ERD Into Class Diagrams - uml

when I convert the above ERD into Class Diagram classes, I noticed the classes as below.
I need to know how to convert "LecturerHasModule" and "studentHasModule" entities into classes. I'm confused to select their attributes.

The more logical seems to have a class-association between Module and Student and between Lecture(r) and Module
Impossible to answer you about teacherHasModule because it does not appear in your question (may be a typo for LecturerHasModule)


UML class diagram: How to pass from relational diagram to class diagram

I'm working on a design of a workout follow up program.I have the following relational diagram and I want to create a class diagram with it.
In this case I should create an associative table as follow:
To explain the relation: a muscle may be targeted by many different exercises and an exercise may target many muscle.
Is the following representation correct? Can we improve it?
If it is not correct, can any one suggest the best way to represent it in a class diagram?
Your diagram is almost correct. You should replace all the occurrences of List<...> with association-end properties. To do this, you will need two associations. Here's an example:
I took the liberty of changing the multiplicity for the primaries. I think each direction has at least one. This shows why using associations is more expressive--with a List<...>, you cannot express min and max cardinalities.

When to use an attribute (property) instead of an association/aggregation/composition when drawing a UML

Okay so I'm a bit confused as to when I should add an attribute to a class vs drawing an association to a class when trying to show a relationship in a UML diagram.
For example let's say I have a DFA class that contains 10 state objects each having a different set of paths to various states in the DFA. Should I draw the composition line from the DFA to the State class or just type all 10 states in the attribute section of the DFA class.
Basically I'm trying to figure out if when a Class A contains (or is composed of) one or more Class Bs, should I draw a line (aggregation, composition,association dependency etc) between them or just put one as an attribute to another.
This article attempts to answer the question but I get confused as soon as he starts talking about the diagrams he drew.
The article you pointed gives one guideline:
In the years I’ve been working with different modelling teams I’ve found that the rule that works best is to use Associations for Classes and Attributes for DataTypes.
A data type is a special kind of classifier, similar to a class. It differs from a class in that instances of a data type are identified only by their value.
I kind of agree with the author, adding another point: your class diagram should be understandable. If you have a diagram with many lines crisscrossing each other the diagram is useless. When this happens you must try to find relations that can be modeled using attributes without loosing too much visual information, and replace them with attributes.
Another thing that you can do with relations and not with attributes is to display bi-directional relations (you can do this with one attribute in each class of the relation, but you loose the semantics of the relation).

How should I explain UML class diagram?

I have created a design using class diagram. However I was asked to give some explanation on the class diagram.
IMO, class diagram is fairly. For example, if a class is labeled as "Cat", am I going to explain, this "Cat" class represents "Cat"?
What is the best way to explain UML class diagram?
saying class Cat represents cats is one thing you can do, which is maybe not very exciting, though. More interesting to explain might be: associations, abstract classes, interfaces, inheritances, etc. is there any design pattern you are using? maybe explain them.
I hope this will help!
Suppose you have to explain this class diagram to your client in lieu your manager will. Just think how you will define all the responsibilities of each class present in that diagram. Give one-liner definition of its properties, methods, parent and child classes etc (go in bit more details when needed as well).
Define what would be the flow and how one class will link to another one.
For example:
Is your class 'cat' has any association with class Animal or interface IAnimal. You can think more of it and go better.
whatever the type of uml diagram, you should always add some explanantions in natural language.
at least explain some key aspects of the solution : this has a reference to this
this inherits from this class and do not need to override this operation.

Which relationship line to use in a UML class diagram?

In a UML class diagram I want to show the relationship between two classes where the second class is the type of a class variable in the first.
I've looked here but am still unsure which relationship I should be using.
I think it may be the Dependency relationship but I am unsure.
Which should I be using?
It sounds like a composition(has a) but would need to hear more about your diagram.

What kind of UML diagram is this?

What kind of UML diagram is this?
This is a class diagram, with added stereotypes
This is Class Diagram in a very abstract or initial form because all relationship are shown as Association.
Usually we start with such class diagram and then keep on refining by converting association (arrow as shown above) into more stronger relationship like generalization,composition,implementation etc.
Association is considered as weaker form of relationship between classes. So final class diagram should have fewer associations.
What is the emphasis or goal of this diagram? If it's the classes and relationships, then it's a class diagram. If it's the mapping between the classes and layers of function or responsiblity in the system, then it looks like a layer diagram. Those columns look like layers: presentation, business logic, data...
Ok now I see the problem after a good sleep :-)
It seems it is a powerpoint and not a class diagram because you can not have straight line in a class diagram. I mean you can not have 3 separators like Presentation/ objectos .......etc
This powerpoint tried to use class diagram and have added titles in order to separate 3 layers. The problem is that the class diagram is incorrect and it is not because you present it with 3 layer that it would become correct !! This is a bad understanding of what means JPA stereotypes inside a class diagram.
It looks like a Class Diagram that uses "swimlanes" on the background to facilitate some kind of MVC.
This class diagram is not correct because there is confusion between Java EE stereotypes and class names!
What are the << class module>> , << module>> stereotypes and Session, Session persistence names should be Java EE stereotypes. If it persists in the database then it is an entity! Persistence etc...can be written on attributes.
This diagram doesn't make sense!
The main advantage of scheme in this diagram is that if you use a code generator such as AndroMDA, MIA software or Blue Age, then you can then generate your database directly from the model. These tools look at stereotypes during code generation.
If you don't want to generate code from a model but prefer to let hibernate mapping do the job, then the "entity" stereotype can be written as an annotation in your java code. Then thanks to live code and model synchronization, hibernate can take the annotation and produce a mapping.
This is why stereotyping is really very important and using the wrong stereotype can be a very serious mistake!
