Get IP for Azure Function in Powershell - azure

I would like to get the public IP of an Azure Function in powershell, how this can be done? I saw several examples for VMs but not a function, thanks

Please try the following:
$ips = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses("")
Also, if you are using a service plan, you can try the following to obtain the outbound IP:
az webapp show --resource-group <group_name> --name <app_name> --query outboundIpAddresses --output tsv
az webapp show --resource-group <group_name> --name <app_name> --query possibleOutboundIpAddresses --output tsv
Please keep in mind that the address might change if you make changes in the service plan, e.g. delete the function, change service tier etc...


Azure Databricks not custom VNet injected

I created Databricks workspace using Azure CLI:
az databricks workspace create
--name myprj-t-dbx
--location canadacentral
--resource-group rg-myprj-t
--managed-resource-group myprj-t-dbx-mrg
--sku Premium
--private-subnet /subscriptions/2208da08-xxxxxxxxxxx27/resourceGroups/rg-da-t-vnet/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/da-t-vnet/subnets/myprj-dbx-priv-t-snet
--public-subnet /subscriptions/2208da08-xxxxxxxxxxx27/resourceGroups/rg-da-t-vnet/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/da-t-vnet/subnets/myprj-dbx-publ-t-snet
The subnets are created in advance by our network engineers.
They want me to use private endpoints on vnet to connect to the workspace.
When I try to create it (using a third subnet):
az network private-endpoint create
--name myprj-t-dbx-pep
--connection-name myprj-t-dbx-pepc
--private-connection-resource-id /subscriptions/2208da08xxxxxxxxxx27/resourceGroups/rg-myprj-t/providers/Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/myprj-t-dbx
--subnet /subscriptions/2208da08-xxxxxxxxxxx27/resourceGroups/rg-da-t-vnet/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/da-t-vnet/subnets/myprj-t-snet
--group-id web
--resource-group rg-myprj-t
I get:
ERROR: (NonVNetInjectedWorkspaceNotSupported) Call to Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces failed.
Error message: The workspace 'myprj-t-dbx' is not custom VNet injected.
Currently only custom VNet injected workspaces can create private endpoint connection
I think that you're missing the --vnet argument to the az databricks workspace create. You need to provide name of the VNet as well.
P.S. I would also recommend to pass --enable-no-public-ip to avoid having public IPs for the cluster nodes
I've changed the way that I am creating Databricks workspace.
Instead of regular Azure CLI that creates workspace
az databricks workspace create...
I've used a template with VNet injection from
also using CLI:
az deployment group create
--name DatabriksVNetInj
--resource-group rg-myprj-test
--template-file ./Databricks-ARM/azuredeploy.json
--parameters workspaceName=myproj-t-dbx...

how to get the list of diagnostic settings for app services using az cli

I am trying to get list of web apps using az cli az webapp list. And when I try to get the diagnostic setting for the particular web app using az monitor diagnostic-settings list --resource-group nameRG --resource id. I dont get any information and logs and diagnostic settings are enabled for app services. I am not sure what i am doing wrong.
I am just trying to get the list of diagnostic settings for a resource. If you know better way please mention it.
az monitor diagnostic-settings list --resource Name --resource-group RGName --resource-type Microsoft.Web/sites
az monitor diagnostic-settings list --resource ID
Make sure the resource id correct like this format:
You could get the resource id by this command:
az webapp show --name MyWebapp --resource-group MyResourceGroup

Failed to delete subnet

I created a new Azure container instance (ACI) with a new vnet and subnet by Azure CLI
I deleted ACI from Azure portal and now Im trying to delete subnet but gives me the following errors:
Failed to delete subnet 'SubnetNAme'. Error: Subnet SubnetNAme is in use by aci-network-profile-VNETNAME-SubnetNAme/eth0/ipconfigprofile and cannot be deleted. In order to delete the subnet, delete all the resources within the subnet. See
If I tried to access aci-network-profile-VNETNAME-SubnetNAme/eth0/ipconfigprofile, it tells me that doesnt exist this resource:
The resource was not found, it may have been deleted. If this was launched from a pinned tile on the dashboard, it should be removed.
For your issue, instead of finding the aci-network-profile-VNETNAME-SubnetNAme/eth0/ipconfigprofile in the portal, you need to delete the Network Profile through Azure CLI command like this:
NETWORK_PROFILE_ID=$(az network profile list --resource-group yourResourceGroup --query [0].id --output tsv)
az network profile delete --id $NETWORK_PROFILE_ID -y
After you delete the Network Profile, then you can delete the subnet as you want. For mor details, see Delete network resources.
well, i'd assume your best bet is to try and find the lingering resource and delete it (rest api would work best here, probably). another option is to recreate the ACI with the same name and remove the binding to the network before deleting it.
And your last option would be to contact support ;)
I had the same issue and me help below steps to remove aci subnet and vnet with trash container nic:
1st - find name of problem network profile by command - > az network profile list --query [].name -o tsv
2nd - create resource by terraform -> resource "azurerm_network_profile" "example" with the same network profile name and problem subnet id.
3rd - after terraform successfully create network profile, remove it by -> az network profile delete --id ...(you can find id by az network profile list --query [].id -o tsv)
4th - go to portal and change subnet delegate from container to none, after save I could delete subnet and vnet.
Below is the solution. Sometime trying just delete doesn't work. Follow the below steps and which is tested and worked for me.
NETWORK_PROFILE_ID=$(az network profile list --resource-group yourResourceGroup --query [0].id --output tsv)
az network profile delete --id $NETWORK_PROFILE_ID -y
This is a known issue and Microsoft is working on it. The workaround that worked for me is to update the containerNetworkInterfaceConfigurations property in Network profile properties to an empty list
# Get network profile ID
NETWORK_PROFILE_ID=$(az network profile list --resource-group <reource-group-name> --query [0].id --output tsv)
az resource update --ids $NETWORK_PROFILE_ID --set properties.containerNetworkInterfaceConfigurations=[]
And then deleting it works
az network profile delete --id $NETWORK_PROFILE_ID -y

Creating Azure function app against existing consumption plan

I have created a function app against a new consumption plan with the following command:
az functionapp create
--resource-group myresourcegroup
--storage-account mystorageaccount
--name myfunctionapp
--runtime node
--consumption-plan-location northeurope
This creates the function app correctly, but the app service plan is called NorthEuropePlan, which does not meet the naming guidelines I am following. I cannot see anything in the docs that will allow me to change this name.
Therefore, I would like to create the app service plan before, as a consumption plan (tier Y1 Dynamic), and then create a function app against this plan.
az resource create
--resource-group myresourcegroup
--name myconsumptionplan
--resource-type Microsoft.web/serverfarms
--properties "{\"location\":\"northeurope\",\"sku\":{\"name\":\"Y1\",\"tier\":\"Dynamic\"}}"
That command works correctly, and creates me an app service plan. However, when I try to use that plan (substituting --consumption-plan-location northeurope for --plan myconsumptionplan), I get this error:
There was a conflict. AlwaysOn cannot be set for this site as the plan does not allow it.
Do I need to specify some more configuration when I make the app service plan?
When I run az appservice plan show against NorthEuropePlan and myconsumptionplan, the only difference in the object that comes back is the name.
When you are using --plan I believe the run time will think it is an App Service Plan and will configure Always ON which is not allowed in consumption plan so I guess you cannot do it like the way you are doing.
You can achieve it with ARM template though. Below is the example command:
az group create
--name ExampleGroup
--location "North Europe"
az group deployment create
--name ExampleDeployment
--resource-group ExampleGroup
--template-uri ""
The URL mentioned in the template-uri is sample template which will create consumption-pan, storage and functionapp.
Deployment will ask the name of parameters (appName) at runtime.

Stop all compute in AKS (Azure Managed Kubernetes)

I have created a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure, but it's only for learning purposes and so I only want to pay for the compute whilst I'm actually using it.
Is there a easy way to gracefully shut down and start up the VMs, availablity sets and load balancers?
You could use the Azure CLI to stop the the entire cluster:
az aks stop --name myAksCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup
And start it again with
az aks start --name myAksCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup
Before this feature, it was possible to stop the virtual machines via Powershell:
az vm deallocate --ids $(az vm list -g MC_my_resourcegroup_westeurope --query "[].id" -o tsv)
Replace MC_my_resourcegroup_westeurope with the name of your resource group that contains the VM(s).
When you want to start the VM(s) again, run:
az vm start --ids $(az vm list -g MC_my_resourcegroup_westeurope --query "[].id" -o tsv)
Only VMs cost money out of all AKS resources (well, VHDs as well, but you cannot really stop those). So you only need to take care of those. Edit: Public Ips also cost money, but you cannot stop those either.
For my AKS cluster I just use portal and issue stop\deallocate command. And start those back when I need them (everything seems to be working fine).
You can use REST API\powershell\cli\various SKDs to achieve the same result in an automated fashion.
Above method (az vm <deallocate|start> --ids $(...)) no longer seems to work.
Solved by first listing the VM scale sets and use these to deallocate/start:
$ResourceGroup = "MyResourceGroup"
$ClusterName = "MyAKSCluster"
$Location = "westeurope"
# List all VM scale sets
$vmssNames=(az vmss list --resource-group $vmssResourceGroup --query "[].id" -o tsv | Split-Path -Leaf)
# Deallocate first instance for each VM scale set
$vmssNames | ForEach-Object { az vmss deallocate --resource-group $vmssResourceGroup --name $_ --instance-ids 0}
# Start first instance for each VM scale set
$vmssNames | ForEach-Object { az vmss start --resource-group $vmssResourceGroup --name $_ --instance-ids 0}
There is a new feature just added to AKS:
The AKS Stop/Start cluster feature now in public preview allows AKS
customers to completely pause an AKS cluster and pick up where they
left off later with a switch of a button, saving time and cost.
Previously, a customer had to take multiple steps to stop or start a
cluster, adding to operations time and wasting compute resources. The
stop/start feature keeps cluster configurations in place and customers
can pick up where they left off without reconfiguring the clusters.
In your AKS cluster, goto properties and find your Resource group name. search for the Resource group and when you select it, it will list your virtual machines. For each Virtual Machine, select the Operations > Auto-Shutdown option and turn it on. This will turn the VM off saving you money when you aren't developing! To turn them back on again, you will need to follow the advice on previous answers or the answer here
