Getting Azure Blob Store Eventgrid Notifications from another Azure Account - azure

we work with an other company who just proposed us to privide us with an azure blob store SAS token. But we would like to use the events triggered by the Blob store and provided by the Azure Eventgrid system.
Is this possible ?
Why we have to this on our azure account is for billing purposes, we need the Events they don't we will have to pay for through our account
I hope someone can lead me in the right direction.

Azure Blob Storage as an Event Grid source works for Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated and Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted and when an event is triggered, the Event Grid service sends data about that event to the subscribing endpoint. Those event grid subscriptions exist in the same Azure Subscription as the resources.
Webhook Event delivery is one of the many ways to receive events from Azure Event Grid and this is something you can host in your Azure Subscription (or even outside of Azure).
Given the Price per million operations is only $0.60 per the Event Grid Basic tier, the Webhook notification will allow you to pay for all but a negligible amount of the costs.


Azure Storage account blob event subscription failure alert

I have created an event subscription in storage account for blob creation events using system topic event grid. Is there a way to track the delivery of "blob created" notifications from storage to the event grid system topic ? I'm not asking for delivery of notifications from system topic to end point like function, queue etc.
By following #Shweta Lodha document, you can Get Notified Via Azure Event Grid Whenever Azure Blob Is Updated.
When creating Event Grid in Additional features select Enable dead lettering to catch any events that are not delivered successfully to the subscribers as shown in below image. This will send any undelivered events to the specified storage account
you can track the delivery of "blob created" notifications from storage to the Event Grid system topic by Enable logging for the Event Grid topic as shown in the image In the Diagnostic logs section turn on Stream to an event hub . It will allow you to view the logs in an Azure Event Hub or export them to a storage account
By following this Microsoft document, you can view metrics
Reference link
For more information like how to use Azure event grid to route blob storage to web end points follow this document.
In Event Grid response status codes 200,201 etc. you can track the delivery of blob created notifications from your storage account to the event grid system topic

Azure Storage Account Event subscription: Event not getting delivered to subscription

The requirement is when a file gets uploaded to a storage account container, a logic should be in force to encrypt the file and place it in another container and source file should not get affected. For this I setup an event subscription in storage account, which would publish event to an event grid system topic, in turn triggers an Azure function. Below is the screenshot of event subscription setup.
The issue is the event gets published to event grid system topic but not getting delivered to subscription. I set up diagnostic settings for the event grid system topic. Below is the error that I found in logs. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong?
outcome=Forbidden,deliveryResponse=Forbidden, errorCode=Forbidden, HttpRequestMessage: httpVersion=1.1, HttpResponseMessage: HttpVersion=1.1, StatusCode=Forbidden(Forbidden), StatusDescription=Ip Forbidden, ConnectionInfo=defaultConnectionLimit=1024, reusePortSupported=True, reusePort=True,
To the Azure function app, add an inbound traffic rule under Networking option to allow traffic from Azure EventGrid

No Event Grid events triggering when uploading files to Azure Blob Storage -- why?

I set up a simple scenario in Azure using a Storage Account, a Function App, and an Event Grid System Trigger. Blob uploads into the Storage Account should cause the Event Grid System Trigger to send a BlobCreated event to trigger the Azure Function.
I can see that the Event Grid System Topic appears to be configured for the correct storage account according to the overview page in the Azure Portal:
I have a subscription created for the Event Grid System Topic, and it subscribes to all of the events the storage account can generate as I can see in the Azure Portal. This shows all 6 event types enabled, so I'm not filtering them out.
Despite this, when I upload blobs into a container I created in my storage account and watch for the events to show up in the metrics on my Event Grid System Topic, or see my Azure Function trigger, no events appear to ever be generated. Some interesting points about my storage account which may be worth mentioning are:
I am using a premium storage account
I am using a private vnet for my storage account
I suspected the network, but to rule that out I changed my storage account back to public and tried again but it didn't change the behavior. From everything I can tell from documentation, this should be working. Any ideas why it isn't?
I work at MS in the SDK team, and I reached to an EventGrid team member directly for opinion:
I looked into our service logs for last two weeks and I could not find
any events for this topic/event-subscription.
Can you please provide specific time and region when you are
uploading/deleting/editing the blobs to help investigating? Also, is
this specific to this storage account? Was this working before or this
scenario working for other storage accounts? Can you please open a
support ticket to handle this properly.
Thanks! In any doubt on the process, feel free to reply to me, we'll monitor this thread
[Edit: more info from Storage team]
We communicated with Azure Storage team and they confirmed that the behavior as described is by design and expected. Here are some additional details from Azure Storage Team:
The issue is that the customer is using a Premium_LRS StorageV2
account. These accounts only support premium page blobs and premium
If the customer wants to store block blobs in the premium tier, they
need to create a BlockBlobStorage account.
See subscript 5 in this table:

Send Azure Blob Storage event notifications to Event Hubs on another account

In Azure, I'm trying to send event notifications from a Storage Account in one Active Directory to an Event Hub in another Active Directory.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to share/link the resource.
In AWS, I was able to accomplish this by creating a role in the receiver account, adding the source account by ID, adding the SQS Writer resource permission, and adding the SQS Queue ARN as the bucket notification destination. I'm guessing something similar is possible in Azure..
At the moment, I am looking at Active Directory IAM, which appears to have the EventGrid EventSubscription Contributor property. In the destination account I have added the source account as a contributor, and I received a notification in the source account that I had permissions in the destination account, but when I try to create an event subscription in the source account, the Event Hubs in the destination account don't show as an option.
How can I write event notifications to Event Hubs in one account from a Storage Account in another?
Absolutely yes. I think there are many ways to do that across different subscriptions, such as the two below.
Solution 1 to use Azure Functions. You can use Azure Function with Blob Trigger to get the event notifications of blob changes, and then to request the other Azure Function with HttpTrigger via PUT/POST method to transfer the event message of blob information like blob url with SAS token for accessing in other subscriptions.
Solution 2 to use Azure Logic Apps. You can use the logic flow below to get the blob change events to send the notification message to EventHub in other subscriptions, because Azure Logic Apps allows to configure their connection information manually as below.
Fig 1. The logic flow to get events from Blob Storage and send to EventHub
Fig 2. Click the Manually enter connection information to configure for a service in other subscriptions.
Fig 2-A.
Fig 2-B.
Basically, there are supported two ways in the Azure Event Grid Pub/Sub model for delivery events across the multi-tenants environment, such as:
Tightly coupled delivery of the event messages to the subscriber resource based on the RBAC. At the subscriber (destination) resource, you can
add a built-in role assignment such as EventGrid EventSubscription Contributor for Azure AD user, etc.
or add co-administrator at the Azure subscription level
The following screen snippet shows an example of the case when I am a co-administrator two Azure subscriptions such as the Stage and Development.
Creating an Event Subscription for event driven blob storage topic in the AEG provider at the Stage azure account and delivery its notification events across the azure account boundary to the Subscriber such as an Event Hub located in the Development azure account is straightforward:
Loosely decoupled delivery of the event messages to the Subscribers across the multi-tenants boundary based on the WebHook event handler endpoint. For Pub/Sub integration across the tenant boundary can be used an EventGridTrigger function with an output binding to the Event Hub resource. The following screen snippet shows this example:
The above solution is very straightforward with capability to mediate (pre-processing) an event message to the Event Hub resource.
In the case for distributing the events to another subscribers, etc. in the Fan-Out pattern manner, the Azure Event Grids can be cascaded like is shown in the following screen snippet:
In the above solution, each tenant has own Azure Event Grid provider and there are cascaded via the "plumbing" WebHook event handler endpoint and custom topic endpoint.
More details about the AEG cascading implementation can be found here.

Azure Function Trigger from Event Hub in another account

I am working with multiple Azure accounts, for example account A is my account, and B is another separate account.
In the other account (B), logs are being sent into Azure Event Hub, and i have access the primary/secondary keys etc. to access.
What I want to do is have that Event Hub (B) trigger a Azure function in my account (A) to do some processing on those logs. Is it possible to have an Event Hub from another account trigger a function from another account? Right now when i look at the connections possible, i can only see my personal namespace(s), IOT Hub, and Custom. Is there a key/value pair i should be generating from the other account (B) so i can access via the "custom" connection?
The Function created using your Azure subscription A can create a trigger that is listening on the Event Hub created using Azure subscription B. All you have to do is provide the correct and valid connection string from the Event Hub created using subscription B.
