Jmeter tearDown Thread Group can't access previous thread group used file - multithreading

I have a Test plan with several thread groups that write summary report results in the same csv file hosted in a server, this works fine using a networkdrive (z:) and changing -> resultcollector.action_if_file_exists=APPEND.
Finally I have a tearDown Thread Group that insert the csv data into a sql server (the previous used networkdrive is hosted in this server in c:\jmeter\results.csv) and then it deletes the csv.
The case is when I run the test plan full I always have this error: "Cannot bulk load because the file "c:\jmeter\results.csv" could not be opened. Operating system error code 32"
The strange thing is that if I start the tearDown Thread Group alone it works fine, it makes the bulk insert in sql server and then it deletes de csv.
I started 2 days ago with Jmeter, so I'm sure I am misunderstanding something :S
Summary Report Config
JDBC Request
BeanShell PostProcessor that deletes csv
Test plan Structure

It happens because Summary Report (as well as other listeners) keep the file(s) open until test ends so you need to trigger this "close" event somehow.
Since JMeter 3.1 you're supposed to be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting therefore replace this Beanshell PostProcessor with the JSR223 PostProcessor and use the following code:
import org.apache.jmeter.reporters.ResultCollector
import org.apache.jorphan.collections.SearchByClass
def engine = engine = ctx.getEngine()
def test = engine.getClass().getDeclaredField('test')
def testPlanTree = test.get(engine)
SearchByClass<ResultCollector> listenerSearch = new SearchByClass<>(ResultCollector.class)
Collection<ResultCollector> listeners = listenerSearch.getSearchResults()
listeners.each { listener ->
def files = listener.files
files.each { file ->
new File('z:/result.csv').delete()
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It


Jmeter ${__setProperty()} Not working across multiple threads in the same thread group

I am trying to do setproperty across multiple threads in the same threadgroup, the postprocessor set new variable using setproperty, so that It can be accessed across multiple threads.
In Beanshell preprocessor, I'm having below line of code.
${__setProperty("url", "youtube")};
Under thread Group I'm having Beanshell post processor, having below one line in postprocessor.
${__setProperty("url", "google")};
under thread group, I have Http Sampler, in hostname field I have given ${__property(url)}.com
The Aim is, when it executes first time, the URL will be and when first threads complete than
the URL becomes
But the setProperty only set google, and the second one in postprocessor was not working.
Refer the below Image for details, it shows how I created the element in Jmeter.
enter image description here
Note: This was just a sample use case, but I have complex example, but answering to this question will help me to add the logic in complex script.
So is the goal that the very first thread to complete will change the URL for all subsequently created threads?
My understanding of the documentation is that you can't change the value of a property inside the thread-group:
Properties can be referenced in test plans - see Functions - read a property - but cannot be used for thread-specific values.
My assumption is that each thread in a thread-group gets a copy of the properties. If you change the value of the property inside the thread group, then you are actually changing the copy for that particular thread. Since you are changing it in the post-processor, the thread is very likely just about to be disposed, resulting in your change being lost. After disposal a new thread is created but with the original value of the property.
So what you need to do is figure out how to change the value outside of the thread-group.
I have done something similar in my own tests whereby I am changing the value of a property in the middle of the test, and the value is picked up immediately by all of the active thread-groups, resulting in each new thread created from that point forward getting the new value. I am doing this by using the Beanshell Server:
In my specific case I use jenkins job that calls a shell-script which connects to the beanshell-service running on the local-host:
java -jar ${jmeter_home}/apache-jmeter-5.0/lib/bshclient.jar localhost 9000 ${test_plan_home}/update_Prop.bsh "${property}" "${value}"
where my update_prop.bash file is simply:
import org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils;
You would not need to use Jenkins or anything like that, though - if you setup your JMeter Process to include the Beanshell-server (see the link above) then you can simply replace the code in your post-processor:
${__setProperty("url", "google")};
with the code to connect to the beanshell server and execute that command there instead:
exec("./updateprop.bash url google");
JMeter properties are global therefore once you set the property it is available for all threads
Each JMeter thread (virtual user) executes Samplers. Pre and Post processors are obeying JMeter Scoping Rules Looking into your test plan the execution order is following:
Beanshell PreProcessor
HTTP Request Sampler
Beanshell PostProcessor
therefore HTTP Request sampler will never hit youtube (unless you run into a race condition due to concurrency) because PreProcessor will set the URL back to google
It is recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting since JMeter 3.1
It is NOT recommended to inline JMeter Functions and/or variables into scripts, you need to either use "Parameters" section or go for code-based equivalents instead so you need to replace this line:
${__setProperty("url", "youtube")};
with this one:
props.put("url", "youtube");

How to implement multithreading in groovy?

I want to create 10 million customers for performance testing. I am running a basic groovy script for creating a customer with only mandatory attributes. Then I am running the script inside a loop.
How can I improve the performance of this groovy script?
I can't find the corresponding multi-threading options that are available in impex import.
Is there a better way of creating 10 million customers in Hybris?
Edit 1:
Sample groovy script for generating customers with different id's.
import de.hybris.platform.core.model.user.AddressModel
import de.hybris.platform.core.model.user.CustomerModel
//Setting only mandatory attributes
for(int i=0; i<100000; i++) {
customerModel = new CustomerModel()
id = new Random().nextInt(100000000)
uid = 'TestCustomer_'+id
name = 'Test Customer Name_'+id
addressModel = new AddressModel()
}catch(Exception e){
println('Creation of customer with id = '+uid+' and amway account = '+code+' failed with error : '+e.getMessage())
I would say the logical answer is to use Impex files. This allows creation bulk and has support for multithreading:
basically you can configure the number of workers or threads:
You would be responsible for converting your input format to either *.csv or *.impex
Regarding the Groovy script, you can set the uid and name with impex, only you would have to provide the random numbers in advance. You could do this in Excel or in some scripting language.
You could even do it in the impex itself with code execution.
But if you just want a lot of random customers: you could also just spin up 10 browser windows with /hac and run the script ten times.
I created multiple ScriptingJob with the above groovy script and attached them to 30 different Cronjobs. Executing all of them in parallel achieved the same result.

Making log files in NiFi

I want to make log files for each processors in NiFi. I use splitText for splitting log files and then processing them after it I have one log message distribute in 5 files. I want to keep this data and write it in one log file for each processor (for example I use this expression fro getting executescript processor${regex:toLower():contains('executescript')}).
How can I write this logs in one log file for each processor?
Should I use any native NiFi processor or make it by Groovy code?
Is it possible to get flowfile data I used this but processor seems to have bad response:
def flowFile1 = session.create();
def flowFile=session.get();
while(flowFile != null){
flowFile1 = session.write(flowFile, {outputStream -> def builder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(flowFile)
outputStream.write(builder.toPrettyString().getBytes(Standar‌​dCharsets.UTF_8)) } as OutputStreamCallback)
flowFile1 = session.putAttribute(flowFile,'filename','ExecuteScriptLog')
session.transfer(flowFile1, REL_SUCCESS)
I have WorkFlow ike thi and i wnat to get connection name for example 'executescrip't and make flowfile with this name and input all flowfile data whcih is placed inside this 'executescript' queue and write it in one file created by me (in this case 'executescript')
the logging configuration you can manage through NIFI_HOME/conf/logback.xml file.
you can define here logging files (appenders) and what messages should be logged.
the logback manual:
each processor has a classname that you can see on the screen (ex:org.apache.nifi.processors.attributes.UpdateAttribute) -
you need this info to configure logger in logback.xml and direct it to appender (file)
also you can define filtering in the logback.xml for each appender
so that only messages that matches regexp will be appended into into it.

Hybris -> how to create cronjob with execute beanshell script?

I have a beanshell script and I would like it to automate.
I need to create cronjob and add my beanshell code to it.
Maybe someone do that think?
Is anyone know how to do this?
or how to match my script with cronjob?
The answer is actually given in Cronjob scripting documentation.
In a nutshell, you will use dynamic scripting to create the cronjob instead of using the slow old-fashioned way.
There are three new objects used (quoted from doc):
Script - the item type where the script content is stored (a separate deployment table)
ScriptingJob - a new ServicelayerJob item, which contains additionally the scriptURI (consequently, the stored script can be
found at runtime from different locations (classpath, db, etc..)
ScriptingJobPerformable - the spring bean assigned to every ScriptingJob instance; it implements the usual perform() method (like
for any other cronjob). This is where the "scripted" cronjob logic is
How to use Cronjob scripting
First step - save your Script instance in the database. For this example I've used a code from
Note: you can create script with Groovy, BeanShell ad JavaScript
INSERT_UPDATE Script; code[unique=true];content;scriptType(code)
;myBshScript;"foo = ""Foo"";
four = (2 + 2)*2/2;
print( foo + "" = "" + four ); // print() is a BeanShell command
// Do a loop
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
// Pop up a frame with a button in it
button = new JButton( ""My Button"" );
frame = new JFrame( ""My Frame"" );
frame.getContentPane().add( button, ""Center"" );
Don't forget to escape " in the script with an other " (Impex restriction).
Second step - create a ScriptingJob that use the previously created Script
INSERT_UPDATE ScriptingJob; code[unique=true];scriptURI
model://myBshScript is used to retrieve a Script stored in the DB
Third step - create the CronJob
INSERT_UPDATE CronJob; code[unique=true];job(code);singleExecutable;sessionLanguage(isocode)
Optional step - create a trigger for the CronJob
INSERT_UPDATE Trigger;cronjob(code)[unique=true];cronExpression
;myBshDynamicCronJob;0 0 0/1 1/1 * ? *
This executes the cronjob every hour.
Execute the CronJob by script
In the hac scripting tab, choose Groovy and run this in commit mode.
def dynamicCJ = cronJobService.getCronJob("myBshDynamicCronJob")
After running the Script you should have this displayed
And in the console
INFO [hybrisHTTP27] (myBshDynamicCronJob) [ScriptingJobPerformable] Foo = 4
In Hybris, go to HMC> System> CronJobs> Search your created cronjob or create a new cronjob> Time Schedule tab> Trigger> Create Trigger.
From this Trigger tab window, you can schedule the interval eg. daily, weekly, etc. Also you can set the start time and frequency.
You can also do this trigger setting via impex as below:
INSERT_UPDATE Trigger;cronJob(code)[unique=true];second;minute;hour;day;month;year;relative;active;maxAcceptableDelay
For more detailed information, have a look at this, in case you have access to Hybris Wiki.
If you have access to hybris wiki, here you can find how to create and execute a cronjob.
In order to execute bean shell, in the cronjob "perform" method you should do this:
SimpleScriptContent content = new SimpleScriptContent("beanshell", "here your beanshell script code as string");
ScriptExecutable script = scriptingLanguagesService.getExecutableByContent(content);
ScriptExecutionResult result = script.execute();
Here the import section:
import de.hybris.platform.scripting.engine.content.impl.SimpleScriptContent;
import de.hybris.platform.scripting.engine.ScriptExecutionResult;
import de.hybris.platform.scripting.engine.ScriptExecutable;
You should access to scriptingLanguagesService with annotation:
ScriptingLanguagesService scriptingLanguagesService;
I have tried below steps for the groovy script. You can try the same for the beanshell.
You have to create an instance of
Script - the item type where the script content is going to store.
ScriptingJob - a new ServicelayerJob item, which contains additionally the scriptURI
CronJob - This is where the "scripted" cronjob logic is executed
1. Create a Script
Script code: HelloScript
Script engine type: beanshell
2. Create the Scripting Job
Again from HMC/Backoffice, find ScriptinJobs and create the new instance of it. Here you have to define Code and ScriptURI like
Code: HelloScriptJob
ScriptURI: model://HelloScript
You can access this job in the next step to create the CronJob
3. Create a CronJob
From HMC/BackOffice, create an instance of cronJob. Select above-created job(HelloScriptJob) in
Job definition drops down and save the changes. Now you good to schedule/run this cronJob.
Refer detailed post cronjob-using-groovy-script-hybris

Test JSF application on multiple servers with same JMeter test script

At the moment we are developing an application and deploying it in my local machine. And now I'm doing a load test using jmeter and it runs without a issue. The problem I'm getting is when I try to run the same test on a different machine with a different server it doesn't work.
And I observed that html element id's are different on different servers with JSF.(Issue is form submissions are not working). Is there a way to overcome this issue with jmeter since I want to run the same test scripts on different servers.
The process of extracting dynamic values from previous response and adding them to next request is called correlation. JMeter provides variety of Pre Processors and Post Processors to allow modification of requests on-the-fly.
Example use case:
Send a GET request a JSP page which contains a number of inputs
Extract all the inputs names and populate values where required
Populate dynamic fields of next request with values extracted in point 2
Send a POST request
Point 1: No changes to your script required
Point 2:
Add XPath Extractor as a child of GET Request and populate it as follows:
Reference Name: INPUT
XPath Query: //input/#name | //input[#type='hidden']
This extractor will fetch all <input> HTML elements and store it to JMeter Variables as
Add a Beanshell Pre Processor as a child of next request with the following code
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
Iterator iter = vars.getIterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
if (e.getValue() != null)
if (e.getKey().toString().startsWith("INPUT_") && e.getValue().toString().length() >0)
sampler.addArgument(e.getValue().toString(),"VALUE OF YOUR INPUT");
The code above will fetch all variables prefixed with INPUT_ and add it as parameters to your next request.
See How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide for more information on Beanshell scripting in Apache JMeter to see what else can be done using Beanshell scripting and using of JMeter objects exposed to Beanshell test elements.
