Azure Service Bus Subscription - azure

i want to develop a Game using Azure Cloud but i am not sure which ressources i could use for it. Folowing is my problem:
There is one publisher which is providing some messages. I need to find a way to add subscriber on demand. That means whenever i need more subscriber i need to add them without changing any settings on the portal.
All subscriber needs to get the published message at the same time.
Received message from the publisher needs to be deleted for all subscriber at the same time.
Is there a ressource or a way which fits theese needs?

Azure SignalR Service is WebSocket Gateway service that covers all your requirements.
While you could always host your own server, the service supports scaling out.


Azure Service Bus queues

I'm new to azure cloud and my assignments requires me to implement service bus queues.
Question: Implement the Service Bus queues in your application. By using the queues and Service Bus, you will be able to manage the communication between the N-tier applications in Azure.
I have made a library management system using .net C# and not in MVC. and deployed it in the cloud. I don't know how to implement it.
Do i need to make new project for service bus or can i implement it on the existing system.
I have made a form page with Fullname, Email, Subject and Message Box. there is submit Button and onclick event can i implement service bus queue? help please. Thank you for time. Sorry for asking question in unclear manner. New to stackoverflow.
I believe you have already create the service bus queue, still you may check for your reference.
Then, you need to leverage the nuget pacakges in your project so that you can send messages to and receive messages from a Service Bus queue :
For more related details :$web/dotnet/Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus/7.0.0-preview.1/api/index.html

Using Azure App Configuration for dynamic configuration in a microservice environment

I have tried to find out how I can notify multiple microservice (MS) instances via eventdriven approach if their Azure App Configuration values are changed. I have found that I via Eventgrid can listen on changes in Azure App Configuration but I don't find any built in method to distribute event to multiple instances (many MS instances)... I can choose webhook but then it will be to one instance, I can choose other eventdriven approaches as Event Hub but then I have to setup that and I wonder what is best practice for this? I don't want each MS to poll for changes rather to be notified and receive what has been changed or is there a better built in approach/strategy?
For push-based configuration updates from Azure App Configuration, the suggested approach is to forward events to a Service Bus Topic. Azure Service Bus SDK provides RegisterMessageHandler method that allows clients to register a message handler that would be triggered for every message recieved in the topic. Each instance of the microservice could set up a subscription to this Service Bus Topic and register a message handler during service initialization to receive configuration updates.
The instructions to set up a service bus topic can be found here. Details on the protocols available to subscribe to service bus topics and the required firewall configuration can be found here. Since a single topic can support up to 2000 subscriptions, this approach would allow up to 2000 service instances.

How to implement Azure Message Queue in the WebAPI

I have multiple WebApi that are hosted in Azure but some of the API taking a long time to process.
Instead of a calling from the scheduler function in Azure, I was advised to use the Messaging Queue.
Is this a good approach?
Also, let say my API URL.. and, how can we communicate these API using Message queue and also how to call the WebAPI individually from Messaging Queue?
Is this Azure Bus service is the same as Messaging Queue for Azure.
I would strongly recommend you look at the respective docs on Azure, and start doing some quick tutorials and post more specific questions.
Now, to answer, what I believe is your main question, Azure Bus Service and Messaging Queue.
The thing is, there is no one Messaging Queue, rather three options for Azure messaging - Service Bus, Event Grid, and Event Hubs. Also, there is something called 'Azure Queue Storage', but I dont think you are thinking of that, considering your context.
There is a very cool comparison chart available here -
But, I think, my guess, is you are looking for ultimately looking to use Azure Service Bus.
Also, please understand that one does not invalidate the other. As your project develops, you may end up using Azure Service Bus with other options like Event Hubs or Grids or all of them in different places.
Also, you keep using the incorrect terms. for example, you say 'Azure Bus service' but its really 'Azure Service Bus'. Also, there is no thing called 'Messaging Queue for Azure.' as there are so many different messaging services for Azure. This is what I want to add here. Spent some time with the docs and post more specific questions as you continue your project.

Read RabbitMQ Messages on Azure

I have a local machine that reads RabbitMQ queue messages.
I wish to move it to cloud. Which Azure service can be used in this case?
I went through event hubs, but I am not sure, if it would read messages from rabbitMQ continuously.
Any suggestions for the service that should be put to use.
You should take a look at Azure Service Bus. It has got FIFO queues as well as publish/subscribe capabilities. However if using Azure managed service is not a strict requirement you can use RabbitMQ on a VM (or a cluster for high availability) as well.
UPDATE: Your response means you want a managed service. There are 2 options - if you want to go with RabbitMQ but do not want to manage the infrastructure you can go for 3rd party service provider like CloudAMQP who will manage it on your behalf. The other option is to go for Cloud native messaging - meaning if you are on Azure you change your messaging service to Azure Service Bus. This would mean changing you code as well.

How can I use MSMQ in Azure Service Fabric

I have implemented a Proof of Concept in Azure Service fabric that uses Azure Service Bus as a message queue. I'm using nServiceBus within the application to send and respond to messages which makes it very easy to change from one queuing technology to another.
I'd like to know if it's possible to use MSMQ instead of Service Bus in Azure Service Fabric as the nodes that are created are just windows 2016 servers and I'm not sure I need something like Service Bus. It's a question I want to answer with my POC.
Does anyone know whether MSMQ is included in an Azure Service Fabric node or how I could turn it on and if it's a viable solution?
Short answer - MSMQ is not suitable for Azure Service Fabric.
MSMQ is store and forward technology. It's using local file system to persist messages and then forward to another machine. When Service Fabric is going to move service from one node to another, it will not move the file system along. Meaning you'll lose messages.
I would recommend to stay with Azure Service Bus unless there's a good reason you're looking for an alternative.
