Are you able to apply Azure Information Protection on Azure Data Lake or Blob Storage? - azure

I'm wanting to know if you can apply Azure Information Protection on files that are in Azure Data Lake or Blob storage.
I cant seem to find any documentation that confirms this.


Migrate delta lake from Azure to GCP

we are looking to migrate our delta lake from Azure to GCP.
So far we are thinking about moving delta files from one ADLS bucket to GCS bucket. We believe there might be more to that.
We are looking for a methodology, best practices and hints on to do that migrationo. Can anybody help on that please.
You might like to check sources and sinks of the Cloud Storage Transfer Service. One of the sources - is an Azure Blob Storage, including Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 - I don't know if that can help in your case. And some documentation about access configuration.
All other details - depends on you case, and it is very difficult to provide a general answer.

Can't Find Data Lake Store Gen2

I'm trying to locate Azure DataLake Store Gen2 using the Azure portal and for some reason cannot find it:
I've been searching the docs and the portal and cannot seem to find it, has anyone else run into this problem? It has been in global GA since Feb, so I don't think that's the issue. I've reviewed the docs for how to create a Storage Account, is that all that's needed to create the gen2 instance?
ADLS gen 2 is a feature of Azure Storage. When you are creating a Storage account, go to the Advanced tab:
Then enable Hierarchical namespace (this provides you ADLS Gen 2):

Difference between Azure Data Lake Storage x Azure Blob Storage and Azure File Storage

I have a question about the use cases of the different Azure storage services:
Azure Data Lake Storage.
Azure Blob Storage.
Azure File Storage.
what is the difference between these services? and when to use them since they all provide the same functionality (storage) on Azure's cloud platform.
You can take a look at this article:
I'd say main differences between Data Lake and Azure Storage Blob is scale and permissions model.
It really makes no sense to paste the whole article here. But you might want to look at Data Lake v2, which (as MS claims) is a mesh or Data Lake v1 and Azure Storage Blob:
As for the Azure File storage its just an SMB share over HTTPS (and it not really fast due to being 1 "stream" only).

If I delete Azure Data Lake Analytics Account will it delete it's Default Data Source?

I'm fairly new to Azure, and just trying out Azure Data Lake Analytics.
I created a new Azure Data Lake Analytics account for testing purposes and would like to delete it now, however I used an existing Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) account as the default storage account during setup. I now know I probably should have added the existing ADLS as associated data store.
I assume I can safely delete the Azure Data Lake Analytics account now without affecting the underlying default storage account, but I want to check before I do this as it would be a massive problem if this the existing ADLS gets deleted.
Any pointers would be much appreciated. thanks
The two are separate. Deleting the Azure Data Lake Analytics service will not affect the Azure Data Lake Store.
As a disclaimer, test test test. Set up another instance of both in the same way and then confirm the delete behaviour, just to be 110% sure.
Azure Data Lake Team here. I can positively confirm that deleting the Azure Data Lake Analytics account will NOT delete the default or any linked Azure Data Lake Store account associated with it.

Does the Azure Data Lake Store offer any encryption?

I am under the impression that the Azure Data Lake Store does not currently offer any encryption at rest (the way Azure Blob Storage does). I managed to found some vague mention of this on the official website, suggesting this is coming soon.
Is this your understanding as well? Does this cover the databases stored under the Azure Data Lake Analytics as well?
Actually encryption is available in preview on ADL Storage right now. If you contact us we can give you access to the preview.
Azure Data Lake Store Encryption is currently Generally Available, not in preview any more. You can specify encryption at rest when creating ADLS in portal. Options are these:
