I'm new with Kubernetes and Azure. I want to Deply my application and I am floowing the microsoft tutorial about kubernetes. At first I have created the resouce group and ACR instance. When I try to login in ACR console show this error:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
I'm using azure cli localy and I have docker running.
You can try below options to connect ACR :
run az acr login first with the --expose-token parameter. This option exposes an access token instead of logging in through the Docker CLI.
az acr login --name <acrName> --expose-token
Output displays the access token, abbreviated here:
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs[...]24V7wA",
"loginServer": "myregistry.azurecr.io"
For registry authentication, we recommend that you store the token credential in a safe location and follow recommended practices to manage docker login credentials. For example, store the token value in an environment variable:
TOKEN=$(az acr login --name <acrName> --expose-token --output tsv --query accessToken)
Then, run docker login, passing 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as the username and using the access token as password:
docker login myregistry.azurecr.io --username 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --password $TOKEN
you will get the below promt if you follow the above method :
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Login Succeeded
Seems your Docker Desktop is not running. Make sure you installed the Docker for Desktop on your machine and start it if not. You should be good once you start.
I have a shell script that deploys containers to Azure Container Instances that runs fine locally using the Azure CLI (on Linux) but I'm having trouble performing the login to Azure from a pipeline task.
Locally the following command will open a browser to login:
docker login azure
The docs suggest that to do the same in a pipeline task I can pass in a client id and client secret. I think that it should look like this:
docker login azure --client-id $servicePrincipalId --client-secret $servicePrincipalKey --tenant-id $tenantId
However, when I run this in my pipeline I get this error:
unknown flag: --client-id
docker login azure --help run locally tells me that --client-id is a valid flag, so I'm wondering is there another way to do this in an Azure DevOps pipeline?
At the moment the problem is that there is no docker cli azure module installed on Microsoft Hosted agents, Installation instructions can be found here:
The workaround I have used to solve the problem:
- script: |
# Add the compose-cli module;
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/compose-cli/main/scripts/install/install_linux.sh | sh
# Login to Azure using docker CLI, you can use variables here;
# Note: Docker#2 task with Login Action will not help here;
docker login azure --client-id xxx --client-secret yyy --tenant-id zzz
# Check Context list;
docker context aci list
# Create ACI Context;
docker context create aci myaci --location <Azure Location> --resource-group <RG NAME> --subscription-id <subscription ID>
# Check It again.
docker context list
The Azure pipeline task for Docker allows you to use a service connection for the 'docker login' style task. To use a username / password combination, you'll start by creating a Service Connection of type 'Docker Registry'. Then specify 'other' for type. Here you can enter your credentials. The password is obfuscated for security as you would expect.
Now you can use this service connection in your azure devops pipeline docker tasks.
Sources cited:
from Azure we try to create container using the Azure Container Instances with prepared YAML.
From the machine where we execute az container create command we can login successfully to our private registry (e.g private.dev on JFrog Artifactory ) after entering password
docker login private.dev -u svc-faselect
Login succeeded
We have YAML file for deploy, and trying to create container using the az command from the SAME server.
az container create --resource-group FRONT-SELECT-NA2 --registry-login-server="private.dev"
--registry-username=svc-faselect --registry-password="..." --file ads-azure.yaml
An error response is received from the docker registry 'private.dev'. Please retry later.
I have only one image in my YAML file.
I am having real big problem to debug why this error is returned since Error response does not provide any useful information.
Search among the similar network issues but without success:
I see few moments that could be the reason of your problem.
There should be no = at az container create options
--registry-login-server --registry-password and --registry-username
Command should look like
az container create --resource-group FRONT-SELECT-NA2 --registry-login-server jfrogtraining-docker-dev.jfrog.io --registry-username svc-faselect --registry-password "..." --file ads-azure.yaml
I am trying to push docker image into azure container registries repository using power-shell command as follows:-
docker push containerregone.azurecr.io/azure-vote-front:V1
it gives me following error
unauthorized: authentication required, visit https://aka.ms/acr/authorization for more information.
I have tried to find help related to this using following documentation
but it gives Azure CLI commands.
I have also tried to do this using following link
but they are using docker login. i don't have docker login.
My Question :-
How can we accomplish this using power-shell without docker login?
I'm afraid you cannot accomplish that using PowerShell without the command docker login. Let's take a look at the command for the ACR credential.
When you use the CLI command az acr login with the ACR directly without a docker daemon running, then you will get the error similar with this:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is
the docker daemon running?
It means the CLI command az acr login depends on the docker server. When you run the CLI command az acr login --expose-token as the document shows, it just exposes the access token of the ACR without login for docker. You also need to log in yourself for docker. You can see the details here.
For the PowerShell for ACR, the only one is to get the ACR credential: Get-AzContainerRegistryCredential. But it gets the passwords for you only. It's not the access token, nor will log in for you too.
So, if you want to use PowerShell command to get the ACR credential, then you also need to log in yourself with the docker command.
Before push or pull, to azure, you need to login first by az-cli
az login
az acr login -n your-registry
or by docker
docker login your-registry.azurecr.io
I have pushed an image to an azure repository correctly, and can see it in the portal. I can also pull with credentialed docker on my local computer after az acr login --name <registry>
I have turned on "admin" in the portal, and can see a username "<username>" and password, "<password>" for the registry
I have installed the az tool (Azure CLI), and have stepped through the tutorials here:
Azure Container Instances
Azure Container Instance Guide
I have run the following command with every combination of user name and password I can think of, from my azure account to the registry admin pass, the second pass, no uid and pass, pre-logging in with az acr login --name <registry name>, etc.
I have performed the same iterations from the Azure portal
In all cases, I receive an error: registry image is inaccessible, please check your credentials.
How do I access the registry and deploy to an instance in Azure?
Here is an anonymized command line example, wherein I use the admin login and password each time.
# image is fully qualified.
# image = server.azurecr.io/tag:version
(base) PS C:\...> az container create --resource-group group --name name \
--image image --cpu 1 --memory 1 \
--registry-login-server server.azurecr.io \
--registry-username server \
--dns-name-label label \
--ports 80
Image registry password: ...
The image 'image' in container group 'group' is not accessible.
Please check the image and registry credential.
# and a success with the same credentials
(base) PS C:\...> docker login server.azurecr.io
Username: server
Password: ...
Login Succeeded
You need to fully qualify the image name with registry name like this
az container create --resource-group demors --name demoaci --image demoacr.azurecr.io/hello-world:v1 --cpu 1 --memory 1 --registry-login-server demoacr.azurecr.io --registry-username demoacr --registry-password ThePassword --dns-name-label demo3 --ports 80
I had similar error while using uppercase characters in the registry name. Since then I'm using lowercase only in my registry names as practice. The below warning message has been shown during the 'az acr login' in my case:
Uppercase characters are detected in the registry name. When using its server url in docker commands, to avoid authentication errors, use all lowercase.
In my case the InaccessibleImage error only occured in the Visual Studio Code terminal. Using the same command in a different terminal worked.
I have created a Azure Service Principal like this
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --scopes $ACR_REGISTRY_ID --role reader
after logging in (az login --service-principal -u $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME -p $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID --tenant $TENANT_ID) I am able to see all the images (az acr repository list --name $ACR_REGISTRY_NAME) which are in my registry, but I can not push or pull images (docker pull myregistry.azurecr.io/myimage:latest).
Are there any permissions I am not aware of? I have tried the similar with other roles like owner or contributor, but also SPs are getting the same error, which is the following:
Error response from daemon: Get https://myregistry.azurecr.io/v2/myimage/latest/manifests/latest: unauthorized: authentication required
Update 14. of August:
I am also not able to docker login with the SP
Error response from daemon: Get myregistry.azurecr.io/v2: unauthorized: authentication required
You need to login to the registry using docker login
docker login myregistry.azurecr.io -u xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -p myPassword
Refer to: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-registry/container-registry-authentication#service-principal
For the Azure Container Registry, there are two ways to log in.
One is that log in with the command az acr login -n azureacrServer -u username -p password, you have the owner permission after logging in.
The other one is that log in with a service principal using the command docker login azureacrServer -u servicePrincipalId -p sppassword. In this way, you just have the permission of the service principal after logging in. I try and the result like the screenshot shows below:
This service principal is just set as a Reader. So we cannot push the image.
You can get the details about the service principal of Azure container registry with the command az role assignment list --scope acrId, the command will show all the service principals of the registry. The command az acr show --resource-group groupName --name acrName --query id --output tsv will show you the registry Id.