Silhouette below 3D model - graphics

There are some 3D applications which can cast shadow or silhouette below 3D models. They render pretty fast and smooth. I wonder what kind of technology is the standard procedure to get 3D model shadow/silhouette.
For example is there any C++ library like libigl or CGAL to get shadow/silhouette pretty fast? Or maybe GLSL shading is used? Any hint would be appreciated on the standard technology stack.

For rendering, it's trivial. Just project the vertices to the surface (for the case of the XY plane, this just entails setting the Z coordinate to 0) and render the triangles. There'll be a lot of overlap, but since you're just rendering that won't matter.
If you're trying to build a set of polygons representing the silhouette shape, you'll need to instead union the projected triangles using something like the Vatti clipping algorithm.

Computing shadows is a vast and uneasy topic. In the real world, light sources are extended and the shadow edges are not sharp (there is penumbra). Then there are cast shadows, and even self-shadows.
If you limit yourself to punctual light sources (hence sharp shadows), there is a simple principle: if you place an observer at the light source, the faces he will see are illuminated by that light source. Conversely, the hidden surfaces are in the shadow.
For correct rendering, the shadowed areas should be back-projected to the scene and painted black.
By nature, the ray-tracing techniques make this process easy to implement.


How does Skia or Direct2D render lines or polygons with GPU?

This is a question to understand the principles of GPU accelerated rendering of 2d vector graphics.
With Skia or Direct2D, you can draw e.g. rounded rectangles, Bezier curves, polygons, and also have some effects like blur.
Skia / Direct2D offer CPU and GPU based rendering.
For the CPU rendering, I can imagine more or less how e.g. a rounded rectangle is rendered. I have already seen a lot of different line rendering algorithms.
But for GPU, I don't have much of a clue.
Are rounded rectangles composed of triangles?
Are rounded rectangles drawn entirely by wild pixel shaders?
Are there some basic examples which could show me the basic prinicples of how such things work?
(Probably, the solution could also be found in the source code of Skia, but I fear that it would be so complex / generic that a noob like me would not understand anything.)
In case of direct2d, there is no source code, but since it uses d3d10/11 under the hood, it's easy enough to see what it does behind the scenes with Renderdoc.
Basically d2d tends to have a policy to minimize draw calls by trying to fit any geometry type into a single buffer, versus skia which has some dedicated shader sets depending on the shape type.
So for example, if you draw a bezier path, Skia will try to use tesselation shader if possible (which will need a new draw call if the previous element you were rendering was a rectangle), since you change pipeline state.
D2D, on the other side, tends to tesselate on the cpu, and push to some vertexbuffer, and switches draw call only if you change brush type (if you change from one solid color brush to another it can keep the same shaders, so it doesn't switch), or when the buffer is full, or if you switch from shape to text (since it then needs to send texture atlases).
Please note that when tessellating bezier path D2D does a very great work at making the resulting geometry non self intersecting (so alpha blending works properly even on some complex self intersecting path).
In case on rounded rectangle, it does the same, just tessellates into triangles.
This allows it to minimize draw calls to a good extent, as well as allowing anti alias on a non msaa surface (this is done at mesh level, with some small triangles with alpha). The downside of it is that it doesn't use much hardware feature, and geometry emitted can be quite high, even for seemingly simple shapes).
Since d2d prefers to use triangle strips instead or triangle list, it can do some really funny things when drawing a simple list of triangles.
For text, d2d use instancing and draws one instanced quad per character, it is also good at batching those, so if you call some draw text functions several times in a row, it will try to merge this into a single call as well.

3d graphics from scratch

What the minimum configuration for the program I need to build 3D Graphics from scratch, for example I have only SFML for working with 2d graphics and I need to implement the Camera object that can move & rotate in a space
Where to start and how to implement vector3d -> vector2d conversion functions and other neccessary things
All I have for now is:
angles Phi, Xi, epsilon 1-3 and some object that I can draw on the screen with the following formula
x/y = center.x/y + scale.x/y * dot(point[i], epsilon1/epsilon2)
But this way Im just transforming "world" axis, not the Object points
First you need to implement transform matrix and vector math:
Mathematically compute a simple graphics pipeline
Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices
The rest depends on kind of rendering you want to achieve:
boundary polygonal mesh rendering
This kind of rendering is the native for nowadays gfx cards. You need to implement buffers for:
depth (for filled polygons without z-sorting)
screen (to avoid flickering and also serves as Canvas)
shadow,stencil,aux (for advanced rendering techniques)
they have usually the same resolution as target rendering area. On top of this you need to implement supported primitives rendering at least point,line,triangle. see:
Algorithm to fill triangle
on top of all this you can add textures,shaders and whatever else you want to ...
(back)ray tracing
this kind of rendering is very different and current gfx HW is not build for it. This involves implementing ray/primitives intersections computation, Snell's law and analytical representation of meshes. This way you can also do multi-spectral rendering and more physically accurate effects/processes see:
How can I render an 'atmosphere' over a rendering of the Earth in Three.js? hybrid approach #1+#2
Algorithm for 2D Raytracer
How to implement 2D raycasting light effect in GLSL
Multi-Band Image raster to RGB
The difference between 2D and 3D ray tracer is almost none the only difference is how to compute perpendicular vector ...
There are also different rendering methods like Volume rendering, hybrid methods and others but their implementation is usually task oriented and generic description would most likely just mislead ... Here some 3D ray tracers of mine:
back raytrace through 3D mesh
back raytrace through 3D volume

What formula or algorithm can I use to draw a 3D Sphere without using OpenGL-like libs?

I know that there are 4 techniques to draw 3D objects:
(1) Wireframe Modeling and rendering, (2) Additive Modeling, (3) Subtractive Modeling, (4) Splines and curves.
Then, those models go through hidden surface removal algorithm.
Am I correct?
Be that way, What formula or algorithm can I use to draw a 3D Sphere?
I am using a low-level library named WinBGIm from colorado university.
there are 4 techniques to draw 3D objects:
(1) Wireframe Modeling and rendering, (2) Additive Modeling, (3) Subtractive Modeling, (4) Splines and curves.
These are modelling techniques and not rendering techniques. They allow you to mathematically define your mesh's geometry. How you render this data on to a 2D canvas is another story.
There are two fundamental approaches to rendering 3D models on a 2D canvas.
Ray Tracing
The basic idea of ray tracing is to pass a ray from the camera's origin, through the point on the canvas whose colour needs to be determined. Determine which models get hit by it and pick the closest one, determine how it's lit to compute the colour there. This is done by further tracing rays from the hit point to all the light sources in the scene. If you notice, this approach eliminates the need to use hidden surface determination algorithms like the back face culling, z-buffer, etc. since the basic idea is rooted on a hidden surface algorithm (ray tracing).
There are packages, libraries, etc. that help you do this. However, it's common that ray tracers are written from scratch as a college-level project. However, this approach takes more time to render (not to code), but the results are generally more pleasing than the below one. This approach is more popular when you want to render non-interactive visuals like movies.
This approach takes primitives (triangles and quads) that define the models in the scene and sample them at regular intervals (screen pixels they cover) and write it on to a colour buffer. Here hidden surface is usually eliminated using the Z-buffer; a buffer that stores the z-order of the fragment and the closer one wins, when writing to the colour buffer.
Rasterization is the more popular approach with cheap hardware support for it available on most modern computers due to years of research and money that has gone in to it. Libraries like OpenGL and Direct3D are readily available to facilitate development. Although the results are less pleasing than ray tracing, it's faster to render and thus is widely used in interactive, real-time rendering like games.
If you want to not use those libraries, then you have to do what is commonly known as software rendering i.e. you will end up doing what these libraries do.
What formula or algorithm can I use to draw a 3D Sphere?
Depends on which one of the above you choose. If you simply rasterize a 3D sphere in 2D with orthographic projection, all you have to do is draw a circle on the canvas.
If you are looking for hidden lines removal (drawing the edges rather than the inside of the faces), the solution is easy: "back face culling".
Every edge of your model belongs to two faces. For every face you can compute the normal vector and check if it is facing to the observer (by the sign of the dot product of the normal and the direction of the projection line); in other words, if the observer is located in the outer half-space defined by the plane of the face. Then an edge is wholly visible if and only if it belongs to at least one front face.
Usual discretization of the sphere are made by drawing equidistant parallels and meridians. It may be advantageous to adjust the spacing of the parallels so that all tiles are about the same area.

Create a polygon from a texture

Let's say I've got a rgba texture, and a polygon class , which constructor takes vector array of verticies coordinates.
Is there some way to create a polygon of this texture, for example, using alpha channel of the texture ...?
in 2d
Absolutely, yes it can be done. Is it easy? No. I haven't seen any game/geometry engines that would help you out too much either. Doing it yourself, the biggest problem you're going to have is generating a simplified mesh. One quad per pixel is going to generate a lot of geometry very quickly. Holes in the geometry may be an issue if you're tracing the edges and triangulating afterwards. Then there's the issue of determining what's in and what's out. Alpha is the obvious candidate, but unless you're looking at either full-on or full-off, you may be thinking about nice smooth edges. That's going to be hard to get right and would probably involve some kind of marching squares over the interpolated alpha. So while it's not impossible, its a lot of work.
Edit: As pointed out below, Unity does provide a method of generating a polygon from the alpha of a sprite - a PolygonCollider2D. In the script reference for it, it mentions the pathCount variable which describes the number of polygons it contains, which in describes which indexes are valid for the GetPath method. So this method could be used to generate polygons from alpha. It does rely on using Unity however. But with the combination of the sprite alpha for controlling what is drawn, and the collider controlling intersections with other objects, it covers a lot of use cases. This doesn't mean it's appropriate for your application.

How to structure Point Light Sources?

I am using Java to write a very primitive 3D graphics engine based on The Black Art of 3D Game Programming from 1995. I have gotten to the point where I can draw single color polygons to the screen and move the camera around the "scene". I even have a Z buffer that handles translucent objects properly by sorting those pixels by Z, as long as I don't show too many translucent pixels at once. I am at the point where I want to add lighting. I want to keep it simple, and ambient light seems simple enough, directional light should be fairly simple too. But I really want point lighting with the ability to move the light source around and cast very primitive shadows ( mostly I don't want light shining through walls ).
My problem is that I don't know the best way to approach this. I imagine a point light source casting rays at regular angles, and if these rays intersect a polygon it will light that polygon and stop moving forward. However when I think about a scene with multiple light sources and multiple polygons with all those rays I imagine it will get very slow. I also don't know how to handle a case where a polygon is far enough away from a light source that if falls in between two rays. I would give each light source a maximum distance, and if I gave it enough rays, then there should be no point within that distance that any two rays are too far apart to miss a polygon, but that only increases my problem with the number of calculations to perform.
My question to you is: Is there some trick to point light sources to speed them up or just to organize it better? I'm afraid I'll just get a nightmare of nested for loops. I can't use openGL or Direct3D or any other cheats because I want to write my own.
If you want to see my results so far, here is a youtube video. I have already fixed the bad camera rotation.
Lighting for real time 3d applications is (or rather - has in the past generally been) done by very simple approximations - see Shadows are expensive - and have generally in rasterizing 3d engines been accomplished via shadow maps & Shadow Volumes. Point lights make shadows even more expensive.
Dynamic real time light sources have only recently become a common feature in games - simply because they place such a heavy burden on the rendering system. And these games leverage dedicated graphics cards. So I think you may struggle to get good performance out of your engine if you decide to include dynamic - shadow casting - point lights.
Today it is commonplace for lighting to be applied in two ways:
Traditionally this has been "forward rendering". In this method, for every vertex (if you are doing the lighting per vertex) or fragment (if you are doing it per-pixel) you would calculate the contribution of each light source.
More recently, "deferred" lighting has become popular, wherein the geometry and extra data like normals & colour info are all rendered to intermediate buffers - which is then used to calculate lighting contributions. This way, the lighting calculations are not dependent on the geometry count. It does however, have a lot of other overhead.
There are a lot of options. Implementing anything much more complex than some the basic models that have been used by dedicated graphics cards over the past couple of years is going to be challenging, however!
My suggestion would be to start out with something simple - basic lighting without shadows. From there you can extend and optimize.
What are you doing the ray-triangle intersection test for? Are you trying to light only triangles which the light would reach? Ray-triangle
intersections for every light with every poly is going to be very expensive I think. For lighting without shadows, typically you would
just iterate through every face (or if you are doing it per vertex, through every vertex) and calculate & add the lighting contribution per light - you would do this just before you start rasterizing as you have to pass through all polys in anycase.
You can calculate the lighting by making use of any illumination model, something very simple like Lambertian reflectance - which shades the surface based upon the dot product of the normal of the surface and the direction vector from the surface to the light. Make sure your vectors are in the same spaces! This is possibly why you are getting the strange results that you are. If your surface normal is in world space, be sure to calculate the world space light vector. There are a bunch of advantages for calulating lighting in certain spaces, you can have a look at that later on, for now I suggest you just get the basics up and running. Also have a look at Blinn-phong - this is the shading model graphics cards used for many years.
For lighting with shadows - look into the links I posted. They were developed because realistic lighting is so expensive to calculate.
By the way, LaMothe had a follow up book called Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus-Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization.
This takes you through every step of programming a 3d engine. I am not sure what the black art book covers.
