Assign terraform output to environment variable - terraform

How can I assign terraform output to environment variable?
Let's say I have following output defined in my
output "gce_public_ip" {
value = element(concat(google_compute_instance.vm_instance.*.network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip, list("")), 0)
I would like to export gce_public_ip, so it will be available as environment variable GCE_PUBLIC_IP

You can use the terraform output command.
Not tested with your value, but it should be something like:
export GCE_PUBLIC_IP=$(terraform output -raw gce_public_ip)


Load variable values from the given .tfvars file got an error to many arguments

I run terraform plan commnad with apllo.tfvars file
terraform plan -var-file=apllo.tfvars
│ Error: Too many command line arguments
│ To specify a working directory for the plan, use the global -chdir flag.
variable "user" {
type = string
# number variable
variable "age" {
type = number
user = "AWSUSER"
age = 222
output "name" {
value = "hello ${var.user}"
output "age" {
value = "age ${var.age}"
If you are using Powershell for running Terraform, try specifying the .tfvar file using single or double quotes, such as:
terraform plan -var-file="apollo.tfvar"

Terraform not showing output despite being declared

I am declaring the following output in a TF module in the file:
output "jenkins_username" {
value = "${local.jenkins_username}"
description = "Jenkins admin username"
#sensitive = true
output "jenkins_password" {
value = "${local.jenkins_password}"
description = "Jenkins admin password"
#sensitive = true
The corresponding locals have been declared in as follows:
locals {
jenkins_username = "${var.jenkins_username == "" ? random_string.j_username.result : var.jenkins_username}"
jenkins_password = "${var.jenkins_password == "" ? random_string.j_password.result : var.jenkins_password}"
However, after the apply has finished, I see no relevant output, and what is more, it is not displayed even when I call the explicit output command:
$ terraform output jenkins_password
The output variable requested could not be found in the state
file. If you recently added this to your configuration, be
sure to run `terraform apply`, since the state won't be updated
with new output variables until that command is run.
I was having the exact same problem. What worked for me was to comment out the output variables in the first deployment, and uncomment them once that would succeed.

Why is my Terraform output not working in module?

I have the following simple setup:
~$ tree
└── modules
└── world
~$ cat
output "root_module_says" {
value = "hello from root module"
module "world" {
source = "modules/world"
~$ cat modules/world/
output "world_module_says" {
value = "hello from world module"
I then run:
~$ terraform get
~$ terraform apply
I expect to see world_module_says in the outputs, but I do not, I only see root_module_says.
This is really confusing as to why?
If it helps:
~$ terraform --version
Terraform only shows the output from root (by default pre v0.12)
Prior to Terraform 0.12 you can get the output from the world module with:
terraform output -module=world
I think the logic here is that the output from the module would be consumed by root and if you actually needed the output then you'd output it in root too so might contain this:
output "root_module_says" {
value = "hello from root module"
output "world_module_says" {
value = "${}"
module "world" {
source = "modules/world"
Beginning with Terraform 0.12 this is the only way to get the output from within a module.
Before Terraform 0.12
The below command shows the output for a specific module
terraform output -module=example_module
After Terraform 0.12
The below command fails in Terraform 0.12 and above with an error:
terraform output -module=example_module
Error: Unsupported option
The -module option is no longer supported since Terraform 0.12, because now
only root outputs are persisted in the state.
To get outputs from a module in Terraform 0.12 and above, you must export them from the root (e.g example_module) module using an output block in the caller module. This can be now done simply by adding one line in the caller module like below:
output "example_module_outputs" {
value = module.example_module
Now you can see the output running the following command:
terraform output
Expansion to the answers above when using multiple output varialbes:
When accessing a module output group (using the 'terraform output' command from a console or a script) then Terraform will printout all output variables within this group in a formatted way, or in json format using '-json' flag.
When extracting output values, we can use the '-raw' flag only if there is a single variable which has a string format.
If we have more than 1 outout in the output group within the module:
Lets say we declared in the 'root' module the following outout group in a module:
output "world_world_module_says" {
value =
and in the module we have 2 vars:
output "world_module_says" {
value = "hello from world module"
output "world_module_says_again" {
value = "hi again from world module"
Two ways to extract a single output variable from the group:
using -json flag and manipulating the output using the jq command:
terraform output -json world_world_module_says |jq '.'"world_module_says"
The other way is to declare each output individually in the 'root' module to allow easy access using '-raw':
output "world_world_module_says" {
value =
output "world_world_module_says_again" {
value =

How do I pass a list as an argument?

This solution here did not work for me.
// my tf file:
variable "myvar" {type = "list"}
module "my-module" {
blah = "${var.myvar}"
source = "path/to/module"
Various command line attempts:
terraform plan -var myvar="zzzz"
should be type list, got string
terraform plan -var myvar=["zzzz"]
invalid value "myvar=[zzzz]" for flag -var: Cannot parse value for variable ("[zzzz]") as valid HCL: At 1:6: unexpected token while parsing list: IDENT
terraform plan -var 'myvar=["zzzz"]'
invalid value "myvar=[zzzz]" for flag -var: Cannot parse value for variable ("[zzzz]") as valid HCL: At 1:6: unexpected token while parsing list: IDENT
I used the following
variable "test" {
type = "list"
and running:
$ terraform version
Terraform v0.11.1
$ terraform plan -var 'test=["vvv"]'
completed successfully.
It could be that there is an incorrect IDENT somewhere else in your file/module. Please try running the following command to validate everything except unset variables:
$ terraform validate -check-variables=false

How to assign the output of a commad as a variable in python3

I have a variable which will be used in multiple location in my script. I need to assign it to a variable so i can call it any number of times.
The mail purpose is re-usability.
For EX: I run the following command in my script and expect the output to be moved into a variable
Command to be run
aws ec2 create-vpc --cidr-block
In the output that's returned, take note of the VPC ID.
"Vpc": {
"VpcId": "vpc-2f09a348",
In the output i need the value of VpcId": "vpc-2f09a348" to be stored as a variable which can be reused in my next line in the script.
Next Line in the script:
For EX: aws ec2 create-subnet --vpc-id **VpcId** --cidr-block
Any help is greatly appreciated
Thank you,
import json
import subprocess
text = subprocess.check_output(['aws', 'ec2', 'create-vpc', '--cidr-block', ''])
result = json.loads(text)
