Pandas: Ignore specific (bad) cells while doing sum(), mean() operations - python-3.x

I want to execute sum, mean operations on 'number' column using pandas library in python but some cells contains wrong data (2020-05-30) or they are empty. How can ignore those cells?
Thank you.

Convert wrong values to missing values NaNs, pandas by default for sum, mean omit them:
df['number'] = pd.to_numeric(df.number, errors='coerce')
Or then remove rows with missing values by DataFrame.dropna:
df['number'] = pd.to_numeric(df.number, errors='coerce')
df = df.dropna(subset=['number'])


How to get number of columns in a DataFrame row that are above threshold

I have a simple python 3.8 DataFrame with 8 columns (simply labeled 0, 1, 2, etc.) with approx. 3500 rows. I want a subset of this DataFrame where there are at least 2 columns in each row that are above 1. I would prefer not to have to check each column individually, but be able to check all columns. I know I can use the .any(1) to check all the columns, but I need there to be at least 2 columns that meet the threshold, not just one. Any help would be appreciated. Sample code below:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({0:[1,1,1,1,100],
Easiest way I can think to sort/filter later would be to create another column at the end df[9] that houses the count:
df[9] = df.apply(lambda x: x.count() if x > 2, axis=1)
This code doesn't work, but I feel like it's close?
(df>1).sum(axis=1) gives the number of columns in that row that is greater than 1.
then with >=2 we filter those rows with at least 2 columns that meet the condition --which we counted as explained in the previous bullet
The value of x in the lambda is a Series, which can be indexed like this.
df[9] = df.apply(lambda x: x[x > 2].count(), axis=1)

How to find complete empty row in pandas

I am working on one dataset in which I need to find complete empty columns from the dataset.
nan nan nan nan
1 ss nan 3.0
2 bb w2 4.0
nan nan nan nan
Currently, I am using
import pandas as pd
for col in df.columns:
if df.loc[df[col].isnull()].empty !=True:
But this is capturing null values in the specified columns but I need to capture null rows.
expected Answer: row [0,3]
Can anyone suggest me a way to proceed to identify a complete null row in the dataframe.
You can compare if all rows has missing values by DataFrame.isna with DataFrame.all and then get index values by boolean indexing:
L = df.index[df.isna().all(axis=1)].tolist()
#alternative, if huge dataframe slowier
#L = df[df.isna().all(axis=1)].index.tolist()
print (L)
[0, 3]
Or you could use dropna with set and sorted, I get the index after dropping the rows with NaNs and then also get the index of the whole dataframe and use ^ to get the values that aren't in both indexes, then after the I use sorted to sort the list and convert it into a list, like the below:
print(sorted(set(df.index) ^ set(df.dropna(how='all').index)))
If you might have duplicate index, you can do a list comprehension to iterate through the whole df's index, and add the value to the list comprehension if the value isn't in the dropna index, I also use enumerate so that if all indexes are the same (all duplicate index), it would still work, like the below:
idx = df.dropna(how='all').index
print([i for index, i in enumerate(df.index) if index not in idx])
Both codes output:
[0, 3]

P-value normal test for multiple rows

I got the following simple code to calculate normality over an array:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel("directory\file.xlsx")
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.stats import normaltest
This gives me nicely a p-value and a statistic.
The only thing I want right now is to:
Add 2 columns in the file with this p value and statistic and if i have multiple rows, do it for all the rows (calculate p value & statistic for each row and add 2 columns with these values in it).
Can someone help?
If you want to calculate row-wise normaltest, you should not flatten your data in x and use axis=1 such as
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(105).reshape(5,21)) # to generate data
# calculate normaltest row-wise without the first column like you
df['stat'] ,df['p'] = stats.normaltest(df.iloc[:,1:],axis=1)
Then df contains two columns 'stat' and 'p' with the values your are looking for IIUC.
Note: to be able to perform normaltest, you need at least 8 values (according to what I experienced) so you need at least 8 columns in df.iloc[:,1:] otherwise it will raise an error. And even, it would be better to have more than 20 values in each row.

How to obtain the difference of values of two specific dates with Pandas [duplicate]

This questions is similar to Python: Pandas Divide DataFrame by first row
I have a DataFrame which looks like this:
1125400 5430095 1095751
2013-04-02 98.91 NaN 5626.79
2013-04-03 99.29 NaN 5727.53
2013-04-04 99.79 NaN 5643.75
2013-04-07 100.55 NaN 5630.78
2013-04-08 100.65 NaN 5633.77
I would like to divide the values of the last row by the values of the first row in order to obtain the percentage difference over time.
A clearer way is to use iloc:
df.iloc[0] / df.iloc[-1]
Just take the first row and the last row values, then divide them, like this: df.T[df.index[0]] / df.T[df.index[-1]]

Slicing specific rows of a column in pandas Dataframe

In the flowing data frame in Pandas, I want to extract columns corresponding dates between '03/01' and '06/01'. I don't want to use the index at all, as my input would be a start and end dates. How could I do so ?
0 01/01 56
1 02/01 54
2 03/01 66
3 04/01 77
4 05/01 66
5 06/01 72
6 07/01 132
7 08/01 127
First create a list of the dates you need using daterange. I'm adding the year 2000 since you need to supply a year for this to work, im then cutting it off to get the desired strings. In real life you might want to pay attention to the actual year due to things like leap-days.
date_start = '03/01'
date_end = '06/01'
dates = [x.strftime('%m/%d') for x in pd.date_range('2000/{}'.format(date_start),
'2000/{}'.format(date_end), freq='D')]
dates is now equal to:
Then simply use the isin argument and you are done
df = df.loc[df.A.isin(dates)]
If your columns is a datetime column I guess you can skip the strftime part in th list comprehension to get the right result.
You are welcome to use boolean masking, i.e.:
df[(df.A >= start_date) && (df.A <= end_date)]
Inside the bracket is a boolean array of True and False. Only rows that fulfill your given condition (evaluates to True) will be returned. This is a great tool to have and it works well with pandas and numpy.
