Showing a complete row using two variables in Excel - excel

I want to ask whether it is possible to have excel print out a complete row of raw data using two variables. So like let say we have the following data:
What we wish to have is that based on the values "2018" and "A", excel should give out the complete row data automatically as done so in the yellow cells.
I know how to do it for one variable, where I have been using
Index(range,MATCH(value, range,0),column())
But I am having difficulty when there are two unique variables, based on which the row data must be extracted.
Currently, I do it in two steps. So I first filter out the year and then use the above formula to extract the row data for A or B. But it is not a very good approach and would appreciate if it can be done using a single formula.
Does anyone has any clue on how it can be done without using Pivot Table?
Regarding the suggestion of using VBA. Using the VBA is a good option, since then I can just use the autofilter command, but the problem is defining the cells in VBA and also how can I have one code for two different columns?
My vba code which I have used for filtering the tables is the following:
Sub Autofilter_Filter12()
Dim lo as ListObject
Dim iCol As Long
Set lo = Sheet3.Listobjects(1)
iCol = lo.ListColumns("Year").Index
with lo.Range
.Autofilter Field:=iCol, Criterial:="XXXX"
End Sub
Now the problem with the VBA code is:
it is only applied for one column and not both.
Instead of XXX, how can I define a cell into the VBA? I have tried but failed again and again.
Thank you for the help.

If range C:H is always numbers then you can use SUMPRODUCT.
parameter 1 parameter 2 Value to return
In C7, then select C7:H7 and press CTRL+R.
This results in this:
When this fails it will return 0.
Not very nice, but it could be partially solved with I7 =
=IFERROR(IF(SUM(C7:H7)=0,"Filter failed",""),"")

In EXCEL 365 with dynamic formula you can put multiple columns in MATCH formula by merging them with &
So you can use index-match combination for your case (no matter if values are nubmers or not):


How to use IFS more concisely- excel

I'm trying to search many cells in the B column for the number 1. When the 1 is found, I want to display the value in the A column of the row in which the 1 was found. I am very new to excel formulas, but this is what I tried:
It works, but is horribly long, and I will need to recreate it many times for the whole application to work out.
You may want to use FILTER to dynamically show a range based on matching criteria
you can use either function
Normal function =IF(B2=1,"Found the number 1","")
Range function =IF(B2:B27=1,"Found the number 1","")

Is there a way of joining list using some criteria?

I am trying to join different lists that have less than 3 values on it, there is an example
I was able to do it using macros, but I wanted something more automated because these lists updated quite often, is there a way of doing something like that just by using formulas? If no, is there a way of doing it using VBA but in a better way than "clicking" buttons?
Answering VBasic2008:
I am new to this intermediary/advanced excel functions. I just realized that my Macro didn't work. It does not matter where the results will be, could just be at the end of the table. I have around 20 columns.
Basically, I tried to make something that checks if the number of values in the column is below 3 and if it is it would take this list and paste on the "Group X", but I am trying to use just functions to do that, I was able to make a list with all the columns using INDEX + MOD, but it took all of the names, from AAA to the last one, and I wanted something that would take just the list with less than 3 values.
Some update:
I was able to come up with this formula, but everything appears with some spaces.
Doing this with formulas is possible, but quite advanced. Someone here will write a formula for you which you may not be able to maintain when your scenario changes.
If you already have VBA code that does what you need doing, then you can move that code to an event procedure that starts automatically when a new value is added to the columns.
The event you need is the Worksheet_Change event and it lives in the Sheet module (right-click the sheet and click "View Code". That will show the Sheet module.
In your scenario, you want to run the code when a value is changed in columns D to G, so your code must start with something like
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' run only when a value in columns D to G are changed
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("D:G")) Is Nothing Then
' your code goes here
MsgBox "You just changed a value in one of the the watched columns!"
End If
End Sub
Edit after additional requirements
If you have Office 365 with the new Dynamic Array functions, this formula approach will work.
Building on your index formula, I made a small change. You can use the modified index formula in a helper column. Then use the Filter() function on the values returned by the Index formulas.
Index formula in cell J4 and copied down to J23
Filter formula in K4
If I understand you correctly, try the following:
I put the formula to count the number of entries in row 2, to make it easier to add items below.
I assumed you mean three or less; and not less than three.
If you have Windows O365, you can use the following formulas: (and change the 100 to the lowest possible row)
D2: =COUNTA(D$4:D$100)
and fill right for the number of columns
I4: =FILTERXML("<t><s>" & TEXTJOIN("</s><s>",TRUE,FILTER($D$4:$G$100,$D$2:$G$2<=3)) &"</s></t>","//s")

How to look through a sheet and find a value, get the column, and then count how many times a value appears in that column

I am working with data that is sent to me. The sheets always contain the same headers though they aren't really headers because it doesn't come in table form, but the columns change every pull so it is never in the same column so I can't do the Index Match like I'm used to. I need to get this to work without converting the data to a table because others that use this don't know how to do that. Is there a way to search the sheet to find the cell containing the value, capture that column address, and then count how many times the column contains a letter?
I have a front excel page that keeps account of how many times something happens. Currently I use this formula =COUNTIF('UDO '!AJ:AJ,"Y"). It works the only thing is that I can't set it up as an array because the column isn't always AJ, so I'm always having to change it manually and I'd like to automate it. So I want to be able to search the sheet that contains the information for the text value example: "Review Required FY*" and get the column that contains this (it should be a unique value) then I want to look down that column and countif it has a "Y" or "y" marked in the cell. The sheets are always varying in length and column numbers. I thought about using an HLookUp but I can't get it to work. I also could not get Index Match to work, because I never know how much data or the column order the Audit tab will be in or have.
So on the Main tab I have a cell that counts how many files I have to audit I want to go to Audit tab, look for "Review Required FY*", capture that column and count how many times "Y" or "y" are there. I'd like to be able to set this up to do it all by itself.
I currently do not have any code because I can't find anything that works.
Using VBA
Option Explicit
Sub Looper()
Dim ws As Worksheet, Found As Range, LR As Long
For Each ws In Worksheets
Set Found = ws.Cells.Find("Review Required FY*")
If Not Found Is Nothing Then
LR = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, Found.Column).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, Found.Column), ws.Cells(LR, Found.Column)), "Y")
End If
Set Found = Nothing
Next ws
End Sub
Assuming the header only appears once, you can find out what row your header is in you can use an array formula like this (apply using Ctrl+Shift+Enter):
=MAX(ROW(A1:A10)*COUNTIF(OFFSET(A1:Z1,ROW(A1:A10)-1,0),"Review Required FY*"))
(looks in the first 10 rows across A:Z)
You can feed the result of that into a lookup to find the column number.
EDIT - something like this:
The first formula needs to be entered using Ctrl+Shift+Enter but the other 2 do not.
The 1000 in the last formula is a best guess at how much data there might be below your header - no problem setting that much larger to be on the safe side, as long as you don't try to count past the end of the sheet.

VBA Excel how can I define a set of columns using numbers?

Some of us have proposed great simple ways to define a set of columns in
Excel VBA, such as:
.Union(Columns("a"), Columns("b"), Columns("d"))
Those examples are using letters to refer to those columns.
I need to refer to my columns using numbers, such as in:
.Union(Columns(2), Columns(7), Columns(23)).
The later works great but what if I need to refer to columns using a range of columns such as in:
.Union(columns(2), columns(7), columns(9 to 23))
The idea being that I would not have to define the .Union with each column separately, which, in the present example would necessitate 17 columns(x) listing.
Not an elegant code. Furthermore, I need to use numbers because the column numbers are determined programmatically and are changing during execution.
Thanks for your input. Cheers
You would need to use RANGE():
.Union(.columns(2), .columns(7), .Range(.columns(9), .columns(23)))
set MyRange = worksheets("mySheet").range( columns(1), columns(5) ) works pretty well.
It actually select a range of columns from column 1 to column 5.
Further to that I can then use the Union to join other single columns.

How to select cell range dynamically in sumproduct in excel

I am trying to use Sumproduct dynamically on a sheet that will be updated regularly.
My motive is to not manually select the columns ( i.e. not to use the shift key and down key to select the range A2:A6 as seen in the attached snapshot)
I want to have the formula "=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A6="TX"))" pick up the A2:A6 dynamically since my data in worksheet say A is everchanging. So that when the data has grown to A8, it can be somehow picked up dynamically than manually using the keys.
Can this be done? Please let me know if my question is not clear.
Screenshot of my xls
Yes, you could define the range dynamically. However, given your current formula, I see no reason why you should not switch to COUNTIF here, i.e.:
a function for which the use of entire column referencing (A:A here) has no detriment to performance (which is not at all the case with SUMPRODUCT).
Shitty recommendations guy, here.
Can you insert a new line above all in your sheet? You could put it really wherever you want and you can even hide it, the first line just works for me.
If you can, just make it an "count.values" function on the entire column with an appropriated subtraction to adjust the count to the right length of your data. E.g. Removing this auxiliary cell value plus a header would be "=count.values(A:A)-2".
Later, on your VBA, you could retrieve this value to a variable and concatenate it to your main function. Lets say you made the auxiliary on cell A1 (coordinates 1, 1)
Dim auxLine As Integer
auxLine = cells(1, 1).value
whatever.formular1c1 = "=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A" & auxLine & ="TX"))"
