What is the MathJax code for an index notation (n over k) - mathjax

What is the MathJax code required to properly format an index notation for Pascal's Pyramid like so: N over K
The cheatsheet here at MetaStackoverflow has not yielded me results.

You can use a simple matrix.
n \\
This will generate the wanted result.


Implementing alternative Fibonacci sequence

So I'm struggling with Question 3. I think the representation of L would be a function that goes something like this:
import numpy as np
def L(a, b):
#L is 2x2 Matrix, that is
def fibPow(n):
return np.dot(fibPow(n/2), fibPow(n/2))
return np.dot(L(0,1),np.dot(fibPow(n//2), fibPow(n//2)))
Given b I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. What should I be doing? Any help would be appreciated. I don't think I'm supposed to use the golden ratio property of the Fibonacci series. What should my a and b be?
EDIT: I've updated my code. For some reason it doesn't work. L will give me the right answer, but my exponentiation seems to be wrong. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong
With an edited code, you are almost there. Just don't cram everything into one function. That leads to subtle mistakes, which I think you may enjoy to find.
Now, L is not function. As I said before, it is a matrix. And the core of the problem is to compute its nth power. Consider
L = [[0,1], [1,1]]
def nth_power(matrix, n):
if n == 1:
return matrix
if (n % 2) == 0:
temp = nth_power(matrix, n/2)
return np.dot(temp, temp)
temp = nth_power(matrix, n // 2)
return np.dot(matrix, np.dot(temp, temp))
def fibPow(n):
Ln = nth_power(L, n)
return np.dot(L, [0,1])[1]
The nth_power is almost identical to your approach, with some trivial optimization. You may optimize it further by eliminating recursion.
First thing first, there is no L(n, a, b). There is just L(a, b), a well defined linear operator which transforms a vector a, b into a vector b, a+b.
Now a huge hint: a linear operator is a matrix (in this case, 2x2, and very simple). Can you spell it out?
Now, applying this matrix n times in a row to an initial vector (in this case, 0, 1), by matrix magic is equivalent to applying nth power of L once to the initial vector. This is what Question 2 is about.
Once you determine how this matrix looks like, fibPow reduces to computing its nth power, and multiplying the result by 0, 1. To get O(log n) complexity, check out exponentiation by squaring.

How to generate distinct solutions in Prolog for '8 out of 10 cats does countdown' numbers game solver?

I wrote a Prolog program to find all solutions to any '8 out of 10 cats does countdown' number sequence. I am happy with the result. However, the solutions are not unique. I tried distincts() and reduced() from the "solution sequences" library. They did not produce unique solutions.
The problem is simple. you have a given list of six numbers [n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6] and a target number (R). Calculate R from any arbitrary combination of n1 to n6 using only +,-,*,/. You do not have to use all numbers but you can only use each number once. If two solutions are identical, only one must be generated and the other discarded. 
Sometimes there are equivalent results with different arrangement. Such as:
Does anyone has any suggestions to eliminate such redundancy?
Each solution is a nested operators and integers. For example +(2,*(4,-(10,5))). This solution is an unbalanced binary tree with Arithmetic Operator for root and sibling nodes and numbers for leaf nodes. In order to have unique solutions, no two trees should be equivalent.
The Code:
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(solution_sequences)).
solve(L,R,OP) :-
solve_(L,R,OP) :-
R =:= OP.
find_op(L,OP) :-
N1 > N2,
member(OP,[+(N1,N2), -(N1,N2), *(N1,N2), /(N1,N2), N1, N2]).
find_op(L,OP) :-
OP_ > N,
member(OP,[+(OP_,N), -(OP_,N), *(OP_,N), /(OP_,N), OP_]).
print_solutions([A|B]) :-
(100+3)*6*75/50+25 <- s1
((100+6)*3*75-50)/25 <- s2
(100+3)*75*6/50+25 <- s1
((100+6)*75*3-50)/25 <- s2
(100+3)*75/50*6+25 <- s1
This code uses select/3 from the "lists" library.
UPDATE: Generate solutions useing DCG
The following is an attempt to generate solutions using DCG.  I was able to generate a more exhaustive solution set than in previous code posted. In a way, using DCG resulted in a more correct and elegant code. However, it is much more difficult to 'guess' what the code is doing.
The issue of redundant solutions still persist.
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(solution_sequences)).
s(L) --> [L].
s(+(L,Ls)) --> [L],s(Ls).
s(*(L,Ls)) --> [L],s(Ls), {L =\= 1, Ls =\= 1, Ls =\= 0}.
s(-(L,Ls)) --> [L],s(Ls), {L =\= Ls, Ls =\= 0}.
s(/(L,Ls)) --> [L],s(Ls), {Ls =\= 1, Ls =\= 0}.
s(-(Ls,L)) --> [L],s(Ls), {L =\= Ls}.
s(/(Ls,L)) --> [L],s(Ls), {L =\= 1, Ls =\=0}.
solution_list([N,H|[]],S) :-
solution_list([N,H|T],S) :-
solve(L,R,S) :-
R =:= S.
Does anyone has any suggestions to eliminate such redundancy?
I suggest to define a sorting weight on each node (inner or leaf). The number resulting from reducing the child node could be used, although ties will appear. These can be broken by additionally looking at topmost operations, sorting * before + for example. Actually one would like to have a sorting operation for which "tie" means "exactly the same subtree of arithmetic operations".
Since the OP is only seeking hints to help solve the problem.
Use DCG as a generator. (SWI-Prolog) (Prolog DCG Primer)
a. For a more refined version of using DCGs as a generator look for examples that use length/2. When you understand why you might see a beam of light shining down on you for a few moments (The light beam is a video gaming thing).
Use a constraint solver (SWI-Prolog) (CLP(FD) and CLP(ℤ): Prolog Integer Arithmetic) (Understanding CLP(FD) Prolog code of N-queens problem)
Since your solutions are constrained to the 6 numbers and the operators are always binary operators (+,-,*,/) then it is possible to enumerate the unique binary trees. If you know about OEIS then you can find related links that can help you solve this problem, but you need to give OEIS a sequence. To get a sequence for use with OEIS draw the trees for N from 2 to 5 and then enter that sequence into OEIS and see what you get. e.g.
N is the number of leaf (*) nodes.
N=2 ( 1 way to draw the tree )
/ \
* *
N=3 ( 2 ways to draw the tree )
- -
/ \ / \
- * * -
/ \ / \
* * * *
So the sequence starts with 1,2 ...
Hint - This page (link died) shows the images of the trees to see if you have done it correctly. In the description I use N to count the number of leaves (*), but on this page they use N to count the number of internal nodes (-). If we call my N N1 and the page N N2, then the relation is N2 = N1 - 1
This might be a Hamiltonian Cycle (Wolfram World) (Hamiltonianicity of the Tower of Hanoi Problem) Remember that there is a relation between Binary Trees and the Tower of Hanoi, but in your case there are added constraints. I don't know if the constraints eliminate a solution as a Hamiltonian Cycle.
Also don't think of building the final answer from a combination of any number and operator, but instead build subsets of operators and numbers, and then use those subsets to build the answer. You constrain at the start, not at the end.
Or put another way, don't think combinations at the start, but permutations of combinations (not sure if that is the correct pattern, but in the ball park) and then using that build the tree.

Add numbers to the beginning of lists

I have a list of list, say X, that looks like this
X_train = [[4,3,1,5], [3,1,6,2], [5,0,49,4], ... , [3,57,3,3]]
I wrote this piece of code
for x in range(0,len(X_train)):
X_train[x].insert(0, x+1)
For each list in X this code inserts the index value of the list + 1 to the beginning of the list. That is, running
for x in range(0,len(X_train)):
X_train[x].insert(0, x+1)
will produce the following output
where n is the number of lists in X.
Question: Is there a faster way to do this? I would like to be able to do this for very large lists, e.g. list with millions of sublists (if that's possible).
This is faster in my testing:
X = [[n, *l] for n, l in enumerate(X, 1)]
To my knowledge, the standard insert method in Python has a time complexity of O(n). Given your current implementation, your algo would have a time complexity of O(m x n) where m is the number of sublists and n is the number of elements in the sublists (I assume here that the number of sublist elements is always the same).
You could use blist instead of the standard lists which has a time complexity of O(log n) for insertions. This means the total time reduces to O(m x log n). It's not that much of an improvement, though.

Edit distance, with a twist

I'm trying to solve something using dynamic programming, but I'm having some trouble. When I work on dynamic programming, I usually determine a recursive algorithm then go from there to my dynamic solution. This time I'm having trouble
The Problem
Say you have two strings: m and n, such that n.length is greater than m.length, and n does not contain the character '#'. You want the string that turns m into the same length as string n in minimum cost.
Cost is defined as SUM(Penalty(m[i],n[i])), where i is in an index of the strings char array.
Penalty is defined as such
private static int penalty(char x,char y) {
if (x==y) { return 0;}
else if (y=='#') { return 4;}
else { return 2;}
The only way I can think of is as follows:
[0] If m and n are the same length, return m
[1] Compute cost of inserting a # at any index of m
[2] determine the string that has the minimum of such cost. Let that string be m'
[3] Run the algorithm on m' and n again.
I don't think this is even the optimal recursive algorithm, leading me to believe that I'm not on the right track for a dynamic algorithm.
I've read up on using a m.length x n.length matrix for normal edit distance, but I don't see how I could easily transform that to fit my algorithm.
Thoughts on my recursive algorithm and the steps I need to take to reach a dynamic solution?
Taking your definitions (python):
def penalty(x, y):
if x == y:
return 0
if y == '#':
return 4
return 2
def cost(n, m):
return sum(penalty(a, b) for a, b in zip(n, m))
Then you can define the distance reassigning to m the lowest cost for each # to be included.
def distance(n, m):
for _ in range(len(n) - len(m)):
m = min((m[:i]+'#'+m[i:] for i in range(len(m)+1)), key=lambda s: cost(n, s))
return m
>>> distance('hello world', 'heloworld')
The only way that I can see the optimality principle to work here is if you solve the problem over growing lengths of n. So the dynamic programming solution would look like this:
For each contiguous substring of length m.length()+1, solve the problem, yielding a list of proposals for the new m.
Select the proposal with the minimum distance to the corresponding substring as the new m, and repeat the process.
You won't need to store anything other than the currently optimal solution in this algorithm, certainly not a distance matrix. It looks to me like you were pretty close to this solution as well, you only missed the 'shrink n to get a subproblem'-part.

Generating triangular number using iteration in haskell

I am trying to write a function in Haskell to generate triangular number, I am not allowed to use recursion, I am supposed to use iteration
here is my code ...
triSeries 0 = [0]
triSeries n = take n $iterate (\x->(0+x)) 1
I know that my function after iterate is wrong .
But It has been hours looking for a function, any hint please?
Start by writing out some triangular numbers
T(1) = 1
T(2) = 1 + 2
T(3) = 1 + 2 + 3
An iterative process to generate T(n) is to start from [1..n], take the first element of the list, and add it to a running total. In a language with mutable state, you might write:
def tri(n):
sum = 0
for x in [1..n]:
sum += x
return sum
In Haskell, you can iteratively consume a list of numbers and accumulate state via a fold function (foldl, foldr, or some variant). Hopefully that's enough to get started with.
Maybe wikipedia could be a hint, where something like
triangular :: Int -> Int
triangular x = x * (x + 1) `div` 2
could be got from.
triSeries could be something like
triSeries :: Int -> [Int]
triSeries x = map triangular [1..x]
and works like that
> triSeries 10
Talking about iterate. Maybe there is some way to use it here, but as John said, foldl would be sufficient. Take a look at this page, what are you looking is in the very beginning.
It is not clear what is meant by "recursion is not allowed, use iteration". All functions that appear to be "iterative" are recursive inside.
iterate in all your uses can only modify the input with a constant, and iterate (+1) 1 is the same as [1..]. Consider using a Data.List function that can combine a number from infinite range [1..] and the previously computed sum to produce a infinite list of such sums:
This is definitely cheaper than x*(x+1) div 2
Consider using a Data.List function that can produce an infinite list of finite lists of sums from a infinite list of sums. This is going to be cheaper than computing a list of 10, then a list of 11 repeating the same computation done for the list of 10, etc.
