Mongoose updates a document which does not exists - node.js

I have a function that should update a token, based on an user's email. The thing is, the following code returns a token even if there isn't any document with the specified email in the mongoDB database and the function return the response code 200 to my server function. I'd like to prevent the updating of the document (and any further actions) when the specified e-mail isn't in the database or i'd like to return some information (regardless of the response code) to prevent further code from executing.
const vnosZetona = (req,res) =>{
if(!req.body.ePosta ){
return res.status(400).json({
"sporočilo": "Epošta uporabnika manjka! Parameter je obvezen"
if(!(new RegExp("[a-z]{2}[0-9]{4}").test(req.body.ePosta))){
return res.status(400).json({
"sporočilo": "Izgleda da nisi študent UL! Hm, "
var generiranZeton = generirajObnovitveniZeton();
.updateOne( {email: req.body.ePosta},
{ $set: {zetonZaObnavljanjeGesla:generiranZeton}},
(napaka) => {
return res.status(400).json(napaka);
return res.status(200).json({
zeton : generiranZeton,
"sporočilo" : "Žeton uspešno dodan."

So after a series of trials & errors I finally figured out what's really wrong. When I issued the query (whith an email which was not in any document) direcly into the mongoDB shell I got the following response: { "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 0, "modifiedCount" : 0 }
The result clearly says that the wasn't any update ( modifiedCount is 0) but the query was still executing without any errors, so I had to "collect" that text and then continue the execution based on the "modifiedCount" value.
const vnosZetona = (req,res) =>{
//check for errors and other stuff
var generiranZeton = generirajObnovitveniZeton(); //generate random token
.updateOne( {email: req.body.ePosta},
{ $set: {zetonZaObnavljanjeGesla:generiranZeton}},
(napaka, sporociloQueryja) => {
return res.status(400).json(napaka);
return res.status(200).json({
zeton : generiranZeton,
status: JSON.stringify(sporociloQueryja),
//the field "status" returns the result mentioned above
//although slightly different than in the mongoDB shell:
"sporočilo" : "Žeton uspešno dodan."
//The following code calls the API above when we complete the form on the page and hit submit
const posljiZahtevoZaObnovoGesla = async (req,res,next) =>{
//check for a valid email address
let odgovor = await axios.put(apiParametri.streznik + "/api/uporabniki/vnosZetona",{
ePosta : req.body.ePosta
if(odgovor.status == 200){
//If the query had no errors,regardless if anything was updated
// we read the data that was returned from the API ->
// with a nonexistent mail, the "" equals "{"n":0,"nModified":0,"ok":1}"
var o = JSON.parse(;
if(o.nModified == 0){
//nothing was modified, the no document with the specified email exists
// the user gets redirected to registration form
return res.redirect("/registracija");
//the code sends the instructions to the specified mail that exists in database
//using nodemailer and redirects to user sign in
else if (odgovor.status >= 400){
{"sporocilo": "Nekaj si zafrknil! Rollbackaj na začetno stanje!"}


Sequelize not retrieving all data after insert

I have noticed that my backend is not retrieving the expected data after an insert.
In my React application, I have one function which inserts data into the database and after getting a response, a new request is sent to update the current component state with the newly fetched data.
All my functions are using await/async and in the backend, all transactions are correctly used and committed in order.
My client is calling the following endpoints:
-POST: api/ticket ( INSERT AN ITEM)
-GET: api/ticket (GET ALL ITEMS)
Here is what the backend is showing which looks correct to me, the problem is that in the 'SELECT' statement, the inserted item is not retrieved.
The transactions are started from two different routes but I don't see why it should be an issue.
In addition, I tried to change the AddItem function to output the same findAll statement which is called when using the GET method and the data returned are correct.
So why if I separate these two flows I do not get all the items? I always need to refresh the page to get the added item.
Executing (a9d14d5c-c0ac-4821-9b88-293b086debaa): INSERT INTO `messages` (`id`,`message`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`,`ticketId`,`userId`) VALUES (DEFAULT,?,?,?,?,?);
Executing (a9d14d5c-c0ac-4821-9b88-293b086debaa): COMMIT;
Executing (9ee9ddaa-294e-41d1-9e03-9f02a2737030): START TRANSACTION;
Executing (9ee9ddaa-294e-41d1-9e03-9f02a2737030): SELECT `ticket`.`id`, `ticket`.`subject`, `ticket`.`status`, `ticket`.`createdAt`, `ticket`.`updatedAt`, `ticket`.`deletedAt`, `ticket`.`userId`, `messages`.`id` AS ``, `messages`.`message` AS `messages.message`, `messages`.`sender` AS `messages.sender`, `messages`.`createdAt` AS `messages.createdAt`, `messages`.`updatedAt` AS `messages.updatedAt`, `messages`.`deletedAt` AS `messages.deletedAt`, `messages`.`ticketId` AS `messages.ticketId`, `messages`.`userId` AS `messages.userId`, `messages->user`.`id` AS ``, `messages->user`.`firstname` AS `messages.user.firstname`, `messages->user`.`surname` AS `messages.user.surname`, `messages->user`.`email` AS ``, `messages->user`.`password` AS `messages.user.password`, `messages->user`.`stripeId` AS `messages.user.stripeId`, `messages->user`.`token` AS `messages.user.token`, `messages->user`.`birthDate` AS `messages.user.birthDate`, `messages->user`.`status` AS `messages.user.status`, `messages->user`.`confirmationCode` AS `messages.user.confirmationCode`, `messages->user`.`createdAt` AS `messages.user.createdAt`, `messages->user`.`updatedAt` AS `messages.user.updatedAt`, `messages->user`.`deletedAt` AS `messages.user.deletedAt` FROM `tickets` AS `ticket` LEFT OUTER JOIN `messages` AS `messages` ON `ticket`.`id` = `messages`.`ticketId` AND (`messages`.`deletedAt` IS NULL) LEFT OUTER JOIN `users` AS `messages->user` ON `messages`.`userId` = `messages->user`.`id` AND (`messages->user`.`deletedAt` IS NULL) WHERE (`ticket`.`deletedAt` IS NULL);
Executing (9ee9ddaa-294e-41d1-9e03-9f02a2737030): COMMIT;
-- POST '/api/ticket
exports.addMessage = async (req, res) => {
try {
const result = await sequelize.transaction(async (t) => {
var ticketId = req.body.ticketId;
const userId = req.body.userId;
const message = req.body.message;
const subject = req.body.subject;
// Validate input - If new ticket, a subject must be provided
if (!ticketId && !subject) {
return res
.send({ message: "New ticket must have a subject" });
// Validate input - If ticket exists, userId and message must be provided
if (!userId && !message && ticketId) {
return res
.send({ message: "UserID and message are required" });
// Create ticket is no ticketID was provided
if (!ticketId) {
const [ticket, created] = await Ticket.findOrCreate({
where: {
subject: subject,
userId: userId,
transaction: t,
ticketId =;
// Create a new message object
const messageObject = await db.message.create(
message: message,
userId: userId,
ticketId: ticketId,
{ transaction: t }
// Output message object
return res.send(messageObject);
} catch (err) {
return res.status(500).send({
err.message || "Some error occurred while creating the ticket message.",
-- GET: api/ticket
exports.findAll = async (req, res) => {
try {
const result = await sequelize.transaction(async (t) => {
const tickets = await db.ticket.findAll(
include: [{ model: db.message, include: [db.user] }],
{ transaction: t }
tickets.forEach((ticket) => {
return res.send(tickets);
} catch (err) {
message: err.message || "Some error occurred while retrieving Tickets.",
You sent a response to a client before the transaction actually was committed. You just need to move res.send(messageObject); outside the transaction call.
You can try to look what's going on in the current version of your code if you add several console.log with messages to see what the actual order of actions is (I mean a couple of messages in POST (the last statement inside transaction and after transaction before res.send) and at least one at the beginning of GET).
Actually if the transaction was rolled back you'd send an uncommited and already removed object/record that I suppose is not your goal.

deleteMany only returns 1 value deleted in change streams

I have a deleteMany request but I am having a hard time in filtering my context of the deleteMany returned value. It only returns 1 value deleted from pusherjs.
Here is my change stream code and pusher code in server side;
if (schedules.operationType === 'delete') {
const scheduleDetails = schedules.documentKey;
pusher.trigger('schedules', 'deleted', {
_id: scheduleDetails._id,
teamOne: scheduleDetails.teamOne,
teamTwo: scheduleDetails.teamTwo,
user: scheduleDetails.user,
isDone: scheduleDetails.isDone,
isStarted: scheduleDetails.isStarted,
gameEvent: scheduleDetails.gameEvent,
Here is my pusher code in client side. I am using React by the way. It is stored in my context api;
ScheduleChannel.bind('deleted', ({ deletedSchedule }) => {
scheduleList.filter((schedule) => schedule._id !== deletedSchedule._id)
here is my code on request;
exports.deleteallmatch = async (req, res) => {
try {
const { sub } = req.user;
const deletedMatches = await Schedule.deleteMany({ user: sub });
return res.status(201).json({
message: 'All of your schedule is successfully deleted!',
} catch (err) {
return res.status(400).json({
message: 'Something went wrong.',
The delete request is fine but I want to have realtime in my app. Cuz it happened that only one data is being send instead of many. How can I solve this?
The deleteMany() method returns an object that contains three fields:
n – number of matched documents
ok – 1 if the operation was successful
deletedCount – number of deleted documents
What you can do is:
First find all elements that match your query
Store them in some variable
Perform deleting
Return the stored variable
let deleted_items = await Schedule.find({ user: sub });
await Schedule.deleteMany({ user: sub });
return res.status(201).json({
message: 'All of your schedule is successfully deleted!',

Express application cannot get certain item from my database (Sqlite)

I am creating an application in which users can create posts and comment on these. Creating, updating and deleting posts works as intended, and so does creating comments.
When the user creates a comment, its accountId is passed to the database.
When deleting a specific comment, the accountId is passed to verify that the user is allowed to delete it.
The problem is, it seems like the accountId isn't fetched from the database, though the query asks for all details from the database table called "comments".
The app is divided into two files, db.js, and app.js.
I have tried modifying the request. In order to troubleshoot, I added a line of code checking if the comment.accountId was fetched, but that is where I get the error.
/* in db.js: */
//get comment by comment id
exports.getCommentById = (id, callback) => {
const query = 'SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id = ?'
const values = [ id ]
db.all(query, values, (error, comment) => {
if (error) {
} else if (!comment) {
} else {
callback([], comment)
/* in app.js */
app.delete('/comments/:commentId', (req, res, next) => {
const commentId = req.params.commentId
db.getCommentById(commentId, (errors, comment) => {
if (errors.length > 0) {
message: 'serverError'
} else if (!comment) {
message: 'notFound'
const accountId = req.accountId //from my auth middleware
const commAccId = comment.accountId
if(!commAccId) {
message: 'AccIdNotFound'
- - - - - ^ this is the error checking I inserted, and this is where the error is thrown, so it seems like the id is just not found.
if(!accountId) {
message: 'notAuthenticated'
} else if (comment.accountId != accountId) {
message: 'notAuthorized'
//plus code for deletion (will insert if it seems relevant, just ask)
The error message is "AccIdNotFound"
console.log returns 5 (same as the logged in user) and undefined
db.all delivers an array of rows, not just one row. You are assuming the result is a single comment only.
You should check result.length, then pull out result[0].

Why can't Restful pass body into database

I'm creating a RESTful API.
I wanna use GET method to check if lastName exists. If it can find lastName, return "YES", otherwise, call a POST method to create a data with lastName entered.
The problem is that it can create a new data, but the body is empty. Ideally, it should contain a value with lastName, like "lastName": "James",
"_id": "58a22c3c3f07b1fc455333a5",
"__v": 0
Here is my code.
var response;
mongoOp.findOne({deviceID:}, function(err, result){
if (err) {
response = {"error" : true,"message" : "Error fetching data"};
if (result) {
response = "YES";
} else {
var XMLHttpRequest = require("xmlhttprequest").XMLHttpRequest;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var POSTurl = "http://localhost:6002/users";
var params = "lastName=" +;"POST", POSTurl, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
PS: GET method works well, not a issue.
Let me modify a bit of your code and add comments as pointers:
// changed findLastName to find-last-name. It's a common convention,
// urls need to be case insensitive. It doesn't concern lastName, as
// that's a parameter, internal to your app so it's fine.
// even better if you name the route `find-or-create` or something, to better
// reflect what you're doing.
var response;
mongoOp.findOne({deviceID: req.params.lastName}, function(err, result){
if (err) {
response = {"error" : true,"message" : "Error fetching data"};
// Adding a `return statement here. If you don't return, you'll tell
// the user that there was an error, but your code continues running
// potentially calling that res.json twice.
// Also, since it's an internal error, it's common to tell the client
// about it, by setting the status to 500
return res.status(500).json(response);
if (result) {
// turning the message to JSON instead. You started that above,
// and for the sake of your clients (your frontend), it's
// better to stick to JSON. Also you can pass useful info, such as
// _id of the document.
// Again adding a `return` here, and then the rest of the code
// is nested one level less. not required, but some people like that.
response = {
message: "Last name exists."
return res.json(response);
// Here begins the new code. I'm typing what I can infer from your code,
// I don't know if your MongoDB driver looks like that exactly.
deviceId: req.params.lastName
// add other optional properties here.
}, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
var message = {
error: true,
message: 'Cannot save new entry.'
return res.status(500).json(message);
// if we're here, everything went ok. You can probably return
// the _id of the given user.
return res.json({
message: 'New user created.',
_id: response._id

What's the correct syntax to check if cypher query return zero row in javascript

I am trying to determine if a username exists before creating the user. I am using the following code. I need an elegant way to determine if the zero row is returned ...username doesn't exist. for example I know the returned row value would be zero if not found. How can I get access to the row value in the code. Can someone assist...thanks...BTW I am using neo4j3.0 Nodejs with express and Passport
.run(MATCH (user {email:}) RETURN user);
.then (function(result) {
if ((not found) {
.run(CREATE (user: {, password:newUser.password} ) ASSERT email is UNIQUE RETURN user);
}) //end of if not found
else (found)
// email address already exist
console.log("email address already exist");
}); //end .then
.catch(function(error) {
The Neo4j Driver for JavaScript record module can check if a value from record exists by index or field key using the has method. When evaluating or validating the existence of any field within a record (e.g. determining if a User node contains an existing email address property), using the has instead of the get method can allow for shorter Cypher statements and condensed javascript code; which (IMO) can lead to elegance you are seeking.
Using your original example, you can use a simple Cypher statement to search if a User node contains an email property by passing in a user's input. Utilizing the Neo4j Driver for JavaScript, you can return a result stream with a single record.
Cypher Statement:
MATCH ( u:User { email: $email } )
If an email address exists as a User node property in the Neo4j database, a stream of records with one field named "" be will returned . The record represents one user found by the statement above. You can access the field value by key using the record module's has method.
Access Record by Field Key:
The following example is one of many ways you could implement both the simple Cypher statement and has method:
async (_, { email, password }) => {
const session = await driver.session()
const closeSession = await session.close()
const endSession = await driver.close()
let query = 'MATCH (u:User{email: $email}) RETURN u,'
return session
.run(query, { email })
.then(async result => {
let emailExists = result.records[0].has('')
let newUser = result.records[0].get('u').properties
if (
(Array.isArray(result.records) && !result.records.length) ||
(Object.keys(result).length === 0 && result.constructor === Object)
) {
if (!emailExists) {
let query =
'MERGE (u:User { email: $email }) ON CREATE SET u.password = $password RETURN u'
return session
.run(query, { email, password })
.then(result => {
return newUser
} else if (Array.isArray(result.records) && result.records.length) {
const emailExists = result.records[0].has('')
if (emailExists) {
throw new Error(emailExists + ' already exists.')
} else {
throw new Error('Internal Server Error')
} else {
throw new Error('Internal Server Error')
} else {
throw new Error('Internal Server Error')
.catch(function(err) {
if (err) throw err
Note: This example validates whether a record exists first by evaluating the result with conditional statements, then the e-mail property is checked. A few errors have been handled as well.
Query (use counter):
MATCH (user {email:})
RETURN count(user)=1 as user_exists
In javascript:
if ( result.records[0].get('user_exists') !== true ) {
// create new user
And, of course, add a unique constraint to the email address for the user.
Though the answer from #stdob is an accepted answer on further research I found out that in case the record do exist, you can't retrieve any data on that query... so:
MATCH (user {email:})
RETURN AS Name, count(user)=1 as user_exists
wont yield any data if user exist. The following works:
MATCH (user {email:}) RETURN user;
if (!result[0]) {
//no records found
else {get user properties}
Thanks to:
