get output from nsExec::Exec - nsis

I am trying to get the standard output from nsExec. for example, this should display a current date in MessageBox:
nsExec::Exec 'date /t'
Pop $0
MessageBox MB_OK "$0"
Apparently thats not how you do it. It only displays 1. What is the correct way of getting the output back from nsExec::Exec

::Exec just hides stdout, you want ::ExecToStack.
The syntax looks like this:
nsExec::Exec '"App"'
Pop $0 ; Exit code / error
nsExec::ExecToStack '"App"'
Pop $0 ; Exit code / error
Pop $1 ; stdout output
You got an error code because time is a built-in command in cmd.exe, not an application. You need to invoke cmd.exe to perform that command:
nsExec::ExecToStack '"$sysdir\cmd.exe" /C time /t'
Pop $0 ; Exit code / error, should be 0
Pop $1 ; Time
If all you wanted was to know the time you could also do this:.
System::Call 'kernel32::GetLocalTime(p#r0)'
System::Call '*$0(&i2, &i2, &i2, &i2, &i2.r4, &i2.r5, &i2.r6, &i2)'
IntFmt $5 "%.2d" $5 ; 0 pad
IntFmt $6 "%.2d" $6 ; 0 pad
MessageBox mb_ok $4:$5:$6


How to use System::Call and MessageBox when calling the C++ dll method from the NSIS script

My requirement is I need to test "If the device is present before we try to disable the Native Power" from the system.
For that I need to call the below function that is there in testutil.dll
BOOL IsTherePower()
Below is the NSIS script to call this function:
Name "PowerTest"
OutFile "PowerTest.exe"
InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\PowerTest
Section "PowerTest(required)"
SectionIn RO
DetailPrint "PowerTest"
; Set output path to the installation directory. Here is the path C:\Program Files\PowerTest
; Give the dll path
File E:\Code\Source\Validatepower.exe
File E:\Code\Source\testutil.dll
File E:\Code\Source\ntutil.dll
File E:\Code\Source\dlgdll.dll
System::Call "$INSTDIR\testutil.dll::IsTherePower() i.r0"
Pop $0
MessageBox MB_OK "Return value = $R0, lasterr = $0"
IntCmp $R0 1 OkToInstall CancelInstall
Abort "Not allowed to install"
Do the install
With the above code when i run the application i am getting "Return value=, lasterr = error". I am not sure why i am getting the "Return value" blank (null). Did I miss anything here?
I have written "System::Call" and "MessageBox" but not sure what they are doing.
Here I want to know what is "i.r0" from System::Call
And also what is "Pop $0"?
You are using the wrong register. r0 in System syntax is $0, not $R0 (R0 and r10 is $R0). System::Call "$INSTDIR\drvutil.dll::IsUPSPresent() i.r0" puts the INT32 return value in $0 and then you overwrite $0 with the Pop and your stack happened to be empty.
If you need to call GetLastError() then you must append the ?e option:
System::Call "$INSTDIR\drvutil.dll::IsUPSPresent() i.r0 ?e" ; Pushes error code on top of the stack
Pop $1 ; Get error code
DetailPrint "Return=$0 LastError=$1"
?e pushes the last error on the stack and Pop extracts the top item on the stack.
I can confirm that my code works, I tested in on a dummy .DLL. If it does not work for you then System::Call is unable to load the .DLL or find the exported function. The most likely issue is that you have not exported the function correctly in your .DLL.
Inspect your .DLL with Dependency Walker, it is supposed to look like this:
You can also try do verify it manually in NSIS:
!include LogicLib.nsh
SetOutPath $InstDir
File drvutil.dll
System::Call 'KERNEL32::LoadLibrary(t "$InstDir\drvutil.dll")p.r8 ?e'
Pop $7
${If} $8 P<> 0
MessageBox MB_OK 'Successfully loaded "$InstDir\drvutil.dll" # $8'
System::Call 'KERNEL32::GetProcAddress(pr8, m "IsUPSPresent")p.r9 ?e'
Pop $7
${If} $9 P<> 0
MessageBox MB_OK 'Successfully found "IsUPSPresent" # $9'
MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP 'Unable to find "IsUPSPresent", error $7'
System::Call 'KERNEL32::FreeLibrary(pr8)'
MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP 'Unable to load "$InstDir\drvutil.dll", error $7'

Deregistering a font with NSIS

When I try to uninstall a font like that...
Section "un.Uninstall"
!insertmacro RemoveTTFFont "$FONTS\Vani.ttf"
!insertmacro RemoveTTFFont "$FONTS\Vanib.ttf"
I get the following error message:
Error in macro GetFileNameCall on macroline 2
Error in macro RemoveTTFFont on macroline 9
(...) aborting process
In other words, there's something wrong with the following section in the FontReg.nsh file:
!ifmacrondef GetFileNameCall
!macro GetFileNameCall _PATHSTRING _RESULT
Call GetFileName
Pop ${_RESULT}
!ifndef GetFileName
!define GetFileName `!insertmacro GetFileNameCall`
Function GetFileName
Exch $0
Push $1
Push $2
StrCpy $2 $0 1 -1
StrCmp $2 '\' 0 +3
StrCpy $0 $0 -1
goto -3
StrCpy $1 0
IntOp $1 $1 - 1
StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1
StrCmp $2 '' end
StrCmp $2 '\' 0 -3
IntOp $1 $1 + 1
StrCpy $0 $0 '' $1
Pop $2
Pop $1
Exch $0
Can someone, if not tell me how to fix the bug, at least point me in the right direction?
It would be useful for the community as many have had this problem but no one has solved it yet, like here -
I haven't received any answers unfortunately, but I must share the solution I came up with, since I saw that lots of people have had the same problem.
There is a bug in macros to remove fonts, namely "RemoveTTF", "RemoveTTFFont" and similiar sounding ones in the following files : FontReg.nsh, FontRegAdv.nsh. All of them use the same function called "GetFileNameCall" which causes the error. The problem with this function is that it sees "FontName" and "FontFileName" as the same item! As a matter of fact, font file name differs from font name. I solved the problem by copying the needed code from FontRegAdv.nsh and replacing FontFileName and FontName variables with the actual font file names and font names.

NSIS code if-else to stack operation

I always get confused when it comes to nsis stack operation. Now I'm writing a small piece of code for trimming trailing space from a string.
C:\Program Files (x86)\COMPANY\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\COMPANY
C:\Program Files (x86)\COMPANY
Working code - with normal if-else
!define TrimPath '!insertmacro "_TrimPath"'
!macro _TrimPath _FOLDERPATH
StrCpy $0 `${_FOLDERPATH}` 1 -1
${If} $0 == "\"
StrCpy $1 `${_FOLDERPATH}` -1
StrCpy `${_FOLDERPATH}` $1
Wrong code - with stack operation
!define TrimPath '!insertmacro "_TrimPath"'
!macro _TrimPath _FOLDERPATH
Exch $0
StrCpy $2 $0 1 -1
StrCmp $2 "\" +2 +1
StrCpy $1 $0 -1
StrCpy $1 $0
Pop $0
Exch $1
Can anyone correct me and point me whats wrong?
I think you're trying to use a macro as a function. Some comments/questions/hints:
Why are you using Exch which swaps the value in the top of the stack instead of using _FOLDERPATH ?
Are you pushing the parameter in the stack before calling the macro? Something like:
push $path
Pop $0 restores the value of $0 but then you call Exch $1 which will swap the value in top of the stack (unknow value, maybe the stack is empty) with $1. Why?? If you want to save the result in the stack, just push $1.

why need in Locate plugin find section the following line?

${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/L=F /M=RPC DCOM.rar /S=1K" "Example1"
; 'RPC DCOM.rar' file in 'C:\ftp' with size 1 Kb or more
IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
MessageBox MB_OK "$$R0=$R0"
Function Example1
StrCpy $R0 $R9
; $R0="C:\ftp\files\RPC DCOM.rar"
MessageBox MB_YESNO '$R0$\n$\nFind next?' IDYES +2
** StrCpy $0 StopLocate ** -> why needs this line?
Push $0
Thx for the help!
${Locate} has a loop that looks for files that matches your input and when it finds one it calls your callback-function (Example1 in this case). It searches subdirectories by default so there could be more than one "RPC DCOM.rar" file.
If you only care about the first file then you can stop it from searching other subdirectories by pushing the string "StopLocate" to the stack. Pushing anything else will continue the search...

NSIS: How to add custom button to left bottom corner and handle it's click?

I tried the ButtonEvent plugin, but when I run compiled example, it fails with memory access error. Maybe it is able to do with System plugin via Windows API or something else? Can anyone show how it can be done?
UPD: Error was appeared because I tried to use non-unicode ButtonEvent on Unicode NSIS. Now example compiles and executes OK, but when I click on TryMe button, callback function is not called and nothing happens. How to determine what is the problem? Can anyone compile ButtonEventMUI.nsi and click on TryMe button? I downloaded latest ButtonEvent version. Using NSIS 2.46 Unicode
The system plugin cannot do this because it cannot subclass windows.
The ButtonEvent plugin works fine for me (NSIS 2.46):
Name BtnTest
Outfile test.exe
Installdir "$temp"
RequestExecutionLevel user
BrandingText " " ;Button covers this text
!include nsDialogs.nsh ;For WS_*
Function .onGuiInit
; You are supposed to use ChangeUI (or MUI_UI) and a modified ui file to add new buttons but this example adds the button at run-time...
GetDlgItem $0 $hwndparent 2 ; Find cancel button
System::Call *(i,i,i,i)i.r1
System::Call 'USER32::GetWindowRect(ir0,ir1)'
System::Call *$1(i.r2,i.r3,i.r4,i.r5)
IntOp $5 $5 - $3 ;height
IntOp $4 $4 - $2 ;width
System::Call 'USER32::ScreenToClient(i$hwndparent,ir1)'
System::Call *$1(i.r2,i.r3)
System::Free $1
IntOp $2 $2 + $4 ;x
IntOp $2 $2 + 8 ;x+padding
System::Call 'USER32::CreateWindowEx(i0,t "Button",t "Click Me",i${WS_CHILD}|${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_TABSTOP},ir2,ir3,ir4,ir5,i $hwndparent,i 0x666,i0,i0)i.r0'
SendMessage $hwndparent ${WM_GETFONT} 0 0 $1
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFONT} $1 1
GetFunctionAddress $0 onmybtnclick
ButtonEvent::AddEventHandler 0x666 $0
Function onmybtnclick
MessageBox mb_ok "You clicked me!"
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