Does Windows Media Foundation on UWP have a resampler? If so how do I use it? - audio

Using Win32 I have access to CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject which means I can reduce my channel count from say 6 to 2.
On UWP this is no longer defined and the only reference to a resampler I can find is CLSID_AudioResamplerMediaObject. When I create an instance of this class however, and pass it my MFMediaType_Float or MFMediaType_PCM type, it says that the provided types aren't supported...
ComPtr<IUnknown> pTransformUnknown = nullptr;
DxUtil::ThrowIfFailed(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AudioResamplerMediaObject, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, &pTransformUnknown));
IMFMediaType* pInputType = nullptr;
DxUtil::ThrowIfFailed(pInputType->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Audio));
DxUtil::ThrowIfFailed(pInputType->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFAudioFormat_PCM)); // Or MFAudioFormat_Float
DxUtil::ThrowIfFailed(pInputType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, 16));
DxUtil::ThrowIfFailed(pInputType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS, 6));
DxUtil::ThrowIfFailed(pInputType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND, 48000));
DxUtil::ThrowIfFailed(mAudioSourceReader->SetCurrentMediaType(MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, nullptr, pInputType)); // Fails here!
As usual, Microsoft docs aren't helpful, I would appreciate any help!
Input file is Mp4 with 1 aac stream, 6 channels, 16 bit audio.

CLSID_AudioResamplerMediaObject and CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject are the same thing, same GUID of {f447b69e-1884-4a7e-8055-346f74d6edb3}.
The error you mentioned is not coming from audio resampler, you have it from Source Reader API. The error is presumably correctly reported indicating the situation that for given media source the reader cannot provide a conversion to supplied media type. There can be multiple reasons for this to happen.


can't acquire IDXGIDevice or IDXGIDevice1 from ID3D12Device in dx12

I'd like to call IDXGIDevice1::SetMaximumFrameLatency method from my dx12app, for that I need to get a valid IDXGIDevice1 from the current Direct3D 12 device. querying the interface return a E_NOINTERFACE:
IDXGIDevice * pDXGIDevice;
HRESULT hr = myDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice), (void **)&pDXGIDevice);
assert(hr != S_OK); // returns E_NOINTERFACE
IDXGIDevice1 * pDXGIDevice1;
HRESULT hr1 = myDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice1), (void **)&pDXGIDevice1);
assert(hr != S_OK); // returns E_NOINTERFACE
Not sure if I'm missing something or there is sequence of dxgi logic I need to implement to get a valid IDXGIDevice1 interface.
Would appreciate any hints & thanks in advance!
For Direct3D 12, this 'legacy pattern' of obtaining the DXGI factory is not supported, so your code above won't work as it's the first step:
ComPtr<IDXGIDevice3> dxgiDevice;
ComPtr<IDXGIAdapter> dxgiAdapter;
ComPtr<IDXGIFactory4> dxgiFactory;
For Direct3D 12, you should always create the DXGI factory explicitly. See Anatomy of Direct3D 12 Create Device.
In Direct3D 12 swap chains, you explicitly control the backbuffer swapping behavior. Ideally you'd use DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_FRAME_LATENCY_WAITABLE_OBJECT and then use the waitable object to throttle your rendering speed instead. You can set the latency count via IDXGISwapChain2::SetMaximumFrameLatency which defaults to 3 (MSDN is currently wrong about the defaults).
If you want to support 'higher-than-refresh-rate' updates (such as nVidia G-Sync or AMD FreeSync), then you use the new DXGI_PRESENT_ALLOW_TEARING flag for Present. For details on using this flag, see MSDN or this YouTube video.
See also DirectX 12: Presentation Modes In Windows 10 (YouTube).

How can I read the info of a media file using visual c++?

Is there a way to read the info (fps, bitrate, duration, codecs required, etc.) of a media file (avi, mp4, mkv, etc.) on windows using visual studio c++?
I managed to play various files (which I actually don't even want) using directshow ( but I don't know how to only get the information from the file.
Edit: I got it working like this...
int height, width, framerate, bitrate;
// initialize the COM library
IPropertyStore* store = NULL;
SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName(L"E:\\test.avi", NULL, GPS_DEFAULT, __uuidof(IPropertyStore), (void**)&store);
store->GetValue(PKEY_Media_Duration, &variant);
duration = variant.hVal;
store->GetValue(PKEY_Video_FrameHeight, &variant);
height = variant.lVal;
store->GetValue(PKEY_Video_FrameWidth, &variant);
width = variant.lVal;
store->GetValue(PKEY_Video_FrameRate, &variant);
framerate = variant.lVal;
store->GetValue(PKEY_Video_TotalBitrate, &variant);
bitrate = variant.lVal;
You can obtain this information via DirectShow, however if you don't need the playback/streaming pipeline and you are on Windows 7, then you possibly have a better alternate option to get the data from shell properties - those supplying data to display in additional columns of Windows explorer.
SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName gets you property store
MSDN entry point for Shell Metadata Providers
Code snippet: How to use the IPropertyStore to obtain Media_Duration?
Have you considered using the MediaInfo SDK? You can get extensive information about all of the audio and video streams available in the container, including codec specifics, as well as everything you were asking about.
Their getting started guide and reference documentation are here:
Code is available at their SourceForge page here.

Microsoft Media Foundation Webcam Interface

I've been working on a c++ interface to capture images from all types of webcams via the Micrsoft Media Foundation. I've already got a bit of code that can connect with several types of webcams and is able to capture images in different resolutions and formats.
I know that under WinXP it is possible to change different parameters of the webcam (like white balance, exposure time e.g.) by using the Direct Show library. Unfortunately the interface in the Direct Show library that made it possible to easily capture single frames from a webcam is removed from Direct Show under Win7. Does anybody know how I can acces these parameters using Microsoft Media Foundation or any other library that I can combine with the Microsoft Media Foundation?
It is possible to call a DirectShow QueryInterface method from WMF. Example code is given at Windows Media Foundation: Controlling Camera Properties.
This should let you set available camera parameters like focus and white balance etc.
HRESULT CMFVideoCaptureDlg::SetupCamera(IMFMediaSource* pCameraSource) {
CComQIPtr<IAMCameraControl> spCameraControl(pCameraSource);
if(spCameraControl) {
long min, max, step, def, control;
hr = spCameraControl->GetRange(CameraControl_Exposure, &min, &max, &step, &def, &control);
hr = spCameraControl->Set(CameraControl_Exposure, 1, CameraControl_Flags_Manual);
CComQIPtr<IAMVideoProcAmp> spVideo(pCameraSource);
hr = spVideo->Set(VideoProcAmp_WhiteBalance, 0, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Auto);
return hr;
It turns out Media Foundation does not define any specific interfaces
for these tasks. Curiously enough, it implements interfaces defined by
its predecessor, DirectShow, on its media source (represented by the
IMFMediaSource interface), when that media source is a video camera
DirectShow is still good in Windows 7 (the easiest to check is using GraphEdit and AMCap from Windows SDK). Media Foundation however lacks essential support in earlier versions of Windows.
This article has the following code and it works like a charm!
HRESULT CMFVideoCaptureDlg::SetupCamera(IMFMediaSource* pCameraSource) {
CComQIPtr spCameraControl(pCameraSource);
if(spCameraControl) {
long min, max, step, def, control;
hr = spCameraControl->GetRange(CameraControl_Exposure, &min, &max, &step, &def, &control);
hr = spCameraControl->Set(CameraControl_Exposure, 1, CameraControl_Flags_Manual);
CComQIPtr spVideo(pCameraSource);
hr = spVideo->Set(VideoProcAmp_WhiteBalance, 0, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Auto);
return hr;
IAMCameraControl and IANVideoProcAmp still support White balance,pan,zoom in Windows 8. camera control is so far not part of MFT.We have to use Direct Show to do these things.

How to get webcam video stream bytes in c++

I am targeting windows machines. I need to get access to the pointer to the byte array describing the individual streaming frames from an attached usb webcam. I saw the playcap directshow sample from the windows sdk, but I dont see how to get to raw data, frankly, I don't understand how the video actually gets to the window. Since I don't really need anything other than the video capture I would prefer not to use opencv.
Visual Studio 2008 c++
Insert the sample grabber filter. Connect the camera source to the sample grabber and then to the null renderer. The sample grabber is a transform, so you need to feed the output somewhere, but if you don't need to render it, the null renderer is a good choice.
You can configure the sample grabber using ISampleGrabber. You can arrange a callback to your app for each frame, giving you either a pointer to the bits themselves, or a pointer to the IMediaSample object which will also give you the metadata.
You need to implement ISampleGrabberCB on your object, and then you need something like this (pseudo code)
IFilterInfoPtr m_pFilterInfo;
ISampleGrabberPtr m_pGrabber;
m_pGrabber = pFilter;
// force to 24-bit mode
ZeroMemory(&mt, sizeof(mt));
mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24;
m_pGrabber->SetCallback(this, 0);
// SetCallback increments a refcount on ourselves,
// but we own the grabber so this is recursive
/// -- must addref before SetCallback(NULL)

Is Adobe Media Encoder scriptable with ExtendScript?

Is Adobe Media Encoder (AME) Scriptable? I've heard people mention it was "officially scriptable" but I can't find any reference to its scriptable object set.
Has anyone had any experience scripting AME?
Adobe media encoder is 'officially' not scriptable but we can use extend script API for scripting AME.
Below functions are available through extend script
1.Adding a file to batch
Encode progress
host = App.GetEncoderHost ();
enc = EHost.CreateEncoderForFormat ( "QuickTime");
flag = Enc.LoadPreset ( "HD 1080i 29.97, H.264, AAC 48 kHz");
an if (flag) {
f = enc.encodeEncodeProgress
= function (progress) {
$ .writeln (progress);
eHost. enc.encode ("/ Users / test / Desktop / 00000.MTS", "/Users/test/Desktop/");
} else {
alert ("The preset could not be loaded ");
encode end
ehost = App.GetEncoderHost ();
enc = EHost.CreateEncoderForFormat ( "QuickTime");
flag = Enc.LoadPreset ( "HD 1080i 29.97, H.264, AAC 48 kHz");
an if (flag) {
f = enc.onEncodeFinished
= function (success) {
if (success) {
alert ("Successfully encoding has ended ");
} Else {
Alert (" failed to encode ");
EHost.RunBatch ();
} Else {
Alert (" preset could not be read ");
2.Start batch
eHost = app.getEncoderHost ();
eHost.runBatch ();
3.Stop batch
eHost = app.getEncoderHost ();
eHost.stopBatch ();
4.Pause batch
eHost = app.getEncoderHost ();
eHost.pauseBatch ();
5.Getting preset formats
EHost = App.GetEncoderHost ();
List = EHost.GetFormatList ();
6.getting presets
eHost = app.getEncoderHost ();
enc = eHost.createEncoderForFormat ("QuickTime");
list = enc.getPresetList ();
and many more...
The closest bits of info I've found are:
The latter resource is actually good, if you can read japanese, or at least use the Chrome built-in translate function, then you can see it has resources such as this one:
We can perform almost all basic functionalities through script.
I had a similar question about Soundbooth.. I haven't tried scripting Adobe Media Encoder though, it doesn't show up in the list of applications I could potentially connect to and script with the ExtendScript Toolkit.
I did find this article that might come in handy if you're on a Windows. I guess using something similar written in AppleScript could do the job on a OSX. I haven't tried it, but this Sikuli thing looks nice, maybe it could help with the job.
Adobe Media Encoder doesn't seem to be scriptable. I was wondering, for batch converting, could you use ffmpeg ? There seem to be a few scripts out there for that, if you google for ffmpeg batch flv.
Year 2021
Yes, AME is scriptable in ExtendScript. AME API doc can be found at
The API methods can be invoked locally inside AME or remotely through BridgeTalk.
addCompToBatch and other alternatives in the API doc seem to be safe to use. This is working:
app.getFrontend().addCompToBatch(project, preset, destination);
The method requires project to be structured so that 1 and only 1 comp is at the root of the project.
encoder.encode – references of which can be found in Web, supposed to support encode progress callbacks - is not available in AME 2020 and 2021. As a result, this is not working:
var encoder = app.getEncoderHost().createEncoderForFormat(encoderFormat);
var res = encoder.loadPreset(encoderPreset);
encoder.encode(project, destination); // error: encode is not a function
The method seems to have been removed in AME 2017.1, according to the post reporting the issue
The official stance at the moment is "no", but if you open the Adobe Extend Script Toolkit, and set the target app to Media Encoder, you will see in the Data Browser that a few objects and methods are already exposed in the app object, like app.getFrontend(), app.getEncoderHost() etc. There is no official documentation though, and no support, so you are free to experiment with them at your own risk.
You can use the ExtendScript reflection interface like this:
a = app.getFrontend()
But as far as I can see, no meaningful information can be found this way beyond list of methods and properties.
More about the ExtendScript reflect interface can be found in the JavaScript Tools Guide CC document.
Doesn't seem to be. There're some reference to it being somewhat scriptable via using FCP XML yet it's not "scriptable" in its accepted form.
Edit, it looks like they finally got their finger out and made ME scriptable:
I got here after it came second in the duckduckgo results for "extendscript adobe media encoder". First was a post on the Adobe forums where an adobe staffer wrote:
Scripting in Adobe Media Encoder is not a supported feature.
and, just to give the finger to anyone seeking to develop solutions for adobe users using adobe's platform:
Also, this is a user-to-user forum, not an official channel for support from Adobe personnel.
I think the answer is "Adobe says no"
