Handle message before event ws nodejs - node.js

I'm using ws version 7.4.0 and I would want to display a console log or perfom operations between the moment where the client is sending a message to the server and before the server fire the on event message.
To represent it:
webserver.on('example', function callback(msg){console.log(msg);}); //act before the call of callback
The only way I see right now would be to use a "root" function before the callback of all my events like this:
function callback(msg){console.log(msg);}
webserver.on('example', function root(msg) {console.log('example msg'); callback(msg);});
I don't know if this is a real and/or good solution I really wish to write a clean and organized application.
If someone could give me some advise or a real solution? Thank you.

You could make a wrapper for all of your callbacks like so:
function makeCallback(fn) {
return function(msg) {
if (!environment.prod) console.log(msg);
var myCallback = makeCallback(function (msg) {
// something
webserver.on('example', myCallback);
Or I think the better solution is to stream the requets into your stdout although I don't know the implications of using this method.
And I want to address the naming of your websocket server. Even though a web socket server is technically a web server, it only responds to the websocket protocol and naming it webserver could be misleading, I would recommend using the naming like in their documents wss.


Websocket Endpoints and Express Router

I was trying to implement web-sockets (npm ws) in my express application, but got stuck on how I should implement my websockets so that they work with express router.
Currently, my endpoints look like this...
router.post('/create-note', jwtAuthentication, NotesController.createNote);
router.get('/get-notes/:id',jwtAuthentication, NotesController.getUserNotes);
router.??('/socket-endpoint', NotesController.wssNote);
As you can see, I am unsure of what method to call on my router. I have tried using 'get' and 'post, but for some reason it only works after I try a second connection on postman. (I click connect, nothing happens, I then click disconnect and connect again and it works.)
I know that I can pass in the path when creating the WebSocketServer...
var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: "/hereIsWS"});
This does work, but if it is possible to use routers with web-sockets, I think it would make my whole project much cleaner and more organised.
I have come across people recommending 'express-ws', but was wondering if there was a better method to solve my problem, specifically a method that does not involve other packages.
Thanks in advance!
You do not use Express routers with webSockets. That's not the proper architecture for webSockets. Your webSocket server can share an http server with Express, but that's pretty much all the two have to do with one another.
webSockets connect on a particular path which you pass to the webSocketServer() constructor as it appears you already know. Once they are connected they stay connected and form a TCP pipe that you can send packets of data from client to server or from server to client. There is no Express routing used for that.
You can create your own message handling within a webSocket message by creating a message name as part of the webSocket payload if you want (this is something that the socket.io layer on top of webSockets does for you), but it has nothing to do with Express at that point. That's just in how you choose to handle the incoming webSocket packets.
if there was a better method to solve my problem
What is your specific problem? Perhaps if you stated the specific problem you want help with, we could provide further assistance.
To handle incoming webSocket messages, you can follow the example in the ws server doc:
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
ws.on('message', function message(data) {
console.log('received: %s', data);
To further break up this to handle different types of incoming webSocket messages, you have to create your own message format that you can branch on or use socket.io instead on both client and server that does that for you.

How to set id of a socket in WebSocket?

I'm using: https://github.com/websockets/ws as websockets.
In socket.io you could give an id to your sockets like:
//read data
In websocket on the server you can read sockets by id.
ws.on('id', function (data) {
You can read sockets by id on the client too.
ws.addEventListener('id', function (data) {
But I couldn't find how to send a socket with a specific id, I've also checked the code base. Am I missing something or is this impossible? Or are there some hacks that could achieve this?
//I want this:
I'll format my comments into an answer since it appears to have explained things for you:
There is no handler for your own message names like this in webSocket:
ws.on('id', function(data) { ... });
Instead, you listen for data with this:
ws.on('message', function(data) { ... });
If you want to send a particular message name, you send that inside the data that is sent. For example, data could be an object that you had data.messageName set to whatever you want for each message.
It appears like you're trying to use a socket.io API with a webSocket. That simply doesn't work. socket.io adds a layer on top of webSocket to add things like message names. If you want to use that type of layer with a plain webSocket, you have to implement it yourself on top of a webSocket (or just use socket.io at both ends).

Detecting Socket.IO message delivery error on client side

We need to update the client side UI to indicate that a message fails to deliver. How do I have Socket.IO JS client call a custom callback directly when the message fails to deliver? For example, something like:
socket.emit("event", data).onError(myCallback);
I know Socket.IO provides the Ack mechanism to confirm delivery success. Therefore, one can set up a timer with a handler which calls the failure callback, if the ack is not called after a certain amount of time. But this doesn't seem to be the best way to do.
Also there is the error event provided by Socket.IO, but it doesn't come with info regarding which emit caused the error.
Unfortunately there's no way to get errors from callbacks, the only way is to indeed create your own timeout:
var timeoutId = setTimeout(timeoutErrorFn, 500);
var acknCallbackFn = function(err, userData){
//manage UserData
socket.emit('getUserData', acknCallbackFn);
Source of the code
And there's another issue about this, open
So for the time being you have to stick with your manual setTimeout.

NodeJS ZeroMQ , no callback for send?

I have multiple nodejs servers located at different locations and i need to create a IPC over tcp sockets and i am using ZeroMQ for that . I need something like request/response or pub/sub in a async way with affirmation that message is sent , but seeing the node-zeromq modules i found all the send methods are synchronous and there is no way to confirm the message the sent through a callback
In short ,
I need something like socket.send(message,function(err,res){;});
but i found this socket.send(message)
Anyone knows how to do this using ZeroMQ or any other way i could IPC reliablly and with a affirmation as response ?
UPDATE : Ive found https://github.com/visionmedia/axon , Axon and its req/rep send method has a callback , would be great if anyone can shed more light about this .Suggestions ?
You could use the request/reply pattern instead of the pub/sub pattern with ZMQ. I believe when you make a request, there is a callback to listen for the response, as opposed to pub.send()...
zeromq.node does yet not support reply callbacks for the send message.
There is an issue discussed for several years now on GitHub where people argue that it would be a sensible modification.
I followed the suggestion on another question since I would really like to use Promises in the higher levels and therefore need callbacks for the REQ/REP mechanism. I.e. the callback is invoked from the 'message' event handler:
var socket, onRepHandler, replyCallback, send;
socket = zmq.socket('req');
onRepHandler = function (reply) {
// This handler is a workaround until zeromq.node supports
// direct callback for REQ/REP:
// https://github.com/JustinTulloss/zeromq.node/issues/48
if (replyCallback) {
replyCallback = undefined;
socket.on('message', onRepHandler(msg));
// Send method with callback
send = function (msg, repcb) {
if (replyCallback) {
throw new Error('Cannot send request before receiving reply of preceding request!');
replyCallback = repcb;
It feels like a questionable hack but I hope the zeromq.node library gets updated eventually.

DNode implementation for websocket communication in node.js

I don't understand the way DNode uses websocket communication.
Some say it uses socket.io others say sockjs.
Which one is it? Or is it possible to choose?
I'm trying to use DNode, but I also need access to the connections for (semi-)broadcasting in reaction to RPC calls. How do I do this?
Is there a more extensive manual on dnode somewhere?
Your question is kind of vague. I'm not exactly sure whether DNode uses socket.io or sockjs, not sure it even uses one of those based on their dependencies list, but that is not really important when you program it.
As for using connections with DNode, it is pretty straight forward. Here's an example:
var server = dnode({
pushMessageNotification: function(message, cb) {
contact = getClientFromId(message.receiver);
contact.socket.emit('messageNotification', {
message: message.message,
sender: message.sender,
time: message.time
So as you can see, pushMessageNotification is a method that I binded with DNode-PHP and the message is encoded in JSON through PHP. Afterward, all you need is a method to find the socket of the client based on its id.
