How to loop through XML-nodes and validate if values exists? - excel

I have through an API fetched my data as an XML, and I wish to cycle through nodes (there are several of the same type) and add them to certain fields/a table.
Example from the XML-file:
I have tried the following format (at this point the XML I need is in a string in xmlDoc xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0"). Fully aware that this is not a really "sexy" way to write it, but I'm new at this game:
Set nodeXML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("EndrAr")
Range("G1").Value = nodeXML(1).Text
Range("H1").Value = nodeXML(2).Text
Range("I1").Value = nodeXML(3).Text
Set nodeXML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("EndrMnd")
Range("G2").Value = nodeXML(1).Text
Range("H2").Value = nodeXML(2).Text
Range("I2").Value = nodeXML(3).Text
Set nodeXML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Rating")
Range("G3").Value = nodeXML(1).Text
Range("H3").Value = nodeXML(2).Text
Range("I3").Value = nodeXML(3).Text
This works great as long as all three items are there. Unfortunately that is not given. If it is a new company i.e. (3) wont exist (there is one line per year above), and I would like to either set the cell to Blank or No value or something.
The result from when I run the above code:
But if I try to add a line 4 to test what happens if value does not exists I get the following (for obvious reasons)
What I would love some help with is:
Can I by some "magic" add a ifmissing (tried it, but could not get it to work)?
Other ways to add a if variable is not found, input following into cell
Or are there a complete different way I should have solved this?
This is to add accounting data from last X available years (where X is ie 4, or less if not 4 is available) from 30 nodes.

You could use an Error trapping Function. Note in the code below we choose not to use the returned boolean.
Dim myTest as String
TryReadingXmlNode nodeXML,1, myText
Range("G1").Value = myText
Public Function TryReadingXmlNode(ByVal ipNode as object, ByVal ipIndex as Long, ByRef opText as string) as boolean
On Error Resume Next
If err.number>0 then opText="NoValue"
on Error Goto 0
End Function

Start by querying all of the HistRating elements, then loop over that collection:
Const MAX_YEARS As Long = 4
Dim ratings, rating, c As Range, i as Long
Set c= Range("A1")
Set ratings = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("HistRating")
For Each rating in ratings
c.offset(0, i) = rating.getElementsByTagName("EndrAr")(0).Text
c.offset(1, i) = rating.getElementsByTagName("EndrMnd")(0).Text
c.offset(2, i) = rating.getElementsByTagName("Rating")(0).Text
i = i + 1
If i >= MAX_YEARS Then Exit For 'exit if processed enough nodes
Next rating


How can I pick specific string fragments out of an excel cell using a custom formula written in VBA

At work I am required to reformat incorrect Addresses on a weekly basis from records in our Salesforce instance. We gather the incorrectly formatted addresses using a Report and export them to an Excel file. My job is simply to manipulate the data in the file to format them properly then reinsert them into the database.
Typically the addresses are formatted as so:
5 Sesame Street, Anytown, Anyplace
Separating these can be done easily by hand, but I typically have to work with hundreds of addresses at a time, and using default excel formulas tends to require lots of wrangling multiple cells at once to break it up into fragments.
Thus I wrote a custom formula to run through the cell and return a specific fragment of the string based on the "Comma Number" given. So if I give a Comma Number of 1, I would get "5 Sesame Street", 2 would get me "Anytown", etc.
Here is my code so far:
Public Function fragmentAddress(address As String, numberofcommas As Integer) As String
seen = 1
lastComma = -1
Dim x As Long
Dim frag As Long
For x = 0 To Len(address)
If Mid(address, x, 1) = "," & numberofcommas = seen Then
Exit For
ElseIf Mid(address, x, 1) = "," & numberofcommas <> seen Then
seen = seen + 1
lastComma = x
End If
frag = Mid(address, lastComma + 1, seen - lastComma)
fragmentAddress = frag
I have not implemented the ability to handle the final value yet, but it does not give me any outputs, only outputting a "#VALUE!" error when I attempt to give it the input
=fragmentAddress("3 Ashley Close, Charlton Kings",1)
I have some experience with programming, but this is my first time writing anything in VBA.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Not exactly sure what your question is, but this is simpler:
Public Function GetAddressFragment(ByVal Address As String, ByVal Index As Integer) As String
Dim addr() As String
addr = Split(Address, ",")
On Error Resume Next
GetAddressFragment = Trim(addr(Index - 1))
End Function

LibreOffice Basic Ignoring “some” of my Type...End Type Definition

I'm using LibreOffice Version: Build ID: 40m0(Build:2) Locale: en_AU
I have a Basic Module
At the top of this module before any sub or functions I have
Type InitHeadings
MySort_By As Integer
MyCharacter As Integer
MyInitiative As Integer
MyRolled As Integer
MyTotal As Integer
End Type
Global InitiativeColumn As New InitHeadings
But when I run a sub, set a breakpoint and 'watch' the InitiativeColumn Object only the first two fields are shown.
The rest of my code relevant to this struct as the documentation calls them is below. I don't reference it anywhere else. Can anyone tell me why the first two would work but not the rest? I have two other structs in this code and both also ignore the last three fields. Is this a Bug?
Sub Main
'Initialise Doc and Sheet Objects
Dim Doc As Object
Doc = ThisComponent
StatsSheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Stats")
InitiativeSheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Initiative")
CombatSheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Combat")
'Initiative Sheet
For Column = 0 to 25 'Columns A to Z
MyHeadingName = InitiativeSheet.getCellByPosition(Column,0).String
Select Case MyHeadingName
Case "Sort By"
InitiativeColumn.MySort_By = Column
Case "Character"
InitiativeColumn.MyCharacter = Column
Case "Initiative"
InitiativeColumn.MyInitiative = Column
Case "Rolled"
InitiativeColumn.MyRolled = Column
Case "Total"
InitiativeColumn.MyTotal = Column
End Select
Next Column
End Sub
Sub MyInitiativeButton
'Iterate over a range of cells:
For Row = 1 To 25 'Rows 2 to 26
'Column 3 is column D the "Rolled" column
InitiativeSheet.getCellByPosition(InitiativeColumn.MyRolled,Row).VALUE = Roledice(1,20,0)
Next Row
End Sub
It looks like a bug, and seems to have been reported here. The problem did not occur when I tested it in a newer version (LO
This is only an issue for the debugger window. The values are still there:
Sub TestStructs
InitiativeColumn.MySort_By = 5
InitiativeColumn.MyCharacter = 5
InitiativeColumn.MyTotal = 5
InitiativeColumn.DoesntExist = 5
End Sub
This code works fine until the line InitiativeColumn.DoesntExist = 5, whereupon it crashes.
Now the Global problem that you mentioned in the comments is really a problem. Considering the standard programming advice that global variables are bad, I think it's wise to consider alternatives.
Instead of a subroutine, could you perhaps use a Function that returns InitiativeColumn? If not, then assigning the variable as you suggested seems a viable workaround. Personally for LO macros I prefer Python or Java since they have classes.

Load image to a label in userform using vba

I am working on a userform to load Images over labels, I am getting a
Run time error '75': Path/File access error
with below code,
dim solArr as variant
solArr = Split("1.jpg,2.jpg,3.jpg",",")
For i = LBound(solArr) To UBound(solArr)
'For rating image
Dim ratingImageName As String
ratingImageName = "D:\somepath" & "\" & solArr(i)
Set imageStar = UserForm1.Frame3.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
imageStar.Top = 40 + (i * 50)
imageStar.Left = 420
imageStar.Height = 20
imageStar.Width = 100
imageStar.Picture = LoadPicture(ratingImageName)
But, if i use ratingImageName as "D:\Somepath\1.jpg" no error is recieved...
Is there a better way to do it?
Hmmm.. solArr = Array("1.jpg","2.jpg","3.jpg")
I was picking up a value from cell as
the sentence replace(arrSol(i),chr(10),"") solved the problem.
Set imageStar = UserForm1.Frame3.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
I have an array of many items in-game. Example item1, item2, item3... How to change index at item (Exemple item & i) and add a picture it item in label in Form.

Excel VBA - Get chart data range

I want to add data to a bunch of existing charts. Assume that each chart has a different number of data series and that the location of the raw data is somewhere in the same workbook. Here's what I'm starting with:
For iChart = 1 To iCount
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart " & iChart).Activate
intSeries = 1
Do Until ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).Name = ""
Set rXVal = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).XValues '<- Object Required error
Set rXVal = Range(rXVal, rXVal.End(xlDown))
Set rYVal = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).Values
Set rYVal = Range(rYVal, rYVal.End(xlDown))
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).XValues = rXVal
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).Values = rYVal
intSeries = intSeries + 1
Next iChart
I know that ActiveChart...XValues = rXVal works, but I'm getting an "Object Required" error on the Set rXVal = ActiveChart....XValues line. I'm assuming that since a range went in to define the data series, I can get that range back out again and then add to it.
To clarify things a little, I have accelerometers in 8 places and FFT software setup to record peak vibration response in 4 separate frequency bands. This yields 32 data points per sample. When exporting, the software spits out an Excel workbook with 4 sheets; one for each frequency band. Each sheet has the accelerometer names going across and sample numbers going down.
I have succeeded using this syntax:
Dim rXVal() As Variant
rXVal = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).XValues
In this case you get an array, because your given statement (ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).XValues) is an array and not a range. This is what you see in Locals window if you dig into Series object of ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries):
(in my dummy data I have rows named r1, r2, r3, r4.)
What I want to say, XValues does not have any property which would indicate its occupied range.
If you actually need a range, I would suggest getting it from the formula property. And the way I would suggest is replacing your error causing line with this one:
Set rXVal = Range(Split(ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).Formula, ",")(1))
Next, I see you trying to get the range for Values. Similarly, use this:
Set rYVal = Range(Split(ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).Formula, ",")(2))
Another thing.
The following lines will cause you an error finally:
intSeries = 1
Do Until ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).Name = ""
...some code...
intSeries = intSeries + 1
Do change them with:
For intSeries = 1 To ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count
...some code...
Yet another thing.
Consider using With and End With, as you repeat a lot ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries). Then your code will be much more readable, as you would just skip this long line! Wouldn't that be awesome???
This works fine for me:
Dim rXVal() As Variant
Dim rXValMin, rXValMax As Double
rXVal = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(intSeries).XValues
rXValMin = WorksheetFunction.Min(rXVal)
rXValMax = WorksheetFunction.Max(rXVal)

Using excel vba to change the value of a dropdown menu on a website

I am writing an Excel macro to fill out a form on a website. I have written the code that populate the text boxes easily enough, and found code to chose radio boxes, but I am having problems with choosing info from dropdown menus.
Example 'Gender':
The combo box has three options:
Select / Male / Female
I've tried a few variations on this:
...but with no luck.
This is the web source code:
<td> <select name="xs_r_gender" id="xs_r_gender">
<option value="" selected>Select</option>
<option value="male">Male</option>
<option value="female">Female</option> </select></td>
seems to do the trick. (Where 1 represents male)
Though it means I will need to do alot of lookups to determine what the value is for the items in my dropdown. (Easy enough for Sex, where there are only two options, but I have some comboboxes with up to 50 options). If anyone knows of a faster solution, that'd be great. In the meantime, Ill start doing up some tables!!!
Try below code assuming doc = ie.document
doc.getElementById("xs_r_gender").value = "Male"
Use this in your code to call the function below.
xOffset = SetSelect(IE.Document.all.Item("shipToStateValue"), "Texas")
doc.getElementById("shipToStateValue").selectedindex = xOffset
Then use this for your function
Function SetSelect(xComboName, xComboValue) As Integer
'Finds an option in a combobox and selects it.
Dim x As Integer
For x = 0 To xComboName.options.Length - 1
If xComboName.options(x).Text = xComboValue Then
xComboName.selectedindex = x
Exit For
End If
Next x
SetSelect = x
End Function
Thanks Stack, works for me! My solution to operate an IE HTML combobox drop down turned out to be two parts.
Part 1 was to click the pull down, here's code:
Dim eUOM1 As MSHTML.HTMLHtmlElement
Set eUOM1 = ie.document.getElementsByTagName("input")(27).NextSibling
Part 2 was to choose and click the value, like this (*actual element name changed):
Dim eUOM2 As MSHTML.HTMLHtmlElement
Set eUOM2 = ie.document.getElementsByName("[*PutNameHere]")(0)
eUOM2.Value = "EA"
Here are references:refs
You can try the querySelector method of document to apply a CSS selector of option tag with attribute value = 'male':
doc.querySelector("option[value='male']").Selected = True
Function SetSelect(s, val) As Boolean
'Selects an item (val) from a combobox (s)
'If Not SetSelect(IE.Document.all.Item("tspan"), "Custom") Then
'something went wrong
'End If
Dim x As Integer
Dim r As Boolean
r = False
For x = 0 To s.Options.Length - 1
If s.Options(x).Text = val Then
s.selectedIndex = x
r = True
Exit For
End If
Next x
SetSelect = r
End Function
Try this code :
doc.getElementById("xs_r_gender").value = "Male"
You can do something like this:
doc.getElementById("xs_r_gender").selectedindex = 1
Where 1 is the male option (in both cases).
If the dropbox needs to fire some event in order to aknowledge your choice, it is likely that it will be the "onchange" event. You can fire it like so:
If you ever want to be able to select an option based on the option's text you can use the function given by Lansman (here) .
Based on the same answer, if you want to call the option by it's value property (instead of the text, you can just change the line If xComboName.Options(x).Text = xComboValue Then to If xComboName.Options(x).value = xComboValue Then).
This should cover all bases.
Copy from Here till last line:
Sub Filldata()
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
IE_count = objShell.Windows.Count
For X = 0 To (IE_count - 1)
On Error Resume Next ' sometimes more web pages are counted than are open
my_url = objShell.Windows(X).document.Location
my_title = objShell.Windows(X).document.Title
If my_title Like "***Write your page name***" Then
Set IE = objShell.Windows(X)
Exit For
End If
With IE.document.forms("***write your form name***")
' Assuming you r picking values from MS Excel Sheet1 cell A2
.all("xs_r_gender").Item(i).Selected = True
End with
End sub
