Cannot git pull due CONFLICT(MODIFY/DELETE) and symlink - linux

Our Laravel project is using symlinks. Recently when I tried to pull from my colleague's work, I get this message:
CONFLICT (modify/delete): resources/lang/en/validation.php deleted in HEAD and modified in a262067feb430a072c1d3abf2ec500150212ff0f. Version a262067feb430a072c1d3abf2ec500150212ff0f of resources/lang/en/validation.php left in tree.
error: failed to symlink 'resources/lang/en/validation.php': File name too long
Upon trying to git rm the file, I am told it doesn't exist and is deleted in HEAD. Then when I pull I get the same message as above. Upon trying to touch the file and git add the file, and commit and then pull (in order to push my changes to the same branch), I get a similar error message:
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in resources/lang/en/validation.php
CONFLICT (modify/delete): resources/lang/en/auth.php deleted in HEAD and modified in a262067feb430a072c1d3abf2ec500150212ff0f. Version a262067feb430a072c1d3abf2ec500150212ff0f of resources/lang/en/auth.php left in tree.
error: failed to symlink 'resources/lang/en/auth.php': File name too long
I have tried to skip-worktree the file, assume-unchanged the file and to change the git config setting via git config --local core.longpaths true to allow long-paths. None have worked. I think it has to do with the symlink, but I haven't run the script yet and so I don't know how this is a barrier to pulling for git.
When I do try to run the symlink, I get this error message:
error: unable to create symlink resources/lang/en/auth.php: File name too long
error: unable to create symlink resources/lang/en/validation.php: File name too long
Long story short, I cannot git pull, and therefore cannot git push. What's the solution? I don't want to git push force it.

Running git pull is just running two Git commands:
First, git pull runs git fetch. This obtains any new commits needed for the second command.
Second, git pull runs ... well, this can be complicated. You are having it run the default, though: git merge.
Usually when git pull fails, one of these two commands that it runs is the one that actually failed. The second command fails more often unless you have a particularly flaky Internet connection. In your case, it's the git merge that failed.
The word failed is usually too strong, really. Most merges do not actually fail. They just stop in the middle of the operation due to a conflict (or two conflicts, in your particular case). But your merge is a little special. It really does have an internal failure, which repeats several times:
error: unable to create symlink resources/lang/en/auth.php: File name too long
error: unable to create symlink resources/lang/en/validation.php: File name too long
This is happening because your OS is placing a hard limit on the length of the target of a symbolic link. As you found:
It seems it was trying to make a symlink out of the content inside the file instead of the file name ...
Git's internal limits are much bigger than your OS's.
A symbolic link is just data, at one level, and that's how Git tends to store it (as a blob object, but one with mode 120000 rather than the normal file mode of 100644 or 100755). At another level, the data will be interpreted as a file name, and that file name tends to have a length limit, such as 1024 or 4096 bytes.
What would git show do?
git show will spill out the contents of the symlink, when pointed to a symbolic-link object.
$ git hash-object -w -t blob /usr/share/misc/termcap
$ git update-index --add --cacheinfo 120000,d305cd8e161ecc8a78b0485d1926b9600efc6cb7,crazy
$ git commit -m "add crazy-long symlink"
[master dbb6e35] add crazy-long symlink
1 file changed, 4725 insertions(+)
create mode 120000 crazy
The normal tools will no longer work with this repository (which I made just to hold this crazy-long symlink):
$ git log | sed 's/#/ /'
commit dbb6e35967041fa4b03812866999ea0acd640dce
Author: Chris Torek <chris.torek>
Date: Sun Nov 15 19:52:05 2020 -0800
add crazy-long symlink
commit c6e238c122dcd41410e7fdcfaa47ac112e935a35
Author: Chris Torek <chris.torek>
Date: Sun Nov 15 19:51:58 2020 -0800
initial commit
$ git checkout HEAD^
This works fine, but trying to check out the second commit fails:
$ git checkout master
error: unable to create symlink crazy: File name too long
D crazy
Previous HEAD position was c6e238c initial commit
Switched to branch 'master'
What happens at this point is that Git simply leaves the symbolic link out of the working tree entirely. That's why it is in state D. You can still do work with the repository, but you cannot use the regular tools in the regular way.
With your merge, what you can do is delete the bad symbolic links entirely (safely), create correct (good) ones, and add them.


Git creates an extra file with my machine name appended at the end

I've just altered a file and successfully committed it and pushed it and everything is fine from that point of view but when I go back into the master branch it seems to have created an extra yaml file...exactly the same as the one I've just pushed but this time it has my machine name appended to the end of it...
It started off looking like this .gitlab-ci-yml....but it's now created an extra one called .gitlab-ci-mikeslaptop.yaml in the same folder ...and posh git says [master = +1 ~0 -0 !] and git says untracked files (use "git add ,file>..." to include in what will be committed) .gitlab-ci-mikeslaptop.yaml
Has anyone ever seen this behaviour before..I'm goggling but finding nothing.
any help gratefully received

Branch-specific configuration file maintenance with git

Here is a question keeps me puzzled for a long time as I cannot find nice and more-or-less universal solution to it.
Lets say there are two git branches available, production and dev; each uses it's own configurable parameters for some tasks (i.e. credentials, build path, test/deployment scripts switches et cetera). Same time implementation scripts & code is common for both branches.
Now, the problem arises is - how to maintain branch-specific configuration within git repository the way required. One of common solutions out there is to use 'template' configuration file within git, symlinking and ignoring the concrete for specific branch, like
$ cat .gitignore | grep conf
$ ls -l *.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 100 12 Oct 29 10:23 concrete.conf -> generic.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 100 0 Oct 29 10:16 generic.conf
breaking and adjusting concrete.conf on development box next. Yet not a solution I'm in pursuit for.
My requirements (ok, wishes) are:
support separate configuration file per git branch, and
keep branch-specific configuration file managed by git same time
Is it even possible? Could be (actually, preferred to be file sourced by some other one, but it's none related...)
The best that has came to my mind so far is to use post-merge hooks to adjust per-branch configuration per se from some other source ignored by git, but it stinks from the very beginning.
Any suggestions on solution of problem described ?
PS: *nix-specific suggestions (i.e. using symlinks/hardlinks) suggestions is absolutely fine, I do do have any interest in M$ targets
It is possible, and does not involve symlinking.
You do not version my.config, but a template file my.config.tpl, and a value file (with values for each branches)
Then, you can use a content filter driver, using .gitattributes declaration.
(image from "Customizing Git - Git Attributes", from "Pro Git book")
The script generate my.config file by replacing placeholder values with the values of the <branch.conf> file, each time you checkout a branch.
You can know about the current branch name with:
branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref HEAD)
The generated actual my.config remains ignored (by the .gitignore).
That means your actual working tree does not get "dirty".
The smudge script selects the correct value file and generates the correct web.config based on the template the smudge script is applied on during a git checkout.
See a complete example at "git smudge/clean filter between branches".

Is the detached HEAD my current project files or not?

I'm following instructions for a kernel project and am told to:
Export the kernel to use from the repository at the URL:
You will need to switch to the 'v3.14.26' tag,
So I did:
git clone git://
Once the project downloaded, I typed in:
git checkout 'v3.14.26'
and was greeted with a message about how I'm now in detached HEAD state. It also output the following:
HEAD is now at 356a3e1... Linux 3.14.26
But it seemed weird that nothing in the project downloaded or changed; I ran show-branch and was told [master] Merge tag 'v3.14.24'
So is the project actually at version 3.14.26 or not? I don't really get what's going on, though I think I understand what's happening with detached HEAD after reading about it. I'm not going to be making any changes to the solution, I'm just following the guide to use the specific 3.14.26 version of the kernel.
Keeping things simple, HEAD will only be attached if it's pointing to a Branch (something you can commit to). When you point your HEAD to a Tag, your working copy will be based on that commit, but since you cannot commit to a Tag, it will tell you are detached.
To make sure you are where you think you are, run:
git log --decorate=short --oneline --branches=*
If it places HEAD on the same commit as v3.14.26, you're good. Example:
λ git log --decorate=short --oneline --branches=*
bdeddd5 (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) XXX
5250588 YYY
647f007 ZZZ
d5cc025 (HEAD, tag: v3.14.26) WWW
55736b0 PPP

`ssh -vT` works fine, and agent is in github ssh keys. Where is the issue?

I just bought a new machine, and I'm working on a new github repo. I clone it into my machine using
git clone<username>/<exact-repo-name>.git
and it clones fine:
Cloning into '<exact-repo-name>'...
remote: Counting objects: ###, done.
remote: Total ### (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused ###
Receiving objects: 100% (###/###), ### KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (###/###), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
And, I add all of the remote branches locally by doing:
for remote in git branch -r; do git checkout -b $remote; done
Then, when I try to pull from any of the branches, using
git pull origin/<branch-name>
I get the ever-so-common error:
origin/<branch-name> does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
So, I go through all of the steps:
ssh -vT
ssh-add -l
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
These all succeed, and I check the output of ssh-add -l and I see that it is in the list ssh keys on my github account. I go into Settings -> ssh keys, and I see the agent there.
Are there certain user permissions that are on top of those for ssh?
I agree with #Felix that this most likely is not an SSH problem, though it might be masquerading as this. Instead, I think you have a problem with your path. You can try running git clone like this:
git clone
Here the username is your GitHub username. Git will prompt you for a password so you don't have to enter it as plain text. Please read this SO article for more information.
It's probably not an ssh issue, as an ssh problem would normally result in a message like
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Most likely it's a path problem: either you have an extra slash or space in the remote path (or if there's supposed to be a space, you're missing quotation marks in your command line), or some letter is the wrong case. Double-check the rest of the URL. It could also be exactly what it says, a permissions problem -- are you sure you're connecting as the right user for this repository?
Edit: from your added details, it looks like you're just getting the syntax of the pull command mixed up. Does it work if you do this?:
git checkout <branch-name>
git pull # Edit: don't do this without reading all of 'git help pull'
? Also, does git fetch --all work? (git pull is just git fetch followed by git merge.)
Further edit: I can reproduce your error; it is a command syntax problem. Here are more examples:
"source" is a git repository in a local folder; I clone it into a folder called "dest":
$ git clone source dest
$ cd dest
Now I do the git branch command in your for loop:
$ git branch -r
origin/HEAD -> origin/master
I would expect that first line to cause problems, since that would result in these commands being run in your for loop:
git checkout -b "origin/HEAD"
git checkout -b "->"
(Note that your example is missing backticks around `git branch -r`, so if what you posted is literally what you're running, you'll end up with branches called "git", "branch", and "-r", which would really not be what you want... if you had trouble putting backticks into inline code blocks, see
Then if I try your pull command, I get the same error as you:
$ git pull origin/branch1
fatal: 'origin/branch1' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
This is because git pull takes the remote repository name (origin) and the remote branch name (branch1) as two separate parameters, separated by a space. So this works:
$ git pull origin branch1
From /tmp/source
* branch branch1 -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.
But, that's probably not quite what you want, because it sounds like you wanted to create a bunch of local branches to track the same named branches on origin (e.g. you want a local branch named "branch1" that tracks "origin/branch1"). Your local branch creation commands didn't include setting up tracking, so what you've actually got is a local branch called "origin/branch1" and a branch on remote repository "origin" also called "branch1", i.e. after running your for loop, the output of git branch -a is:
$ git branch -a
* origin/branch2
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
...So there are two branches called "origin/branch1", and the only thing that differentiates them is that in one case, the repository is your local one and the branch's literal full name is "origin/branch1", and in the other case, the repository is the remote one (named origin) and the branch's literal full name is "branch1", which is notated as "origin/branch1" -- this will probably be very confusing to work with (and in some commands, git will complain and say, "origin/branch1 is ambiguous" and you'll have problems).
Note also that each of the new branches your for loop created is actually just a copy of master (or whatever the default/selected branch was on origin), because you didn't specify a remote branch for them to start from. That is, in your clone command, your local repository was set up with one branch selected (probably master). You then told git "make new branch from where I am now" for each line in your for loop, so each of those new branches, despite having all the different names of the branches on remote, are references to the first branch selected with your clone. This is probably not what you wanted.
I think what you actually wanted was this command, run for each remote branch:
$ git checkout --track origin/branch1
Branch branch1 set up to track remote branch branch1 from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'branch1'
Actually, if you've just done a fresh clone, a git checkout branch1 [without the -b] will have the same effect I think -- since there is no local branch called branch1, git will look for one in the repository you cloned from and set up tracking if it finds one.
...So I guess what this whole post boils down to is:
Leave out the -b in your initial checkout commands
Use a space instead of a slash in your pull command
See and the output of git help pull for more about remote tracking and pulling; some of it is a bit subtle (even more so than all the caveats I mentioned :) ).

GIT: Can't Push (Strange Config Issue)

I'm on a fresh install of Linux Mint.
I'm getting the following error when trying to push from any repository:
error: Malformed value for push.default: simple
error: Must be one of nothing, matching, tracking or current.
fatal: bad config file line 8 in /home/leng/.gitconfig
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
This is very odd, because I definitely have a version that supports the simple push behavior.
The output of git --version is git version
The contents of ~/.gitconfig:
name = My Name
email =
ui = true
default = simple
Here's where it gets creepy.
If I change the behavior to matching (or to nothing, tracking, or current, for that matter), then attempt to push, I get the same exact error message. How is that possible? Is it caching the config somehow? I've even tried rebooting. I've even tried purging GIT completely from the system (and deleting ~/.gitconfig) then reinstalling it.
If I delete the [push] section completely from the .gitconfig file (or if I delete the file entirely), then try to push, then I get this:
Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message
and maintain the current behavior after the default changes, use:
git config --global push.default matching
To squelch this message and adopt the new behavior now, use:
git config --global push.default simple
See 'git help config' and search for 'push.default' for further information.
(the 'simple' mode was introduced in Git 1.7.11. Use the similar mode
'current' instead of 'simple' if you sometimes use older versions of Git)
error: Malformed value for push.default: simple
error: Must be one of nothing, matching, tracking or current.
fatal: bad config file line 8 in /home/leng/.gitconfig
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. it appears to be both acknowledging that I haven't chosen a pushing behavior, but then also saying that I've chosen an unsupported behavior. What on earth is going on here?
I even get the error if I delete ~/.gitconfig completely.
Can anyone help me out with this witchcraft?
Here is a .git/config file requested:
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
url = ssh://{my remote repo}
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
Okay, so I fixed it, but the method is absolute witchcraft.
I tried to isolate the problem by purging GIT, deleting the config file, reinstalling GIT, then creating a local bare repository, then cloning it, then attempting to push from there. Pretty much like this:
sudo apt-get purge git-core
rm -f ~/.gitconfig
sudo apt-get install git-core
cd /git
mkdir foo
cd foo
git init --bare
cd /var/www
git clone /git/foo
cd foo
touch blah.txt
git add -A
git config --global "Name"
git config --global ""
git commit -m "Blah"
git push
...same exact error message, no change there. (Still some serious witchcraft.)
Then, I deleted one of my repositories that doesn't have a local origin (it connects to its origin via SSH) and cloned the repository anew after deleting it (with a fresh git clone ssh://... command).
I got an error from the clone command:
remote: Malformed value for push.default: simple
remote: Must be one of nothing, matching, tracking or current.
Ah ha! Now it says remote instead of error. So the remote doesn't support this behavior. (That doesn't explain why the error persists on local-only repositories with local origins, then, though.)
So I then SSH'ed into the remote server and updated the git-core there to the latest version, re-attempted to clone the repository from my local machine, and it worked.
Now, I can finally git push. Insanely, this also fixed it so I can git push from the entirely local /var/www/foo to the also entirely local /git/foo (the local origin bare repository). SSH'ing into this remote server and updating it somehow - WITCHCRAFT - fixed my local machine's error.
Why on earth the entirely local repos care about an entirely different machine's GIT version is... beyond me. How utterly, utterly insane.
I had the same error message on git push.
For me it turned out that the remote user's git was an older version (,
and I had recently updated the remote ~/.gitconfig to include:
default = simple
The solution was to remove this setting from the remote's configuration.
Since it seems other people are having this issue, and I found a solution HERE, I thought I'd post the solution that worked for me.
The solution I found was at this page. Evidently the best solution is to upgrade to a newer version of Git (if possible). That was not an option for me, however. From a local machine, I typed the following command:
git config -–global push.default upstream
This got rid of the Malformed value for push.default: simple error I had been getting. I'm not entirely sure what upstream does, however.
MY CONTEXT (for comparison): I had an empty (bare) repository on a remote computer, and I had a few repositories on a couple "local" workstations. I pull from the remote repository, do some work, and then push my work to the remote repository. Pushing/pulling was accomplished via SSH. Most of the time, while working on a local machine, pushing/pulling would result in the error described above.
In short, before the fix, I had the following ~/.gitconfig file on the remote machine:
name = Foo Bar
email =
external = /Users/foobar/bin/
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
default = simple
After entering in the above command, my ~/.gitconfig file on the remote machine changed to:
name = Foo Bar
email =
external = /Users/foobar/bin/
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
default = upstream
Version information:
Remote machine (repository location): 1.9.4
My laptop: (Apple Git-48)
Other computer I work on:
Here's another site that may be useful to some people:
