Dice score changes for the same reshaped inputs - pytorch

I'm calculating the Dice score to evaluate my model for a binary image segmentation problem.
The function I wrote in PyTorch is:
def dice_score_reduced_over_batch(x, y, smooth=1):
assert x.ndim == y.ndim
# reduction over all axes except 0 i.e. batch
axes = tuple([i for i in range(1, x.ndim)])
intersection = torch.abs((x * y).sum(dim=axes))
union = torch.abs(x.sum(dim=axes)) + torch.abs(y.sum(dim=axes))
dice = torch.mean(2. * (intersection + smooth) / (union + smooth), dim=0)
return dice
The input tensors x and y have the shape [batch_size, nChannel, height, width] where nChannel=1 since ground truth is a 2d binary mask. The standard way to calculate the dice score is to compute it along the batch axis and taking the mean value at the end. I found that the score is affected by the way inputs are flattened.
| input tensor | flattened tensor | dice |
| [64, 1, 128, 128] | - | 0.2754 |
| [64, 1, 128, 128] | [64, 16384] | 0.2754 |
| [64, 1, 128, 128] | [1, 1048576] | 0.3121 |
My best guess was this difference is due to the way values are being averaged but it's not the case. The code must return the exact same answer irrespective of the arrangement/shape of the input data. How this behavior can be explained? What's the best way to avoid it?

Your dice score is averaged over the batch size:
dice = torch.mean(2. * (intersection + smooth) / (union + smooth), dim=0) # dim=0 means avg batch
So, your function computes the dice score of each element in the batch independently and only then averages the dice scores of all the elements in the batch.
As you can see this is not the same as computing the dice score of all the batch together.


Output of the model depends on the shape of the weights tensor

I want to train the model to sum the three inputs. So it is as simple as possible.
Firstly the weights are initialized randomly. It produces bad error estimate (approx. 0.5)
Then I initialize the weights with zeros. There are two options:
the shape of the weights tensor is [1, 3]
the shape of the weights tensor is [3]
When I choose the 1st option the model still works bad and can't learn this simple formula.
When I choose the 2nd option it works perfect with the error of 10e-12.
Why the result depends on the shape of the weights? Why do I need to initialize the model with zeros to solve this simple problem?
import torch
from torch.nn import Sequential as Seq, Linear as Lin
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau
X = torch.rand((1024, 3))
y = (X[:,0] + X[:,1] + X[:,2])
m = Seq(Lin(3, 1, bias=False))
# 1 option
m[0].weight = torch.nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.tensor([[0, 0, 0]], dtype=torch.float))
# 2 option
#m[0].weight = torch.nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.tensor([0, 0, 0], dtype=torch.float))
optim = torch.optim.SGD(m.parameters(), lr=10e-2)
scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(optim, 'min', factor=0.5, patience=20, verbose=True)
mse = torch.nn.MSELoss()
for epoch in range(500):
out = m(X)
loss = mse(out, y)
if epoch % 20 == 0:
First option doesn't learning because it fails with broadcasting: while out.shape == (1024, 1) corresponding targets y has shape of (1024, ). MSELoss, as expected, computes mean of tensor (out - y)^2, which in this case has shape (1024, 1024), clearly wrong objective for this task. At the same time, after applying 2-nd option tensor (out - y)^2 has size (1024, ) and mean of it corresponds to actual mse. Default approach, without explicit changing weights shape (through option 1 and 2), would work if set target shape to (1024, 1) for example by y = y.unsqueeze(-1) after definition of y.

binary_cross_entropy_with_logits: weight vs pos_weight, what are the differences?

According to Pytorch's documentation on binary_cross_entropy_with_logits, they are described as:
weight (Tensor, optional) – a manual rescaling weight if provided it’s
repeated to match input tensor shape
pos_weight (Tensor, optional) – a weight of positive examples. Must be
a vector with length equal to the number of classes.
What are their differences? The explanation is quite vague. If I understands correctly, weight is individual weight for each pixel (class), wheres pos_weight is the weight for everything that's not background (negative pixel/zero)?
What if I set both parameters? For example:
import torch
preds = torch.randn(4, 100, 50, 50)
target = torch.zeros((4, 100, 50, 50))
target[:, :, 10:20, 10:20] = 1
pos_weight = target * 100
pos_weight[pos_weight < 100] = 1
weight = target * 100
weight[weight < 100] = 1
loss1 = binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(preds, target, pos_weight=pos_weight, weight=weight)
loss2 = binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(preds, target, pos_weight=pos_weight)
loss3 = binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(preds, target, weight=weight)
loss1, loss2, and loss3, which one is the correct usage?
On the same subject, I was reading a paper that said:
To deal with the unbalanced negative and positive data, we dilate each
keypoint by 10 pixels and use weighted cross-entropy loss. The weight
for each keypoint is set to 100 while for non-keypoint pixels it is
set to 1.
which one is the correct usage if according to the paper?
Thanks in advance for any explanation!
The pos_weight parameter allows you to balance the positive example thus controlling the tradeoff between recall and precision (see also). A detailed explanation can be found on this thread along with the explicit math expression.
On the other hand, weight allows to weigh the different elements on a given batch.
Here is a minimal example:
>>> target = torch.ones([10, 64], dtype=torch.float32)
>>> output = torch.full([10, 64], 1.5)
>>> criterion = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() # w/o weight
>>> criterion(output, target)
tensor(0.2014) # all batch elements weighted equally
>>> weight = torch.rand(10,1)
>>> criterion = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(weight=weight) # w/ weight
>>> criterion(output, target)
tensor(0.0908) # per element weighting
Which is identical to doing:
>>> criterion = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='none')
>>> torch.mean(criterion(output, target)*weight)

CrossEntropyLoss on sequences

I need to compute the torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss on sequences.
The output tensor y_est has shape: [batch_size, sequence_length, embedding_dim]. The values are embedded as one-hot vectors with embedding_dim dimensions (y_est is not binary however).
The target tensor y has shape: [batch_size, sequence_length] and contains the integer index of the correct class in the range [0, embedding_dim).
If I compute the loss on the two input data, with the shape described above, I get an error 1.
What I would like to do is described by the cycle at [2]. For each sequence in the batch, I would like the sum of the losses computed on each element in the sequence.
After reading the documentation of torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss I came up with the solution [3], which seems to compute exactly what I want: the losses computed at point [2] and [3] are equale.
However, since .permute(.) returns a view of the original tensor, I am afraid it might mess up the backward propagation on the loss. Somewhere (I do not remember where, sorry) I have read that views should not be used in computing the loss.
Is my solution correct?
import torch
batch_size = 5
seq_len = 10
emb_dim = 100
y_est = torch.randn( (batch_size, seq_len, emb_dim))
y = torch.randint(0, emb_dim, (batch_size, seq_len) )
print("y_est, batch x seq x emb:", y_est.shape)
print("y, batch x seq", y.shape)
loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="none")
# [1]
# loss = loss_fn(y_est, y)
# error:
# RuntimeError: Expected target size [5, 100], got [5, 10]
loss = 0
for i in range(y_est.shape[1]):
loss += loss_fn ( y_est[:, i, :], y[:, i]).sum()
y_est_2 = torch.permute( y_est, (0, 2, 1))
print("y_est_2", y_est_2.shape)
loss2 = loss_fn(y_est_2, y).sum()
whose output is:
y_est, batch x seq x emb: torch.Size([5, 10, 100])
y, batch x seq torch.Size([5, 10])
y_est_2 torch.Size([5, 100, 10])
Is the solution correct (also for what concerns the backward pass)? Is there a better way?
If y_est are probabilities you really want to compute the error/loss of a categorical output in each timestep/element of a sequence then y and y_est have to have the same shape. To do so, the categories/classes of y can be expanded to the same dim as y_est with one-hot encoding
import torch
batch_size = 5
seq_len = 10
emb_dim = 100
y_est = torch.randn( (batch_size, seq_len, emb_dim))
y = torch.randint(0, emb_dim, (batch_size, seq_len) )
y = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(y, num_classes=emb_dim).type(torch.float)
loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
loss = loss_fn(y_est, y)

How does calculation in a GRU layer take place

So I want to understand exactly how the outputs and hidden state of a GRU cell are calculated.
I obtained the pre-trained model from here and the GRU layer has been defined as nn.GRU(96, 96, bias=True).
I looked at the the PyTorch Documentation and confirmed the dimensions of the weights and bias as:
weight_ih_l0: (288, 96)
weight_hh_l0: (288, 96)
bias_ih_l0: (288)
bias_hh_l0: (288)
My input size and output size are (1000, 8, 96). I understand that there are 1000 tensors, each of size (8, 96). The hidden state is (1, 8, 96), which is one tensor of size (8, 96).
I have also printed the variable batch_first and found it to be False. This means that:
Sequence length: L=1000
Batch size: B=8
Input size: Hin=96
Now going by the equations from the documentation, for the reset gate, I need to multiply the weight by the input x. But my weights are 2-dimensions and my input has three dimensions.
Here is what I've tried, I took the first (8, 96) matrix from my input and multiplied it with the transpose of my weight matrix:
Input (8, 96) x Weight (96, 288) = (8, 288)
Then I add the bias by replicating the (288) eight times to give (8, 288). This would give the size of r(t) as (8, 288). Similarly, z(t) would also be (8, 288).
This r(t) is used in n(t), since Hadamard product is used, both the matrices being multiplied have to be the same size that is (8, 288). This implies that n(t) is also (8, 288).
Finally, h(t) is the Hadamard produce and matrix addition, which would give the size of h(t) as (8, 288) which is wrong.
Where am I going wrong in this process?
TLDR; This confusion comes from the fact that the weights of the layer are the concatenation of input_hidden and hidden-hidden respectively.
- nn.GRU layer weight/bias layout
You can take a closer look at what's inside the GRU layer implementation torch.nn.GRU by peaking through the weights and biases.
>>> gru = nn.GRU(input_size=96, hidden_size=96, num_layers=1)
First the parameters of the GRU layer:
>>> gru._all_weights
[['weight_ih_l0', 'weight_hh_l0', 'bias_ih_l0', 'bias_hh_l0']]
You can look at gru.state_dict() to get the dictionary of weights of the layer.
We have two weights and two biases, _ih stands for 'input-hidden' and _hh stands for 'hidden-hidden'.
For more efficient computation the parameters have been concatenated together, as the documentation page clearly explains (| means concatenation). In this particular example num_layers=1 and k=0:
~GRU.weight_ih_l[k] – the learnable input-hidden weights of the layer (W_ir | W_iz | W_in), of shape (3*hidden_size, input_size).
~GRU.weight_hh_l[k] – the learnable hidden-hidden weights of the layer (W_hr | W_hz | W_hn), of shape (3*hidden_size, hidden_size).
~GRU.bias_ih_l[k] – the learnable input-hidden bias of the layer (b_ir | b_iz | b_in), of shape (3*hidden_size).
~GRU.bias_hh_l[k] – the learnable hidden-hidden bias of the (b_hr | b_hz | b_hn).
For further inspection we can get those split up with the following code:
>>> W_ih, W_hh, b_ih, b_hh = gru._flat_weights
>>> W_ir, W_iz, W_in = W_ih.split(H_in)
>>> W_hr, W_hz, W_hn = W_hh.split(H_in)
>>> b_ir, b_iz, b_in = b_ih.split(H_in)
>>> b_hr, b_hz, b_hn = b_hh.split(H_in)
Now we have the 12 tensor parameters sorted out.
- Expressions
The four expressions for a GRU layer: r_t, z_t, n_t, and h_t, are computed at each timestep.
The first operation is r_t = σ(W_ir#x_t + b_ir + W_hr#h + b_hr). I used the # sign to designate the matrix multiplication operator (__matmul__). Remember W_ir is shaped (H_in=input_size, hidden_size) while x_t contains the element at step t from the x sequence. Tensor x_t = x[t] is shaped as (N=batch_size, H_in=input_size). At this point, it's simply a matrix multiplication between the input x[t] and the weight matrix. The resulting tensor r is shaped (N, hidden_size=H_in):
>>> (x[t]#W_ir.T).shape
(8, 96)
The same is true for all other weight multiplication operations performed. As a result, you end up with an output tensor shaped (N, H_out=hidden_size).
In the following expressions h is the tensor containing the hidden state of the previous step for each element in the batch, i.e. shaped (N, hidden_size=H_out), since num_layers=1, i.e. there's a single hidden layer.
>>> r_t = torch.sigmoid(x[t]#W_ir.T + b_ir + h#W_hr.T + b_hr)
>>> r_t.shape
(8, 96)
>>> z_t = torch.sigmoid(x[t]#W_iz.T + b_iz + h#W_hz.T + b_hz)
>>> z_t.shape
(8, 96)
The output of the layer is the concatenation of the computed h tensors at
consecutive timesteps t (between 0 and L-1).
- Demonstration
Here is a minimal example of an nn.GRU inference manually computed:
feature size
hidden size
sequence length
batch size
number of layers
gru = nn.GRU(input_size=H_in, hidden_size=H_out, num_layers=k)
W_ih, W_hh, b_ih, b_hh = gru._flat_weights
W_ir, W_iz, W_in = W_ih.split(H_out)
W_hr, W_hz, W_hn = W_hh.split(H_out)
b_ir, b_iz, b_in = b_ih.split(H_out)
b_hr, b_hz, b_hn = b_hh.split(H_out)
Random input:
x = torch.rand(L, N, H_in)
Inference loop:
output = []
h = torch.zeros(1, N, H_out)
for t in range(L):
r = torch.sigmoid(x[t]#W_ir.T + b_ir + h#W_hr.T + b_hr)
z = torch.sigmoid(x[t]#W_iz.T + b_iz + h#W_hz.T + b_hz)
n = torch.tanh(x[t]#W_in.T + b_in + r*(h#W_hn.T + b_hn))
h = (1-z)*n + z*h
The final output is given by the stacking the tensors h at consecutive timesteps:
>>> torch.vstack(output)
tensor([[[0.1086, 0.0362]],
[[0.2150, 0.0108]],
[[0.3020, 0.0352]]], grad_fn=<CatBackward>)
In this case the output shape is (L, N, H_out), i.e. (3, 1, 2).
Which you can compare with output, _ = gru(x).

How to increase batch size in GPT2 training for translation task?

I am developing a code to use the pre-trained GPT2 model for a machine translation task. The length of my data's word-to-id is 91, and I developed the following code for my model:
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from transformers.models.gpt2.modeling_gpt2 import GPT2Model
# data preparation code
def batch_sequences(x, y, env):
Take as input a list of n sequences (torch.LongTensor vectors) and return
a tensor of size (slen, n) where slen is the length of the longest
sentence, and a vector lengths containing the length of each sentence.
lengths_x = torch.LongTensor([len(s) + 2 for s in x])
lengths_y = torch.LongTensor([len(s) + 2 for s in y])
max_length = max(lengths_x.max().item(), lengths_y.max().item())
sent_x = torch.LongTensor(
max_length, lengths_x.size(0)).fill_(env.pad_index)
sent_y = torch.LongTensor(
max_length, lengths_y.size(0)).fill_(env.pad_index)
assert lengths_x.min().item() > 2
assert lengths_y.min().item() > 2
sent_x[0] = env.eos_index
for i, s in enumerate(x):
sent_x[1:lengths_x[i] - 1, i].copy_(s)
sent_x[lengths_x[i] - 1, i] = env.eos_index
sent_y[0] = env.eos_index
for i, s in enumerate(y):
sent_y[1:lengths_y[i] - 1, i].copy_(s)
sent_y[lengths_y[i] - 1, i] = env.eos_index
return sent_x, sent_y, max_length
def collate_fn(elements):
Collate samples into a batch.
x, y = zip(*elements)
x = [torch.LongTensor([env.word2id[w]
for w in seq if w in env.word2id]) for seq in x]
y = [torch.LongTensor([env.word2id[w]
for w in seq if w in env.word2id]) for seq in y]
x, y, length = batch_sequences(x, y, env)
return (x, length), (y, length), torch.LongTensor(nb_ops)
loader = DataLoader(data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, collate_fn=collate_fn)
gpt2 = GPT2Model.from_pretrained('gpt2')
in_layer = nn.Embedding(len(env.word2id), 768)
out_layer = nn.Linear(768, len(env.word2id))
parameters = list(gpt2.parameters()) + list(in_layer.parameters()) + list(out_layer.parameters())
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(parameters)
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
for layer in (gpt2, in_layer, out_layer):
accuracies = list()
n_epochs = 5
for i in range(n_epochs):
for (x, x_len), (y, y_len) in loader:
x = x.to(device=device)
y = y.to(device=device)
embeddings = in_layer(x.reshape(1, -1))
hidden_state = gpt2(inputs_embeds=embeddings).last_hidden_state[:, :]
logits = out_layer(hidden_state)[0]
loss = loss_fn(logits, y.reshape(-1))
(logits.argmax(dim=-1) == y.reshape(-1)).float().mean().item())
if len(accuracies) % 500 == 0:
accuracy = sum(accuracies[-50:]) / len(accuracies[-50:])
print(f'Samples: {len(accuracies)}, Accuracy: {accuracy}')
This code works pretty well when the batch size is 1. But it is so slow. I wanted to increase the batch size from 1 to 32, but I get some dimension compatibility problems. How can I increase the batch size without errors?
My data consists of pair of sentences, the first one is a sentence in the first language and the second one is its translation in the second language.
For example, assume that x.shape is (batch_size, 12) (meaning we have 'batch_size' sentences of length 12 as input and y.shape is also (batch_size, 12) (the translations). And also we have a word-to-id dictionary of length 90 that matches each word in a sentence with its index)
This problem can be solved using padding. We need two special symbols:
code 0 in inputs (x) will denote "blank" tokens that should not be translated.
code -100 in outputs (y) will denote "blank" tokens that should not participate in the calculation of loss. nn.CrossEntropyLoss() is programmed to ignore this value (by the argument ignore_index).
The batch of size 3 could look like this:
[[1, 2, 3, 0, 0],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
[ 9, 8, 0, 0, 0]]
[[1, 2, 3, -100, -100],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
[ 9, 8, -100, -100, -100]]
You could generate it with code such as:
def pad_sequences(batch, pad_value=0):
n = max(len(v) for v in batch)
return torch.tensor([v + [pad_value] * (n - len(v)) for v in batch])
However, I feel there is an issue with your problem statement. If you perform machine translation, then your inputs and outputs can have different lengths, but your architecture only allows x and y to have the same lengths. If you want to support x and y of different lengths, I would suggest to use a seq2seq architecture such as T5 instead.
Another issue is that GPT is autoregressive, so if y is completely aligned with x, then we cannot use the suffix of x while generating the left part of y. So if you wish your x and y to be perfectly aligned, but still would like to use the full information about x when generating y, I would recommend using a bidirectional encoder such as BERT.
