CrafterCMS has no site configured after initial setup - crafter-cms

I downloaded the tar.gz for authoring with profile and social and also without profile and social.
With http://localhost:8080/studio shows no site configured. Please configure the site you want to show or select a site on the authoring environment.
A quick look of the deployer logs show No config files found under /crafter/data/deployer/targets. No good documentation is available on this. I tried creating a yaml file after reading still it doesn't change the situation.
I haven't tinkered with any configurations I only followed the quick start guide. No login page is also being displayed.
I am using version 3.1.10 and I have 8 gb of ram.
The tomcat log file has quite a lot of characters. I have attached it in gdrive
I have also attached the deployer logs

From your logs, it seems that you're missing ncurses5:
[ERROR] 2020-11-25T12:05:36,874 [Exec Stream Pumper] [exec.ManagedProcess] | mysql_secure_installation: /home/aditya/Desktop/crafter/bin/dbms/bin/mysql: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
That breaks the authoring database. To fix this, see the instructions for your Linux distro here:


OpenLiberty Docker image sample application not workng

I have created my own Docker image using following Dockerfile:-
FROM open-liberty:webProfile8
COPY mysample.war /config/dropins/
COPY server.xml /config/
Docker image got generated with some warning:-
Successfully built cc05c3d94adf Successfully tagged
sampleopenlibty:latest SECURITY WARNING: You are building a Docker
image from Windows against a non-Windows Docker host. All files and
directories added to build context will have '-rwxr-xr-x' permissions.
It is recommended to double check and reset permissions for sensitive files and directories.
I pushed this image to Azure Container Repository and created an App Service out of it but whenever I browse to the Web-App instead of showing my custom/sample web app it shows the out of the box PAGE of Open Liberty.
Can someone please help me what I would have done wrong to fix this issue?
Thank you
I just summarize your comment and post it as an answer.
It was related to the Database connectivity which is in the sample WAR file. We defined some Application settings (Env. vriables) but somehow they are not getting picked up by the app hosted in Docker image. After hard coding it in the code and deployng it everything works.
So now it boils down to fixing the Application settings (Env. varible) to get it all working.
use COPY --chown=1001:0 mysample.war /config/dropins/
to know more open-liberty-docker-docs read Updating file permissions

Thingworx Composer not loading

I am trying to set up thingworx composer on a Linux machine.
In the Application logs the Server is ON and db is initialized.
But when in the browser I try to open composer, then it is stuck at the landing page (the black page with Thingworx logo in green) and doesn't go to the Composer Home page.
#Tarun if you are still facing the problem, then try restarting the tomcat and db servers. Make sure that there exists 'Thingworx' folder under Tomcat install dir/webapps folder, as upon successful installation Thingworx will automatically creates a folder over there.
Considering the Thingworx directory exists, try to access the apache tomcat's catalina logs and look for any errors at the End of File.
Have you tried clearing the browser cache? If this is a migration/upgrade, you may have a prior UI cached in your browser and it is conflicting with the version you are currently trying to install.
Additionally, checking the Security Log and Application Log for any warnings or errors may provide more insight into why the server is not loading Composer.
Make sure that JAVA_HOME environment variable is set and Thingworx related folders have write permission of the user. Also, this can be caused of license problem. Make sure your license.bin file exists in ThingworxPlatform folder and platform-settings.json file is valid.
For further assistance, you can create a ticket from PTC Support.

deployR cannot open the connection

I have set up deployR on an Azure VM, and have logged in as the testuser which comes as default with the installation.
Upon running the ccFraudScore.R model, I get the following error:
> if(!exists('fraudModel')){load('fraudModel.rData')}
Console Error cannot open the connection
API Error cannot open the connection
I also get the same error on my own scripts when trying to load or read.csv data, either from the same folder as the script, or using the deployrExternal() function, with a file to read in the appropriate folder in here: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-<version>\deployr\external.
I have set all the inbound Windows Firewall rules to "public" and enabled them, as described in the install documentation.
Please could anyone point me in the direction of where to look next?
Thanks to #warmoverflow, I looked at the diagnostics and the app logs, and it appears everything is configured correctly, and the updated Microsoft installation guide.
If I log in to <IP Address>:<Port>/deployr/landing as administrator, then go to Administration Console > The Grid, I can edit the External directory configuration Storage Context, which by default is /deployr/external/data, as expected from the installation guide.
However, the problem persists.
Temporary Fix
As a temporary fix, I use a full file path to reference any other scripts or data files I need to use, and this works, as follows:
> if(!exists('fraudModel')){load('C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\DeployR-8.0.5\\deployr\\external\\repository\\testuser\\example-fraud-score\\fraudModel.rData')}
Note that I have not edited the above file path from installation.

Troubleshooting azure website internal error

I am getting an error message on my website:
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
How do I troubleshoot this. I can't find the log file. Please help.
Some information on debugging youe node.js site on Azure websites can be found here:
and here:
To enable application logging instead of updating the iisnode.yml file, you can also use the portal and from the Website/CONFIGURE tab you can enable application logging to file system.
Also look into: for an easy way to see the log files without installing any tools.

What is this vague error with 'redirection.config' while building a Web Deploy package?

I'm trying to build a Web Deploy package via msbuild on a new machine and it's not working. It builds fine on other machines, but here I get the following vague error:
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Filename: redirection.config
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Error: Cannot read configuration file
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error :
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Unknown error (0x80005000)
I'm not sure what 'redirection.config' is, and the line reference to the .targets file doesn't help at all.
How can I fix this?
redirection.config is a file that lives in the IIS configuration directory, typically %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv\config. Here are two possibilities:
The account building your project doesn't have access to the IIS config dir. This might happen if you have an automated build identity with special permissions, or you if you need to start Visual Studio as an administrator.
You don't have IIS installed at all on the new machine. Check to be sure the IIS config directory, and redirection.config in particular, even exist. If not, you'll need to install IIS.
If you receive this error when deploying with Release Managment (via IISConfig.exe) be sure that the deployment agent service account is in the local Administrators group. You may need to restart the deployment agent service.
Similar Issue resolved below - Might help
Insufficient Permissions Problems with MSDeploy and TFS Build 2010
For me, simply running visual studio as admin gave it the elevated permissions it needed to operate against this folder.
May work for others.
I got this error when I tried to use a relative path for the contentPath setting. I fixed it by settings the contentPath to the full path of the folder. Without the full path, the contentPath provider thinks it is a site path or application path and looks for it in in the IIS configuration.
This error just appeared to me when my C# project was referencing the Microsoft.Web.Administration, Version= assembly. It looks like this assembly only works with IIS Express. For IIS, we must use Microsoft.Web.Administration, Version=
After hours of testing and troubleshooting this problem turned out to be an issue with the users profile.
This was found by logging in as myself and I didn't receive the same issue.
To fix this issue:
Log into the machine as an administrator and delete the contents of the corrupt profile from C:\Users (or rename the folder to username.OLD)
Open up the registry and navigate here – HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ProfileList
Find the corrupt profile and rename this to .OLD or remove it.
You can read more about it at this article.
As this is high in search engines when looking for this error, I'll post my solution.
I used Azure Pipelines to release the app to IIS and had this error. My issue was that I mistakenly used Build Agent job instead of Deployment Group job when configuring the release pipeline.
On server 2012 this error can be caused by UAC which needs to be disabled via the registry.
This article explains why...
change DWORD "EnableLUA" from 1 to 0
