How can I activate code folding in spyder 4.0.1 when there is no checkbox in preferences/editor to do so? - python-3.x

I use WSL on my windows laptop and am perfectly fine to use spyder via VcXsrv. Current version: 4.0.1 - if I try to update to a newer version it tells me that 'all requested packages are already installed'. Additionally, I updated anaconda as suggested. I use python 3.7.9
However, there is neither code folding happening in the editor, nor can I activate it via tools-> preferences-> editor, tab 'display' where it is supposed to be. Searching for an answer, I found that other people also seem to be missing this option.


Just updated Ubuntu to 22.04, now I can't open Jupyter Notebook

When I try to launch Jupyter Notebook, the browser launches and I get the following error:
Access to the file was denied
The file at /home/benjamin/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/nbserver-11758-open.html is not readable.
It may have been removed, moved, or file permissions may be preventing access.
I tried running
jupyter lab clean --all
pip3 install jupyterlab --force-reinstall
as per the suggestion from here: Jupyter Notebook: Access to the file was denied. The commands ran, but I still get the Access to the file was denied error. Also, on the reinstall command it spits this out:
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
spyder 4.2.5 requires pyqt5<5.13, which is not installed.
spyder 4.2.5 requires pyqtwebengine<5.13, which is not installed.
conda-repo-cli 1.0.4 requires pathlib, which is not installed.
anaconda-project 0.9.1 requires ruamel-yaml, which is not installed.
spyder 4.2.5 requires jedi==0.17.2, but you have jedi 0.18.1 which is incompatible.
spyder 4.2.5 requires parso==0.7.0, but you have parso 0.8.3 which is incompatible.
sphinx 4.0.1 requires Jinja2<3.0,>=2.3, but you have jinja2 3.1.1 which is incompatible.
sphinx 4.0.1 requires MarkupSafe<2.0, but you have markupsafe 2.1.1 which is incompatible.
python-language-server 0.36.2 requires jedi<0.18.0,>=0.17.2, but you have jedi 0.18.1 which is incompatible.
fermipy 1.0.1+5.g5a57 requires astropy<4, but you have astropy 4.2.1 which is incompatible.
which may or may not be part of the problem.
Cross posted here:
and on reddit:
UPDATE: I am able to access the notebook now by using the URL printed to the console. (just copy and paste it into the Firefox browser)
I would still like to figure out how to get it to open with just the 'jupyter notebook" command the way it used to work before the update, but for now this is a useful workaround.
did you try setting
c.NotebookApp.use_redirect_file = False
In the file?
If you tried, did you remove the '#' at the start of the line?
I had the same problem with Ubuntu 22.04 and this fixed it.
I first created the file with :
jupyter notebook --generate-config
then I uncommented and change the line c.NotebookApp.use_redirect_file as you said
and now it works !
I faced the same issue using Firefox from snap on Ubuntu 22.04.
I noticed that setting c.NotebookApp.use_redirect_file = False in generated works when launching jupyter notebook, but fails for jupyter-lab (error you pasted). I found that doing something similar to fix the problem for jupyter-lab:
jupyter server --generate-config
Then edit the generated ./jupyter/ and set c.ServerApp.use_redirect_file = False. Now running jupter-lab works in snap firefox too. Maybe you can try this way and just run via jupyter-lab if it works for you too.
Btw. none of this is needed if you just use Chrome, somehow the problem only occurs for firefox from snap on Ubuntu 22.04.
Otherwise you could check out jupyter notebook --debug and/or reinstalling JupyterLab.
I use epiphany web browser instead of Firefox as a default web browser and everythings work fine
The problem I found is that the launcher is not using a path to Jupyter Notebook that works. From terminal I get:
$ whereis jupyter-notebook
jupyter-notebook: /home/brombo/miniconda3/bin/jupyter-notebook /home/brombo/.local/bin/jupyter-notebook
The command /home/brombo/miniconda3/bin/jupyter-notebook will start notebook but /home/brombo/.local/bin/jupyter-notebook will not. If you use the first in the exec line of .local/share/applications/jupyter-notebook.desktop everything works -
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Jupyter Notebook
Comment=Run Jupyter Notebook
Exec=/home/brombo/miniconda3/bin/jupyter-notebook %f

Spyder debugger freezes within Anaconda virtual environment

I'm working with an Anaconda virtual environment, venv, and I'm running Spyder from it.
Whenever I attempt debugging my code, nothing happens. The debugger seems to get stuck in the first line. For example, if I run the debugger on:
import sys
Running in debug mode produces this output on the built-in IPython console:
debugfile('C:/Projects/Myproject/', wdir='C:/Projects/Myproject')
> c:\projects\myproject\<module>()
----> 1 import sys
3 print(sys.executable)
Neither Debugging buttons in Spyder, nor their related shortcuts, seem to do anything. In particular, pressing the Stop button (or hitting CTRL+SHIFT+F12) results in:
For copying text while debugging, use Ctrl+Shift+C
I have already made some research, and landed on this GitHub issue page, where it is suggested that I should update IPython. I did, with no benefit.
Another suggestion I found in this other GitHub page indicated the problem might be that the wrong executable for Python is run (i.e., that Spyder is running Python from my base Anaconda environment, rather than my venv). I checked, and both are run from the right path:
These are the version of my dependencies.
Spyder version: 5.1.5 None
Python version: 3.7.11 64-bit
Qt version: 5.9.7
PyQt5 version: 5.9.2
IPython 7.31.1
Operating System: Windows 10
I face the same issue, Spyder 5.1.5 debugging does not work in new environments. There is some clash between versions as I understand, but promised that they will deal with the issue in the next version.
Also, this is a reported issues:
What seems to work for me is to create a new environment but specify the versions like this:
conda create -n your_fancy_env_name -c conda-forge python=3.8.10 spyder=5.1.5

Visual Studio Code: highlighted imports in python

I use Visual Studio Code both on my work Windows laptop, and on my Ubuntu PC at home.
There's a functionality that I can see from my Windows vscode that I'd like to have on my Ubuntu one as well, but can't find whether it's a setting, extension, or something else.
The functionality is this: python imports are highlighted in green, and if they are not used, they are dimmed.
Windows screenshot, how I want it to work:
Ubuntu screenshot, how it currently is:
Does anyone know where I should look? I'm using the same colour theme on both, Monokai.
You will get the linting warnings by pip installing flake8.
You also need to add this setting to your settings.json file:
"python.linting.flake8Enabled": true
I fixed it by installing the extension Settings Sync and syncing settings and extensions of my two installations.
If it was an extension indeed, it probably was fixed by removing the Python Extension Pack and installing Python for VSCode.

Visual Studio Code with Python for Windows AND Anaconda

I'm trying to use Visual Studio Code with both Anaconda and Python for Windows.
I have both installed, and I have the visual studio code extensions for both.
But no matter what I do now the Conda Base gets activated -
(base) PS C:\Users
even though the Python for Windows is the selected version
or if I try to activate an environment I get a mix of both, the venv with python for windows and the conda base activated.
(venv_iocparser) (base) PS C:\Users\
The settings.json file in this folder only has python for windows in the 'python.pythonPath'; with no mention of conda, but still activates the conda base.
Does anyone know a good article that walks through setting VSCode up with both? With python for windows as the default?
Thank you!
Had a similar issue. Its most likely since you installed VS Code with Anaconda, for some reason or another it just assumes thats what env you want when starting it.
To get out of it just run $ conda deactivate and then activate whatever env you want after that. I fixed it by changing the PATH for the python to only point at the non-conda versions though. I also had uninstalled it all and reinstalled it all at one point though.

Python, Anaconda & PyCharm multiple versions of Python3

I just installed Anaconda3-2019-10 on my MacBook.
I tried to make sure that my previous Python 3 version was totally uninstalled / removed from my system. Typing python3to the terminal didn´t work anymore.
After installing Anaconda and PyCharm (pycharm-community-anaconda-2019.3.3) I started a new Project to test everything. For that I selected to create a new Conda environment:
After I created the process I checked the Preferences and the "Project Interpreter". This is what I found:
I expected to find two interpreters 1.) my 3.7 Python version and 2.) the Conda environment just created.
Does finding 3 versions mean that I didn´t correctly deinstall Python3 before installing anaconda or is there anything that I don´t understand here?
Do I need both versions?
If not is there a safe way to remove one of them?
For removing Python3 from my system I did almost everythin suggested in numerous posts in Stackoverflow.
Upon creating a venv(virtual environment) you no longer need to worry about the existing interpreter. this might be of help.
