What test can I use to calculate significance of optimization lift? - excel

Given the following data for 12 users:
username, number of deals for control, revenue from test, revenue from control
Here's an example of how the data looks like
Can you help me figure out how I can calculate the significance of the hypothesis that the test is more profitable (preferably using excel)?
The measure I was thinking of using was the % of lift in revenues for each customer.
P.s. I have a background in statistics but not an expert so please keep it as simple as possible.

Since each pair of incomes refers to the same individual, you can perform a paired t-test.
Variable 1: Control income
Variable 2: Deals income
Then follow these instructions (copied here for posterity):
In Excel, click Data Analysis on the Data tab.
From the Data Analysis popup, choose t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means.
Under Input, select the ranges for both Variable 1 and Variable 2.
In Hypothesized Mean Difference, you’ll typically enter zero. This value is the null hypothesis value, which represents no effect. In
this case, a mean difference of zero represents no difference between
the two methods, which is no effect.
Check the Labels checkbox if you have meaningful variables labels in row 1. This option helps make the output easier to interpret. Ensure
that you include the label row in step #3.
Excel uses a default Alpha value of 0.05, which is usually a good value. Alpha is the significance level. Change this value only when
you have a specific reason for doing so.
Click OK.
Alternatively, you can indeed calculate the difference between the two incomes, and then perform a one sample t-test (assuming that the difference is zero). However, such a test is not available out-of-the-box in Excel; the procedure is described here.


Calculate risk using Cox model coefficients and mean values

I'm trying to understand the example presented in Appendix C here
Equation C1 is clear to me.
But in Equation C2 they use the mean values.
Such mean values are clear to me in the case of categorical variables for example 1.548 is the mean value of the Sex variable (as shown in the Table 3). Please correct me if I'm wrong.
But in numerical variables I don't understand which mean values are they using. For example for the Age variable they use 3.768, if I understand right, that value is the log of the mean age, should be log(44.15)=1.64. Instead the used value is 3.768.
Please could anybody clarify where does this value come from?
In statistics log often means the natural logarithm, sometimes denoted ln. The four values they take the logarithms of are:
Reported Mean
BP Syst
Pulse Rate
The calculated values are not exactly equal to the reported values. But it looks close enough that this is probably the calculation they used. Without the data and/or code they used it's hard to say why the results are different. The study mentions excluding 130 participants because of ethics protections. So, perhaps one table was calculated using a slightly different group of participants than the other table?

Excel solution required to calculate the sum of cells according to reference cell

I want to calculate the overburden pressure at certain depth (reference C14) but including the effect of water table. As, below water table submerged density should be considered and above saturated density should be considered. So, i am looking for a formula which can calculate automatically the pressure by changing the water table depth (reference E1). Please see the attachments (spreadsheet and images):
Sample file
Dont know exactly if i understand what you are trying.
You can use nested if clause to get what you want to do:
I just did 3 Steps but it should be clear from here. Excel will evalualte the if clause from left to right until it reaches the first thing that matches. This whay you can just always ask "E5 < Max Value" because if it is between 3 and 7.5 the first if will not trigger but the second one and the it ends. For the last step you just use the "Else" clause.

Comparing two contingency tables

I have two 6x4 contingency tables for frequency data. They are based on the same type of sampling criteria of a number of discreet variables but for two condition (before and after). I would like to compare these statistcally to see how much - or not - they differ.
A Chi square related test seems appropriate but normally this gives a result in comparison to the theoretical to calculate the statistic. So in other words I need to swap the theoretical for the second table. Of course it doesn't have to be a basic chi square test - any other appropriate test would be ok.
I have access to XLSTAT, Excel and SPSS. And would appreciate some help on this.

Creating independent variable Stata in Panel Data model

Data and description of variables
Picture 1 and Sample unbalanced paneldata
Picture 1 shows a balanced panel data that I have created using an unbalanced one provided as a sample in the same image, where I had multiple products (ID) for different amount of years (YEAR). For each product, there were a different number of Shops offering the given product (ID). So as stated, this is a balanced set created by sorting out for the same years, same products (ID), and same shops (marked by the orange area in the sample unbalanced paneldata). This is an important assumption that might affect the perception of the issue stated below. The following is therefore a description of the table shown in Picture 1:
Years indicates the amount of period a product lasts for a given product (ID)
Shop 1, Shop 2, Shop 3 indicate different prices for a given product (ID) by different firms
The minimum and second minimum value depict what shops for a given year and product (ID), have the lowest and second lowest price for that given year. This is needed to calculate the Price difference, which is **(Second minimum value - Minimum Value) / (Minimum Value)
An example of this, is given for row 5 (Year 01.01.1995 - ID 101) where Price difference would be (3999-3790)/3790 = 5,51% (In Picture 1)
In my balanced panel data, (Picture 1), I want to run a fixed effect regression in STATA using xtreg function, where the dependent variable is the Price difference, and number of shops selling a product are the independent variables. This is, so I can say how Price difference as a dependent variable is affected when there is 1 shop selling, when there are two shops selling, and when there are three shops selling.
Another problem is, is my assumption valid at all of creating a balanced panel? Is it correct to create a balanced from the unbalanced paneldata, or must I use the unbalanced panel to create such a variable?
So my main issue is how to create such independent variables, that measure the dimension of number of shops offering products. To
clarify what I mean, I have included an example of a sample fixed
effect regression that may explain the structure that I attempt to
seek, in Picture 2 below:
NOTE (In picture 2 expected cell mean to the right is the same as Price difference in Picture 1, and is used as dependent variable. They are regressed on number of firms/shops as independent variables, and these I have an issue creating)
Picture 2
What I have tried
I have tried, using dummy variables, on shops, but they ended up getting dropped. The dataset provided in picture 1 is a balanced data set as mentioned, which is needed to run (I assume) a fixed effect regression on a paneldata.
End remark
I stated this question earlier in a much more imprecise manner, where I apologiese for any inconvenience. The problem I think, might be that either I have set it up wrong in excel, hence the dummy's are dropped, or something of that nature. It might also be, that I have to use the unbalanced set in order to create this independent variable, so that might also be a problem, that I am attempting to use a balanced set instead of the unbalanced one.
In your unbalanced sample (as we discussed in the comments, the balanced sample will not make sense) we first need to create a variable for the number of shops offering each ID, let us say we have the same data as in the top portion of your Picture 1
egen number_of_firms = rownonmiss(Shop*)
xtset ID year // to use xtreg, we must tell Stata the data are panel
xtreg Price_difference i.number_of_firms
The xtreg is the regression shown in your Picture 2.
If you want the number of firms variable to be formatted a bit more like Picture 2, you can do something like this:
qui levelsof number_of_firms, local(num)
foreach n in `num' {
local lab_def `lab_def' `n' "`n' Firms"
label def num_firms `lab_def'
label values number_of_firms num_firms
label var number_of_firms "Number of Firms"
And then run the regression and the output will be formatted with the number of firms lables.

Interpolating data points in Excel

I'm sure this is the kind of problem other have solved many times before.
A group of people are going to do measurements (Home energy usage to be exact).
All of them will do that at different times and in different intervals.
So what I'll get from each person is a set of {date, value} pairs where there are dates missing in the set.
What I need is a complete set of {date, value} pairs where for each date withing the range a value is known (either measured or calculated).
I expect that a simple linear interpolation would suffice for this project.
If I assume that it must be done in Excel.
What is the best way to interpolate in such a dataset (so I have a value for every day) ?
NOTE: When these datasets are complete I'll determine the slope (i.e. usage per day) and from that we can start doing home-to-home comparisons.
ADDITIONAL INFO After first few suggestions:
I do not want to manually figure out where the holes are in my measurement set (too many incomplete measurement sets!!).
I'm looking for something (existing) automatic to do that for me.
So if my input is
{2009-06-01, 10}
{2009-06-03, 20}
{2009-06-06, 110}
Then I expect to automatically get
{2009-06-01, 10}
{2009-06-02, 15}
{2009-06-03, 20}
{2009-06-04, 50}
{2009-06-05, 80}
{2009-06-06, 110}
Yes, I can write software that does this. I am just hoping that someone already has a "ready to run" software (Excel) feature for this (rather generic) problem.
I came across this and was reluctant to use an add-in because it makes it tough to share the sheet with people who don't have the add-in installed.
My officemate designed a clean formula that is relatively compact (at the expensive of using a bit of magic).
Things to note:
The formula works by:
using the MATCH function to find the row in the inputs range just before the value being searched for (e.g. 3 is the value just before 3.5)
using OFFSETs to select the square of that line and the next (in light purple)
using FORECAST to build a linear interpolation using just those two points, and getting the result
This formula cannot do extrapolations; make sure that your search value is between the endpoints (I do this in the example below by having extreme values).
Not sure if this is too complicated for folks; but it had the benefit of being very portable (and simpler than many alternate solutions).
If you want to copy-paste the formula, it is:
(inputs being a named range)
There are two functions, LINEST and TREND, that you can try to see which gives you the better results. They both take sets of known Xs and Ys along with a new X value, and calculate a new Y value. The difference is that LINEST does a simple linear regression, while TREND will first try to find a curve that fits your data before doing the regression.
The easiest way to do it probably is as follows:
Download Excel add-on here: XlXtrFun™ Extra Functions for Microsoft Excel
Use function intepolate().
Columns A and B should contain your input, and column G should contain all your date values. Formula goes into the column E.
A nice graphical way to see how well your interpolated results fit:
Take your date,value pairs and graph them using the XY chart in Excel (not the Line chart). Right-click on the resulting line on the graph and click 'Add trendline'. There are lots of different options to choose which type of curve fitting is used. Then you can go to the properties of the newly created trendline and display the equation and the R-squared value.
Make sure that when you format the trendline Equation label, you set the numerical format to have a high degree of precision, so that all of the significant digits of the equation constants are displayed.
The answer above by YGA doesn't handle end of range cases where the desired X value is the same as the reference range's X value. Using the example given by YGA, the excel formula would return #DIV/0! error if an interpolated value at 9999 was asked for. This is obviously part of the reason why YGA added the extreme endpoints of 9999 and -9999 to the input data range, and then assumes that all forecasted values are between these two numbers. If such padding is undesired or not possible, another way to avoid a #DIV/0! error is to check for an exact input value match using the following formula:
where F3 is the value where interpolated results are wanted.
Note: I would have just added this as a comment to the original YGA post, but I don't have enough reputation points yet.
where j7 is the x value.
xvals is range of x values
yvals is range of y values
easier to put this into code.
You can find out which formula fits best your data, using Excel's "trend line" feature. Using that formula, you can calculate y for any x
Create linear scatter (XY) for it (Insert => Scatter);
Create Polynominal or Moving Average trend line, check "Display Equation on
chart" (right-click on series => Add Trend Line);
Copy the equation into cell and replace x's with your desired x value
On screenshot below A12:A16 holds x's, B12:B16 holds y's, and C12 contains formula that calculates y for any x.
I first posted an answer here, but later found this question
