NodeJS JWT storage dilemma - node.js

Is it secure to store JWT in localStorage? The thing is that I tried storing JWT in cookies in NodeJS with httpOnly set to true. But the thing is that I cannot access the cookie in reactJS using universal cookies. Is it true that nodeJS generated cookies with httpOnly set to true is not possible to access on the ReactJS client side?
So, is it secure to store JWT in localStorage? Or it is totally secure because of the token secrets?
Many thanks in advance and greatly appreciated.

Its better not to.
The JWT Should stay in cookies with httpOnly.
I dont think there is any reason for you to use the JWT at the front, all you have to do is to use withCardentials and it will send it automatically every request.
If you have data you need that stored inside the JWT, you create a route that open it and send it back to you(with validation of course).
P.S: the reason that you dont want it to be at the localStorage is that you want it to be safe, that no scripts will be allowed to get those tokens.


Should JWT refresh token and access token travel together?

I'm building a SPA and i needed to authenticate users, so i decided to use JWT tokens.
To secure them on the client instead of using browser localStorage or sessionStorage i used cookies with both httpOnly and secure flags enabled.
With this configuration access token and refresh tokens travels always together.
I'm wondering if this configuration is safe or not, because if the cookies are in some way intercepted from an attacker he has the ability to also regenerate access tokens, since he has the refresh token.
In conclusion, is it the right configuration or there is an alternative way to safe the tokens with cookies without make them travel together?
Or is there any good alternative to safe JWT tokens on a SPA?
You are on the right tracks according to current best practices. When using tokens stored in cookies, aim to follow these practices also:
Encrypted cookies, eg with AES256-GCM
SameSite=strict, to prevent malicious sites from sending the cookie via CSRF
Use a path such as /refresh for the refresh token cookie, so that it is sent less often
Use a client secret for the SPA client, via its backend for frontend, which would be unknown to an attacker
Keep cookies small, ideally by issuing reference tokens to the SPA

Is Safe JWT Store in Req. Session?

i have a question about MERN Stack (Mysql,Express,React,Node). I confused about storing Jwt token (in Cookies,Localstorage or as session in request).
What iam asking is Is Safe Storing JWT On Request Session ?
Can someone explain how to store token in Single Page App ?
Thanks Anyway ...
When we do a successful login we get an access token. In this case, it is a JWT token. When we get this we need to keep it somewhere to use it for the future use of the user. We normally store that in LocalStorage. You can find more info about LocalStorage here. We also can use SessioStorage, Cookies as well. But Cookies only can contain 4KB of data and SessionStorage will go away when the browser is closed. That is the reason for me to go with LocalStorage. But you can choose it depending on your application requirement.
When sending a request with a token, I use the Authorization header.
It's safe to store JWT cookie at the client and even more in this day and age it necessary for scalability.
What should you use?
Session - This is the "old" way of doing things and no in use anymore. The session saves a state on the API server and that is a bad thing for scaling.
Localstorage - A good choice for mobile and web applications. The idea here is that you as the client developer are responsible for keeping track of JWT (save it on login, remove it on logout)
JWT-Cookie - is the best for ONLY web application. It's the same idea of Localstorage but now the server is responsible for setting and removing the JWT from the client using the Set-Cookie header.
Note: You can implement both Localstorage and JWT-Cookie side by side.

Where can we store the JWT token securely?

1. User will do the login UserName and password.
2. If the login success then server will return JWT.
3. Now we will store the token.
4. Now for every request we will send the JWT Token for authentication on server.
My question is that Where can we store the JWT token because Local storage,Session,Cookies is not safe.
"Only the server should know the "secret" that is used to generate the JWT. If someone modifies the data contained in the JWT, the server will fail to decode it. So the server can trust any JWT that it can decode."
You don't need to store JWT token where someone can't find. And if you think if hackers get token of someone, there is a expiration date option for this.
Check this: How safe is JWT?
httpOnly cookie
It's a special kind of cookie that’s only sent in HTTP requests to the server, and it’s never accessible (both for reading or writing) from JavaScript running in the browser.
Check this:
You can use this Package to make your life easier if you want:

Securely handling refresh token on a Vue application

I have a server backend that provides an access token and a refresh token when a user login is successful, and I want to store them somehow in the client's browser. For the access token, since it's short lived, I can store it in the browser's local storage, without having to worry too much. But for the refresh token, I'd like to set a more secure flow.
I've read this article fragment: Sending refresh token as an HttpOnly cookie, and using a cookie sounds like a safer approach to me, obviously not perfect though, so what I want to do is send the refresh token as a HttpOnly cookie to the Vue application.
So after logging in, for example, I'd like the server to set up that cookie and make the client include it with every request sent to the backend (is that how it should work?).
The problem I think I have, correct me if I am wrong please, is that since only the browser and not the javascript has access to that HttpOnly cookie, I can't make the library I use to make the requests (axios) to send the set refresh token alongside its future requests as a HttpOnly cookie as well.
How can I make that flow properly? Did I misunderstand something about how these cookies work?
Thank you in advance!

does data in jsonwebtoken are un rewritable

I'm using jsonwebtoken on my node js server and inside the jsonwebtoken i store the role of the user.
So everytime he do a request i just have to check if the required role is given in the token. But do people can change this role ?
I know everyone can see it but i guess no one can change it without my secret, right ?
Off course i m always checking the jsonwebtoken is correctly signed.
Do you think this method seems good ?
Sorry, english is not my main language
if you change the jwt data and then hash it with a different signature then you server will know its a fake token.
also make sure you use https so your tokens wont be available to sniffs.
if you store your token in a cookie make sure you put your cookie with http-only to prevent cookie highjack
also i recommend you to use csrf token to prevent csrf attacks
I guess you store the jwt in a Cookie or in LocalStorage on the client side.
So ofc, the user can delete or alter the cookie but he can't read it without your secret.
So if he tries to update the token, it will probably become corrupted and unreadable from your server side.
If the token is corrupted you'll probably want to log-out the user and redirect him to the login page.
