() {
await player.play(resource)
connection.play(stream, {seek: 0, volume: 1})
.on("finish", () => {
From what I can tell, you're trying to make an async function so you can use the await keyword, but this isn't necessary. Just put the body of the play function into the code normally, and the stream should play to the channel.
const ytdl = require("ytdl-core")
const ytSearch = require("yt-search")
const {
} = require('#discordjs/voice')
module.exports = {
name: "play",
description: "Plays a song of your choice.",
async execute(messageCreate, args) {
const voiceChannel = messageCreate.member.voice.channel
if (!voiceChannel) return messageCreate.channel.send("You must be in a voice channel to run this command.")
const permissions = voiceChannel.permissionsFor(messageCreate.client.user)
if (!permissions.has("CONNECT")) return messageCreate.channel.send("You do not have the sufficient permissions to do this.")
if (!permissions.has("SPEAK")) return messageCreate.channel.send("You do not have the sufficient permissions to do this.")
if (!args.length) return messageCreate.channel.send("You must specify some keywords to identify the song you are looking for.")
channelId: messageCreate.member.voice.channel.id,
guildId: messageCreate.guild.id,
adapterCreator: messageCreate.guild.voiceAdapterCreator
const videoFinder = async (query) => {
const videoResult = await ytSearch(query)
return (videoResult.videos.length > 1) ? videoResult.videos[0] : null
const video = await videoFinder(args.join(" "))
if (video) {
const stream = ytdl(video.url, {filter: "audioonly"})
const player = createAudioPlayer()
const resource = createAudioResource(stream)
async function play() {
await player.play(resource)
connection.play(stream, {seek: 0, volume: 1})
.on("finish", () => {
await messageCreate.reply(`:thumbsup: Now playing: ***${video.title}***.`)
} else {
messageCreate.channel.send("No video results found.")
If you really want to keep the play function, you can fix it by calling the function right after defining it.
async function play() {
play() // Just add this line here

Music freezes for 1 second when adding a song to the queue then continues playing

My music bot works great but there is a problem that when I add another song to the queue, the currently playing song will freeze for 0.70s - 1s, then will continue playing and add the song earlier in the queue, i want when i add a song to the queue, the song currently playing will continue playing, here is my code in play.js (i don't know where the error comes from)
const { Util, MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const ytdl = require("ytdl-core");
const ytdlDiscord = require("ytdl-core-discord");
const yts = require("yt-search");
const fs = require('fs');
const sendError = require("../util/error")
const sendfact = require("../unti/fact")
module.exports = {
info: {
name: "play",
description: "To play songs",
usage: "<YouTube_URL> | <song_name>",
aliases: ["p"],
run: async function (client, message, args) {
let channel = message.member.voice.channel;
if (!channel)return sendError("You need to be in voice channel to use this command!", message.channel);
const permissions = channel.permissionsFor(message.client.user);
if (!permissions.has("CONNECT"))return sendError("I cannot connect to your voice channel, make sure I have [CONNECT] permissions to play!", message.channel);
if (!permissions.has("SPEAK"))return sendError("I cannot speak in this voice channel, make sure I have the [SPEAK] permissions to play!", message.channel);
var searchString = args.join(" ");
if (!searchString)return sendError("There are no songs for me to play yet", message.channel);
const url = args[0] ? args[0].replace(/<(.+)>/g, "$1"): " ";
var serverQueue = message.client.queue.get(message.guild.id);
let songInfo = null;
let song = null;
if (url.match(/^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(m\.)?(youtube\.com|youtu\.?be)\/.+$/gi)) {
try {
songInfo = await ytdl.getInfo(url)
if(!songInfo)return sendError("Can't find the song you want on youtube - is it real?", message.channel);
song = {
id: songInfo.videoDetails.videoId,
title: songInfo.videoDetails.title,
url: songInfo.videoDetails.video_url,
img: songInfo.player_response.videoDetails.thumbnail.thumbnails[0].url,
duration: songInfo.videoDetails.lengthSeconds,
ago: songInfo.videoDetails.publishDate,
views: String(songInfo.videoDetails.viewCount).padStart(10, ' '),
req: message.author
} catch (error) {
return message.reply(error.message).catch(console.error);
}else {
try {
var searched = await yts.search(searchString);
if(searched.videos.length === 0)return sendError("Can't find the song you want on youtube - is it real?", message.channel)
songInfo = searched.videos[0]
song = {
id: songInfo.videoId,
title: Util.escapeMarkdown(songInfo.title),
views: String(songInfo.views).padStart(5, ' '),
url: songInfo.url,
ago: songInfo.ago,
duration: songInfo.duration.toString(),
img: songInfo.image,
req: message.author
} catch (error) {
return message.reply(error.message).catch(console.error);
sendfact("If you want to play a playlist on youtube , try to use `playlist <Playlist url>`", message.channel)
if (serverQueue) {
let thing = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor("Song has been added to queue", "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/943352487723827281.gif?size=96&quality=lossless")
.addField("Title", song.url, true)
.addField("Duration", song.duration, true)
.addField("Requested by", song.req.tag, true)
.setFooter(`Views: ${song.views} # ${song.ago}`)
return message.channel.send(thing);
const queueConstruct = {
textChannel: message.channel,
voiceChannel: channel,
connection: true,
songs: [],
volume: 80,
playing: true,
loop: false
message.client.queue.set(message.guild.id, queueConstruct);
const play = async (song) => {
const queue = message.client.queue.get(message.guild.id);
let afk = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./afk.json", "utf8"));
if (!afk[message.guild.id]) afk[message.guild.id] = {
afk: false,
var online = afk[message.guild.id]
if (!song){
if (!online.afk) {
sendError("Nothing to play ! If you want to loop , please use `loop`", message.channel)
return message.client.queue.delete(message.guild.id);
let stream = null;
if (song.url.includes("youtube.com")) {
stream = await ytdl(song.url);
stream.on('error', function(er) {
if (er) {
if (queue) {
return sendError(`An unexpected error has occurred.\nPossible type \`${er}\``, message.channel)
queue.connection.on("disconnect", () => message.client.queue.delete(message.guild.id));
const dispatcher = queue.connection
.play(ytdl(song.url, {quality: 'highestaudio', highWaterMark: 1 << 1 ,type: "opus"}))
.on("finish", () => {
const shiffed = queue.songs.shift();
if (queue.loop === true) {
dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(queue.volume / 100);
let thing = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor('Started Playing Music!', "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/943352487723827281.gif?size=96&quality=lossless", message.author.name)
.addField("Title", song.title, true)
.addField("Duration", song.duration, true)
.addField("Requested by", song.req.tag, true)
.setFooter(`Views: ${song.views} # ${song.ago}`)
try {
const connection = await channel.join();
queueConstruct.connection = connection;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`I could not join the voice channel: ${error}`);
await channel.leave();
return sendError(`I could not join the voice channel: ${error}`, message.channel);

How do I code a discord bot not stop after a incorrect command

So anytime I send an incorrect command like !pong (where!ping is the correct one) the bot returns with the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'permissions' of undefined
even if I remove the whole permissions code it then gives me a
TypeError: Cannot read property 'users' of undefined
and it's only when I have a wrong command of that of !pong when there is no command or !me anything with the prefix that isn't a actual command. below is the code im using
const cooldowns = new Map();
module.exports = (Discord, client, message) =>{
const prefix = process.env.PREFIX;
if(!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || message.author.bot) return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();
const command = client.commands.get(cmd) || client.commands.find(a => a.aliases && a.aliases.includes(cmd));
const validPermissions = [
let invalidPerms = []
for(const perm of command.permissions){
return console.log(`Invalid Permissions ${perm}`);
if (invalidPerms.length){
return message.channel.send(`Missing Permissions: \`${invalidPerms}\``);
cooldowns.set(command.name, new Discord.Collection());
const current_time = Date.now();
const time_stamps = cooldowns.get(command.name);
const cooldown_ammount = (command.cooldown) * 1000;
const expiration_time = time_stamps.get(message.author.id) + cooldown_ammount;
if(current_time < expiration_time){
const time_left = (expiration_time - current_time) / 1000;
return message.reply(`Please wait ${time_left.toFixed(1)} more seconds before using ${command.name}`)
time_stamps.set(message.author.id, current_time);
setTimeout(() => time_stamps.delete(message.author.id), cooldown_ammount);
command.execute(message,args, cmd, client, Discord);
} catch (err){
message.reply("There was an error trying to execute this command!");
module.exports = {
name: 'ping',
cooldown: 10,
permissions: ["SEND_MESSAGES",],
description: "this is a ping command!",
execute(client, message, args, cmd, Discord){
} }
In your message.js, after the declaration of command, you need to check if it’s undefined or null
const command = client.commands.get(cmd) || client.commands.find(a => a.aliases && a.aliases.includes(cmd));
if(!command) return;
Edit: your error comes from here:
command.execute(message,args, cmd, client, Discord);
//^^how you execute
execute(client, message, args, cmd, Discord){ message.channel.send('pong!'); }
//^^how you define it
So as you can see, you put them in the wrong order.

Play discord command

Hello I have been having a problem with a play command with discord. I am unsure of what the problem is and if it is possible please help. I will be honest I got this code from somewhere else but its for a private server. Please help fix this thank you. Anyway I have been trying to create a play, stop, skip, nowplaying command for ages and if this works it would be amazing thank you.
Console Error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined
const ytdl = require("ytdl-core");
module.exports = {
name: "play",
description: "Play a song in your channel!",
async execute(message) {
try {
const args = message.content.split(" ");
const queue = message.client.queue;
const serverQueue = message.client.queue.get(message.guild.id);
const voiceChannel = message.member.voice.channel;
if (!voiceChannel)
return message.channel.send(
"You need to be in a voice channel to play music!"
const permissions = voiceChannel.permissionsFor(message.client.user);
if (!permissions.has("CONNECT") || !permissions.has("SPEAK")) {
return message.channel.send(
"I need the permissions to join and speak in your voice channel!"
const songInfo = await ytdl.getInfo(args[1]);
const song = {
title: songInfo.videoDetails.title,
url: songInfo.videoDetails.video_url
if (!serverQueue) {
const queueContruct = {
textChannel: message.channel,
voiceChannel: voiceChannel,
connection: null,
songs: [],
volume: 5,
playing: true
queue.set(message.guild.id, queueContruct);
try {
var connection = await voiceChannel.join();
queueContruct.connection = connection;
this.play(message, queueContruct.songs[0]);
} catch (err) {
return message.channel.send(err);
} else {
return message.channel.send(
`${song.title} has been added to the queue!`
} catch (error) {
play(message, song) {
const queue = message.client.queue;
const guild = message.guild;
const serverQueue = queue.get(message.guild.id);
if (!song) {
const dispatcher = serverQueue.connection
.on("finish", () => {
this.play(message, serverQueue.songs[0]);
.on("error", error => console.error(error));
dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(serverQueue.volume / 5);
serverQueue.textChannel.send(`Start playing: **${song.title}**`);
You should look where you got the code from, maybe you missed a part?
specifically where they define client.queue
usually most of the people define it like
client.queue = new Map()
or discord.js collection class (Extended from map)
in your main bot file (index.js, bot.js etc).
You could either check where you got code from or try adding this to where you define client in your main bot file

Discord.js TypeError: Cannot read property 'prefix' of undefined

I get the following error...
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1146:16)
(node:8232) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'prefix' of undefined
When using a command from my bot. I think the issue is with the bot's main file.
The following code block is where I believe the error is coming from.
function startsWithPrefix(str, prefix) { if (str.slice(0, prefix.length).toLowerCase() == prefix.toLowerCase()) return true; }
// Execute when the bot sees a message
client.on('message', async msg => {
// Initialize guild settings on first message
if (msg.guild && !Settings[msg.guild.id]) {
const pool = new Pool();
try {
const res = await pool.query('SELECT prefix FROM settings WHERE guild_id = $1', [msg.guild.id]);
if (res.rows[0]) { Settings[msg.guild.id] = res.rows[0]; }
else {
Settings[msg.guild.id] = {
prefix: 'a!' // Default setting
} catch (err) { console.log(err.stack); }
finally { pool.end(); }
// Exit if msg doesn't start with prefix
if (msg.guild && !startsWithPrefix(msg.content, Settings[msg.guild.id].prefix)) { return; }
// Exit if msg was sent by a bot
if (msg.author.bot) { return; }
// Exit + Reply with a helpful message if msg was dm-ed to this bot
if (msg.channel.type == 'dm') { return await msg.reply(`I got nothin' for ya buddy :pensive:\nI think you meant to type that in the **Among Us LFG** server :+1:`); }
// Separate the command from the arguments
const words = msg.content.split(' ');
const cmdName = words[0].toLowerCase().slice(Settings[msg.guild.id].prefix.length);
const cmd = client.cmds.get(cmdName) || client.cmds.get(client.aliases.get(cmdName));
const args = words.slice(1);
// Run the command
if (cmd) cmd.run(client, msg, args);
// Start the bot
EDIT: seems like Settings[msg.guild.id] is undefined, However I define it as
let Settings = {};
exports.Settings = Settings;
at the start of the code dunno whats wrong
I think you can try to define the prefix with a const like this:
const prefix = '!'
