Can a 1st party application call an API other than the Graph API? - azure

I have noticed that when a first-party application is being onboarded, clicking on the "Call an API" section only shows the Graph API as the only possible option. I'm wondering, if possible, what would be the mechanism to onboard an API that is implemented in a custom-built service instead.

If you want to call your web API with AAD authentication, you can refer to Scenario: A web app that calls web APIs.
Different from calling Microsoft Graph API (it only requires you to register an Azure AD app to represent the client app), remember that you need to register two Azure AD apps, one is for client app (front) and the other is for API app (backend). In the API app, you need to expose API. Then you need to configure the client app. Add the permission (scope) which is exposed by API app to the client app.


How to configure Azure Web App to Web App authentication?

I have two Azure Web Apps, one is a website and acting as the front-end, the other one is an API and acting as the backend. I would like to add authentication to this solution so only the front-end can access the backend. To do this, I've configured AAD authentication on the backend Web App with the express option that creates a new Azure AD application configured with the correct reply URL, API permissions (User.Read), etc. When I then navigate to the backend Web App URL, I need to sign-in with my Azure AD credentials.
Which steps do I need to take to restrict that so I as an user cannot login and only the front-end Web App can authenticate to the backend API?
For example, I can set the "Authorized client applications" on the Azure AD application of the backend API. However, I need to have an application ID to add an authorized client and I would like to use the Managed Identity of the front-end Web App for this, not a new and additional Azure AD application.
Any idea how to do this?
This is weird, if the login screen still appears, there is a problem with your code configuration, because the client credential flow does not involve user interaction.
I found a useful sample for your reference, this sample application shows how to use the Microsoft identity platform to access the data from a protected Web API, in a non-interactive process. It uses the OAuth 2 client credentials grant to acquire an access token, which is then used to call the Web API.

What are all the ways to expose an Azure Ad authenticated API to third party apps

I have implemented an API that is Azure AD protected and want to expose those APIs to external applications. What is the secure way to expose them
If you want an external web app to call a web api, please refer to this:
You will need to have your web app authenticate to Azure AD, and provide the token to the web api.

What is the best way for creating Azure AD Api/Web Client Application

The typical suggested approach when creating a client/server application (Typically for SPA apps) in Azure is to create one AAD application for the service (API) and another AAD application for the client application (E.g. Angular Spa). While I understand the mindset behind this, are there any implications creating one AAD application for both and share the same configurations values (ClientId...) between both applications? This simplifies the implementation, especially when there is only one type of client app (E.g. Web) that consumes the API tier.
I think you might want to take a look at the documentation as it might explain what the app registrations are meant for :
This specific tutorial goes over the SPA Scenario :
The purpose behind creating an AAD App Registration for the Server is so that the client is able to request an access token for a the web API resource. For example, if you're trying to access the Microsoft Graph API, you would request xyz permissions to make a call to the Microsoft Graph's xyz API.
And the V2 Overview and the SPA Scenario Overview both go over this very thoroughly.
Note that you are not creating an AAD App Registration for your client, your creating one for your server and custom web API resource. So you would have a client requesting an access token with the server's information to get access to the web api.
In addition to that, you'll want to be clear on which endpoint you're using. This goes into that a bit further as well : How do I check to see if my AzureAD version is V1 or V2?
And here are some reasons why one would want to use the v2 endpoint :

authentication in mobile app with azure functions

I am trying to develop a serverless backend for my xamarin app. and for that I chose azure functions.
Now I already know that Azure Mobile Apps provide an SDK for this purpose with which we can easily enable Authentication with multiple ways which are following
1. Azure Active Directiry
2. Facebook
3. Google
4. Microsoft
5. Twitter
Now I want to allow login with atleast 2 of these in my app, but I am not using azure mobile app as backend, instead I am using azure functions. So how can I achieve the same result with serverless?
Thanks in advance.
AFAIK, when using Easy Auth (Authentication/Authorization in App Service), the user would be directed to {your-app-service-url}/.auth/login/{provider} for logging with Server-managed authentication. Users who interact with your web application through the web browser would have a cookie and they can remain authenticated as the browser your web application. For other clients (e.g. mobile client), a JWT would be contained in the x-zumo-auth header, and the Mobile Apps client SDK would handle it for you.
According to your scenario, you are trying to use user-based authentication with your function. I did some test, you could refer to them:
Firstly, I created a HttpTrigger function wrote in C#, then set the Authorization level to Anonymous.
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, req.Headers,JsonMediaTypeFormatter.DefaultMediaType);
Note: I just return all headers with the special headers specified by App Service Authentication / Authentication. Some example headers include:
For more details, you could refer to App Service Token Store.
Then I go to Platform features and configure the Microsoft Authentication Provider under Authentication / Authorization. For mobile client, just use the Mobile Apps client SDK for logging and invoke the function endpoint as follows:
In summary, you could use the Mobile Apps client SDK for authentication with your function app. And you could configure the Authentication Providers as you wish, then for your mobile client you could set the related provider name when calling LoginAsync for logging. For your function, you could check the X-MS-CLIENT-PRINCIPAL-IDP header and retrieve the current user info and token for the specific provider.
Since Azure Functions are built on top of App Services, like Mobile Apps, you can still use Azure Active Directory authentication or the API keys for the Http triggered functions.

Authentication for web api using azure AD

I need to implement authentication for azure web api using azure active directory.
client app(which consumes webapi) may or may not be in azure. how i need to authenticate user, where i should generate token if my app is not in azure(if it is IOS app). authentication should work in all cases even if client app is in azure or not.
Please let me now the best procedure to implement authentication.
You need to define the client app in Azure AD as a native app in the case of a mobile app. Then you define the API there, and add your client permissions to access it. You can optionally customize the available permissions through the API app's manifest in Azure AD. Then when your mobile app opens, you would have to authenticate with Azure AD, and then request an access token for the API. That you can then use to authenticate requests.
I can't answer this question in too great detail because it is quite a large topic and how it is done also depends on your platform. There is a sample app that you can check which does exactly what you want. The whole list of examples for native apps can be found here.
App Service to use different authentication providers Azure Active Directory,Facebook,Google,Microsoft,Twitter.
We can set any type of Authentication/Authorization in the Azure Portal.More info about how to use authentication for API Apps in Azure App Service, please refer to document.
By default, App Service provides authentication but does not restrict authorized access to your site content and APIs. You must authorize users in your app code.
