ffmpeg stich multiple videos - node.js

I have multiple videos of same resolution. Each video has a different length. And I also have a fixed length for output file. Let's say 4 minutes. Let's assume there are 4 input files each of 30 seconds but each input file could have different length. I want to put first 30 secs of output file blank and the next 30 secs as 1st input file and next 10 secs as blank and next 30 secs as 2nd input file so on. Basically I have a predetermined start point for each input file and between the gaps there should be black screen. How can I achieve this ? ffmpeg commands are fine but I'm going to have to automate this in nodejs so if you can give me any tips on it that'd be great!

There doesn't seem to be a single ffmpeg command to do this so I had to split the problem into a smaller problems.
First I generated a list of video segments that are going to a part of the final output video. Now some of these segments are already present and some are to be a black video.
So I used an ffmpeg command to generate a black video with silent audio with the desired length. So now I have all the segments I need and it's just a matter of combining them one after another.


ffmpeg : drop in sound multiple times at random intervals

I have a 2 MP3 files, one is 10 minutes long and another track that is 1 second long. I would like to merge these tracks into a new file that plays the 1 second track at random intervals of the longer one.
processA ... split the longer file into several segments using your random interval for details see https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/1675/10949
processB ... then for each segment from above splitting operation append your shorter file ... repeat until you have each processA segment with that shorter file appended ... for details see https://superuser.com/a/1164761/81282
then stitch together all of above files from processB
I have not tried this however it might be easier if you first converted both original source mp3 files into WAV files before doing anything ... then once done and working as WAV convert the final WAV back to mp3

Splitting an Audio File Into Equal-Lenght Segments Using FFmpeg

I want to split an audio file into several equal-length segments using FFmpeg. I want to specify the general segment duration (no overlap), and I want FFmpeg to render as many segments as it takes to go over the whole audio file (in other words, the number of segments to be rendered is unspecified).
Also, since I am not very experienced with FFmpeg (I only use it to make simple file conversions with few arguments), I would like a description of the code you should use to do this, rather than just a piece of code that I won't necessarily understand, if possible.
Thank you in advance.
P.S. Here's the context for why I'm trying to do this:
I would like to sample a song into single-bar loops automatically, instead of having to chop them manually using a DAW. All I want to do is align the first beat of the song to the beat grid in my DAW, and then export that audio file and use it to generate one-bar loops in FFmpeg.
In the future, I will try to do something like a batch command in which one can specify the tempo and key signature, and it will generate the loops using FFmpeg automatically (as long as the loop is aligned to the beat grid, as I've mentioned earlier). 😀
You can use the segment muxer. Basic example:
ffmpeg -i input.wav -f segment -segment_time 2 output_%03d.wav
-f segment indicates that the segment muxer should be used for the output.
-segment_time 2 makes each segment 2 seconds long.
output_%03d.wav is the output file name pattern which will result iin output_000.wav, output_001.wav, output_002.wav, and so on.

How to sync two audio files in python?

I have two short 2-3 minute .wav files that were recorded within 1 minute of eachother. They could be anywhere from 0-60 seconds off. I'd like to sync them together. There is a sync tone that is played, and present in both audio files. There is very little audio in them besides the loud sync tone, it is very obvious when viewed in audacity.
I've tried every solution listed here Automatically sync two audio recordings in python
and none of them work. They all share the same problem, when they get to this method:
def find_freq_pairs(freqs_dict_orig, freqs_dict_sample):
time_pairs = []
for key in freqs_dict_sample.keys(): # iterate through freqs in sample
if freqs_dict_orig.has_key(key): # if same sample occurs in base
for i in range(len(freqs_dict_sample[key])): # determine time offset
for j in range(len(freqs_dict_orig[key])):
time_pairs.append((freqs_dict_sample[key][i], freqs_dict_orig[key][j]))
return time_pairs
Each time, the inner for loop ends up having to do (500k ^ 2) iterations for each of the 512 keys in the freqs_dict dictionary. This will take many months to run. This is with two 3-4 second audio files. With 1-2 minute audio files, it was (5m+ * 5m+) iterations. I think perhaps the library broke with python3, since everyone on that thread seemed happy with it...
Does anyone know a better way to sync two audio files with python?
Thank you

Crossfade many audio files into one with FFmpeg?

Using FFmpeg, I am trying to combine many audio files into one long one, with a crossfade between each of them. To keep the numbers simple, let's say I have 10 input files, each 5 minutes, and I want a 10 second crossfade between each. (Resulting duration would be 48:30.) Assume all input files have the same codec/bitrate.
I was pleasantly surprises to find how simple it was to crossfade two files:
ffmpeg -i 0.mp3 -i 1.mp3 -vn -filter_complex acrossfade=d=10:c1=tri:c2=tri out.mp3
But the acrossfade filter does not allow 3+ inputs. So my naive solution is to repeatedly run ffmpeg, crossfading the previous intermediate output with the next input file. It's not ideal. It leads me to two questions:
1. Does acrossfade losslessly copy the streams? (Except where they're actively crossfading, of course.) Or do the entire input streams get reencoded?
If the input streams are entirely reencoded, then my naive approach is very bad. In the example above (calling acrossfade 9 times), the first 4:50 of the first file would be reencoded 9 times! If I'm combining 50 files, the first file gets reencoded 49 times!
2. To avoid multiple runs and the reencoding issue, can I achieve the many-crossfade behavior in a single ffmpeg call?
I imagine I would need some long filtergraph, but I haven't figured it out yet. Does anyone have an example of crossfading just 3 input files? From that I could automate the filtergraphs for longer chains.
Thanks for any tips!

How to Simply Remove Duplicate Frames from a Video using ffmpeg

First of all, I'd preface this by saying I'm NO EXPERT with video manipulation,
although I've been fiddling with ffmpeg for years (in a fairly limited way). Hence, I'm not too flash with all the language folk often use... and how it affects what I'm trying to do in my manipulations... but I'll have a go with this anyway...
I've checked a few links here, for example:
ffmpeg - remove sequentially duplicate frames
...but the content didn't really help me.
I have some hundreds of video clips that have been created under both Windows and Linux using both ffmpeg and other similar applications. However, they have some problems with times in the video where the display is 'motionless'.
As an example, let's say we have some web site that streams a live video into, say, a Flash video player/plugin in a web browser. In this case, we're talking about a traffic camera video stream, for example.
There's an instance of ffmpeg running that is capturing a region of the (Windows) desktop into a video file, viz:-
ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -f dshow ^
-i video="screen-capture-recorder" ^
-vf "setpts=1.00*PTS,crop=448:336:620:360" ^
-an -r 25 -vcodec libx264 -crf 0 -qp 0 ^
-preset ultrafast SAMPLE.flv
Let's say the actual 'display' that is being captured looks like this:-
123456789 XXXXX 1234567 XXXXXXXXXXX 123456789 XXXXXXX
^---a---^ ^-P-^ ^--b--^ ^----Q----^ ^---c---^ ^--R--^
...where each character position represents a (sequence of) frame(s). Owing to a poor internet connection, a "single frame" can be displayed for an extended period (the 'X' characters being an (almost) exact copy of the immediately previous frame). So this means we have segments of the captured video where the image doesn't change at all (to the naked eye, anyway).
How can we deal with the duplicate frames?... and how does our approach change if the 'duplicates' are NOT the same to ffmpeg but LOOK more-or-less the same to the viewer?
If we simply remove the duplicate frames, the 'pacing' of the video is lost, and what used to take, maybe, 5 seconds to display, now takes a fraction of a second, giving a very jerky, unnatural motion, although there are no duplicate images in the video. This seems to be achievable using ffmpeg with an 'mp_decimate' option, viz:-
ffmpeg -i SAMPLE.flv ^ ... (i)
-r 25 ^
-vf mpdecimate,setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB DEC_SAMPLE.mp4
That reference I quoted uses a command that shows which frames 'mp_decimate' will remove when it considers them to be 'the same', viz:-
ffmpeg -i SAMPLE.flv ^ ... (ii)
-vf mpdecimate ^
-loglevel debug -f null -
...but knowing that (complicated formatted) information, how can we re-organize the video without executing multiple runs of ffmpeg to extract 'slices' of video for re-combining later?
In that case, I'm guessing we'd have to run something like:-
user specifies a 'threshold duration' for the duplicates
(maybe run for 1 sec only)
determine & save main video information (fps, etc - assuming
constant frame rate)
map the (frame/time where duplicates start)->no. of
frames/duration of duplicates
if the duration of duplicates is less than the user threshold,
don't consider this period as a 'series of duplicate frames'
and move on
extract the 'non-duplicate' video segments (a, b & c in the
diagram above)
create 'new video' (empty) with original video's specs
for each video segment
extract the last frame of the segment
create a short video clip with repeated frames of the frame
just extracted (duration = user spec. = 1 sec)
append (current video segment+short clip) to 'new video'
and repeat
...but in my case, a lot of the captured videos might be 30 minutes long and have hundreds of 10 sec long pauses, so the 'rebuilding' of the videos will take a long time using this method.
This is why I'm hoping there's some "reliable" and "more intelligent" way to use
ffmepg (with/without the 'mp_decimate' filter) to do the 'decimate' function in only a couple of passes or so... Maybe there's a way that the required segments could even be specified (in a text file, for example) and as ffmpeg runs it will
stop/restart it's transcoding at specified times/frame numbers?
Short of this, is there another application (for use on Windows or Linux) that could do what I'm looking for, without having to manually set start/stop points,
extracting/combining video segments manually...?
I've been trying to do all this with ffmpeg N-79824-gcaee88d under Win7-SP1 and (a different version I don't currently remember) under Puppy Linux Slacko 5.6.4.
Thanks a heap for any clues.
I assume what you want to do is to keep frames with motion and upto 1 second of duplicate frames but discard the rest.
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf
What the select filter expression does is make use of an if-then-else operator:
gt(scene,0.01) checks if the current frame has detected motion relative to the previous frame. The value will have to be calibrated based on manual observation by seeing which value accurately captures actual activity as compared to sensor/compression noise or visual noise in the frame. See here on how to get a list of all scene change values.
If the frame is evaluated to have motion, the then clause evaluates st(1,t). The function st(val,expr) stores the value of expr in a variable numbered val and it also returns that expression value as its result. So, the timestamp of the kept frames will keep on being updated in that variable until a static frame is encountered.
The else clause checks the difference between the current frame timestamp and the timestamp of the stored value. If the difference is less than 1 second, the frame is kept, else discarded.
The setpts sanitizes the timestamps of all selected frames.
Edit: I tested my command with a video input I synthesized and it worked.
I've done a bit of work on this question... and have found the following works pretty well...
It seems like the input video has to have a "constant frame rate" for things to work properly, so the first command is:-
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 ^
-vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" ^
-vsync cfr test01.mp4
I then need to look at the 'scores' for each frame. Such a listing is produced by:-
ffmpeg -i test01.mp4 ^
-vf select="'gte(scene,0)',metadata=print" -f null -
I'll look at all those scores... and average them (mean) - a bit dodgy but it seems to work Ok. In this example, that average score is '0.021187'.
I then have to select a 'persistence' value -- how long to let the 'duplicated' frames run. If you force it to only keep one frame, the entire video will tend to run much too quickly... So, I've been using 0.2 seconds as a starting point.
So the next command becomes:-
ffmpeg -i test01.mp4 ^
-vf "select='if(gt(scene,0.021187),st(1,t),lte(t-ld(1),0.20))',
setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB" output.mp4
After that, the resultant 'output.mp4' video seems to work pretty well. It's only a bit of fiddling with the 'persistence' value that might need to be done to compromise between having a smoother-playing video and scenes that change a bit abruptly.
I've put together some Perl code that works Ok, which I'll work out how to post, if folks are interested in it... eventually(!)
Edit: Another advantage of doing this 'decimating', is that files are of shorter duration (obviously) AND they are smaller in size. For example, a sample video that ran for 00:07:14 and was 22MB in size went to 00:05:35 and 11MB.
Variable frame rate encoding is totally possible, but I don't think it does what you think it does. I am assuming that you wish to remove these duplicate frames to save space/bandwidth? If so, it will not work because the codec is already doing it. Codecs use reference frames, and only encode what has changed from the reference. Hence the duplicate frame take almost no space to begin with. Basically frames are just encoded as a packet of data saying, copy the previous frame, and make this change. The X frames have zero changes, so it only takes a few bytes to encode each one.
