#have doesn't capture CLs of deleted files in Perforce - perforce

We are using the following P4 command for snapshot versioning.
p4 changes -m1 /path/to/files/...#have
I noticed that the above command doesn't capture CLs of deleted files if the CL is the head CL.
So it ends up having two artifacts with the same version but different files.
I was wondering how we can cover this edge case?

This is an artifact of the fact that deleted files aren't synced to the client and will therefore never be included in #have.
If possible, the best way to address this IMO is to capture the changelist at the time you sync to the head revision. Do:
p4 changes -m1 -ssubmitted /path/to/files/...
and then use that changelist to do:
p4 sync /path/to/files/...#CHANGE
Since submitted changelists are immutable (outside of edge cases like obliterate and +S files) you now have a guarantee that anyone else syncing to that same path#change will get the same set of revisions that's in your workspace.
Note that the p4 changes command will capture changelists with deleted revisions, even if those revisions are then skipped by the p4 sync!


Why does p4 flush not update my have list?

My p4 client version is P4/NTX64/2018.1/1705517.
I noticed that some files had accidentally been deleted in my workspace. I synced, but even so, the files did not appear.
I then ran the p4 have command and saw that it contained the missing files, and so p4 will not include those files in the sync.
Of course I can give the p4 sync command with the -f flag, but my workspace is rather large, so that would take a long time.
I then ran the flush command even with the -f flag thinking that it would correct my have list to reflect what I actually had on the filesystem of my workspace, but it didn't. What am I doing wrong?
p4 flush changes the have list to match whatever you tell it to match (if no arguments, then #head is the default). If that's not what your workspace actually contains, then the have list is now out of sync with the workspace, and future p4 sync commands will probably skip a bunch of files (exactly like you're seeing now).
The command you want is p4 clean, which syncs your workspace to match your have list. (If you have changes in unopened files, including "new" files that you haven't opened with p4 add, this will irrevocably blast them. Careful!)
If you want to open the files that don't match your have list, use p4 reconcile instead. (You can follow it up with p4 revert to discard the changes, or p4 submit to keep them permanently.)

How to only receive get file changed by revision In perforce P4

In P4, I only want to pull file changed my client workspace from server. But When I use "p4 sync", this command get all files from server. So, How to get files changed from list revision ? with the files were existed on local and not changed, the command P4 sync do not need sync. My command is here:
p4 sync -f //depot/...#Revision
If you want to restore a file you deleted with p4 delete file, use p4 revert file, not p4 sync. p4 sync is for getting the changes that other people made to the files, not for altering the changes that you made.
There are three different reasons that the files in your workspace might differ from the current head revision in the depot:
A new revision has been submitted to the depot since the last time you synced.
You have opened the files (e.g. with p4 edit) and made changes to them that are not yet submitted.
You have modified the read-only synced files in your workspace without opening them.
(You don't say in your question which of these is the case, which is why you've gotten a couple of different answers that are based on different assumptions about your workspace state -- I'm guessing it's #3, personally, but I'll give the answer for each one so you can understand how it's "supposed" to work vs what's actually going on here.)
In case 1, a normal p4 sync command will update only the files with new revisions. If the revision you previously synced is the same as the head revision, p4 sync won't update it. This makes p4 sync very fast -- you can have a million files in your workspace, and if only one of them has changed since you last sync, only that one file is affected.
In case 2, no p4 sync command will update the files, in the interest of preserving your open changes. To submit your changes to the depot, use p4 submit; to discard them, use p4 revert. Again, only the open files are affected by these commands, so a revert operation affecting only a few files isn't slowed down by however many other files are in your workspace.
In case 3, your workspace is in an inconsistent state -- Perforce's standard workflow is that any time you modify a local file you should "open" it so that the server can track your local work (and optimize operations like sync, submit, etc, as well as alert other users who open those files simultaneously to potential conflicts). If you modify a file locally without modifying it, commands like sync will no longer work as well because the state of your client is not known to the server.
You can recover from an inconsistent state by using the p4 reconcile command (which will open all the inconsistent files so that you can either submit or revert them), or the p4 clean command (which irrevocably discards the inconsistent local changes, as if you'd done p4 reconcile immediately followed by p4 revert). These commands are significantly slower than a normal sync operation since they need to scan the entire workspace rather than only the changed files, but they are still significantly faster than a sync -f since only the changed files are actually re-transferred.

Perforce Changelist and shelve command

I am very new to Perforce and just started using it.
After syncing my code using $p4 sync command i started editing a few files.
$p4 edit file1
$p4 edit file2
$p4 edit file3
These files were getting added to my default changelist. For collaborating with my team i wanted to create a changelist. For creating a changelist i ran $p4 change and removed "file1" from the changelist description. Now when i run $p4 opened. It gives an output similar to this.
//depot/... /file1 edit default change (text)
//depot/... /file2 edit default 111 (text+k)
//depot/... /file3 edit default 111 (text+k)
Now i have the following questions in my mind:
Which changelist am i currently working on is it default or 111 ??
what is the meaning of (test + k)?
When i make changes to file2 and file3 it is getting synced to changelist 111 and when i make changes to file1 it gets synced to default changelist . I am highly confused how is this happening ?
Also one more thing i am confused about is if do $p4 shelve will my changes disappear and will be reapplied only when i run unshelve command for the changelist created ?? Is this similar to git stash and git stash apply ?
It will be great if someone can answer these questions in detail. Any tutorial suggestions for Perforce will also be of great help.
Thanks in advance.
My recommendation for a Perforce tutorial is the Perforce User's Guide. Here's the section on changelists:
Which changelist am i currently working on is it default or 111 ??
Both! Both of these are pending changelists in your workspace.
what is the meaning of (text+k)?
The thing in parentheses is the "filetype". +k is a "filetype modifier" meaning that keywords (special words like $Id$ and $Revision$ and $Author$ in this file will be automatically expanded to appropriate values when you submit.
When i make changes to file2 and file3 it is getting synced to changelist 111 and when i make changes to file1 it gets synced to default changelist . I am highly confused how is this happening ?
Nothing is getting "synced" anywhere yet -- the pending changelists are just containers that reference the different files. When you shelve or submit, then the files associated with those changelists will get sent to the server and will be accessible by other clients. Since shelve and submit are changelist-level operations, only the files in those changelists are affected -- that's the point of having different pending changelists. You have all of the pending files in your workspace, but you can split up which ones get sent to the server at which times (it's a little like pushing different branches in git, but not -- you can do this on every operation in Perforce even when you aren't branching because each file is versioned individually rather than having the entire tree versioned as one atomic blob).
Also one more thing i am confused about is if do $p4 shelve will my changes disappear and will be reapplied only when i run unshelve command for the changelist created ?? Is this similar to git stash and git stash apply ?
No, p4 shelve only syncs the shelved change on the server with the local files in your workspace -- it doesn't in itself change your workspace. The equivalent of "stashing" would be to p4 shelve and then to p4 revert to wipe out the workspace changes. shelve on its own is a little more like doing a git push to a branch -- you keep your local copy but now it's also on the server (but not part of the "master" history). (It's not exactly the same though -- to be honest if you're brand new to Perforce I'd stick to regular old "submit" in a regular old branch since that's the basic workflow. Sharing work via shelves requires a lot more manual work since each shelf is like its own little mini-branch with no versioning.)

Options to preserver state of file and continue working with it

Suppose I've made some changes to a bunch of files and sent the changelist for review. The review may take up to 24 hours. During that time I might need to edit some of the files in the changelist, but when review is over, I'll need to be able to get back to the version of the file in the approved changelist. What options do I currently have to do that in Perforce?
One option that comes to mind is stashing the files and then reverting when needed, but in this way I'll lose the changes done on top of the stashed versions.
I've read about using task streams, is it something that can help me handle that situation?
I assume that the files have been shelved in the changelist for review (as opposed to emailing them off or using some other review mechanism). If so, I'd move the open files to another changelist:
p4 change
p4 reopen -c (new change) (files)
and continue working on them. The shelved versions of the files will stay in the old changelist.
If you need to go back to the old changelist, shelve your new changelist:
p4 shelve -c (new change)
and then revert your open files (they should be safe in the new shelved changelist now) and unshelve the old changelist to keep working from that point:
p4 revert (files)
p4 unshelve -s (old change)
There are lots of variations on this you could do, such as reverting and starting over from scratch rather than building your newer changes on top of the changes that are currently under review. If you do that, you'll need to merge the changes later, but Perforce will track all of that automatically and prompt you when it's time (as long as you're using Perforce commands to sync/revert/unshelve/etc -- if you start making your own backups and restoring them manually all bets are off because Perforce doesn't know what your edits are based on any more and can't guide you through the merge process intelligently).

delete a submitted changelist from perforce history

I accidentally submitted a wrong changelist to my perforce server. I then backed out that changelist using the "backout changelist" option. But, these two changes appear in the history of all those affected files that they were once deleted and then added back again.
I want to be able to delete the history from perforce server of these two changelists. Is it possible. Can it be done via some Perforce administrator command.
EDIT: I have seen p4 change -d -f which can delete a changelist but this requires to use p4 obliterate on the files which were there in the changelist. Does this mean that I have to obliterate all the files which were affected by the changelist. This doesnt seem a viable solution for me as I do not want to delete those files. Should I only obliterate those specific two revisions of the files due to the two submitted changelists?
Your perforce administrator could call p4 obliterate to completely wipe out files, revisions and history.
But I'd strongly advise not to do so. It's a perfectly normal thing to rollback files/changes and to see the history of it.
In case you still decide to use p4 obliterate make sure you call it without the "-y" option first (preview) and then (if the output of what perforce says will happen is ok) call the same command with the "-y" option (to actually perform the obliterate).
If you call p4 obliterate with a file revision (e.g. p4 obliterate //depot/dir/file#5) then only the changes and history of that revision will be removed leaving all previous revisions and history intact. You can also obliterate a revision range.
