DAX calculated measure in Power Pivot 2016 - excel

I have a data model which I use in Excel 2016 Power Pivot. Here is a simplified version of the fact table and dimension table:
I am trying to calculate a calculated measure that sums the Amt from the Group field. For example, if I am filtered on subgroup 1, I would like the measure to show me '21' which is the sum of Group 'A'.
I have tried the following:
Measure =
But I get an error saying Max can only be applied to numeric values. How can I create this measure in Power Pivot 2016?

Use this code
Measure =


Excel Pivot Table with "Measure"

I want to use the pivottable feature of excel to solve my below issue.
I have two tables as follows:
Table= A_Master
Table= A_Child
Where table A_Master Joins with table A_Child on Student Name in pivot table relationship.
The final table has to be like below:
Here I dont know how to create "Measure" = "FeesRemaining" so that it calculates ActualFees-FeesPaid.
If you want the difference between what the actually fee is minus the sum of everything they paid in the other table. Not sure if there is a better way to do it but this is one way to do it.
SUM(Master[Actual Fees]),
FILTER(Master, 'Master'[Student Name] = VALUES('Master'[Student Name]))
SUM(Child[Fees Paid]),
FILTER(Child,'Child'[StudentName] = VALUES('Master'[Student Name]))
The measure above gets a sum of all the fees that are owed by the student in that row of the master table, then subtracts the sum of everything that was paid by that student in the child table.

Need to find the average of all values in pivot table

I have a data table that is pulling all successful contacts by case manager over a period of time. We've created a pivot table of the data that groups by case manager for the rows and by month of the contact for the columns. It counts the appointment IDs to get counts per case manager per month.
My manager wants this data displayed in a chart to easily visualize the data. The part I can't get is she wants the average contacts per month over all the case managers and all the months to be displayed on the chart. Essentially, she wants the average of all the values in the pivot table.
I've played around with power pivot and the DAX functions averagex() and summarize() to get averages in the total row per column, but the ultimate grand total is still the average of the totals.
How can I get the average of all the fields by itself?
Here is the sample pivot table with the totals per case manager per month
Here are the totals using averagex(summarize()) to get counts for the values and average for the totals.
AVERAGEX ( SUMMARIZE ( Table1, [Caseload], "x", COUNTA ( [Client ID] ) ), [x] )
However, the real average I want to see is 34 (all the values averaged together
You need to summarize by month as well to be able to average the way you want.
avg_count =
Table1[Caseload], --Assuming this is what you have on the rows
Table1[Month], --Assuming this is what you have on the columns
"x", COUNTA ( Table1[Client ID] )

Calculate median of aggregated values for a category using pivot table

I have hourly data about sales $ of certain categories (Fruits, snacks etc). I'd like to display the median of daily sales values over a month or an year using the hourly data in the table. So, for each category it needs to sum the hourly values and create a daily value first and then calculate the median
regular pivot does not provide median function. I am familiar with Power pivots but have not used Measures. i tried to create a measure using medianX function, but could not make it work
First, you will need to add a Calendar table to your data model:
Calendar Table Explained
The Calendar table must have fields you want to group your sales by, such as "Year-Month" and "Year-Quarter".
Then, connect the Calendar table to your Sales table via date fields, to get a structure like this:
With this data model in place, create 2 measures ( I will assume your sales table is called "Sales", and calendar table is called "Date"):
Measure 1:
Total Sale = SUM(Sales[Amount])
It will simply calculate sum of sale amounts.
Measure 2:
Median Monthly Sale = MEDIANX( VALUES(Date[Year-Month]), [Total Sale])
This measure will first sum up sales by Year-Month, and then calculate the median of the sums.
To get median sales by a different period, just replace Year-Month with the desired grouping level, for example:
Median Yearly Sale = MEDIANX( VALUES(Date[Year]), [Total Sale])
When you create your measure you will want to use the MEDIAN funciton not MEDIANX
The MedianX would be if you were trying to calculate the median value for a column in your table that did not already exist.
For Example, lets say we have Table1 which has two columns Net Revenue and Net Expense. And the following 3 data points exist for each row in the column.
Net Revenue:
Jan-2019 100
Feb-2019 300
Mar-2019 300
Net Expense:
Jan-2019 50
Feb-2019 100
Mar-2019 50
Since we do not have a Net Profit column in the table we could use MEDIANX to specify the table we would like to use then write our expression for the column that doensn't exist. In the example above it would go =MEDIANX(Table1, [Net Revenue] - [Net Expense]. This would create a median measure for NetProfit even though the column itself doesn't exist in our table.
In your case, since you are aggregating a column that already exists you can just stick with =MEDIAN.
If you need more clarification let me know!

Sum columns in Power BI matrix

I am working on a matrix in Power BI and I am not figuring out how to sum each column recursively until the total:
And this should be the resulting matrix (as an example, rows):
Some clarifications:
The months (columns) are dynamically generated based on the transaction month. I could filter the data to get the same data for only three months.
"Nombre proveedor" stands for "Vendor name".
I don't care about "Total" row.
These are my values:
So, I think I should create a measure with DAX to replace "Accounting Balance" to sum the previous column (month) or show nothing (to avoid zeroes).
Searching on internet I found several sites to get the running totals by rows, but not by columns.
Any suggestions?
Try Something like this:
Maesure =
[Accounting Balance],
ALL ( 'table' ),
'table'[Transaction month] <= MAX ( 'table'[Transaction month] )

Calculated measure MDX through Pivot Table Excel

I am connected to OLAP cube, I created a pivottable.
I would like to know if with the OLAP tool of excel is possible to calculate the number of distinct invoice number taking acount the current filters like year, country and region of the pivot table ?
I tried with Countdistinct it gives me the same result for each country.
DistinctCount([PO TYPE].[PO NUMBER].[PO NUMBER])
Try using COUNT instead:
You need to replace "MeasureGroupName" with a measure group name in your cube
