Find count of multiline in an Excel cell starting with delimiter - - excel

I am looking to find formula which gives me count of -> how many line in multiline of the cell are begining with - (hyphen)
for e.g. if cell contains
how are you keeping up
-I am well and need toy
-"You" are asking wrong question
<you are wrong>
-why should i reply you
sum count of qualified multiline is = 3
can anyone help me out here please

If you first lines never start with an hyphen, or at least do not count towards the total, then try:
Formula in B1:
If your first line can also start with an hyphen and therefor count towards the total, try:

Here is a VBA solution:
Function CountLines(text As String, Optional flag As String = "") As Long
'counts all lines in text which starts with flag
Dim i As Long, count As Long
Dim lines As Variant
lines = Split(text, vbLf)
For i = LBound(lines) To UBound(lines)
If Mid(lines(i), 1, Len(flag)) = flag Then
count = count + 1
End If
Next i
CountLines = count
End Function
If this is in a standard code module, the example text in A1 and in B1 you enter the formula =CountLines(A1,"-"), it will evaluate to 3.

If you want to include the first line in the potential count, then, in Windows Excel 2013+, you can try:
=COUNTA(FILTERXML("<t><s>" & SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,">",">"),"<","<"),"""","""),CHAR(10),"</s><s>") & "</s></t>","//s[starts-with(text(),'-')]"))
Replace illegal xml characters ",<, and >
Create an XML by splitting into nodes based on the LF character
Use xpath //s[starts-with(text(),'-')] to return only those nodes that start with a hyphen.
COUNTA to return the count of those nodes


VBA split-column-at-certain-length?

I have a question that is almost exactly the same as this thread link below:
Excel VBA Split Column at Certain Length into Multiple Rows
However, what if i'd like to look for the last delimiter before splitting?
example: length requirement is less than 10.
my string is: 11, 3344, 5566 result will be:
Row 1: 11,3344,
Row 2: 5566
basically i dont need to be exactly 10 characters (should be 10 chars at most) but i need to consider the last delimiter before it reaches 10 characters. Kindly help please
Start at the 1000 character and loop through the text backward to check if the current character is equal to the delimiter that you want, if not continue looping backward. If it is equal to the delimiter, stop the loop and get the position.
Sub tester():
''Application.SendKeys "^g ^a {DEL}"
Dim last_ctr As Variant
Dim current_char As Variant
Dim final_char As Variant
Dim limit As Variant
Dim my_delimiter as Variant
'' your limit on the text
limit = 1000
my_delimiter = ","
test = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
'' loop backwards from the string
For x = limit To 0 Step -1
'' check the current char if it is equal to what you want
current_char = Mid(test, x, 1)
If current_char = my_delimiter Then
'' get the current position of the loop
final_char = x
Exit For
End If
Next x
End Sub
After retrieving the position (final_char) use the Left command on it
Left(test, final_char)
Pass Left$(myString, 10) in to the spliter. Then you are only looking at the first 10 characters and doing the split.

Count Patterns In one Cell Excel

I wanted your help, I'm currently working in extracting some data, now the thing is that I have to count an specific amount of Call IDs a call ID format is the following 9129572520020000711. The pattern is 19 characters that starts with 9 and ends in 1.
and I want to count how many times this pattern appears in one cell
I.E. this is the value in one cell and I want to count how many times the pattern appears.
To solve this with formulae you need to know:
The starting character
The ending character
The length of your Call ID
Finding all possible Call IDs
Let B1 be your number string and B2 be the call ID (or pattern) you are looking for. In B5 enter the formula =MID($B$2,1,1) to find the starting character you are looking for. In B6 enter =RIGHT($B$2,1) for the end character. In B7 enter =LEN($B$2) for the length of the call ID.
In Column A we'll enter the position of every starting character. The first formula will be a simple Find() formula in B10 as =FIND($B$5,$B$1,1). To find the other starting characters start the Find() at the location after the last starting character: =FIND($B$5,$B$1,$A10+1) in B11. Copy this down the column a few dozen times (or more).
In Column B we'll see if the next X characters (where X is the length of the Call ID) meets the criteria for a Call ID:
The MID($B$1,$A10+($B$7-1),1)=$B$6 checks if the character at the end of the character at the end of this possible Call ID is the end character we're looking for. $A10+($B$7) calculates the position of the possible Call ID and $B$6 is the end character.
In Column C we can return the actual Call ID if there is a match. This isn't necessary to find the count, but will be useful later. Simply check if the value in Column B is True and, if yes, return the calculated string: =IF(B10,MID($B$1,$A10,$B$7),"").
To actually count the number of valid Call IDs, do a CountIf() of the Call ID column to check for the number of True values: =IF(B10,MID($B$1,$A10,$B$7),"").
If you don't want all the #Values! just wrap everything in IFERROR(,"") formulas.
Finding all consecutive Call IDs
However , some of these Call IDs overlap. Operating on the assumption that Call IDs cannot overlap, we simply have to start our search after the end character of a found ID, not the start. Insert an "Ending Position" column in Column B with the formulae: =$A10+($C$7-1), starting in B11. Alter A11 to =FIND($C$5,$C$1,$B10+1) and copy down. Don't change A10 as this finds the first starting position and is not depending on anything but the original text.
Which ones are valid?
I don't know, that depends on other criteria for your Call IDs. If you receive them consecutively, then the second method is best and the other possible ones found are by coincidence. If not, then you'll have to apply some other validation criteria to the first method, hence why we identified each ID.
You can solve this simply with a UDF using a regular expression.
Option Explicit
Function callIDcount(S As String) As Long
Dim RE As Object, MC As Object
Const sPat As String = "9\d{17}1"
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RE
.Global = True
.Pattern = sPat
Set MC = .Execute(S)
callIDcount = MC.Count
End With
End Function
Using your example, this returns a count of 8
The regular expression engine captures all of the matches that match the pattern, into the match collection. To see how many are there, we merely return the count of that collection.
Trivial modifications would allow one to return the actual ID's also, should that be necessary.
The regex:
Match the character “9” literally 9
Match a single character that is a “digit” (ASCII 0–9 only) \d{17}
Exactly 17 times {17}
Match the character “1” literally 1
Created with RegexBuddy
EDIT Reading through TheFizh's post, he considered that you might want the count to include overlapping CallID's. In other words, given:
We see that includes:
where the second overlaps with the first, but both meet your requirements.
Should that be what you want, merely change the regex so it does not "consume" the match:
Const sPat As String = "9(?=\d{17}1)"
and you will return the result of 15 instead of 8, which would be non-overlapping pattern.
Do you mean something like what's following?
Sub CallID_noPatterns()
Dim CallID As String, CallIDLen As Integer
CallID = "9#################1"
CallIDLen = Len(CallID) 'the CallID's length
'Say that you want to get the value of "A1" cell and deal with its value
Dim CellVal As String, CellLen As Integer
CellVal = CStr(Range("A1").Text) 'get its value as a string
CellLen = Len(CellVal) 'get its length
'You Have 2 options:-
'1-The value is smaller than your CallID length. (Not Applicable)
'2-The value is longer than or equal to your CallID length
'So just run your code for the 2nd option
Dim i As Integer, num_checks, num_patterns
i = 0
num_patterns = 0
'imagine both of them as 2 arrays, every array consists of sequenced elements
'and your job is to take a sub-array from your value, of a length
' equals to CallID's length
'then compare your sub-array with CallID
num_checks = CellLen - CallIDLen + 1
If CellLen >= CallIDLen Then
For i = 0 To num_checks - 1 Step 19
For j = i To num_checks - 1
If Mid(CellVal, (j + 1), CallIDLen) Like CallID Then
num_patterns = num_patterns + 1
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
End If
'Display your result
MsgBox "Number of Patterns: " & Str(num_patterns)
End Sub

EXCEL VBA: extracting 8 digits sequence from a string in cell

Good day everyone,
I am trying to find a smart solution of extracting 8 digits from a cell (unique ID). The problem here occurs that it might look like this:
112, 65478411, sale
746, id65478411, sale 12.50
999, 65478411
999, id65478411
Thats most of the cases, and probably all mentioned, so I basically need to find the 8 digits in the cell and extract them into different cell. Does anyone have any ideas? I though of eliminating the first characted, then check if the cell is starting with the id, eliminate it further but I understood that this is not the smart way..
Thank you for the insights.
Try this formula:
=--TEXT(LOOKUP(10^8,MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","x"),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1)-7)),8)+0),"00000000")
This will return the 8 digit number in the string.
To return just the text then:
=TEXT(LOOKUP(10^8,MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","x"),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1)-7)),8)+0),"00000000")
You can also write a UDF to accomplish this task, example below
Public Function GetMy8Digits(cell As Range)
Dim s As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim answer
Dim counter As Integer
'get cell value
s = cell.Value
'set the counter
counter = 0
'loop through the entire string
For i = 1 To Len(s)
'check to see if the character is a numeric one
If IsNumeric(Mid(s, i, 1)) = True Then
'add it to the answer
answer = answer + Mid(s, i, 1)
counter = counter + 1
'check to see if we have reached 8 digits
If counter = 8 Then
GetMy8Digits = answer
Exit Function
End If
'was not numeric so reset counter and answer
counter = 0
answer = ""
End If
Next i
End Function
Here is an alternative:
Replace all commas with spaces repeated the length of the string,
Then take the mid point starting from the length of the original string for the length of the string (ie second word in new string)
Trim out the spaces
take the right 8 chars to trim out any extra chars (like id)

Macro that sorts call signs containing letters and numbers

All the call signs will be in column A and when the macro is run should sort them. The sort is case insensitive usually in all caps. A call sign consists of 1-2 letters(prefix), 1-2 numbers(numbers), then 1-3 letters(suffix) I want to sort each sign by the number, suffix, then prefix in that order.
I will bite. Half the fun of coding is solving a problem for the simple pleasure of knowing you figured it out.
Here is a user defined function (Formula) that you can use to convert the call sign into the format for sorting. Note the numeric portion is zero padded so ones and tens do not sort together before twos and twenties.
Option Explicit
Public Function FormatCallSign(aCell As Range)
Dim Nbr As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim tmp As String
Dim vList As Variant
For i = 1 To Len(aCell.Value)
If InStr(1, "1234567890", UCase(Mid(aCell.Value, i, 1))) > 0 Then
Nbr = Nbr & Mid(aCell.Value, i, 1)
tmp = tmp & ","
tmp = Replace(tmp, ",,", ",")
If InStr(1, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", UCase(Mid(aCell.Value, i, 1))) > 0 Then
tmp = tmp & Mid(aCell.Value, i, 1)
End If
End If
Next i
vList = Split(tmp, ",")
FormatCallSign = vList(1) & Right("0" & Nbr, 2) & vList(0)
End Function
Put the formula in cell B2, for example by using the formulas command on the ribbon and selecting the function from the user defined section.
As asked earlier if the call sign had delimiters in it already, you could use a simple formula to rearrange the parts and exclude the delimiters.
To build a formula like the above, start by constructing it in parts.
First write a Search function to find the "/", then copy it to find the "-"
Then write a mid function to get the characters to the right of the dash, left of the slash, then the numeric section. paste the formulas into a single formula for your masterpiece.
Since it makes better sense to keep the three elements in separate fields for simplified sorting, the above formula can be split into three separate formulas, one for each column.
This corrects sorting problems given the three elements are variable length.
The initial specification for callsign format is inaccurate, since they can begin with numbers or letters and a logical sort would be by ITU assigned prefix. A function would need a table lookup for country after it determined if the string after the forward slash was a valid country designation. This is actually a pretty complicated problem.

Deleting variable number of leading characters from a variable-length string

If I am having G4ED7883666 and I want the output to be 7883666
and I have to apply this on a range of cells and they are not the same length and the only common thing is that I have to delete anything before the number that lies before the alphabet?
This formula finds the last number in a string, that is, all digits to the right of the last alpha character in the string.
Note that this is an array formula and must be entered with the Control-Shift-Enter keyboard combination.
How the formula works
Let's assume that the target string is fairly simple: "G4E78"
Working outward from the middle of the formula, the first thing to do is create an array with the elements 1 through 25. (Although this might seem to limit the formula to strings with no more than 25 characters, it actually places a limit of 25 digits on the size of the number that may be extracted by the formula.
ROW($1:$25) = {1;2;3;4;5;6;7; etc.}
Subtracting from this array the value of (1 + the length of the target string) produces a new array, the elements of which count down from the length of string. The first five elements will correspond to the position of the characters of the string - in reverse order!
LEN(A1)+1-ROW($1:$25) = {5;4;3;2;1;0;-1;-2;-3;-4; etc.}
The MID function then creates a new array that reverses the order of the characters of the string.
For example, the first element of the new array is the result of MID(A1, 5, 1), the second of MID(A1, 4, 1) and so on. The #VALUE! errors reflect the fact that MID cannot evaluate 0 or negative values as the position of a string, e.g., MID(A1,0,1) = #VALUE!.
MID(A1,LEN(A1)+1-ROW($1:$25),1) = {"8";"7";"E";"4";"G";#VALUE!;#VALUE!; etc.}
Multiplying the elements of the array by 1 turns the character elements of that array to #VALUE! errors as well.
=1*MID(A1,LEN(A1)+1-ROW($1:$25),1) = {"8";"7";#VALUE!;"4";#VALUE!;#VALUE!;#VALUE!; etc.}
And the IFERROR function turns the #VALUES into 99, which is just an arbitrary number greater than the value of a single digit.
IFERROR(1*MID(A1,LEN(A1)+1-ROW($1:$25),1),99) = {8;7;99;4;99;99;99; etc.}
Matching on the 99 gives the position of the first non-digit character counting from the right end of the string. In this case, "E" is the first non-digit in the reversed string "87E4G", at position 3. This is equivalent to saying that the number we are looking for at the end of the string, plus the "E", is 3 characters long.
MATCH(99,IFERROR(1*MID(A1,LEN(A1)+1-ROW($1:$25),1),99),0) = 3
So, for the final step, we take 3 - 1 (for the "E) characters from the right of string.
RIGHT(A1,MATCH(99,IFERROR(1*MID(A1,LEN(A1)+1-ROW($1:$25),1),99),0)-1) = "78"
One more submission for you to consider. This VBA function will get the right most digits before the first non-numeric character
Public Function GetRightNumbers(str As String)
Dim i As Integer
For i = Len(str) To 0 Step -1
If Not IsNumeric(Mid(str, i, 1)) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
GetRightNumbers = Mid(str, i + 1)
End Function
You can write some VBA to format the data (just starting at the end and working back until you hit a non-number.)
Or you could (if you're happy to get an addin like Excelicious) then you can use regular expressions to format the text via a formula. An expression like [0-9]+$ would return all the numbers at the end of a string IIRC.
NOTE: This uses the regex pattern in James Snell's answer, so please upvote his answer if you find this useful.
Your best bet is to use a regular expression. You need to set a reference to VBScript Regular Expressions for this to work. Tools --> References...
Now you can use regex in your VBA.
This will find the numbers at the end of each cell. I am placing the result next to the original so that you can verify it is working the way you want. You can modify it to replace the cell as soon as you feel comfortable with it. The code works regardless of the length of the string you are evaluating, and will skip the cell if it doesn't find a match.
Sub GetTrailingNumbers()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim result As Object, results As Object
Dim regEx As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
' range is hard-coded here, but you can define
' it programatically based on the shape of your data
Set rng = ws.Range("A1:A3")
' pattern from James Snell's answer
regEx.Pattern = "[0-9]+$"
For Each cell In rng
If regEx.Test(cell.Value) Then
Set results = regEx.Execute(cell.Value)
For Each result In results
cell.Offset(, 1).Value = result.Value
Next result
End If
Next cell
End Sub
Takes the first 4 digits from the right of num:
Takes the first 5 digits from the left of num:
First takes the first ten digits from the left then takes the first four digits from the right:
num1=Right(Left(num, 10),4)
In your case:
